Monday, September 6, 2010

Exclusive: Internal FBI Memo: Government Bracing For Violence Over “Burn Koran Day”

Kurt Nimmo
Prison has received a leaked copy of an internal FBI memo warning of a possible terrorist response to “International Burn A Koran Day,” an event scheduled for the ninth anniversary of the September 11 attack to be held by the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida.

Members of the Islamic group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia hold placards during a protest in front of U.S. embassy in Jakarta September 4, 2010. contacted the FBI field office in Jacksonville, Florida, listed on the bulletin and was told the agency does not comment on investigations. Read the original FBI bulletin sent to here.

Last year, the church distributed t-shirts reading “Islam is of the Devil.” On August 26, 2009, Fox News reported that students were sent home from Florida schools for wearing the t-shirt.

Earlier today, General David Petraeus, currently the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, said the Taliban would exploit the demonstration for propaganda purposes. “It could endanger troops and it could endanger the overall effort,” Petraeus told the Wall Street Journal [4]. Hundreds of Afghans attended a demonstration in Kabul on Monday to protest the event to be held in Florida.

On September 5, thousands of Muslims protested the event in Indonesia. Rokhmat Labib, chairman of the Islamic group Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia, said Muslims must not remain silent when their faith is threatened. Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia is an international pan-Islamic political organization whose goal is for all Muslim countries to unify as an Islamic state. Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslin nation.

“While the FBI has no information to indicate a specific attack has been planned against the United States or US assets in response to the ‘International Burn a Koran Day’ event, the FBI assesses with high confidence that, as with past incidents perceived as acts of desecration against Islam, extremist actors will continue to threaten or attempt to harm the leaders, organizers, or attendees the event, scheduled for 6:00-9:00pm on 11 September 2010 in Gainesville, Florida. Depending on the continued national and international publicity the event receives, it may also inspire retaliatory attacks against US facilities overseas,” the unclassified document states.

The Dove World Outreach Center has posted a Facebook page announcing the event. Following the announcement, the FBI visited the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida.

According to the document, the “FBI makes this assessment with high confidence due to credible threat information from FBI human and open sources as well as the historical significance of this event type.” Media coverage of the event “will most likely have political and national security implications,” including “violent demonstrations within the United States and abroad, threats and/or acts of violence from terrorist organizations and/or lone extremist actors.”

On August 23, WOKV, a radio station in Jacksonville, Florida, reported on threats made against the Dove World Outreach Center and its pastor, Terry Jones. “One jihadist website vowed to conduct suicide bombings in Florida to avenge the Koran burning, while others predicted an increase in terrorist recruits as a result of such actions,” WOKV reported.

The FBI bulletin cites a threat posted on the al-Faloja website earlier this month. “I wish to detonate myself in this church now, out of vengeance for the word of the Almighty Allah, and I register myself here that I want to become a martyr and detonate myself in this filthiest filth, to cleanse earth of it.” According to the FBI, the comment was detected by an “online covert employee whose information has been verified.”

In July, administrators of the website warned that “enemies of Allah have stolen the account information of one of the Al-Faloja Islamic Forums administrators, and…caused havoc in the forums.” In June, an al-Faloja administrator, Abu al-Aina’a al-Khorasani, warned members of the forum of an “infiltration operation” targeting the website.

In March of 2009, ten U.S. Muslim organizations said the FBI has sent undercover agents posing as worshipers into mosques, pressured Muslims to become informants, labeled civil rights advocates as criminals and spread misinformation, according to CNN. The American Muslim Taskforce on Civil Rights and Elections said the FBI has also used agents provocateurs against Muslims.

The FBI has a long track record of using agents provocateurs against legal political organizations. The Church Committee investigation of the FBI’s illegal COINTELPRO operation revealed that federal agents have infiltrated political organizations and instigated violence since the Palmer Raids in 1919.

In October of 1994, Paul DeRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash revealed FBI complicity in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. FBI Informant Edam Salem, a former Egyptian army officer and explosives expert, built the bomb used in the attack with FBI supervision. Salem attempted to replace the explosive with harmless material to thwart the plotters, but the plan was called off by the FBI, according to the New York Times.

From the Fort Dix terror case to that of the Liberty Seven in Miami and beyond, the FBI has consistently played an instrumental role in instigating and provocateuring would-be terror attacks. “The federal authorities seem none too concerned about stopping any real terrorists and are instead obsessed with manufacturing patsies, bankrolling, radicalizing and prodding rag-tag groups to attempt attacks so that the massive slush fund that is the ‘war on terror’ can be prolonged,” wrote Paul Joseph Watson following the highly suspicious Pentagon shooting earlier this year.

