Chuck Baldwin
My column last week focused on the federal government’s covert program to directly supply firearms to Mexican drug cartels. The program was discovered by a congressional investigation after a Mexican gang using a firearm–or firearms–supplied to it by the ATF, murdered a US Border Patrol agent.
See my column at:
A subsequent article written by Justin Raimondo sheds even more light on this disgusting debacle. Raimondo writes, “While the US military is being sent overseas in search of monsters to destroy, ignoring the good advice of the Founders, closer to home another war is brewing–right on the US-Mexican border. Border Patrol agent Brian A. Terry, killed on Dec. 21 near Rio Rico, Arizona, was murdered by drug cartel gunmen–using weapons smuggled across the US-Mexican border under the auspices of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (BATF).
“While the cartels shoot up half of Mexico, and terrorize the other half, it seems they’ve been getting a helping hand from those geniuses in Washington, whose ‘law enforcement’ agencies knowingly allowed sophisticated firearms to be smuggled across the border, into Mexico. As BATF special agent John Dodson told the House Oversight Committee:
“‘This is not a matter of some weapons that had gotten away from us or allowing a few to walk so that we could follow them to a much larger significant target. Allowing loads of weapons that we knew to be destined for criminals was the plan. This was the mandate.
“‘ATF is supposed to be the guardians–the sheep dogs that protect against the wolves that prey upon us–especially along our southern border. But rather than meet the wolf head on, we sharpened his teeth, added number to his claws, all the while we sat idly by watching, tracking, and noting as he became a more efficient and effective predator.’
“This goes way beyond mere ‘blowback’–the CIA’s terminology for actions that produce unintended and unpleasant consequences. Because it’s hard to fathom exactly what was intended–unless it was the desire to sow chaos in Mexico and create a new threat to US citizens in the border states.”
Raimondo goes on to write, “Governments don’t allow such large weapons shipments to pass over their borders to foreign customers without having some foreign policy objective in mind–and, when it comes to the empire-builders in Washington, what other purpose could it be than the expansion of the imperial frontiers?
“Brushing aside the official explanation and excuses, when you look at what Operation Fast and Furious actually accomplished–the arming and consolidation of a military force currently fighting Mexico’s armed forces–the conclusion that we are actively involved in destabilizing the Mexican government is hard to avoid. It is a simple statement of fact.”
Raimondo continues, “The embattled Mexican government has barely been able to keep order, as the cartels rampage through the country, slaughtering thousands and dominating entire provinces: dead bodies keep turning up in droves, and it seems like a day hardly passes without some spectacular display of violence in a major Mexican city. Whole police forces are deserting, not out of disloyalty but out of fear–fear that the government is losing its grip and the drug cartels are about to take over.
“In this context, to put thousands of weapons in the hands of highly-organized criminals is inconceivable-unless the plan is to bring the Mexican government down and create chaos.”
Then, Raimondo draws a particularly astute observation by saying, “For years, our elites have been trying to forge links among the three nations that make up North America: ‘free trade’ zones that aren’t free, coordination of military and law enforcement agencies, etc. Some are even proposing a somewhat loopy-sounding ‘North American Union,’ supposedly with its own currency–the ‘Amero’–although officials (and the mainstream media) deny it, claiming it’s a rumor started by the hated ‘conspiracists.’ In the face of this criminal conspiracy carried out with the collaboration of several US government agencies, however, one has to wonder about the real purpose of Operation Fast and Furious.
“With Mexico at the mercy of US-armed drug gangs, and the central government in Mexico City about to lose control, the introduction of US troops to ‘keep order’ is entirely within the realm of possibility. In that case, the North American Union will become a reality, in fact if not in the formal sense–and the latter can be arranged quickly enough.
“Call me a ‘conspiracist,’ if it makes you feel better, but when it comes to the crack-brained schemes of our wise rulers, it seems to me there’s no limit to their ability to sow tragedy and terror wherever they tread. They did it in Iraq, they’re doing it in Afghanistan, and they’ve been doing it for decades throughout the world–why should Mexico be immune?”
See Raimondo’s column at:
I ask readers, can the US government’s foreign policy get any worse? The answer is probably YES! It’s been getting worse for a long time, and absent a President in Washington, D.C., with the mental acumen and the internal fortitude to put a stop to it, it WILL get a lot worse!
Globalist elitists have been extremely influential in America’s foreign policy since the administration of Woodrow Wilson, and they have thoroughly dominated America’s foreign policy since the administration of George Bush I. Surprisingly, the last President to attempt to defy the globalists might have been John F. Kennedy. And look what happened to him.
I had a retired US Air Force Brigadier General–who had experience in both the Pentagon and the White House–tell me that Kennedy was murdered for three reasons: 1) He wanted to abolish the Federal Reserve, 2) He wanted to dismantle the CIA, 3) He wanted to bring US forces home from Vietnam. All three of those plans, if enacted, would have struck at the very heart of the globalists’ evil machinations for America. A phony, fiat money system, constant foreign entanglements and intervention, and perpetual foreign wars is the holy trifecta of the globalist agenda.
