Saturday, December 25, 2010

Local Government Collapse


The Oil BP Tried To Hide Has Been Discovered, In Thick Layers On The Sea Floor Over An Area Of Several Thousand Square Miles

Washington's Blog

BP and the government famously declared that most of the oil had disappeared.

But as I've noted, as much as 98% of the oil is still in the ocean.

I have repeatedly pointed out that BP and the government applied massive amounts of dispersant to the Gulf Oil Spill in an effort to sink and hide the oil. Many others said the same thing.

BP and the government denied this, of course.

But the oil is not remaining hidden.

Indeed, as the Wall Street Journal noted on December 9th:

A university scientist and the federal government say they have found persuasive evidence that oil from the massive Gulf of Mexico spill is settling on the ocean floor.

The new findings, from scientists at the University of South Florida and from a broad government effort, mark the latest indication that environmental damage from the blowout of a BP PLC well could be significant where it's hardest to find: deep under the Gulf's surface.

Scientists who have been on research cruises in the Gulf in recent days report finding layers of residue up to several centimeters thick from what they suspect is BP oil.

The material appears in spots across several thousand square miles of seafloor, they said. In many of those spots, they said, worms and other marine life that crawl along the sediment appear dead, though many organisms that can swim appear healthy.

Tests now have started to link some oil in the sediment to the BP well could add to the amount of money BP ends up paying to compensate for the spill's damage.

The test results also raise questions about the possible downsides of the government's use of chemical dispersants to fight the spill.

Under federal direction, about 1.8 million gallons of dispersants were sprayed on the spilled oil in an effort to break it up into tiny droplets that natural ocean microbes could eat up. At the time, officials said the dispersants shouldn't cause oil from the spill to sink to the seafloor. However, more recently, a federal report said dispersants may have helped some spilled oil sink to the sediment.

Scientific teams have reported in recent months finding a strange substance on the Gulf floor, in some cases as far as about 80 miles from BP's ill-fated Macondo well, which blew out in April and spilled an estimated 4.1 million barrels of oil into the Gulf before it was capped.

"The chemical signatures are identical," said Mr. Hollander, who found the contaminated samples in an area of the Gulf floor off the Florida Panhandle. Although it's conceivable the tests could show a false match with the BP oil, "the statistical probability of something like that is unimaginable," Mr. Hollander said.

The federal government also has found oil matching Macondo oil in Gulf sediment, Steve Murawski, a top National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientist, said in an interview. He declined to disclose how much sediment contamination the government found, or exactly where in the Gulf it was, saying experts still are analyzing the test results.

Samantha Joye, a University of Georgia oceanographer, also has found what she believes to be evidence of BP oil in Gulf sediment. She is awaiting lab results tracing the chemical fingerprints of sediment samples she took.

On a research cruise in the Gulf that ended Friday, she saw worms that crawl along the Gulf floor "just decimated," she said. But eels and fish, which can swim away, often appeared fine, she said.

The Journal noted on December 18th:

Oil from BP PLC's blown-out well has lodged in the sediment of the Gulf of Mexico at levels that may threaten marine life, according to a federal report released Friday.

There is no practical way to clean up the spilled oil that has settled deep in the Gulf, officials said, adding that microbes in the water could eventually eat it up.

The massive application of dispersants to hide the amount of oil spilled has caused major problems to the Gulf:

•The use of dispersants prevented clean up of the oil by skimming, by far the easiest method of removing oil from the water

•Dispersants make the toxins in crude oil more bioavailable to sealife, and scientists have found that applying Corexit to Gulf crude oil releases many times more toxic chemicals into the water column than would be released with crude alone (and see this)

•Dispersant might have caused some of the chemicals in oil to become airborne (and see this and this)
•The crude oil which does not become aerosolized sinks under the surface of the ocean, and can delay the recovery of the ecosystem by years or even decades (see the Wall Street Journal article quoted above)
•The overwhelming majority of studies find that dispersants slow the growth of oil-eating microbes
•Dispersants cause Gulf fish to absorb more toxins and then make it harder for the fish to get rid of the pollutants once exposed
•Dispersants may bioaccumulate in seafood
•Blood tests show elevated levels of toxic hydrocarbons in Gulf residents
Extend-And-Pretend Will Fail