In fact, there is a mountain of evidence revealing the indisputable fact that the FBI, CIA, British intelligence and the Mossad are behind most if not all major terrorist attacks. From Osama bin Laden’s irrefutable connection to the CIA to 7/7 “mastermind” Haroon Rashid Aswat’s ties to British intelligence, we see a consistent pattern of government sponsored terror exploited for both domestic and foreign policy objectives. In sum, there are hundreds of incidents of government manufacturing false flag terror for political gain.

It is not clear as of this writing if the government will be involved in a possible violent response to the Dove World Outreach Center plan to burn Korans on the anniversary of September 11. It is highly suspicious that a website posting threats promising to violently retaliate against the event was the target of an alleged infiltration operation.

In the highly charged atmosphere following the so-called Ground Zero Mosque incident, any violence in Florida or elsewhere in the United States will certainly feed the government propaganda machine that incessantly cranks out warnings of Islamic terror. If terror occurs this week, it will certainly be exploited by the corporate media and the government to further the bogus war on terror, bulwark imperial designs in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, and provide impetus to finish the police state control grid in America.

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From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream - THE VIDEO BP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!

From The Gulf Stream To The Bloodstream - THE VIDEO BP DOESN'T WANT YOU TO SEE!

Americans Drowning in Prescription Drugs

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Nearly half of all Americans now use prescription drugs on a regular basis according to a CDC report that was just released (1). Nearly a third of Americans use two or more drugs, and more than one in ten use five or more prescription drugs regularly.

The report also revealed that one in five children are being regularly given prescription drugs, and nine out of ten seniors are on drugs.

All these drugs came at a cost of over $234 billion in 2008. The most commonly-used drugs were:

• Statin drugs for older people
• Asthma drugs for children
• Antidepressants for middle-aged people
• Amphetamine stimulants for children

America has become a nation of druggies. The seniors are being drugged for nearly every symptom a doctor can find, children are being doped up with (legalized) speed, and middle-aged soccer moms are popping suicide pills (antidepressants).

Prescription drug addictions are on the rise, too. Prescription drugs are so dangerous that now even the DEA is hosting "take back your pills" day allowing citizens to anonymously surrender their unused prescription painkillers to DEA agents. (

Interestingly, DEA agents will only accept "legal" amphetamine drugs such as Ritalin but not "illegal" methamphetamine drugs. You're only off the hook if you paid monopoly prescription prices for your drugs.

And it's only going to get worse
The percentage of Americans taking prescription drugs is expected to rise even further as the health reform insurance regulations kick in. Much of the bill was specifically designed to favor pharmaceutical industry interests by putting even more people on medication. Expect to see more "screening" too -- a thinly disguised drug recruitment method that primarily seeks to ensnare new patients in a high-profit drug regimen.

The mass medication of American citizens has reached a disturbing tipping point where the future of the nation itself is at risk. That's because pharmaceuticals cause cognitive decline, and once you get to the point where over 50 percent of the voters can't think straight, you're trapped in a crumbling Democracy.

And that doesn't even take into consideration the financial cost of America's addiction to drugs: With nearly one out of every five dollars out of the entire U.S. economy now being spent on sickness and disease, America finds herself stuck in a cycle of high-cost drug treatments that cure no one.

That's right: No one gets healthier from taking prescription drugs. They don't cure anyone and they don't prevent disease. They only maintain patients in a kind of "pre-death stasis" where they're alive just enough to keep buying more medication. Drug companies don't want you dead because that would cut off their profits. But they don't want you healthy, either, because then they wouldn't have you as a customer. So their drugs are actually designed to keep you in a state of ongoing disease without curing your condition but also without killing you outright.

You sort of chemically limp along, shelling out dollars while your memory fades and your skin starts to show signs of severe toxicity. Big Pharma is not merely sapping the life out of you; it's also draining you financially.

Isn't it obvious that pharmaceuticals don't work?
If pharmaceuticals really worked to make people healthy, then the half of America currently taking pharmaceuticals would be the healthiest half, and the people who don't take pharmaceuticals would be unhealthy, right?

But in fact it's the other way around: People who take pharmaceuticals remain unhealthy and really never get cured of anything. Meanwhile, those who avoid taking pharmaceuticals are, by and large, far healthier individuals.

