Paul Joseph Watson
While many Americans think they can skip being sexually molested at the hands of the TSA by avoiding airports, Big Sis has been quietly preparing the groundwork for the total takeover of all public transport and highways by federal government goon squads.
Local police, TSA and Homeland Security agents are already implementing airport-style security measures at bus and train stations, including earlier this year in Tampa, where bomb-sniffing dogs and grope downs were used to check passengers.
As we reported earlier this year, as the national outrage surrounding the TSA’s use of naked body scanners at airports simmered, the feds had already purchased hundreds of x-ray scanners mounted in vans that were being used to randomly scan vehicles, passengers and homes in complete violation of the 4th amendment and with wanton disregard for any health consequences.
In addition, as was announced way back in 2005, VIPR teams now patrol Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines;
VIPR teams now patrol Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor and Los Angeles rail lines; ferries in Washington state; bus stations in Houston; and mass transit systems in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, “expanding their work beyond airplanes, launching counterterror surveillance at train stations and other mass transit facilities.”
Homeland Security is also implementing technology to be enforced at “security events” which purportedly reads “malintent” on behalf of an individual who passes through a checkpoint. The video below explains how “Future Attribute Screening Technology” (FAST) checkpoints will conduct “physiological” and “behavioral” tests in order to weed out suspected terrorists and criminals.
The clip shows individuals who attend “security events” being led into trailers before they are interrogated as to whether they are terrorists while lie detector-style computer programs analyze their physiological responses. The subjects are asked about their whereabouts, and if they are attempting to smuggle bombs or recording devices into the “expo,” proving that the technology is intended to be used at public events and not just airports. Individuals who do not satisfy the first lie detector-style test are then asked “additional questions”.
The implementation of ‘Checkpoint USA’, where citizens are routinely stopped, searched and radiated by federal VIPER teams is further evidence of how America is crumbling into a Soviet-style police state where the presumption of innocent until proven guilty is abolished and the 4th amendment eviscerated.
With the devices already being used at highway checkpoints, DHS chief Janet Napolitano has now publicly outlined the plan for mobile scanners to be used on all forms of transit, from trains and the metro to boats.
Apathetic Americans who think they can avoid the clutches of Big Sis by merely refusing to fly are going to be in for a rude awakening when they see DHS scanners rolling around their neighborhoods taking naked pictures of their children while firing them up with dangerous radiation, all in the name of safety and security.
We have been warning for years that everything you saw unfolding in the airports would soon be heading for the streets.
People who were perfectly happy with their naked body being ogled by TSA thugs scorned those who felt body scanners were a violation of privacy. “Don’t fly,” they said and you won’t have to go through it. Next it will be “don’t take a bus,” “don’t visit the shopping mall,” hey just “don’t leave your house”.
With authorities in Europe planning to unveil mobile body scanners and naked body scanners attached to lamp posts, and with Big Sis already cruising the highways with mobile radiation scanners, soon we won’t be able to walk down the street without some federal enforcer gawking at our genitalia – all for our own safety of course.
Is that the kind of society you want to live in? A warped hybrid of Orwell’s 1984 and The Running Man?
Not content with the fact that one in every 31 U.S. adults is either on probation, in jail or prison, or on parole, the prison is now being built around us, with the population treated as guilty until proven innocent as the invisible bars descend around society and the implosion of private industry forces everyone to get government jobs acting as jackboots to police the rest of the inmates.
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