As I noted in May - shortly after the spill started - the responses of the government to the Gulf Oil spill and to the financial crisis are remarkably similar, as both have focused on covering up the problems, instead of actually fixing them. Because the financial system was never really reformed, the next financial shock will send the economy reeling. Because the oil was never properly cleaned up, the next hurricane will stir up immense quantities of oil now lying on the sea floor.

Extend-and-pretend is being attempted in both cases, and - in both cases - it will fail, because nothing has been fixed, and the fundamentals can only remain hidden for so long.

Moreover, in both cases, the government used "highly toxic" measures to try to hide the real problems. The government has used "emergency measures" and virtually all of its resources to prop up the giant banks instead of using the proven methods of restructuring insolvent banks and prosecuting the criminals who caused the crisis, which has caused major problems for the real economy.

Similarly, the government applied close to 2 million gallons of highly toxic dispersant to hide the amount of oil instead of using it's resources to deploy tried-and-true clean up methods, which has caused significant problems for the Gulf.

Finally, new and potentially bigger crises will take place, because regulation hasn't been put in place to prevent them. Regulation of the financial system - including international agreements like Basil III - have been gutted (and see this). And as Time magazine notes:

Congress never managed to pass legislation that would have overhauled drilling safety.

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The Cutting Edge

Using the most flowery language possible, and invoking the specter of environmental disaster, the U.S. House has overwhelmingly passed a bill setting aside the huge amount of $45 BILLION to buy up land. Soon, they will be out of "open" land, coming for yours and mine! That is the New World Order Plan.

The New World Order is coming! Are you ready? Once you understand what this New World Order really is, and how it is being gradually implemented, you will be able to see it progressing in your daily news!!

Learn how to protect yourself, your loved ones!

Stand by for insights so startling you will never look at the news the same way again.



NEWS BRIEF: "House OKs $45 billion to save land and wildlife: Easily approved, the bill, which faces a tougher go in the Senate, would more than double the government's budget for land acquisition", by Douglas Jehl, The New York Times, reported in The Providence Journal, May 12, 2000, p. A1, 6.

"WASHINGTON -- The House overwhelmingly approved a sweeping environmental measure yesterday that sets aside $45 billion over 15 years to buy parks and open spaces, pay for wildlife protection and restore damaged coastal areas. By far the biggest environmental initiative of this congressional session, the bill was supported by large numbers of Republicans as well as Democrats, reflecting the election-year appeal of a plan that would channel large sums of money back to home districts and give lawmakers a chance to cast what many portrayed as a vote on behalf of the environment."

"By redirecting money the government collects from oil-drilling royalties, the bill would commit about $3 billion annually over 15 years to buy private lands considered at risk from development, to repair coastal lands harmed by oil drilling, to rebuild eroded beaches and to help communities create soccer fields and bicycle paths."

"In its broadest terms, the measure has support from the White House but faces an uncertain future in the Senate where its prospects may hinge on a handful of Republicans who regard it as a threat to private-property rights."

This last statement certainly pinpoints the one of the real, hidden goals of this type of legislation-- the elimination of Private Property Rights. Our entire economic system hinges upon the preservation of Private Property Rights as our Founding Fathers certainly intended. THE most important difference between Capitalism and any other Socialist system is that Capitalism allows and encourages Private Property ownership, while Socialism and Communism forbid it, saying euphemistically that the "community" owns all property.

The practical outworking of not allowing individuals to own private property is that the entire economy flounders as the most productive individuals in the society are deprived of the incentive to get ahead economically if they work harder, longer, smarter, and are more productive and innovative.

The Plan of the New World Order is to eliminate Private Property rights. But, they have an even more sinister plan than this, called the "Rewilding of America". This is their ultimate goal, and it is toward this most horrible end that this current legislation is aimed. Let us explain.

