On the tails of a recent TED conference where Bill Gates stated that vaccines need to be used to reduce world population figures, he added more to this insanity last week with a keynote address at the mHealth Summit, an annual gathering whose supposedly focuses on improving health care through mobile technology.
Gates told an audience of more than 2,000 that if we could register every worldwide birth on a cell phone, we could ensure that children receive the proper vaccines. He also said the key to controlling population growth is to save the lives of children under 5; and the next big thing in technology is robots.
Gates said computing technology has been great for health care, and there are plenty of opportunities to use the cell phone in clinic settings. Although he noted that some places which need mhealth technology the most may not be able to fully benefit from it.
“We have to approach these things with some humility,” he said. “There’s not Internet connections back there. Often [patients are too sick] for some cell phone thing to do something for them.”
Gates said the key health care metric that we as a society should be trying to improve is one that is in the front of his mind all the time–the number of children who die before age 5. Today, he said the number is 8.5 million; in 1960 it was 20 million.
“About one-third [of that improvement] is by increasing income,” he said. “The majority has been through vaccines. Vaccines will be the key. If you could register every birth on a cell phone—get fingerprints, get a location—then you could [set up] systems to make sure the immunizations happen.”
Gates said he’d like to see a birth registration system, and because it’s a new technology, “we should let 1,000 new ideas blossom.”
He said vaccination rates in poorer areas, such as northern Nigeria and northern India, are below 50 percent, and mobile technology could make a significant difference.
“When I think about the biggest impacts, I think aobut patient reminders,” Gates said. He explained that technology could help remind people to take the TB drugs regularly or remind mothers to do certain things in their child’s first year of life.
He also said technology will be important in monitoring the supply chain (i.e. making sure there aren’t counterfeits among vaccinations and medications) as well as saving lives on the ground. “Malaria and TB are going to be the first things where you say, ‘Wow, without this mobile application, all these people would have died.’”
Gates told the audience that there is no such thing as a healthy, high-population growth country. “If you’re healthy, you’re low-population growth,” he said.
While most of us assume that saving the lives of children will contribute to overpopulation, Gates said the contrary is true.
“The key thing, the most important fact that people should know and make sure other people know: As you save children under 5, that is the thing that reduces population growth. That sounds paradoxal. The fact is that within a decade of improving health outcomes, parents decide to have less children.
“As the world grows from 6 billion to 9 billion, all of that population growth is in urban slums,” he said. “Slums is a growing businesses. It’s a very interesting problem.”
He said no matter what we care about—the environment, schools, nutrition, conflict—the issues are insoluble at 3 percent population growth per year. “Nobody can handle that type of situation, so the best thing you can do is avoid those deaths.”
He said we are in a tough time for foreign aid, and governments are cutting their budgets in response to the financial climate. “The U.K. is quite exemplary,” he said. “They set aside their aid budget and are on track to keep their commitment. It will grow while they cut the rest of their budget. I hope it doesn’t get cut here in the U.S., but I’ll say I’m quite concerned that it will be.”
Gates said he has resorted to pleading for money. “I’m a beggar now,” he said. “I go around and beg governments for the final [millions of dollars] needed to eradicate polio. The financial component may be why it doesn’t get done.”
When asked what’s next in our technological advancement, Gates said there’s no doubt it’s robots. “If you don’t want to go to a convention,” he said, “just send a robot. “When we look at something like infant mortality, there’s a certain level you can’t get below if you can’t do C-sections.” He said doing a caesarean section delivery requires a sterile environment, but Gates said it’s fairly routine, so it could be done by a robot.
He said that we are moving from computers sitting idle while we type; to those that can see us and have high-end applications; to computers that allow us to move and connect with other users in applications like Xbox.
“Computers are learning to see, learning to talk ,learning to listen, learning to move around,” Gates said. “The dexterity things are maybe five years behind.” But he said once a robot learns a task, “it doesn’t forget how to do it. It can do it 24 hours a day.”