When will voters, especially conservative and Christian voters, wake up to the reality that electing a “conservative” or “Christian” President is absolutely meaningless unless this President understands the globalist make-up of America’s current foreign policy and would be willing to risk his life to undo it! This is why Ron Paul is the only Presidential candidate who would make any difference in Washington, D.C. Bachmann, Cain, Gingrich, Huntsman, Palin, Perry, Romney, and Santorum are either clueless in this regard, or in the case of Gingrich and Perry, are active fellow-travelers in the march toward a globalist New World Order. Ron Paul is the only candidate who not only “gets it” but also is adamantly opposed to it.
So, while Americans are focused on Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Yemen (and, yes, these wars fit in with the globalists’ agenda as well), the US government is busy stirring up war and revolution a whole lot closer to home. And if you think it doesn’t matter whether a constitutionalist President (Christian or not) is elected, you might want to speak to the family of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.
Source: Chuck Baldwin Live
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Obama Preparing for Martial Law During Hyperinflation
In August of 2009, the city of Paterson, New Jersey, proposed the implementation of martial law by imposing an adult curfew at night in an attempt to curb violence. This unprecedented proposed ordinance would have made it illegal for adults to leave their homes and be out in the public in Paterson between the hours of 12AM and 7AM, with a penalty of up to a $2,000 fine and 90 days in jail. This ordinance would have been completely unconstitutional, especially being that it was a non-emergency situation.
NIA actually determined that violence in the city was down that year and trending downward over the previous few years. We thought for sure that there was more to the story than what was being reported by the mainstream media, so we traveled to Paterson City Hall and attempted to interview then-Mayor Joey Torres on camera. The mayor turned down the interview and refused to answer our questions even off camera.
As we left the mayor's office, we met a city employee who overheard our conversation and introduced us to then-City Council President Jeffery Jones, who agreed to an interview and invited us into his office. Jones explained to us that he is the City Council President and the first time he ever heard of this proposal was from the Associated Press, after Torres already announced it on the steps of the police department saying, "we're trying to think outside the box" in regards to solving crime issues. Jones expressed disbelief that the mayor would want to lock down an entire city including the people who aren't committing crimes. He was also surprised that the AP already had a list of the 30 shootings that occurred in the city during the previous year, when this was undisclosed information that even he didn't have at the time.
Jones was flabbergasted that this ordinance was even being considered since it completely lacked logic. He said that in the past before any other ordinances were publicly announced by the mayor, there would always be a comprehensive discussion about it between local government officials. Not only was there no discussion about it, but Torres hastily added it to the City Council's agenda for a vote at their very next meeting. Jones was perplexed not just by the total lack of discussion and rush to get it passed, but by the total lack of details in the ordinance regarding the roles of departments, agencies, and the police department's capacity to do the work. Using common sense, Jones said that if the police department had the capacity to enforce the ordinance, we wouldn't even be discussing it.
NIA agreed with Jones that if the police department couldn't prevent the 30 shootings from taking place in the city, there is no way on earth that it will have the ability to enforce an ordinance keeping 146,199 residents in their homes at night. Torres must have known that and must have also known that proposing this ordinance would be career suicide. Therefore, we see no logical explanation as to why Torres would propose this during a time when crime in the city was declining and he was up for reelection the very next year. Even a preschool child with no political experience would focus on taking credit for the reduction in crime, instead of giving the impression that the city has no protection or safety for its residents by proclaiming they must all be locked down.
Paterson is one of the largest recipients of federal funding per capita in the U.S. It makes total sense to NIA if the Federal Government was forcing Torres to propose this ordinance. The government most likely wanted to gauge the public's reaction and see what type of outrage there would be in response to this proposal. The government wanted to see just how many residents would be willing to so easily give up their freedom and liberty in the name of safety by supporting the ordinance. The government wanted to know how difficult it would be to get the ordinance passed and if it was passed, they wanted to see what it would take to enforce it. A real life trial of martial law in one of the largest cities in the New York metropolitan area would allow the military to be better equipped to handle all types of situations when martial law takes place on a nationwide basis during hyperinflation.
The reason why we believe the ordinance was so vague with no details about enforcement is simple, the police department was never intended to enforce the ordinance. In the event that the ordinance was passed, there would immediately be thousands of brand new criminals breaking the law in Paterson and Torres would have a need to ask the Federal Government to bring in the U.S. military to detain the thousands of criminals who were disobeying the law. The Federal Government would in effect be creating a phony conflict in a city with a high crime rate so that they can justify using the U.S. military at home.
Last year, President Obama signed an Executive Order "Establishment of the Council of Governors", which Obama claims is an order to strengthen further the "partnership" between the Federal Government and State governments to "protect" our Nation and its people and property. It orders that a council be created of 10 State Governors appointed by the President who will meet to exchange information with the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, and many other government officials related to the military. Their meetings will concern matters involving the National Guard of the various States, homeland defense, civil support, synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.
From our experience, we know that the words "partnership" and "protect" are being used in this order to deceive the public into believing the Executive Order serves some kind of a noble purpose, which to us shows malicious intent behind the creation of the order. "Civil support" in this Executive Order can't possibly mean anything other than martial law when civil unrest takes place inside of a city. This Executive Order is an attempt to invalidate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and make it legal for the military to enforce civilian laws inside of a city like Paterson. You would think that an Executive Order this outrageous and disturbing would have all Americans up in arms, but the mainstream media completely ignored this latest attempt by Obama to transfer power from state and local governments to the Federal Government, and didn't have one single report about it.