To all those who have written this ministry to express disbelief about the Draconian, Orwellian plans of the New World Order, we hope you carefully read this article, and buy the materials we quote here, for then you will see the immensity of the threat that is about to explode with full force upon this unsuspecting nation.

But, first, let us lay some groundwork for our discussion. One of the first New World Order Plans ever published was a work entitled, "The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion". Written with a very thin cover as the plans of worldwide Jewry to gain control of the world, this plan is, in reality, a most comprehensive plan as to how to achieve the New World Order. The exact date in which this was written is obscured, but some believe it was written in the late 1700's. When I read this little volume, I am amazed at the supernatural insight into human behavior these authors possessed.

Listen, now, to their plans as the world is just about to enter the final phase of the transition into their 'kingdom', the New World Order. "When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule. Who will ever suspect, then, that all these peoples were stage-managed by us according to a political plan which no one has so much as guessed at in the course of many centuries?" ["The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, end of Protocol No. 13.]

Wow!! None of the peoples who are living at the time when the kingdom of the New World Order is being established, will ever understand that they have been 'stage-managed' by their leaders according to a plan that is several centuries old!! The New World Order literature quite boldly declares, time and time again, that their plan is a conspiracy; the Bible teaches conspiracy between God and Satan for control of the world, and a conspiracy at the very end that will allow Antichrist to arise. Yet, with both spiritual sides agreeing that there is a global conspiracy here, the most common belief held by the man on the street is that such a global conspiracy is impossible!! But, of course, that is exactly what the conspirators want you to believe, for then their activities can occur in the open, without fear of detection. Christians, wake up, and believe your Scriptures, and believe the words of the New World Order conspirators: we are seeing a global conspiracy occurring in our daily news, drawing us ever closer to the actual implementation of the New World Order.

Now, let us examine the first part of the Plan, above, which states that, just before the actual implementation of the New World Order, their "orators will expound such great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule". Now, what "great problems", which are turning our world upside down, have we been hearing about for the past 20 years? We have been hearing about how man-- the highest of all the animals in the Evolutionary ladder -has been irretrievably damaging the Earth's environment, in all the following ways:

* Polluted waterways, lakes, ground water, and streams

* Polluted air

* Ozone layer holes

* Smog in all the cities, with all the damage created worldwide

* Polluted landfills

* Carcinogens in the air

* Global warming - or is it cooling now?- caused by man's activities

* Mining operations that are damaging the environment, and the "ecological diversity' of the Earth

* Cutting of forests, especially rain forests

* Human overconsumption that constitutes tremendous waste of Mother Earth's limited resources.

Whenever responsible people, like scientists not involved with the Plan, object that most of the above warnings are just not true, or cannot be proven by scientific analysis, the answer we always hear is that, if such disasters were simply possible, we must act now. If we wait to act until science can "prove" such disasters are happening to Mother Earth, it would be too late to do anything about it. We have also seen how the extreme environmentalists have always resorted to creating fantastic false statistics about the amount of damage their is created. Statistics that, if analyzed, are found to be impossible, are continually being thrown out to a listening audience that swallows them down without ever thinking critically about them.

We have examined the original plan as espoused by the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" above, to deliberately create such huge disasters to panic the people into allowing the New World Order to be established. That was written about 200 years ago. Now, let us move forward in time to Mikhail Gorbachev, former leader of the old U.S.S.R. Gorbachev said that the "threat of environmental crisis will be the 'international disaster key' that will unlock the New World Order." ["A Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind", by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, Monetary & Economic Review, p. 5.]

One of the current leaders in this effort is Reed Noss, Director of The Wildlands Project. Noss stated the goal very succinctly, "the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans." [Ibid., p. 4.]

