Paul Joseph Watson
While the establishment constantly invokes the contrived terror threat as justification for the announcement that your every activity is being sent to federal fusion centers, those same fusion centers have been busy defining peaceful assembly, non-violent protest and criticism of the government as domestic terrorism. According to the government’s own definition of what constitutes terrorist activity – you are a terrorist.
There’s no doubt that the Washington Post’s eight page “Monitoring America” story is correct when it states that Homeland Security is building a gargantuan database of every website you visit, every email you send and every phone conversation you have in order to genuinely hunt down terrorists.
The problem is, according to numerous law enforcement advisories, training manuals, seminars and other literature, the federal government defines political activism, flying American flags, wearing Levi jeans, being nice, looking “normal” and going scuba diving all as signs of domestic terror.
By encouraging Americans to “report suspicious activity” that includes such behavior, the feds are knowingly on a mission to chill political dissent, by making people afraid to exercise their constitutional rights in the fear that their neighbors will turn them in to the authorities unless they rigidly control their behavior and don’t risk even patently benign activities being misconstrued.
The following is a list of behaviors, actions or interests that the federal government, via centralized threat fusion centers that collate such information, considers to be potential signs of terrorism under the MIAC Report.
- Displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties
- Supporting Congressman Ron Paul
- Supporting former presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin
- Supporting former Congressman Bob Barr
- Opposing the implementation of a North American Union
- Owning gold bullion
- Displaying historical U.S. flags
- Opposing abortion
- Talking about the documentary Zeitgeist
According to an earlier document issued by the Joint Terrorism Task Force (page 1 – page 2),
page 2), the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.
- Being interested in animal rights
- Being a “lone individual”
- Making numerous references to the U.S. Constitution
- Defending the U.S. Constitution
- Claiming driving is a right, not a privilege
- Refusing to identify yourself to an authority figure
- Attempting to monitor the actions of police
- Being bald
Under the terms of a A Texas Department of Public Safety Criminal Law Enforcement pamphlet, the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.
- Being a “nice guy”
- Wearing Levi jeans
- Communicating predominantly by cell phone, email or text message
- Looking “normal” in appearance
- Renting a car
- Staying in a hotel or apartment
- Renting a storage facility
- Using cash to make large purchases
- Using pre-paid cellphones or hand-held radios
- Owning large amounts of medicines, alcohol, or baby formula
- Gaining support for a cause by holding meetings, public rallies, or demonstrations
- Gaining support for a cause by using websites, posters, leaflets, or underground press publications
- Possessing a photo-copy of your drivers license, passport, social security card or birth certificate
- Possessing or purchasing GPS technology
- Walking, biking or driving near “potential targets”
- Taking photographs of “potential targets,” including bridges, power plants or government buildings
Under the terms of a Virginia training manual used to help state employees recognize terrorists, the following behaviors, actions or interests are also signs of terrorism.
- Being a property-rights activist
- Trying to influence government or social policy
- Undermining confidence in the government
- Using a sketch pad, camera, map, binoculars or scuba equipment
Do you fit into any of these categories? Do you wear Levi jeans, act like a “nice guy,” look “normal” or support Ron Paul? Maybe you’re a complete asshole, hate Ron Paul, look like a complete freak of nature, and only ever wear Lee jeans – but wait – you like scuba diving! Oh no, you’re a terrorist. Your name will be in a threat fusion database somewhere, and under the new definition of what constitutes a terrorist, which federal agencies are working under and promoting, your neighbor will be acting perfectly reasonably when they inform on you to the authorities because you rented a hotel room, used a large amount of cash, or possess a significant amount of alcohol.
Former FBI agent Michael German correctly identifies the fact that the “Monitoring America” program has more to do with discouraging Americans from engaging in any kind of dissent than it does with catching real terrorists.
“Treating innocent citizens as suspects flies in the face of our most fundamental American values and does not make anyone safer. Americans must to be able to meet and debate without fear that their associations and dissent will end up in a law enforcement database. Law enforcement already has the authority it needs to fight crime and terrorism without sacrificing the rights of those it seeks to protect,” said German.