Interestingly, Obama was just in Paterson this past Sunday touring parts of the city damaged by Hurricane Irene with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and newly elected Paterson Mayor Jeffery Jones. (Jones in late-September 2009 rejected the adult curfew ordinance of former-Paterson Mayor Joey Torres and in 2010 ran against him for mayor, defeating him despite being outspent 17 to 1.) Hurricane Irene caused the worst flooding crisis in city history. Mandatory evacuations were ordered for parts of the city, forcing thousands of people out of their homes and hundreds of businesses to close. All across Paterson, store shelves were empty with no food, water, batteries, or flashlights available to purchase anywhere. With most of the main streets and bridges into the city flooded, trucks weren't able to enter the city to replenish stores with supplies.
As bad as the flooding from Hurricane Irene was for Paterson residents, it is nothing compared to the devastation and destruction that will be caused by a different kind of flooding from Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Obama and Bernanke have been flooding the world with trillions of U.S. dollars with the false belief that because Treasury yields have been falling to record lows, Obama can run trillion dollar budget deficits with Bernanke leaving the Federal Funds Rate near zero forever. Their actions are setting up the next major U.S. financial crisis, which will be massive price inflation that eventually results in hyperinflation and leads to government price controls. The empty store shelves in Paterson from Hurricane Irene are finally being replenished now that flood waters are subsiding. Unfortunately, the empty store shelves that will arise from hyperinflation and government price controls, will be permanent.
The 77-foot high Great Falls and river that was responsible for most of the flooding in Paterson, was previously used for centuries to power dozens of surrounding mills that produced textiles, firearms, and railroad locomotive products. Paterson eventually became one of the world's largest producing cities of silk, with 50% of U.S. silk production coming from Paterson, and was later named the "Silk City". Immigrants from all around the world who moved to the U.S., came to Paterson from Ellis Island to get their first job in America at one of Paterson's many factories.
Today, there are no more silk mills left in Paterson and unemployment in the city is nearly double the national average. With 30% of Paterson residents living below poverty, Paterson is one of the U.S. cities that will be hurt most by the massive monetary inflation of the Federal Reserve. The majority of people in Paterson are relying on government entitlement programs just to survive and don't have the financial resources to accumulate physical gold and silver.
While in Paterson, Obama pledged Federal Government funding to residents who were devastated by the hurricane. The White House has estimated that the U.S. government's cost for Hurricane Irene relief will be around $1.5 billion, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) only has $800 million in funds left. FEMA will soon be asking Congress for billions of dollars that our government doesn't have and the Federal Reserve will be forced to print. By printing the FEMA funds to be provided to people in Paterson, the food stamps, unemployment checks, welfare checks, and other government entitlements that Paterson residents depend on to survive, will all lose their purchasing power, making residents more dependent on government than ever. This is Obama's strategy to get reelected, promise people more government handouts that instead of helping them, cause the U.S. dollar to lose its purchasing power and make the people as dependent on government as possible.
NIA believes the main reason Obama went to Paterson was to see exactly how residents responded to mandatory evacuations and empty store shelves. He knows that Paterson is a microcosm of what the whole entire U.S. will soon look like during hyperinflation. That is why the Federal Government was so eager to run martial law tests and trials in Paterson. They know that the city is practically on the verge already of having rioting, looting, and civil unrest, before hyperinflation arrives. By providing Paterson with more federal funds, we are sure a secret deal will be worked out that will allow the Federal Government to push through their plans for a martial law trial in Paterson without any resistance from local government officials
NIA believes that the Federal Government has no business providing funds to victims of hurricanes and other natural disasters. There is absolutely nothing in the U.S. Constitution that authorizes it. Most Americans are afraid to speak out against helping victims of natural disasters, but FEMA is a bureaucratic waste that needs to be eliminated in favor of free market solutions. During Hurricane Katrina, thousands of Americans volunteered to help out in disaster relief, but instead of being put straight to work they were told to sit around for hours, which turned into days, and many of them decided to just go home. FEMA spent an outrageous $416,000 per person to provide temporary housing for several hundred Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Alabama. FEMA even paid $800 million to manufacture 11,000 mobile homes to be used as shelter for Hurricane Katrina victims, but they were never used and were left to waste away in Arkansas.
The most shocking FEMA debacle is when they decided to give out thousands of debit cards with $2,000 on them to Hurricane Katrina victims. Many people ended up using these debit cards at strip clubs. A jail escapee convicted of murder was even able to say he was a Hurricane Katrina victim and get a free $2,000 FEMA debit card, which he used to buy beer and drugs, before paying a limo driver to transport him far out of the area. A Red Cross volunteer was convicted and jailed for stealing $250,000 worth of these debit cards and we are sure that others got away with stealing millions of dollars worth of them.
If Americans didn't have the mindset that FEMA will always be there to rescue them, more Americans would have full insurance coverage on their homes. One Paterson resident who we saw on the nightly news crying about his home being flooded and how he didn't have money for flood insurance, had an iPhone in his hand. The average annual flood insurance policy costs less than the average annual mobile phone bill. If the cost of insurance to cover flood damages is extraordinarily high in certain areas because the locations are prone to flood, then Americans shouldn't be living there. Americans who are smart enough not to build a home on the edge of a cliff or next to a river, shouldn't be forced to pay for incompetent Americans who did. It is the existence of FEMA that encourages Americans to build in risky locations without thinking of the consequences.