Gates used an example in South Africa to illustrate how health education doesn’t always lead to behavior change. He said the Gates Foundation partnered with the Kaiser Family Foundation to educate young people about HIV, with several types of outreach, including billboards. When interviewed, there was no question that the young people understood what caused HIV, but there were not significant behavior changes, because in their minds, the disease was in the distant future.
“If AIDS killed you immediately, things would be better because you’d see these piles of bodies outside bars [and think], ‘I don’t want to go in there… looks suspicious.’ It’s these discontinuities that are the problem,” Gates said. “If all the poor people lived in your neighborhood we wouldn’t have problems with foreign aid.”
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, along with David Rockefeller’s Rockefeller Foundation, the creators of the GMO biotechnology, are also financing a project called The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) headed by former UN chief, Kofi Annan. Accepting the role as AGRA head in June 2007 Annan expressed his “gratitude to the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and all others who support our African campaign.” The AGRA board is dominated by people from both the Gates’ and Rockefeller foundations.
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Friday, November 19, 2010
Your Pills Are Watching You: Big Pharma to Begin Microchipping Drugs
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor
(NaturalNews) The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create "smart pill" technology.
The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.
The idea behind all this is to create "smart pills" that can sense what's happening in the body and deliver that information to the patient's doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then potentially expand microchipping to other pharmaceuticals in its product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other drug companies, too.
The best laid plans...
It all sounds good on the surface, but NaturalNews readers no doubt have lots of skeptical questions about this technology. For starters, Novartis apparently isn't planning on conducting any clinical trials that might take into account the safety issues of swallowing microchips. "Novartis does not expect to have to conduct full-scale clinical trials to prove the new products work," reports Reuters. "Instead, it aims to do so-called bioequivalence tests to show they are the same as the original." (
But I have a question: What chemicals or heavy metals are contained in the microchip itself? A microchip that transmits data obviously must have a power source, meaning it needs to have a very small battery or capacitor of some sort. The materials used in capacitors and batteries, to my knowledge, are toxic to the human body and should never be eaten.
Microchips are not food, and to swallow them seems risky to your health, especially if you're swallowing several microchips per day.
Data privacy
Another huge concern with microchips that transmit data is data privacy. If these microchips are broadcasting information, then obviously that information can be picked up by anything nearby, including potentially unscrupulous individuals or organizations who might put it to a nefarious use.
For example, suppose a local pharmacy store installs a microchip signal detector in their main door entrance in order to track people who are broadcasting medication data. They could then theoretically decode that data and use it to determine what health condition that customer might be suffering and then push competing generic pharmaceuticals as a replacement.
Government agents could carry "pharma microchip scanners" that determine what pills you're taking right now. This could be used to violate your privacy by sharing that data with other government agencies or it could even be sold off to third-party marketing companies.
I very much doubt the data being broadcast by the microchips in these pills will be encrypted because encryption requires real processing power, and there isn't room for much of a CPU or power source inside these tiny microchips. Most likely, they are going to broadcast raw signal data that can be detected and decoded quite easily.
Remember to take your meds
But the really scary part about these microchipped medications is that this technology will be used to make sure people are taking their medication. Drug companies lose billions of dollars a year (in their minds) from patients not remembering to take their pills. Of course, half the reason they can't remember to take their pills is because many pharmaceuticals damage cognitive function, but that's another story.
So this smart-pill microchip technology will likely be used to track what pills patients have taken so that they can be "gently reminded" to take more pills they may have forgotten. In the marketing business, this is called a "continuity program." It's a way to make sure repeat sales happen on a regular basis.
In this context, microchipping the pills benefits the drug companies, not necessarily the patients. This is especially true when considering those pharmaceuticals that are harmful to human health -- and we all know the pharmaceutical market is full of pills that have later been found to be extremely dangerous or even deadly (Vioxx, anyone?).