This is about making every American in the country fear a knock on the door from Homeland Security because if they misbehave in any way, if they show any kind of dissent against the state, or even if they merely engage in completely innocent activities that are subsequently misconstrued by an informant society that has been trained to suspect anything and everything as possible terror, they could become a target.
Welcome to the new America – a decrepit and decaying banana republic where the government tells its people to spy on each other – a country where everyone is a potential terrorist and just as in Orwell’s 1984, will come under suspicion if they don’t rigidly conform and ensure that their behavior displays the maximum amount of fealty and subservience to the state.
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Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Federal Reserve Bans A Local Oklahoma Bank From Displaying Crosses, Bible Verses And Christmas Buttons
The Economic Collapse
What in the world are they thinking over at the Federal Reserve? The privately-owned central bank that runs the U.S. economy is now forcing local banks to remove every shred of Christian faith from their establishments. When Federal Reserve examiners recently visited a local bank in Perkins, Oklahoma they demanded that the bank take down a "Bible verse of the day" and crosses that were displayed on the teller's counter. In addition, the agents from the Federal Reserve forced all bank personnel to remove buttons that said "Merry Christmas, God With Us". The bank was also ordered to remove a "Bible verse of the day" from the bank's website. According to Federal Reserve officials, all visible expressions of Christian faith by bank officials are now banned in all banks across the United States.
Now, before people start screaming "separation of church and state", please keep in mind that the "state" is not involved here. The local bank in Perkins is a privately-owned financial institution. The owners of that bank should be able to express themselves however they want.
In addition, it is important to note that it was not an agency of the federal government or a federal court that ordered this private local bank to remove all traces of Christianity.
The truth is that the Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government. In fact, the Federal Reserve is about as "federal" as Federal Express is.
You doubt this?
Well, perhaps you will believe what the Federal Reserve is publicly saying about itself.
In defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve objected by declaring that it was "not an agency" of the U.S. government and therefore it was not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
In the video posted below, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan makes it very clear that the Federal Reserve is above the law and need not answer to anyone in the federal government....
So where in the world does the Federal Reserve get the idea that they have the authority to tell a private bank that they cannot display a Bible verse of the day and that their employees cannot wear Christmas buttons?
No matter what you think about the faith of the owners of the local bank in Perkins, the truth is that we should all be concerned about the kind of precedent that this sets for free speech.
According to Federal Reserve officials, any visible expression of Christianity by a private bank may cause someone from another religion to be offended and feel as though they may be discriminated against by that bank. Therefore any expression of Christianity is "an appearance of discrimination" and thus must be banned.
Okay, so if any expression of Christianity is "an appearance of discrimination", will federal officials soon use all of the federal "anti-discrimination laws" already on the books to ban all expressions of Christianity in all private businesses throughout the United States?
Once again, it is absolutely crucial to note that the local bank in Perkins is not a government building. Federal Reserve agents are telling private business owners how they can express themselves as they run their privately-owned business on private property.
The following is a local news report about this very disturbing incident....
Does anyone still believe that we have "freedom of speech" in the United States?
It is almost as if all forms of Christian expression are now regarded as something horribly dirty by our public officials.
Even if you are an atheist, this should deeply concern you as well. When freedom of speech is taken from some of us, it is only a matter of time until it is taken from the rest of us as well.
And since when does the Federal Reserve have any authority to tell any private citizen what they can or cannot say?
This is just another example of how the Federal Reserve has gotten completely and totally out of control. The Fed has become an unaccountable monster that is just running around doing just about anything that it wants to do.
It is for some very good reasons that many members of Congress are starting to publicly speak out against the Federal Reserve. Just recently it came out that the Federal Reserve has been handing out gigantic piles of nearly interest-free cash to their friends at the largest banks, financial institutions and corporations all over the globe. The American people have completely lost control over the financial system, and as long as the Federal Reserve remains in control that is going to continue to be the case.
But now, not only is the Federal Reserve at the core of the rapidly developing financial nightmare that is enveloping this nation, they are also attempting to tell private bank owners what they can and cannot say inside their own private businesses.
No matter what your faith is or even if you have no faith, you should be objecting to this. If the Federal Reserve is allowed to get away with this, it will be just a matter of time before U.S. government agencies come along and start ordering all private businesses to remove all traces of Christianity because they are "discriminatory" and they might offend someone.