Ever since Christie was elected Governor of New Jersey, he has surpassed the expectations we had for him, taking dramatic steps to cut wasteful spending in the state. Unfortunately, he appears to have changed his beliefs due to a Category 1 hurricane. He now doesn't even think it is necessary for the Federal Government to cut enough spending in parts of the budget to cover its spending on hurricane relief. The fact is, if Christie wants to help residents of New Jersey, he should have reserves set aside to do so on his own. If anybody in government is responsible for helping New Jersey residents hurt by Hurricane Irene, it is Christie himself. Instead of state and local elected representatives putting funds aside for a rainy day, it seems as though their entire purpose is to beg the Federal Government for relief.
NIA expects Sarah Palin to announce her candidacy for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States this month. It was a prediction that NIA originally made in its top 10 predictions for 2011 back in January. We give her credit for helping build $14 billion in state reserves while she was Governor of Alaska, before quitting the job that she was nominated for. If a natural disaster strikes Alaska, they will be able to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, these Alaskans would in effect be punished for their good decisions by being forced to pay for the reckless decisions of other states. Many other states would also have large reserves for a rainy day if it wasn't for the Federal Government creating a moral hazard by providing funding to state and local governments for disaster relief.
If Alaska was smart they would secede from the union and become their own country. Alaska currently has no state income tax or sales tax, and if Alaskans no longer had to pay federal income tax to support the reckless wasteful spending of U.S. politicians, millions of people from across the U.S. and all around the world would want to move to Alaska. As the U.S. dollar continues to rapidly lose its purchasing power, the likelihood of Alaska and other states moving towards secession will greatly increase. In 2006, an organization collected the required signatures to place on Alaska's fall ballot an initiative to have Alaska secede from the union, but the State Supreme Court ruled any attempt at secession to be illegal and unconstitutional.
NIA believes that U.S. states have the legal right to secede from the union. U.S. courts have proven time and time again that they will incorrectly interpret the U.S. Constitution in order to protect the government's destructive illegal actions while selectively ignoring provisions that protect American's rights. The U.S. is addicted to waging illegal wars against countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and soon to be Syria. The U.S. is also addicted to money printing, in large part to pay for its illegal wars. These dangerous addictions are unconstitutional, because the U.S. Constitution said wars must be approved by Congress and only gold and silver shall be used as legal tender. The act of secession is a very powerful tool that should only be used during times in which the Federal Government's actions threaten the freedom and liberty of the citizens they swore to protect. Secession is legal and constitutional because without it there is nothing to keep the Federal Government in check and force them to rein in out of control deficit spending that threatens our very existence as a sovereign nation.
Source: National Inflation Association
NIA actually determined that violence in the city was down that year and trending downward over the previous few years. We thought for sure that there was more to the story than what was being reported by the mainstream media, so we traveled to Paterson City Hall and attempted to interview then-Mayor Joey Torres on camera. The mayor turned down the interview and refused to answer our questions even off camera.
As we left the mayor's office, we met a city employee who overheard our conversation and introduced us to then-City Council President Jeffery Jones, who agreed to an interview and invited us into his office. Jones explained to us that he is the City Council President and the first time he ever heard of this proposal was from the Associated Press, after Torres already announced it on the steps of the police department saying, "we're trying to think outside the box" in regards to solving crime issues. Jones expressed disbelief that the mayor would want to lock down an entire city including the people who aren't committing crimes. He was also surprised that the AP already had a list of the 30 shootings that occurred in the city during the previous year, when this was undisclosed information that even he didn't have at the time.
Jones was flabbergasted that this ordinance was even being considered since it completely lacked logic. He said that in the past before any other ordinances were publicly announced by the mayor, there would always be a comprehensive discussion about it between local government officials. Not only was there no discussion about it, but Torres hastily added it to the City Council's agenda for a vote at their very next meeting. Jones was perplexed not just by the total lack of discussion and rush to get it passed, but by the total lack of details in the ordinance regarding the roles of departments, agencies, and the police department's capacity to do the work. Using common sense, Jones said that if the police department had the capacity to enforce the ordinance, we wouldn't even be discussing it.
NIA agreed with Jones that if the police department couldn't prevent the 30 shootings from taking place in the city, there is no way on earth that it will have the ability to enforce an ordinance keeping 146,199 residents in their homes at night. Torres must have known that and must have also known that proposing this ordinance would be career suicide. Therefore, we see no logical explanation as to why Torres would propose this during a time when crime in the city was declining and he was up for reelection the very next year. Even a preschool child with no political experience would focus on taking credit for the reduction in crime, instead of giving the impression that the city has no protection or safety for its residents by proclaiming they must all be locked down.
Paterson is one of the largest recipients of federal funding per capita in the U.S. It makes total sense to NIA if the Federal Government was forcing Torres to propose this ordinance. The government most likely wanted to gauge the public's reaction and see what type of outrage there would be in response to this proposal. The government wanted to see just how many residents would be willing to so easily give up their freedom and liberty in the name of safety by supporting the ordinance. The government wanted to know how difficult it would be to get the ordinance passed and if it was passed, they wanted to see what it would take to enforce it. A real life trial of martial law in one of the largest cities in the New York metropolitan area would allow the military to be better equipped to handle all types of situations when martial law takes place on a nationwide basis during hyperinflation.