Coming soon: Police drug scanners and employer drug scanners
Now, there may be one interesting side effect to all this: Employers who are interviewing potential job candidates might be able to buy (or make) simple drug scanning devices that detect the presence of a pharmaceutical microchip broadcast signal. (You could probably make one in your garage from electronic parts purchased at Radio Shack.)
This might be very useful for employers who don't want to hire people taking medications. They invite you in for an interview and quietly scan for drug broadcast data. A red light tells them you're broadcasting medication data, and they calmly tell you the interview is over and "we'll get back to you."
With employers right now drowning in health insurance costs, this could provide a simple, easy way for corporations to avoid taking on anyone who might create a cost burden on their health insurance plans (from their point of view). I don't necessarily agree with this use of the technology; I'm just saying this is one way in which it is likely to be used by employers to screen out employees who are on medications.
Cops, too, could use a similar scanning device to determine if a driver at the scene of an accident might be medication impaired. Now this is a use I actually do agree with. Today's roadways are filled with mentally impaired drivers who are doped up on medications. The problem is actually far worse than drunk drivers, by the way, and yet virtually nothing is being done to combat this problem of "medicated drivers." (Most people don't even know the problem exists.)
If people taking medications are broadcasting that fact through all the little microchips they swallow, then scanning for the presence of medications is simple. It's even easier than a breathalyzer test because it requires no action on the part of the test subject. The cop just presses a button, waits two seconds, and can then determine whether you're broadcasting medication data. At that point, you might be arrested under suspicion of "driving while medicated."
Another reason not to take meds
There are clearly a lot of unanswered questions and even some potential risks involved in taking microchipped pharmaceuticals. For some people, privacy issues may be the biggest factor of all, because who wants to broadcast the fact that they're taking meds in the first place?
I don't take any pharmaceuticals, obviously, and most NaturalNews readers avoid them, too. The fact that drugs will soon be microchipped is yet another good reason to find more holistic ways to take care of your health. Don't bet your life (and your privacy) on Big Pharma's pills. Choose a healthy, holistic lifestyle based on nutritious, organic foods, regular exercise and the avoidance of all man-made (synthetic) chemicals, and you most likely won't ever need pharmaceuticals for your entire life.
The age of microchipping people and microchipping medications is now upon us. Given what the TSA is doing right now with naked body scanners (, you can only imagine what Big Brother will do with any medication data you might be broadcasting from inside your body.
In fact, the very idea that there is a microchip inside your body that's broadcasting data might get you flagged as a possible terrorist by the TSA, which would then proceed to finger your genitals and palm your breasts as part of their new "enhanced pat-down" groping technique. (
The best way to avoid all this risk is to simply eat your veggies and drink your superfoods. Don't become a trackable, traceable, microchipped subject of the medical industry that wants to turn your body into a chemical profit center.
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(NaturalNews) The age of pharmaceutical microchipping is now upon us. Novartis AG, one of the largest drug companies in the world, has announced a plan to begin embedding microchips in medications to create "smart pill" technology.
The microchip technology is being licensed from Proteus Biomedical of Redwood City, California. Once activated by stomach acid, the embedded microchip begins sensing its environment and broadcasting data to a receiver worn by the patient. This receiver is also a transmitter that can send the data over the internet to a doctor.
The idea behind all this is to create "smart pills" that can sense what's happening in the body and deliver that information to the patient's doctor. Novartis plans to start microchipping its organ transplant anti-rejection drugs and then potentially expand microchipping to other pharmaceuticals in its product lineup. This same technology could soon end up in pills made by other drug companies, too.
The best laid plans...
It all sounds good on the surface, but NaturalNews readers no doubt have lots of skeptical questions about this technology. For starters, Novartis apparently isn't planning on conducting any clinical trials that might take into account the safety issues of swallowing microchips. "Novartis does not expect to have to conduct full-scale clinical trials to prove the new products work," reports Reuters. "Instead, it aims to do so-called bioequivalence tests to show they are the same as the original." (
But I have a question: What chemicals or heavy metals are contained in the microchip itself? A microchip that transmits data obviously must have a power source, meaning it needs to have a very small battery or capacitor of some sort. The materials used in capacitors and batteries, to my knowledge, are toxic to the human body and should never be eaten.