Therefore, Extreme Environmentalism is designed to be the leading force in moving the world into the New World Order. Such environmentalism in this country is being primarily implemented by Executive Directive, not by Congress, simply because these people are aware that Congress, which is still elected by the people, could not enact such legislation without getting thrown out at the next election. Therefore, the Executive Branch, the President's Administration, has been quietly enacting a most bold plan to implement the Draconian goals of the New World Order through Directive, not through the Congressional process. After all, who pays much attention to what most of the obscure Federal Government agencies are doing? Most Conservatives have simply relaxed because we have prevented most of the very extreme environmental legislation from being passed through Congress, not realizing the enemy is entering the proverbial chicken house by a rear door.

However, this bill IS going through Congress, probably because it is simply too huge for an Executive Order. I shudder to think that enough Americans have been deceived by this Extreme Environmental program of lying that we have reached the point where the majority of House Republicans are supporting this measure. Once more, we are brought face-to-face with the reality that the New World Order agenda is gradually being sold to most Americans. Soon, enough Americans will be convinced by the lies, and enough Americans will espouse the Satanic values of Hedonism, that the Antichrist can arise, fully expecting to be embraced.

This legislation just passed by the House is the equivalent of a fox entering the proverbial chicken house, but through the front door, instead of the back.

let us review the broad scope of the applicable New World Order Plan regarding human populations. The New World Order Plan calls for a rapid and forced reduction in the world's population from the present 6 billion to only 2 billion.4 This Plan also envisions severely restricted usage of the land, all over the world, and a return back to the kind of economy which existed worldwide about 300 years ago.

Before you scoff, let me remind you of the words of Jose Argulles, writing in his "25-Year Plan For The Earth", on which we reported in NEWS1028, "1997 -- The Year The New World Order Plan Changes Ominously". Arguelles calls for a "5-year phase-out of our industrial civilization", to be implemented by the United Nations! As if this information is not shocking enough, then Arguelles drops the real bomb, as he reveals the Plan for the period, 1997-2002. This 5-year plan will be "Known as the Era of Reseeding, it will thin out major population centers. The human population will be resettled." ["Progress As If Survival Mattered", Friends of the Earth: 1981, p. 68-70, quoting David Brower, Friends of the Earth Chairman, former head of Sierra Club, as quoted in "A Planned Deception: The Staging of a New Age 'Messiah', by Constance E. Cumbey, Pointe Publishers, Inc., East Detroit, MI, 1985, p. 164-5.]

Did you catch that last statement? The human population WILL BE resettled. Major population centers WILL BE thinned out. THIS is the true impact of this legislation. When time comes for the "thinning out" and the "resettlement", no individual will have any say about whether or not they will go to the new area; they will NOT be allowed to stay in their privately-owned property. The benevolent, kindly mask of the Government Beast will have come off, revealing the true Nazi Wolf that has been there all along, now ready to rend and kill the flock.

Consider again very, very carefully what Arguelles has just told you. Using euphemism and vagueness patterned closely on Hitler's propaganda before he gained power, Arguelles has just told us that our present Industrial Civilization would be phased out over this 5-year period, from 1997 to 2002! Next year, then, our present system of civilization will begin to be phased out!!

Then, Arguelles states that the major population centers will be "thinned out". This is euphemism that means, people die. At this point, turn to your Scriptures to the End of the Age passage of Matthew 24, where Jesus is giving the many signs of the End. In verses 6-7, Jesus said that the preparatory period would be characterized by wars and rumors of wars, of nations battling other nations constantly. But then, in verse 15, Jesus places the Antichrist in the Holy of Holies, profaning it as Daniel had foretold. Then, in verse 21, Jesus said that great distress and tribulation would break out upon the earth during this time period, unprecedented in history, and that this tribulation would result in such destruction of life that, if God did not intervene, no person would be left alive.

With this concept in mind, please read this report carefully, and prayerfully. Unless otherwise noted, this material is taken from "Special Report: The Wildland Project Unleashes Its WAR ON MANKIND", by Marilyn Brannan, Associate Editor, 'Monetary & Economic Review'. [For anyone who would like more complete information, or further information, please either write to: FAMC, 3500 JFK Parkway, Fort Collins, CO 80525, or call them at 1-800-336-7000.]