The reason why we believe the ordinance was so vague with no details about enforcement is simple, the police department was never intended to enforce the ordinance. In the event that the ordinance was passed, there would immediately be thousands of brand new criminals breaking the law in Paterson and Torres would have a need to ask the Federal Government to bring in the U.S. military to detain the thousands of criminals who were disobeying the law. The Federal Government would in effect be creating a phony conflict in a city with a high crime rate so that they can justify using the U.S. military at home.
Last year, President Obama signed an Executive Order "Establishment of the Council of Governors", which Obama claims is an order to strengthen further the "partnership" between the Federal Government and State governments to "protect" our Nation and its people and property. It orders that a council be created of 10 State Governors appointed by the President who will meet to exchange information with the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Homeland Security, and many other government officials related to the military. Their meetings will concern matters involving the National Guard of the various States, homeland defense, civil support, synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States; and other matters of mutual interest pertaining to National Guard, homeland defense, and civil support activities.
From our experience, we know that the words "partnership" and "protect" are being used in this order to deceive the public into believing the Executive Order serves some kind of a noble purpose, which to us shows malicious intent behind the creation of the order. "Civil support" in this Executive Order can't possibly mean anything other than martial law when civil unrest takes place inside of a city. This Executive Order is an attempt to invalidate the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878 and make it legal for the military to enforce civilian laws inside of a city like Paterson. You would think that an Executive Order this outrageous and disturbing would have all Americans up in arms, but the mainstream media completely ignored this latest attempt by Obama to transfer power from state and local governments to the Federal Government, and didn't have one single report about it.
Interestingly, Obama was just in Paterson this past Sunday touring parts of the city damaged by Hurricane Irene with New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and newly elected Paterson Mayor Jeffery Jones. (Jones in late-September 2009 rejected the adult curfew ordinance of former-Paterson Mayor Joey Torres and in 2010 ran against him for mayor, defeating him despite being outspent 17 to 1.) Hurricane Irene caused the worst flooding crisis in city history. Mandatory evacuations were ordered for parts of the city, forcing thousands of people out of their homes and hundreds of businesses to close. All across Paterson, store shelves were empty with no food, water, batteries, or flashlights available to purchase anywhere. With most of the main streets and bridges into the city flooded, trucks weren't able to enter the city to replenish stores with supplies.
As bad as the flooding from Hurricane Irene was for Paterson residents, it is nothing compared to the devastation and destruction that will be caused by a different kind of flooding from Obama and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke. Obama and Bernanke have been flooding the world with trillions of U.S. dollars with the false belief that because Treasury yields have been falling to record lows, Obama can run trillion dollar budget deficits with Bernanke leaving the Federal Funds Rate near zero forever. Their actions are setting up the next major U.S. financial crisis, which will be massive price inflation that eventually results in hyperinflation and leads to government price controls. The empty store shelves in Paterson from Hurricane Irene are finally being replenished now that flood waters are subsiding. Unfortunately, the empty store shelves that will arise from hyperinflation and government price controls, will be permanent.
The 77-foot high Great Falls and river that was responsible for most of the flooding in Paterson, was previously used for centuries to power dozens of surrounding mills that produced textiles, firearms, and railroad locomotive products. Paterson eventually became one of the world's largest producing cities of silk, with 50% of U.S. silk production coming from Paterson, and was later named the "Silk City". Immigrants from all around the world who moved to the U.S., came to Paterson from Ellis Island to get their first job in America at one of Paterson's many factories.
Today, there are no more silk mills left in Paterson and unemployment in the city is nearly double the national average. With 30% of Paterson residents living below poverty, Paterson is one of the U.S. cities that will be hurt most by the massive monetary inflation of the Federal Reserve. The majority of people in Paterson are relying on government entitlement programs just to survive and don't have the financial resources to accumulate physical gold and silver.
While in Paterson, Obama pledged Federal Government funding to residents who were devastated by the hurricane. The White House has estimated that the U.S. government's cost for Hurricane Irene relief will be around $1.5 billion, but the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) only has $800 million in funds left. FEMA will soon be asking Congress for billions of dollars that our government doesn't have and the Federal Reserve will be forced to print. By printing the FEMA funds to be provided to people in Paterson, the food stamps, unemployment checks, welfare checks, and other government entitlements that Paterson residents depend on to survive, will all lose their purchasing power, making residents more dependent on government than ever. This is Obama's strategy to get reelected, promise people more government handouts that instead of helping them, cause the U.S. dollar to lose its purchasing power and make the people as dependent on government as possible.