Microchips are not food, and to swallow them seems risky to your health, especially if you're swallowing several microchips per day.
Data privacy
Another huge concern with microchips that transmit data is data privacy. If these microchips are broadcasting information, then obviously that information can be picked up by anything nearby, including potentially unscrupulous individuals or organizations who might put it to a nefarious use.
For example, suppose a local pharmacy store installs a microchip signal detector in their main door entrance in order to track people who are broadcasting medication data. They could then theoretically decode that data and use it to determine what health condition that customer might be suffering and then push competing generic pharmaceuticals as a replacement.
Government agents could carry "pharma microchip scanners" that determine what pills you're taking right now. This could be used to violate your privacy by sharing that data with other government agencies or it could even be sold off to third-party marketing companies.
I very much doubt the data being broadcast by the microchips in these pills will be encrypted because encryption requires real processing power, and there isn't room for much of a CPU or power source inside these tiny microchips. Most likely, they are going to broadcast raw signal data that can be detected and decoded quite easily.
Remember to take your meds
But the really scary part about these microchipped medications is that this technology will be used to make sure people are taking their medication. Drug companies lose billions of dollars a year (in their minds) from patients not remembering to take their pills. Of course, half the reason they can't remember to take their pills is because many pharmaceuticals damage cognitive function, but that's another story.
So this smart-pill microchip technology will likely be used to track what pills patients have taken so that they can be "gently reminded" to take more pills they may have forgotten. In the marketing business, this is called a "continuity program." It's a way to make sure repeat sales happen on a regular basis.
In this context, microchipping the pills benefits the drug companies, not necessarily the patients. This is especially true when considering those pharmaceuticals that are harmful to human health -- and we all know the pharmaceutical market is full of pills that have later been found to be extremely dangerous or even deadly (Vioxx, anyone?).
Coming soon: Police drug scanners and employer drug scanners
Now, there may be one interesting side effect to all this: Employers who are interviewing potential job candidates might be able to buy (or make) simple drug scanning devices that detect the presence of a pharmaceutical microchip broadcast signal. (You could probably make one in your garage from electronic parts purchased at Radio Shack.)
This might be very useful for employers who don't want to hire people taking medications. They invite you in for an interview and quietly scan for drug broadcast data. A red light tells them you're broadcasting medication data, and they calmly tell you the interview is over and "we'll get back to you."
With employers right now drowning in health insurance costs, this could provide a simple, easy way for corporations to avoid taking on anyone who might create a cost burden on their health insurance plans (from their point of view). I don't necessarily agree with this use of the technology; I'm just saying this is one way in which it is likely to be used by employers to screen out employees who are on medications.
Cops, too, could use a similar scanning device to determine if a driver at the scene of an accident might be medication impaired. Now this is a use I actually do agree with. Today's roadways are filled with mentally impaired drivers who are doped up on medications. The problem is actually far worse than drunk drivers, by the way, and yet virtually nothing is being done to combat this problem of "medicated drivers." (Most people don't even know the problem exists.)
If people taking medications are broadcasting that fact through all the little microchips they swallow, then scanning for the presence of medications is simple. It's even easier than a breathalyzer test because it requires no action on the part of the test subject. The cop just presses a button, waits two seconds, and can then determine whether you're broadcasting medication data. At that point, you might be arrested under suspicion of "driving while medicated."
Another reason not to take meds
There are clearly a lot of unanswered questions and even some potential risks involved in taking microchipped pharmaceuticals. For some people, privacy issues may be the biggest factor of all, because who wants to broadcast the fact that they're taking meds in the first place?