What the President did not tell you is that these areas to be set aside in New World Order planning will be swept of all human living and/or development, as part of the United Nations Biodiversity Protection program, created in 1972. This plan literally conceives of setting aside huge areas of the world where no humans can live -- will be allowed to live -- or work, or play. While this plan is global and is being instituted globally, we will limit our study of it to the United States. [The entire plan is published in a report entitled, "Our Global Neighborhood: The Report of the Commission On Global Governance", Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-827997-3, 410 pages long. You can order from any bookstore using the ISBN Number, above.]

This plan in America is called the "Rewilding" of America. This term means to re-wild this continent. In other words, they plan to sweep aside all evidences of human endeavor, i.e., homes, businesses, structures, entire cities, allowing the land to go back to its natural state, before the wicked White Man took the land from the Native Americans (Indians). Using Presidential Directive, normally exercised through various Federal Government agencies, this "rewilding" project will be accomplished by declaring huge tracts of land completely off limits to humans. These tracts of land would be called 'reserves'. Reserves would "include wilderness areas and national parks while inner buffer zones would permit no agriculture, no more than 0.5 miles of road per square mile of land, primitive camping, and only light selection harvesting of forests. The June 25, 1993, issue of Science magazine reports that the plan calls for 23.4% of the land to be put into wilderness (no human use) and 26.2% into corridors and human buffer zones (very limited use by humans)." [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 2.]

This is 50% of America!!! If we could show you the map, where these off-limits zones are designated, your mind will be blown by the unbelievability of it all!! You will be able to see if your area is one of those who are to swept clean of human activity, and you will be able to see where you might wind up being relocated. As I am looking at the map, I see that many entire states are set aside, to prevent any human activity at all. These "re-wilding" blocs are as follows:

* Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona

* Wisconsin, Michigan

* Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York

* Portions of Virginia, West Virginia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Georgia following major river systems

* Portions of Florida

Remember, 50% of the United States is going to be set off limits to us nasty humans!!!!

We used some terms in the above quote that need to be defined.

* 'Wilderness area' is defined as the habitat of plants and animals. All human activity is to be forbidden.

* 'Buffer Zones' are those areas surrounding the wilderness areas. Limited and strictly controlled, only access is to be permitted by humans. No organized activity, such as work, or homes, or cities, will be allowed. Knowing how dictatorial government works, any humans allowed to be in these Buffer Zones will probably have to be given special permits. And, of course, paramilitary forces will undoubtedly have to be patrolling these zones, enforcing the limited human access.

* 'Cooperation Zones' are the only zones where humans will be allowed to live, and presumably, work.

But, how can this plan, extreme as it is, be implemented without arousing a population which still has the opportunity to vote? If the American people truly understood the gravity of the situation facing them, they would immediately vote the current rascals out, and elect officials not associated with this New World Order Plan!

According to Dr. Michael Coffman of Environmental Perspectives, Inc., a strategy to implement these reserves and corridors would be to follow these steps carefully, in the northern Rockies, for this example:

Step 1. "Start with a seemingly innocent-sounding program like 'The World Heritage Areas In Danger'. Bring all human activity under regulation in a 14-18 million acre buffer zone around Yellowstone Park." [Good-bye, tourism. Of course, tourism is a bad thing, because it wastes resources like gas, pollutes the air, the streams and waters, and the land. Oh, especially the land. How much like pigs we humans are, with our sloppy habits of throwing empty containers all over Mother Nature, much of them made of plastic which takes eons to decay!]

Step 2. Declare all Federal areas, except for Indian Reservations, as 'Buffer Zones' along with private land within Federal Administration boundaries. [Indians, you see, are good people. Their ancestors practiced a Nature religion, which enabled them to live as one with Mother Nature. Have you noticed now how popular Indian culture and artifacts, and books, are in book stores and fashion retailers, especially in the New Age culture?]

