The Intel Hub
UPDATE: The Department of Homeland Security is also looking for a vendor that can supply “various fuels in support of disaster relief.”
DHS specifically cites the states that it will be needed in. North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida. That’s right, the Gulf of Mexico.
FEMA is also looking for Hydration Supplies for a disaster in the New Madrid Fault System just as they are looking for food, blankets, and underwater body bags.
I want to start out by stating the importance of an article such as this as well as the importance of NOT jumping to conclusions or doing irrational things out of fear caused by the actions of FEMA. I believe that one of the major powers of FEMA is the fear that it instills in people who consider themselves awake.
That being said, preparing has never became more important. Food, water, and ammo are a must, REGARDLESS of what company you choose to purchase your supplies from.
FEMA has issued multiple RFI’s(Request For Information) in regards to the availability of 140 million packets of food specifically for a disaster in the New Madrid Fault System. Normally this sort of information would seem like disinformation or fear mongering but this particular situation is heavily documented.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):
- Serving Size – 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories – 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters – 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat – 0;
- Saturated Fat – 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat – 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium – 800-930 mg;
Requested Menus to include snacks (i.e. fruit mix, candy, chocolate/peanut butter squeezers, drink mix, condiments, and utensils). All meals/kits must have 36 months of remaining shelf life upon delivery. Packaging should be environmentally friendly.
Interestingly enough, FEMA is also requesting information on millions of blankets for the EXACT same reason. Does FEMA know something we don’t or are they doing this to simply prepare for a disaster in order to help the American people? Most educated people understand that history repeats itself and the history of FEMA is that of an agency that has been completely unprepared and at times, unwilling to help the American people.
While many individuals within FEMA are good, hard working people, their masters have secretly set up thousands of FEMA camps throughout the country specifically for the American people. A few years ago the idea that FEMA camps were real was looked upon as complete bs yet the alternative media continued to push and the facts have been exposed. This is not fear mongering, this is documented fact.
documented fact.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores blankets to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for blankets in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M blankets per day):
- 100% cotton;
- White;
- 66″ x 90″
These requests line up directly with NLE 2011. In this National Exercise, FEMA plans to run drills simulating a catastrophic disaster along the New Madrid Fault System. This exercise is scheduled for May 2011. Past National Level Exercises have resulted in 70,000 people being evacuated in central Texas while the mainstream media (CORRECTION) mostly ignored it.
Is a massive earthquake set to strike the New Madrid Fault Zone? How do HARRP and the gulf oil disaster play into this possible mega disaster?
In June, a report from the University of Illinois warned that the possibility of a 7.7 magnitude or higher earthquake striking the New Madrid Zone was very high.
“If a quake that size did hit, the report estimates at least 3,500 people would be killed and more than 80,000 others hurt,” reported the Chicago Headlines Examiner.
Other estimates from the report include:
■715,000 buildings damaged
■7 million people homeless
■2.6 million households without power
■$300 Billion economic impact
Adding to seriousness of this situation, the Department of Homeland Security has also contacted multiple vendors in regards to the availability of underwater body bags.
RFI – Department of the Navy
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN) Atlantic, Advanced Technology Branch (Code 51610) is seeking information on commercially-available underwater body bags used for recovery operations of bodies and body parts.The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Authorized Equipment List (AEL) item number for this equipment is 03WA-01-BAGB: Underwater Body Bags. The target audience for this information is public resource dive teams within theemergency responder community, and all submittals should be suited to their specific needs.Review of this information is being performed for the DHS System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program, which aims to conduct objective comparative assessments and validation of commercial equipment andsystems and provide those results with the emergency responder community. For more information on the SAVER Program, visit
It is interesting to note that this is happening at the same time as people are ordering a massive amount of food and food riots are being predicted by globalists throughout the world.
I cannot stress enough the importance of stocking up on food. There are many different companies and places that you can purchase store able food. Pick One!
View Original Article HERE
Friday, January 28, 2011
Police Trained That FEMA Camps Are Perfectly Normal
Milo Nickels
Activist Post
Picture it: You are sound asleep next to your spouse. Your children are safely tucked away in their bedrooms. Despite the chaos in the world which surrounds you–the riots, the food shortages, the deadly pandemic, the nationwide power outage, and the apparent societal collapse–you are safe and comfortable in your house. Although the world has seemingly gone crazy, you are doing all you can to weather the storm and (for the moment) everything is quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, there is a loud crash! You jerk awake from your slumber. Within seconds, before you can even get to your feet, you are blinded by streams of intense light. You can hear your spouse screaming, and your children crying in the distance, but all that noise is drowned out by the loud, harshvoices behind those blinding lights. “Get down!” “Don’t move!” If you hesitate for even a second, they will violently throw you to the ground. You are dragged from your own house along with the rest of your family. As several officers remain behind to search your house, you are thrown onto a fortified bus without any explanation, and whisked away to a “secure facility”. This is your new home–uniforms, prisoner numbers, forced vaccinations, ID markings, armed guards, barking guard dogs, and a fence with barbed wire pointing in.