NIA believes the main reason Obama went to Paterson was to see exactly how residents responded to mandatory evacuations and empty store shelves. He knows that Paterson is a microcosm of what the whole entire U.S. will soon look like during hyperinflation. That is why the Federal Government was so eager to run martial law tests and trials in Paterson. They know that the city is practically on the verge already of having rioting, looting, and civil unrest, before hyperinflation arrives. By providing Paterson with more federal funds, we are sure a secret deal will be worked out that will allow the Federal Government to push through their plans for a martial law trial in Paterson without any resistance from local government officials
NIA believes that the Federal Government has no business providing funds to victims of hurricanes and other natural disasters. There is absolutely nothing in the U.S. Constitution that authorizes it. Most Americans are afraid to speak out against helping victims of natural disasters, but FEMA is a bureaucratic waste that needs to be eliminated in favor of free market solutions. During Hurricane Katrina, thousands of Americans volunteered to help out in disaster relief, but instead of being put straight to work they were told to sit around for hours, which turned into days, and many of them decided to just go home. FEMA spent an outrageous $416,000 per person to provide temporary housing for several hundred Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Alabama. FEMA even paid $800 million to manufacture 11,000 mobile homes to be used as shelter for Hurricane Katrina victims, but they were never used and were left to waste away in Arkansas.
The most shocking FEMA debacle is when they decided to give out thousands of debit cards with $2,000 on them to Hurricane Katrina victims. Many people ended up using these debit cards at strip clubs. A jail escapee convicted of murder was even able to say he was a Hurricane Katrina victim and get a free $2,000 FEMA debit card, which he used to buy beer and drugs, before paying a limo driver to transport him far out of the area. A Red Cross volunteer was convicted and jailed for stealing $250,000 worth of these debit cards and we are sure that others got away with stealing millions of dollars worth of them.
If Americans didn't have the mindset that FEMA will always be there to rescue them, more Americans would have full insurance coverage on their homes. One Paterson resident who we saw on the nightly news crying about his home being flooded and how he didn't have money for flood insurance, had an iPhone in his hand. The average annual flood insurance policy costs less than the average annual mobile phone bill. If the cost of insurance to cover flood damages is extraordinarily high in certain areas because the locations are prone to flood, then Americans shouldn't be living there. Americans who are smart enough not to build a home on the edge of a cliff or next to a river, shouldn't be forced to pay for incompetent Americans who did. It is the existence of FEMA that encourages Americans to build in risky locations without thinking of the consequences.
Ever since Christie was elected Governor of New Jersey, he has surpassed the expectations we had for him, taking dramatic steps to cut wasteful spending in the state. Unfortunately, he appears to have changed his beliefs due to a Category 1 hurricane. He now doesn't even think it is necessary for the Federal Government to cut enough spending in parts of the budget to cover its spending on hurricane relief. The fact is, if Christie wants to help residents of New Jersey, he should have reserves set aside to do so on his own. If anybody in government is responsible for helping New Jersey residents hurt by Hurricane Irene, it is Christie himself. Instead of state and local elected representatives putting funds aside for a rainy day, it seems as though their entire purpose is to beg the Federal Government for relief.
NIA expects Sarah Palin to announce her candidacy for the Republican Nomination for President of the United States this month. It was a prediction that NIA originally made in its top 10 predictions for 2011 back in January. We give her credit for helping build $14 billion in state reserves while she was Governor of Alaska, before quitting the job that she was nominated for. If a natural disaster strikes Alaska, they will be able to take care of themselves. Unfortunately, these Alaskans would in effect be punished for their good decisions by being forced to pay for the reckless decisions of other states. Many other states would also have large reserves for a rainy day if it wasn't for the Federal Government creating a moral hazard by providing funding to state and local governments for disaster relief.
If Alaska was smart they would secede from the union and become their own country. Alaska currently has no state income tax or sales tax, and if Alaskans no longer had to pay federal income tax to support the reckless wasteful spending of U.S. politicians, millions of people from across the U.S. and all around the world would want to move to Alaska. As the U.S. dollar continues to rapidly lose its purchasing power, the likelihood of Alaska and other states moving towards secession will greatly increase. In 2006, an organization collected the required signatures to place on Alaska's fall ballot an initiative to have Alaska secede from the union, but the State Supreme Court ruled any attempt at secession to be illegal and unconstitutional.
NIA believes that U.S. states have the legal right to secede from the union. U.S. courts have proven time and time again that they will incorrectly interpret the U.S. Constitution in order to protect the government's destructive illegal actions while selectively ignoring provisions that protect American's rights. The U.S. is addicted to waging illegal wars against countries like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and soon to be Syria. The U.S. is also addicted to money printing, in large part to pay for its illegal wars. These dangerous addictions are unconstitutional, because the U.S. Constitution said wars must be approved by Congress and only gold and silver shall be used as legal tender. The act of secession is a very powerful tool that should only be used during times in which the Federal Government's actions threaten the freedom and liberty of the citizens they swore to protect. Secession is legal and constitutional because without it there is nothing to keep the Federal Government in check and force them to rein in out of control deficit spending that threatens our very existence as a sovereign nation.
Source: National Inflation Association
Vision of the Blanket of Darkness
Glynda Lomax
I was going back over my records of what the Lord has spoken to me over the past several years when I came across something He said on March 25, 2008, after He had shown me a vision during my worship time of a giant black blanket descending silently towards the earth. It was falling through space and when I saw it, I got a really bad feeling. I did not understand what it meant at the time and had asked Him to reveal it to me. I could not remember if I had posted this or not.
March 25, 2008:
The blanket of darkness you saw descending is spiritual blindness that is about to cover the earth. The people who have denied Me, those who have treated My Son's blood frivolously, those who do not walk in My ways, will be trapped in it. They will become prey to the Evil One and will be given over to their sinful ways. Their lusts shall consume them, and death shall be their reward.