Step 3. Extend the U.S. Heritage corridor 'Buffer Zone' along the major river systems in the U.S. Critical Federal lands and ecosystems could then be converted to 'Reserves'.

Step 4. Convert all U.S. Forest Service, including grasslands, and wildlife refuges to reserves. [Ibid., p. 2-3.]

When you add the reserves and corridors to this plan that have not been yet implemented in Steps 1-3, you will discover that 50% of the United States of America will have been swept absolutely clean of all human activity!! And, remember, that the global plan for implementing this plan is 1997-2001. Obviously, America is not quite ready for this Draconian plan just yet. We probably will be one of the last countries in the world to fully enact this plan.

Once the United States is thus reorganized, how will it be governed? The country will be divided into 21 bioregion councils. [Ibid. p. 3.]

As a side note, occultists love the number 21, for two reasons: First, it is derived from multiplying 7 [number of perfection] with 3 [number of the Pagan Trinity]. The actual number 21 literally means, to the Satanist, "Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin". ["The Secrets of the Illuminati", by Doc Marquis]

So it is not surprising to me that this Satanic system is going to be 'governed' on a local level by 21 'bioregions'.

These 'bioregion councils' will supersede the authority of any local, state, and national governments who might disagree with their policies. These councils will be serving a new master: the United Nations. "Environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club, Nature conservancy, and other green organizations will be given the green light [to be] the enforcement arm of these council at the local level." [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 4]

Have any of you read the misinformation book written by Al Gore, published just before the 1992 election? the book was entitled, "Earth In The Balance", and it reiterated the Extremist Environmentalist message that is behind the monstrosity of the plan we have just examined. Gore's premise was hysterically alarmist, as he predicted that a variety of environmentalist disasters were about to befall the world, unless global governmental action was taken on a variety of fronts.

Do you know what struck me about Gore's book? While it was chock full of "scientific" data, and technical conclusions and/or warnings, Gore never footnoted anything!! Nothing, not one footnote. Even though he has a generalized "Notes" section in the back, by chapter, they cannot take the place of specific notes at the many critically specific, technical, and controversial sujects which he was discussing. Gore's book would have received an "F" in my English classes, both at high school and college levels. But, Gore was appealing to the normal citizen of today, with education dumbed down, standards lowered across the board of human behavior, and totally unprepared to think critically. Gore simply fans the fires of emotional response.

His book is the epitome of the plan quoted above, from the "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion", ""When we come into our kingdom, our orators will expound great problems which have turned humanity upside down in order to bring it, at the end, under our beneficent rule".

Since Gore was such an activist in the extreme environmentalist movement, while he was still a Senator, we should not be surprised that the Clinton Administration is using him to help implementing this Draconian United Nations plan. "The Ecosystem Management Plan, promoted by Vice President Al Gore, calls for 50% of the land with the United States to be returned to wilderness. Twenty federal agencies are being used to implement this plan, and the EPA is the enforcer." [Karen Lee Bixman, 'The Taking Of America', The Investigative Reporter (Huntington Beach, CA) March, 1996, p. 4, as quoted by Marilyn Brannan, "Special Report: The Wildlands Project Unleashes Its War On Mankind", p. 6.]

Has anyone here heard of the U.N. organization called the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP)? It was created in December, 1972, by U.N. Resolution #2997. This agency is planning to organize every society on earth under the pretense saving the environment. The entire world has been mapped into 'bioregions' and "is responsible for virtually all of the environmental policy changes that have occurred globally in the last two decades."13 [Op. Cit., Brannan, p. 7.]

As expected these Neo-pagans love the number 5, having developed a 5-step plan of action to implement their Orwellian goals.

1. "Redraw land maps' based upon biological characteristics, not on political boundaries

2. "Regroup human populations into self-sustaining settlements that minimize impact on biodiversity." [Remember Argulles' goal for the 1997-2001 5-Year Plan, i.e., "Thin out population centers and Resettle populations"?]