The freedoms and liberties that previous generations fought and died to defend are being stripped away from us. If you plan to say something about it before they are all gone, now would be a good time to start.
View Article With Links HERE
What in the world are they thinking over at the Federal Reserve? The privately-owned central bank that runs the U.S. economy is now forcing local banks to remove every shred of Christian faith from their establishments. When Federal Reserve examiners recently visited a local bank in Perkins, Oklahoma they demanded that the bank take down a "Bible verse of the day" and crosses that were displayed on the teller's counter. In addition, the agents from the Federal Reserve forced all bank personnel to remove buttons that said "Merry Christmas, God With Us". The bank was also ordered to remove a "Bible verse of the day" from the bank's website. According to Federal Reserve officials, all visible expressions of Christian faith by bank officials are now banned in all banks across the United States.
Now, before people start screaming "separation of church and state", please keep in mind that the "state" is not involved here. The local bank in Perkins is a privately-owned financial institution. The owners of that bank should be able to express themselves however they want.
In addition, it is important to note that it was not an agency of the federal government or a federal court that ordered this private local bank to remove all traces of Christianity.
The truth is that the Federal Reserve is not part of the U.S. government. In fact, the Federal Reserve is about as "federal" as Federal Express is.
You doubt this?
Well, perhaps you will believe what the Federal Reserve is publicly saying about itself.
In defending itself against a Bloomberg request for information under the Freedom of Information Act, the Federal Reserve objected by declaring that it was "not an agency" of the U.S. government and therefore it was not subject to the Freedom of Information Act.
In the video posted below, former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan makes it very clear that the Federal Reserve is above the law and need not answer to anyone in the federal government....
So where in the world does the Federal Reserve get the idea that they have the authority to tell a private bank that they cannot display a Bible verse of the day and that their employees cannot wear Christmas buttons?
No matter what you think about the faith of the owners of the local bank in Perkins, the truth is that we should all be concerned about the kind of precedent that this sets for free speech.
According to Federal Reserve officials, any visible expression of Christianity by a private bank may cause someone from another religion to be offended and feel as though they may be discriminated against by that bank. Therefore any expression of Christianity is "an appearance of discrimination" and thus must be banned.
Okay, so if any expression of Christianity is "an appearance of discrimination", will federal officials soon use all of the federal "anti-discrimination laws" already on the books to ban all expressions of Christianity in all private businesses throughout the United States?
Once again, it is absolutely crucial to note that the local bank in Perkins is not a government building. Federal Reserve agents are telling private business owners how they can express themselves as they run their privately-owned business on private property.
The following is a local news report about this very disturbing incident....
Does anyone still believe that we have "freedom of speech" in the United States?
It is almost as if all forms of Christian expression are now regarded as something horribly dirty by our public officials.
Even if you are an atheist, this should deeply concern you as well. When freedom of speech is taken from some of us, it is only a matter of time until it is taken from the rest of us as well.
And since when does the Federal Reserve have any authority to tell any private citizen what they can or cannot say?
This is just another example of how the Federal Reserve has gotten completely and totally out of control. The Fed has become an unaccountable monster that is just running around doing just about anything that it wants to do.
It is for some very good reasons that many members of Congress are starting to publicly speak out against the Federal Reserve. Just recently it came out that the Federal Reserve has been handing out gigantic piles of nearly interest-free cash to their friends at the largest banks, financial institutions and corporations all over the globe. The American people have completely lost control over the financial system, and as long as the Federal Reserve remains in control that is going to continue to be the case.
But now, not only is the Federal Reserve at the core of the rapidly developing financial nightmare that is enveloping this nation, they are also attempting to tell private bank owners what they can and cannot say inside their own private businesses.
No matter what your faith is or even if you have no faith, you should be objecting to this. If the Federal Reserve is allowed to get away with this, it will be just a matter of time before U.S. government agencies come along and start ordering all private businesses to remove all traces of Christianity because they are "discriminatory" and they might offend someone.
The freedoms and liberties that previous generations fought and died to defend are being stripped away from us. If you plan to say something about it before they are all gone, now would be a good time to start.
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