Yes, I’m talking about FEMA camps. I’m not sure if I actually believe that they exist or not, but I have absolutely no doubt that our government is capable of such a thing. These are, after all, the same people who want to see all travelers naked–and grope their genitals. Honestly, how much of a stretch would camps really be? With all of the rules, laws, taxes, license plate readers, face scanners, traffic cameras, security cameras, metal detectors, speed cameras, and (recently) unmanned spy drones we are pretty much in a giant camp already–they just haven’t built the fence yet.
This article is not about the “reality” of FEMA camps. Plenty of other people have written articles and made movies which offer “proof” that FEMA camps exist. If you want information concerning the Japanese internment camps of WWII, legislation that opens the door to prisoner camps, or even maps of supposed FEMA camp locations, may I offer the following resources for you:
Camp FEMA – American Lockdown(full movie – video – 86 minutes)
Jesse Ventura – Conspiracy Theory(Season 2, Episode 4 – video – 44 minutes)
American Concentration Camps(website)
Google maps marked with all alleged FEMA camps(website)
I’ve watched all the movies and visited all the websites. The information is sometimes compelling, sometimes absurd. There is a plethora of facts and an abundance of wild speculations. Although, I’m not sure what I believe, I have acquired an interesting piece of information that I want to share with all of you. One of my biggest questions concerning FEMA camps has always been this: how on earth would they convince military and police to go along with the roundup?
It’s actually not as difficult as you might suspect. Think of all the unconstitutional, victimless-crime laws that the police willingly and aggressively enforce every single day. Take the “seatbelt law” for example. Although this law is clearly a violation of the constitution and a glaring display of government overstepping its bounds, it was justified to the police as being “necessary because it saves lives”. The government offers a rationalization, the law gets passed, police supervisors give out the orders, and police do as they are told.
It all starts with the justification/rationalization.
It would stand to reason that, if placing people in camps could be justified/rationalized to the police as a “necessary act to save lives”, the police would likely go along with it. But are the police actually being indoctrinated that camps may be necessary to save lives? Sadly, the answer is yes. I recently received the following email, and it blew me away:
Dear Milo, I love your site. I noticed you haven’t discussed FEMA camps yet, but here’s some information that you might find interesting.
I’m a police officer in [withheld to protect officer's identity] State. Everyone in my department was recently required to take an online course sponsored by FEMA about the “Incident Command Structure” (ICS). The Incident Command Structure is the system of control set in place following a disaster, catastrophe, terrorist strike, or other such event. All of the documents from that course can be found on FEMA’s website:
In particular you should pay attention to Unit 6: ICS Facilities. Here’s that direct link:
First, I’d like you to notice page 6-8 which is actually entitled “CAMPS“!!! Now, they claim in this training that “camps” are temporary facilities and may not be required. I feel that they do this to condition the police that camps are perfectly normal and may be necessary–so that we won’t hesitate to place people in camps upon command.
Secondly, I’d like you to notice page 6-4 which mysteriously states “some incidents may require facilities not included on the standard list”. The use of the word “facilities” would lead me to believe that these locations are already in place and are permanent in nature. But then you have to ask: what kind of facilities are important enough to already have in place, but too secretive to leave out of your police training?
I found it very interesting and thought I’d share.
Keep up the good work,
[Name Withheld]
Interesting, indeed! It’s quite unsettling that FEMA is educating police officers around the nation that citizens may have to be placed into CAMPS at some point (for their own safety, of course), and that this practice is completely normal.
Now, I know that I bust on cops a lot on my site. Truthfully though, I don’t actually dislike most individual police officers, but the corrupt governmental institution they serve. Most cops are just honest, hard-working people–working a very difficult job. They don’t want to violate people’s rights, but they also don’t want to get in trouble with their supervisors and risk losing their livelihoods. I actually have several friends who are cops and, like the author of this letter, I can’t picture any of them voluntarily placing American Citizens into camps. I’m hoping that, by sharing this email with all of you, maybe some other police who have received this training will realize what’s really going on, and how they are being conditioned. Placing citizens in camps is not normal, it’s not necessary, and it never will be.
View Original Article HERE
FEMA Advising Australia Amid Takeover of America?
FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags
When The Collapse Comes, Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med
Activist Post
Picture it: You are sound asleep next to your spouse. Your children are safely tucked away in their bedrooms. Despite the chaos in the world which surrounds you–the riots, the food shortages, the deadly pandemic, the nationwide power outage, and the apparent societal collapse–you are safe and comfortable in your house. Although the world has seemingly gone crazy, you are doing all you can to weather the storm and (for the moment) everything is quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, there is a loud crash! You jerk awake from your slumber. Within seconds, before you can even get to your feet, you are blinded by streams of intense light. You can hear your spouse screaming, and your children crying in the distance, but all that noise is drowned out by the loud, harshvoices behind those blinding lights. “Get down!” “Don’t move!” If you hesitate for even a second, they will violently throw you to the ground. You are dragged from your own house along with the rest of your family. As several officers remain behind to search your house, you are thrown onto a fortified bus without any explanation, and whisked away to a “secure facility”. This is your new home–uniforms, prisoner numbers, forced vaccinations, ID markings, armed guards, barking guard dogs, and a fence with barbed wire pointing in.
Yes, I’m talking about FEMA camps. I’m not sure if I actually believe that they exist or not, but I have absolutely no doubt that our government is capable of such a thing. These are, after all, the same people who want to see all travelers naked–and grope their genitals. Honestly, how much of a stretch would camps really be? With all of the rules, laws, taxes, license plate readers, face scanners, traffic cameras, security cameras, metal detectors, speed cameras, and (recently) unmanned spy drones we are pretty much in a giant camp already–they just haven’t built the fence yet.
This article is not about the “reality” of FEMA camps. Plenty of other people have written articles and made movies which offer “proof” that FEMA camps exist. If you want information concerning the Japanese internment camps of WWII, legislation that opens the door to prisoner camps, or even maps of supposed FEMA camp locations, may I offer the following resources for you:
Camp FEMA – American Lockdown(full movie – video – 86 minutes)
Jesse Ventura – Conspiracy Theory(Season 2, Episode 4 – video – 44 minutes)
American Concentration Camps(website)
Google maps marked with all alleged FEMA camps(website)
I’ve watched all the movies and visited all the websites. The information is sometimes compelling, sometimes absurd. There is a plethora of facts and an abundance of wild speculations. Although, I’m not sure what I believe, I have acquired an interesting piece of information that I want to share with all of you. One of my biggest questions concerning FEMA camps has always been this: how on earth would they convince military and police to go along with the roundup?
It’s actually not as difficult as you might suspect. Think of all the unconstitutional, victimless-crime laws that the police willingly and aggressively enforce every single day. Take the “seatbelt law” for example. Although this law is clearly a violation of the constitution and a glaring display of government overstepping its bounds, it was justified to the police as being “necessary because it saves lives”. The government offers a rationalization, the law gets passed, police supervisors give out the orders, and police do as they are told.
It all starts with the justification/rationalization.
It would stand to reason that, if placing people in camps could be justified/rationalized to the police as a “necessary act to save lives”, the police would likely go along with it. But are the police actually being indoctrinated that camps may be necessary to save lives? Sadly, the answer is yes. I recently received the following email, and it blew me away:
Dear Milo, I love your site. I noticed you haven’t discussed FEMA camps yet, but here’s some information that you might find interesting.
I’m a police officer in [withheld to protect officer's identity] State. Everyone in my department was recently required to take an online course sponsored by FEMA about the “Incident Command Structure” (ICS). The Incident Command Structure is the system of control set in place following a disaster, catastrophe, terrorist strike, or other such event. All of the documents from that course can be found on FEMA’s website:
In particular you should pay attention to Unit 6: ICS Facilities. Here’s that direct link:
First, I’d like you to notice page 6-8 which is actually entitled “CAMPS“!!! Now, they claim in this training that “camps” are temporary facilities and may not be required. I feel that they do this to condition the police that camps are perfectly normal and may be necessary–so that we won’t hesitate to place people in camps upon command.
Secondly, I’d like you to notice page 6-4 which mysteriously states “some incidents may require facilities not included on the standard list”. The use of the word “facilities” would lead me to believe that these locations are already in place and are permanent in nature. But then you have to ask: what kind of facilities are important enough to already have in place, but too secretive to leave out of your police training?
I found it very interesting and thought I’d share.
Keep up the good work,
[Name Withheld]
Interesting, indeed! It’s quite unsettling that FEMA is educating police officers around the nation that citizens may have to be placed into CAMPS at some point (for their own safety, of course), and that this practice is completely normal.
Now, I know that I bust on cops a lot on my site. Truthfully though, I don’t actually dislike most individual police officers, but the corrupt governmental institution they serve. Most cops are just honest, hard-working people–working a very difficult job. They don’t want to violate people’s rights, but they also don’t want to get in trouble with their supervisors and risk losing their livelihoods. I actually have several friends who are cops and, like the author of this letter, I can’t picture any of them voluntarily placing American Citizens into camps. I’m hoping that, by sharing this email with all of you, maybe some other police who have received this training will realize what’s really going on, and how they are being conditioned. Placing citizens in camps is not normal, it’s not necessary, and it never will be.
View Original Article HERE
FEMA Advising Australia Amid Takeover of America?
FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags
When The Collapse Comes, Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med
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