3. Educate humans in the 'gaia ethic'. [This is the Satanic concept that Mother Earth is a living, breathing goddess, the creator and sustainer of all life. And, yes, she is very angry at the way mankind is treating her!! This is why we have had so many bad storms the past several years you know. And, believe me, too many of our current political leadership believes this paganism! This sobering fact is the reason a majority of House Republicans voted for this bill.]

Remember Arguelles' assertion that the control of the Planet had been turned over to shamanist control? The New World Order Plan is based upon Nature Worship with Mother Earth Gaia at the center.]

4. "Create a new system of governance based on local decision-making within the framework of international agreements". This new system of governance will most definitely not be based upon our wonderful Constitution, with its protection of the individual, its control of the three branches of government, and its Christian base. Nature worship is here, and it is dominant!

5. Reduce the use of natural resources by (a) reducing population; (b) reducing consumption; and (c) shifting to 'appropriate' technology.14 [These 5 points taken from Brannan, p. 7.]

When discussing these terrible plans, especially #5, I think it is time to finally tell you why the leadership of the New World Order wants to so drastically change the societies of the world, why they want to kill so many people, and destroy the greatest civilizations and standard of living the world has ever seen (Western and Asian countries).

When the New World Order is finally established, its current leaders do not want to inherit an earth that has been emptied of essential raw materials. They do not want to take control of an earth that has less than 300 more years of materials such as oil, coal, iron ore, etc. Therefore, when they look at the profligate consumption of Western countries such as the United States, they are appalled. Rather than appreciate the high standard of living which our country affords its citizens, and which is the envy of the world, these leaders see the with anger. Their current models tell them that this Earth does, indeed, have less than 300 years left, of raw materials.

These leaders are so concerned that they speak often of "Operation Starseed", which is a space program dedicated to find a new planet which will sustain life before Earth runs out of materials!! This is the real reason the advanced nations of the world have large, expensive Space Programs, especially depending upon long range probes to tell them where to look for life, so we can plan manned missions to the planet(s) which can sustain life. I bet you did not know that NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] was originally established according to the agenda of the New World Order Plan. But they were, which is exactly why you cannot trust what they tell you; they are not the "impartial, objective" "scientific" organization they are portrayed to be. Yes, there are well-meaning, creative, and expert scientists working for NASA, but the organization is controlled from the top by people fully in-tune with the Plan.

Now, if the leaders of the New World Order are so very concerned about the high consumption of the advanced Western societies, which single object might they hate the most? Of course, they would be most concerned about the indispensable automobile. You can see this concern expressed by Gore, in his book, when he tells his gullible readers how very dangerous to society the automobile has become. "We now know that their [automobiles] impact on the global environment is posing a mortal threat to the security of every nation that is more deadly than that of any military enemy we are ever again likely to confront." ["Earth In The Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit," by Senator Al Gore, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, 1992, p. 325, ISBN 0-395-57821-3.]

Now, wait a minute, I thought the deadliest threat to global security today is still the nuclear bomb? Maybe the threat is greater since the breakup of the U.S.S.R., because tight central control has been lost in many areas, making it likely that the nuclear bomb might fall into hands willing to use them. Yet, Gore is telling us that automobiles are more dangerous to global security than the nuclear bomb. Then, he tells us that this threat is a "mortal threat". Well, it does stand to reason, does it not, that mortal threats have to be dealt with in a most direct and aggressive manner? That is exactly what this new extreme environmental "population resettlement" plan does -- it deals with this "problem" in the most direct and aggressive way possible.

What can be done about all this? You could write your elected representatives, expressing outrage that this type of activity is continuing apace, demanding that it all stop immediately. Or, you could vote the incumbents out of office, electing people who would vote to stop this juggernaut toward the New World Order. However, very few of these kind of people are currently running; and, it is not enough to vote out Democrats because Republicans are just as committed to the New World Order as are Democrats. A good example is the Presidential race. We have the NO CHOICE of Neo-Paganist and New World Order insider Al Gore, or the equally committed Skull and Bones George W. Bush, who has just received the backing of insider McCain. Truly, God has reacted to our growing rejection of Him and His Word, and has allowed Satan to cover all his bases. We truly have no choice in the ballot box now.