If America were running a grand experiment to determine whether pharmaceuticals really work -- and trust me, the country really is running precisely that experiment -- any reasonable observer would have to conclude that pharmaceuticals really don't improve the health of those who take them. The more pharmaceuticals you take, in fact, the sicker you will become. That's because drugs cause an imbalance in the body that soon leads to the emergence of other side effects.

At the same time, many of the drugs people take actually cause the very things they claim to prevent. Osteoporosis drugs cause hip fractures. Cancer drugs cause cancer. Antidepressants cause suicidal thoughts. The list goes on and on.

The people who are really, truly healthy in America are those who avoid pharmaceuticals. ( They take care of their own health through regular exercise, time in nature, sensible sunshine exposure and healthy eating. They distrust the pharmaceutical industry and they don't let television advertising hypnotize them into making poor decisions like getting a flu shot (

Yet even though it is blatantly obvious that pharmaceuticals really don't work to improve the health of any population, the drug industry insists the only thing wrong with America's health is that not enough people are taking medication!

If we could only get 100% of the population on drugs instead of 50%, they seem to be saying, then we'd all be healthy!

The logic is absurd, of course. And that goal has nothing to do with actual health but everything to do with increasing drug company profits. While drug companies may not know much at all about health, they do know one thing: How to commit marketing fraud by making outrageous benefit claims for their drugs while whitewashing the very real dangerous side effects.

Big Pharma will bankrupt America
Mark my words: Big Pharma will bankrupt America. And quite possibly the UK as well. Any nation that hands over its health care system to the drug industry is committing financial suicide.

That's because Big Pharma absolutely will not halt its single-minded mission to extract as much money as possible from the population, corporations and governments. It will do anything and everything it can to accomplish this goal: Bribe researchers to commit research fraud, engage in false and fraudulent marketing, lie to the public, hide negative study results, conduct experiments on children in third-world countries, pollute the planet with drug factory runoff, influence legislators with campaign finance contributions, dominate the pages of medical journals with false and misleading advertising, submit "scientific" articles to the journals ghost-written by the drug companies themselves... this list never ends.

Drug companies will knowingly keep dangerous drugs on the market that kill tens of thousands of people. They will knowingly withhold research from the FDA if it might make their drugs look bad. They will knowingly distort clinical trial data to eliminate whatever outcome they don't want to see.

This is all "routine" in the drug industry. These aren't exceptions, mind you: They are the way the drug industry operates on a daily basis.

The worst part of it is that Big Government is now fully in bed with Big Pharma. I already exposed Sen Harry Reid's efforts to swing a sweet deal for Big Pharma in the recent health care reforms ( The FDA's collusion with drug companies, meanwhile, is legendary: There is hardly a decision made by the FDA that doesn't in some way protect drug company profits.

The med schools and science journals have been overrun by drug company influence. Drug companies are so large and powerful now that the U.S. government considers them "too big to nail." When Pfizer was recently found guilty of felony crimes, the government allowed it to create a shell company to take the hit so that Pfizer itself could remain in business and keep selling drugs to the government. (

A federal prosecutor actually went on the record saying, "If we prosecute Pfizer... a lot of people who work for the company who haven't engaged in criminal activity would get hurt."

Therefore, the logic goes, they have to let Pfizer off the hook.

And so it goes; Big Government protecting the criminals in the drug industry, making excuses for looking the other way when scientific fraud and marketing fraud is routinely being carried out right under their noses. The Dept of Justice isn't even interested in taking down criminal drug companies!

How this will end
So where does this medication madness ever end? It will end, I predict, with the economic downfall of the United States of America. When the nation is too broke, too medicated and too chemically compromised to stay afloat, it will suffer an enormous economic collapse.

Following the financial failure of big government, Big Pharma will implode virtually overnight. Without the government buying its products, Big Pharma will find few willing private customers. Ordinary people will seek out affordable and safer natural remedies, and the drug industry will collapse to perhaps 10% of its current size.

This will be a great day for the health of all Americans who have suffered under the chemical assault of Big Pharma. To live without the daily onslaught of Big Pharma's chemicals is to live a healthier life with improved brain function and awareness. Once people get off all their drugs, we might have hope to thoughtfully rebuild a nation based on nutrition rather than monopoly-priced medications.