You are seeing My judgment fall on some already, but you will see this increase as the days pass, as I remove the blemishes that have shamed My holy name and profaned My church.
I will no longer look the other way from their sin but I will uncover it for all the world to see. Disgrace shall be their reward. I will no longer tolerate sin in the church.
And the pretenders I shall also remove for they are not of Me, they are not branches of the true vine. They sit like puppets, week after week, but their eyes do not see and their ears do not hear. They seek Me not and have aroused My holy anger.
My Holy apostles and prophets I will send and they will be run out as I shine the glorious light of My holiness on them. I shall drive all darkness from the Bride of My Son!
Isaiah 60:2: For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Galatians 5:24: And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Galatians 2:3: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Source: Wings of
I was going back over my records of what the Lord has spoken to me over the past several years when I came across something He said on March 25, 2008, after He had shown me a vision during my worship time of a giant black blanket descending silently towards the earth. It was falling through space and when I saw it, I got a really bad feeling. I did not understand what it meant at the time and had asked Him to reveal it to me. I could not remember if I had posted this or not.
March 25, 2008:
The blanket of darkness you saw descending is spiritual blindness that is about to cover the earth. The people who have denied Me, those who have treated My Son's blood frivolously, those who do not walk in My ways, will be trapped in it. They will become prey to the Evil One and will be given over to their sinful ways. Their lusts shall consume them, and death shall be their reward.
You are seeing My judgment fall on some already, but you will see this increase as the days pass, as I remove the blemishes that have shamed My holy name and profaned My church.
I will no longer look the other way from their sin but I will uncover it for all the world to see. Disgrace shall be their reward. I will no longer tolerate sin in the church.
And the pretenders I shall also remove for they are not of Me, they are not branches of the true vine. They sit like puppets, week after week, but their eyes do not see and their ears do not hear. They seek Me not and have aroused My holy anger.
My Holy apostles and prophets I will send and they will be run out as I shine the glorious light of My holiness on them. I shall drive all darkness from the Bride of My Son!
Isaiah 60:2: For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.
Galatians 5:24: And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
Galatians 2:3: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.
Source: Wings of
Banks, Governments Move To Restrict Personal Gold Bullion Purchases
Mac Slavo
This week we returned from a trip to the Eurozone where we met with a host of different people across many countries and several industries. All of the indicators we’re seeing – construction starts, bank lending, personal borrowing habits, economic growth, and even the (lack of) items in grocery store carts – suggest that Europe is on the brink, though as is generally the case, the average European has no clue what’s coming their way.
The most alarming situation we identified is one relating to the purchase of gold coins and bullion – specifically in the country of Austria – but one that will likely make its way across the EU if it hasn’t already. Unlike the United States, where gold and silver can be purchased through traditional methods like visiting a local dealer directly, or even placing an order on the internet, it is much more difficult to find a gold/silver dealer outside of Germany or Switzerland. As a result, those individuals interested in acquiring gold are left with purchasing directly from local bank branches.
Had you visited an Austrian bank three months ago, you would have had absolutely no problem purchasing a large quantity of gold/silver from the bank. You’d simply call the bank about 24 – 48 hours in advance, let them know you’re coming and how much you needed, and you’d personally pick up your order within a couple days.
A new trend in Austrian (and perhaps the rest of Europe’s) banking policies suggests that certain interested parties are attempting to control the sale and personal acquisition of gold/silver as safe haven assets. What we experienced first hand should be a wake up call for not just Europeans, but Americans as well.
The policy change was quiet, has not been reported by any media outlets that we’re aware of, and no mention of the new policies is made on the web sites of Austria’s largest banking institutions (though it is clear they vehemently comply with U.S. anti-money laundering measures and the Patriot Act)
According to the bank representatives and manager we spoke with, Austrian banks have now been ordered to restrict the sale of gold and silver bullion purchases and are limiting personal acquisitions of precious metals to 15,000€ (approximately $20,700 USD) at a time, or 11 ounces of gold at today’s prices.
Upon further discussion we learned that these policies were implemented over the course of the last 30 days, and they are now standard operating procedure. The reason given was the banks had come under pressure from EU, Austrian and U.S. officials, with this particular manager specifically citing U.S. money laundering initiatives and the EU’s Third EU Money Laundering Directive which was implemented across the zone in December of 2007.
The idea that these restrictions have been put in place as anti-money laundering measures is laughable. As we all know, if a drug cartel or other criminal organization wanted to launder money, they wouldn’t do it in person purchasing bullion coins at a local banking branch. They’d simply pick up the phone and contact a too-big-too-fail bank (video), as we’ve seen with the billions of dollars recently laundered through U.S. banks. You may remember there was very little reporting on this issue from mainstream media and it has been ignored by U.S. prosecutors.
As Austria is one of the more developed nations in the Euro Zone, there is a strong likelihood that they are not the sole country implementing these new policies – and that this has been, or soon will be, implemented across the entirety of EU nations.
To the average European and American this may not mean much. But if you’ve been paying attention to the events unfolding over the last several years, it’s becoming clear that the economies of the EU and US are under threat of a significant and potentially permanent financial collapse. This morning, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde was quoted as saying that the situation is so dire, “policymakers should stand ready, as needed, to take more action to support the recovery, including through unconventional measures.”