I don't take any pharmaceuticals, obviously, and most NaturalNews readers avoid them, too. The fact that drugs will soon be microchipped is yet another good reason to find more holistic ways to take care of your health. Don't bet your life (and your privacy) on Big Pharma's pills. Choose a healthy, holistic lifestyle based on nutritious, organic foods, regular exercise and the avoidance of all man-made (synthetic) chemicals, and you most likely won't ever need pharmaceuticals for your entire life.
The age of microchipping people and microchipping medications is now upon us. Given what the TSA is doing right now with naked body scanners (, you can only imagine what Big Brother will do with any medication data you might be broadcasting from inside your body.
In fact, the very idea that there is a microchip inside your body that's broadcasting data might get you flagged as a possible terrorist by the TSA, which would then proceed to finger your genitals and palm your breasts as part of their new "enhanced pat-down" groping technique. (
The best way to avoid all this risk is to simply eat your veggies and drink your superfoods. Don't become a trackable, traceable, microchipped subject of the medical industry that wants to turn your body into a chemical profit center.
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Are YOU Preparing For What America Faces Soon?
American Holocaust
By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
More and more Americans are waking up by various means, including alternate news on radio, websites exposing NWO agendas, and books addressing the coming destruction of America.
Many are finally perceiving that America faces tragedy and destruction from both enemies within and without.
And many are taking precautions and beginning to prepare for what they perceive could indeed become AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST.
It is NOT enough to merely read this kind of information or listen to it repeatedly on various Patriot networks. This is a time to seek the wisdom of God in order to adequately prepare to face the ominous future in our nation.
I write this article because throughout my years of research and spending time with Americans everywhere I go to discuss these issues, so many tell me they are aware of these truths such as I outline and document, BUT most of them have done little if any practical preparation.
You cannot imagine how sad this makes me. I have personally laid down my life and all I hold dear in this world to research and report on these subjects regarding America's future, BECAUSE I CARE! The Bible states that "...a faithful witness saves lives."
I have been striving to be that faithful witness to my fellow Americans and Christian in this nation. My hopes have been that many would wake up, realize that there are many tragic hidden agendas for this nation, and begin to practically prepare, so as to be equipped to successfully withstand and counter the coming darkness we ALL are to face.
Complacent Americans and Christians in this nation, do not be so foolish as to think that America will not face the coming crises of famine, nuclear strikes on American soil, martial law, persecution of Christians, foreign troop enforcement under martial law, attack from both Russia and China eventually, massive earthquakes in various regions, and more.
Bible-believing Christians, you are without excuse! You have the precious Word of God outlining many of the end-time tragedies we will face, spelled out clearly in Bible prophecy. God's word has spoken clearly of worldwide persecution and martyrdom we face under a satanic world government (Revelation 13). God's word has spoken of the beheading of the saints who will not deny Jesus Christ nor His word, nor accept this antichrist world government and it's financial system(Revelation 20:4).
Yet how many complacent Christians I encounter every day, who choose not to respond to warnings and the truth, who insist that "...these things can never happen in America!" And the enemy of Christianity is laughing in the shadows at the naivete and ignorance of the very Christians they are preparing to attack and persecute and destroy...if they can. Right here in America...
Please do not be like those who choose to mock and ignore God's words of warning from His word, and from those who are faithfully proclaiming the truth to this generation. Do not put off practical preparation for the future America faces in this hour.
When God warned Noah of a great flood to come, and immediately began to prepare his ark unto the saving of his entire family and more. Noah did NOT sit back in an easy chair, kick up his feet and say to himself, "Well, God has found me righteous in His sight! I don't need to worry about future judgment at all..God will take care of me!"
Many Christians I have spoken to have this attitude. THEY ARE FORGETTING WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS!
"Faith WITHOUT WORKS is DEAD...." How many of you know that the Bible says "God will supply your needs through Jesus Christ"...BUT at the same time you also go out to work every day as well. Why? Because you know that faith without works is dead...we are called to do our part as well.