I've said this at least a hundred times, and I'll say it again: No nation that ignores the nutritional health of its citizens has any real future. A successful long-term society MUST, at its core, invest in real nutrition and the holistic health education of its citizens. Without good nutrition, every society is ultimately doomed to fail.

Modern medicine, in other words, is destroying our country. And the "cure" for this disease is to throw out what doesn't work (pharmaceuticals) and start embracing the things that do work (nutrition and superfoods) to keep people healthy.

Additional sources:
(1) National Center for Health Statistics: "NCHS Data Brief No. 42, September 2010."

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As Americans Celebrate Labor Day 2010, U.S. Factories Are Closing In Droves

Labor Day 2010 comes in the midst of a stunning wave of U.S. factory closings that stretches from coast to coast. Once upon a time America was the greatest manufacturing machine that the world has ever seen, but now it seems as though the only jobs available for working class Americans involve phrases such as "Welcome to Wal-Mart" and "Would you like fries with that?" Even though the population of the United States has exploded over the last several decades, the number of Americans employed in the manufacturing sector today is smaller than it was in 1950. America has become a voracious economic black hole that "consumes" as much as possible and yet actually produces very little. The United States is becoming deindustrialized at a blinding pace, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for blue collar American workers to find jobs that will actually enable them to support their families. The sad truth is that American workers don't have a whole lot to actually celebrate this Labor Day. 14 million U.S. workers are "officially unemployed" and tens of millions of others have been forced to take part-time or temporary jobs that they are overqualified for just so they can survive. Unfortunately, this is not just a temporary situation for American workers. As millions of good jobs continue to get outsourced and offshored, Labor Day celebrations in coming years will be even more depressing.

The following are just some examples of the recent factory closings that have been sweeping the nation....

*Chrysler has announced that its plans to close an engine plant in Kenosha, Wisconisn are official. The factory will be shut down for good on approximately October 8th and about 575 jobs will be lost.

*The largest milk producer in the United States, Dean Foods, says that it will close a South Carolina dairy plant in October. That factory closing will eliminate 151 jobs. This is just the latest in a string of factory closings for Dean Foods. Over the past several years Dean Foods has closed factories in Michigan, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Tennessee and Wisconsin.

*Continental Structural Plastics, a major producer of body panels for cars, is shutting down its plant in North Baltimore, Ohio in October and as a result 214 people will lose their jobs.

*Perfect Fit Industries (a prominent manufacturer of bedding accessories, pillows and comforters) has announced that it plans to close a factory in Loogootee, Indiana by the end of the year. As a result, 95 jobs will be lost.

*Ford Motor Company recently announced the closure of a factory that produces the Ford Ranger in St. Paul, Minnesota. Approximately 750 good paying jobs are going to be lost. Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty was so desperate to keep the plant open that he offered Ford a multi-million dollar incentive package full of tax cuts and job creation incentives to keep it open, but Ford rejected the offer, saying that the St. Paul plant just does not fit with Ford's new "global" manufacturing strategy.

*The city of Breckenridge, Texas has been shaken by news that Karsten Homes notified nearly 130 employees that their local factory will be closing in two months.

*It has been announced that there will be a new round of layoffs at the Whirlpool factory in Fort Smith, Arkansas, but at this point the company is not saying how many jobs will be lost. Whirlpool has been laying off workers at the plant steadily over the past few years as much of the work that was once done at the factory has been moved to a facility down in Mexico.

*Midcoast Aviation is closing its Savannah, Georgia factory by the end of the year. This move will affect approximately 362 jobs.

*Federal-Mogul has been making headlamps for automobiles and for industrial use since 1954 in Boyertown, Pennsylvania, but now that era is coming to an end. Federal-Mogual has announced that the Boyertown plant will close by the end of the year and 70 jobs will be lost.

*Duro Bag Manufacturing Co. plans to close its factory in Hudson, Wisconsin by October 22nd. As a result, 63 workers will be without jobs.

*Quad/Graphics is the second-largest commercial printer in the United States. It prints Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Sports Illustrated, Time and Wired magazines. Unfortunately, times are tough for Quad/Graphics and they have announced the closing of five plants. The facilities to be closed are located in Mississippi, Ohio, Nevada and Tennessee. As a result of the closings, 2,200 workers will lose their jobs.

Scenes such as these are being repeated over and over and over across the United States.

What we are witnessing is the slow-motion deindustrialization of the United States.

This is very bad news for American workers, and indeed it is very bad news for all Americans, because the truth is that any economy that consumes far more than it produces does not have a bright future.

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