The new gold and silver purchasing limits would certainly qualify as unconventional, along with other recent proposed measures by EU officials and business leaders. One such proposal from Italian business leaders calls for all cash transactions over 300 Euro (About $400 USD) to be banned, and to be permitted only in electronic format.
The global trend across industrialized nations for the last twenty years has been to move towards a cashless society, but one that still utilizes centrally planned currencies. While central banks, large institutional funds and wealthy private investors across the world continue to buy up gold, governments seem to be moving quickly to restrict the ability of average people to do the same – and they are rapidly implementing policies to either restrict or track these types of transactions.
Many cities around the country, such as Houston, TX, have passed identification requirements that force sellers of precious metals to present a valid form of ID at the time of sale. Like Europe, the U.S. is expeditiously implementing direct methods of tracking these transactions, as well as indirect methods that target those who may be engaging in suspicious activities, namely using cash, as per FBI and Homeland Security bulletins issued last month.
The noose is tightening. Governments, large financial institutions and political chess players know exactly where real value exists. And it’s certainly not in the currencies that are being printed with reckless abandon.
Source: SHTF Plan
This week we returned from a trip to the Eurozone where we met with a host of different people across many countries and several industries. All of the indicators we’re seeing – construction starts, bank lending, personal borrowing habits, economic growth, and even the (lack of) items in grocery store carts – suggest that Europe is on the brink, though as is generally the case, the average European has no clue what’s coming their way.
The most alarming situation we identified is one relating to the purchase of gold coins and bullion – specifically in the country of Austria – but one that will likely make its way across the EU if it hasn’t already. Unlike the United States, where gold and silver can be purchased through traditional methods like visiting a local dealer directly, or even placing an order on the internet, it is much more difficult to find a gold/silver dealer outside of Germany or Switzerland. As a result, those individuals interested in acquiring gold are left with purchasing directly from local bank branches.
Had you visited an Austrian bank three months ago, you would have had absolutely no problem purchasing a large quantity of gold/silver from the bank. You’d simply call the bank about 24 – 48 hours in advance, let them know you’re coming and how much you needed, and you’d personally pick up your order within a couple days.
A new trend in Austrian (and perhaps the rest of Europe’s) banking policies suggests that certain interested parties are attempting to control the sale and personal acquisition of gold/silver as safe haven assets. What we experienced first hand should be a wake up call for not just Europeans, but Americans as well.
The policy change was quiet, has not been reported by any media outlets that we’re aware of, and no mention of the new policies is made on the web sites of Austria’s largest banking institutions (though it is clear they vehemently comply with U.S. anti-money laundering measures and the Patriot Act)
According to the bank representatives and manager we spoke with, Austrian banks have now been ordered to restrict the sale of gold and silver bullion purchases and are limiting personal acquisitions of precious metals to 15,000€ (approximately $20,700 USD) at a time, or 11 ounces of gold at today’s prices.
Upon further discussion we learned that these policies were implemented over the course of the last 30 days, and they are now standard operating procedure. The reason given was the banks had come under pressure from EU, Austrian and U.S. officials, with this particular manager specifically citing U.S. money laundering initiatives and the EU’s Third EU Money Laundering Directive which was implemented across the zone in December of 2007.
The idea that these restrictions have been put in place as anti-money laundering measures is laughable. As we all know, if a drug cartel or other criminal organization wanted to launder money, they wouldn’t do it in person purchasing bullion coins at a local banking branch. They’d simply pick up the phone and contact a too-big-too-fail bank (video), as we’ve seen with the billions of dollars recently laundered through U.S. banks. You may remember there was very little reporting on this issue from mainstream media and it has been ignored by U.S. prosecutors.
As Austria is one of the more developed nations in the Euro Zone, there is a strong likelihood that they are not the sole country implementing these new policies – and that this has been, or soon will be, implemented across the entirety of EU nations.
To the average European and American this may not mean much. But if you’ve been paying attention to the events unfolding over the last several years, it’s becoming clear that the economies of the EU and US are under threat of a significant and potentially permanent financial collapse. This morning, IMF managing director Christine Lagarde was quoted as saying that the situation is so dire, “policymakers should stand ready, as needed, to take more action to support the recovery, including through unconventional measures.”
The new gold and silver purchasing limits would certainly qualify as unconventional, along with other recent proposed measures by EU officials and business leaders. One such proposal from Italian business leaders calls for all cash transactions over 300 Euro (About $400 USD) to be banned, and to be permitted only in electronic format.
The global trend across industrialized nations for the last twenty years has been to move towards a cashless society, but one that still utilizes centrally planned currencies. While central banks, large institutional funds and wealthy private investors across the world continue to buy up gold, governments seem to be moving quickly to restrict the ability of average people to do the same – and they are rapidly implementing policies to either restrict or track these types of transactions.
Many cities around the country, such as Houston, TX, have passed identification requirements that force sellers of precious metals to present a valid form of ID at the time of sale. Like Europe, the U.S. is expeditiously implementing direct methods of tracking these transactions, as well as indirect methods that target those who may be engaging in suspicious activities, namely using cash, as per FBI and Homeland Security bulletins issued last month.
The noose is tightening. Governments, large financial institutions and political chess players know exactly where real value exists. And it’s certainly not in the currencies that are being printed with reckless abandon.
Source: SHTF Plan
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