"Be DOERS OF THE WORD and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
Many years ago, God warned Noah of the destruction to come, so he could then take obedient steps to prepare an ark for safety. And today, God is warning His people in many ways, so that they too make take measures designed to protect and save their lives and that of their loved ones as well.
If you have not begun to take measures for practical preparations for the times we face, consider beginning to do so now. There are many excellent websites that outline what your basic survival needs should be, and that sell such equipment and supplies as well.
Begin TODAY.
-Pamela Schuffert
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By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-
More and more Americans are waking up by various means, including alternate news on radio, websites exposing NWO agendas, and books addressing the coming destruction of America.
Many are finally perceiving that America faces tragedy and destruction from both enemies within and without.
And many are taking precautions and beginning to prepare for what they perceive could indeed become AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST.
It is NOT enough to merely read this kind of information or listen to it repeatedly on various Patriot networks. This is a time to seek the wisdom of God in order to adequately prepare to face the ominous future in our nation.
I write this article because throughout my years of research and spending time with Americans everywhere I go to discuss these issues, so many tell me they are aware of these truths such as I outline and document, BUT most of them have done little if any practical preparation.
You cannot imagine how sad this makes me. I have personally laid down my life and all I hold dear in this world to research and report on these subjects regarding America's future, BECAUSE I CARE! The Bible states that "...a faithful witness saves lives."
I have been striving to be that faithful witness to my fellow Americans and Christian in this nation. My hopes have been that many would wake up, realize that there are many tragic hidden agendas for this nation, and begin to practically prepare, so as to be equipped to successfully withstand and counter the coming darkness we ALL are to face.
Complacent Americans and Christians in this nation, do not be so foolish as to think that America will not face the coming crises of famine, nuclear strikes on American soil, martial law, persecution of Christians, foreign troop enforcement under martial law, attack from both Russia and China eventually, massive earthquakes in various regions, and more.
Bible-believing Christians, you are without excuse! You have the precious Word of God outlining many of the end-time tragedies we will face, spelled out clearly in Bible prophecy. God's word has spoken clearly of worldwide persecution and martyrdom we face under a satanic world government (Revelation 13). God's word has spoken of the beheading of the saints who will not deny Jesus Christ nor His word, nor accept this antichrist world government and it's financial system(Revelation 20:4).
Yet how many complacent Christians I encounter every day, who choose not to respond to warnings and the truth, who insist that "...these things can never happen in America!" And the enemy of Christianity is laughing in the shadows at the naivete and ignorance of the very Christians they are preparing to attack and persecute and destroy...if they can. Right here in America...
Please do not be like those who choose to mock and ignore God's words of warning from His word, and from those who are faithfully proclaiming the truth to this generation. Do not put off practical preparation for the future America faces in this hour.
When God warned Noah of a great flood to come, and immediately began to prepare his ark unto the saving of his entire family and more. Noah did NOT sit back in an easy chair, kick up his feet and say to himself, "Well, God has found me righteous in His sight! I don't need to worry about future judgment at all..God will take care of me!"
Many Christians I have spoken to have this attitude. THEY ARE FORGETTING WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS!
"Faith WITHOUT WORKS is DEAD...." How many of you know that the Bible says "God will supply your needs through Jesus Christ"...BUT at the same time you also go out to work every day as well. Why? Because you know that faith without works is dead...we are called to do our part as well.
"Be DOERS OF THE WORD and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves."
Many years ago, God warned Noah of the destruction to come, so he could then take obedient steps to prepare an ark for safety. And today, God is warning His people in many ways, so that they too make take measures designed to protect and save their lives and that of their loved ones as well.
If you have not begun to take measures for practical preparations for the times we face, consider beginning to do so now. There are many excellent websites that outline what your basic survival needs should be, and that sell such equipment and supplies as well.
Begin TODAY.
-Pamela Schuffert
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