The Bible states unequivocally that, once Israel is reestablished back to her land [which occurred in 1948], the clock begins to tick down to the End of the Age. At this time, Satan will begin to build his forces to stage the appearance of Antichrist. God clearly states that He will allow Antichrist to succeed, "shall prosper until the indignation be accomplished ..." (Daniel 11:36b). In other words, God is going to allow Satan to set up the kind of earthly kingdom he has always wanted to set up, but will limit his time to only 7 years aftter confirming the national covenant with Israel. The only preparation is to be ready to meet your Creator, Jesus Christ, face to face? As Jesus so clearly stated, "you must be born again".

Are you spiritually ready? Is your family? Are you adequately protecting your loved ones? This is the reason for this ministry, to enable you to first understand the peril facing you, and then help you develop strategies to warn and protect your loved ones. Once you have been thoroughly trained, you can also use your knowledge as a means to open the door of discussion with an unsaved person. I have been able to use it many times, and have seen people come to Jesus Christ as a result. These perilous times are also a time when we can reach many souls for Jesus Christ, making an eternal difference.

If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. He will instantly forgive you, and fill your heart with the joy of the Holy Spirit. Then, you need to begin a daily walk of prayer and personal Bible Study.

If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as Savior, but have come to realize His reality and the approaching End of the Age, and want to accept His FREE Gift of Eternal Life, you can also do so now, in the privacy of your home. Once you accept Him as Savior, you are spiritually Born Again, and are as assured of Heaven as if you were already there. Then, you can rest assured that the Kingdom of Antichrist will not touch you spiritually.

If you would like to become Born Again, turn to our Salvation Page now.

We hope you have been blessed by this ministry, which seeks to educate and warn people, so that they can see the coming New World Order -- Kingdom of Antichrist -- in their daily news.

Finally, we would love to hear from you.

You can contact us by mail or email.

God bless you.

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52 Million American's Won't Celebrate Christmas
Devvy Kidd

"I hold the precepts of Jesus, as delivered by himself, to be the most pure, benevolent, and sublime which have ever been preached to man." Thomas Jefferson to Jared Sparks, November 4, 1820

While a substantial number of people around the world don't believe Jesus Christ was born, Dec. 25th, probably a couple of billion do, so we shall use that date for the sake of this column.

Roughly 83% of Americans identify themselves as Christians. If parents are including their children, that would mean tomorrow roughly 280 million Christians will celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

All the glittery lights, presents wrapped up in Santa Clause under a Christmas tree. People giving each other presents to celebrate the birth of God's only son.

The retail battles will be over. Not another day waiting in frigid temperatures to buy that big screen TV made in communist China. Must keep foreign workers employed while Americans stand in bread lines. I'm sure Jesus appreciates the effort.

Lots of pious singing, good will and cheer. This year the Dallas Cowboys will play the Arizona Cardinals to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Kids around the country will be playing with cheap, plastic junk made by our mortal enemy, communist China or by workers in a third world country who make $1.50 a day to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

52 million Americans will not celebrate the birth of Jesus or anything else. Not tomorrow, not ever. That is the number of babies that have been aborted since seven men in black robes hallucinated the decision in Roe v Wade back in 1973.

I'm sure many will think this is an inappropriate time to write about murdering 52 babies. I suppose those 52 million little babies, bodies ripped and torn from their mother's womb -- with her permission -- might not think murdering them is ever appropriate.

As we see Christmas displays of Jesus in the manager, it represents the celebration of life. Meanwhile, the other 360 some days of the year (even abortion doctors who murder take a few days off), the killing of babies in this country represents mass, state and federally sanctioned murder. Pro-choice Americans (including Catholics in name only) who voted for champions of abortion Obama/Soetoro, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Senator elect, Mark Kirk [R-IL] and hundreds more - are cowards. They make a lot of noise when pro life groups display signs of aborted babies. Of course those men and women don't want to see the truth. Thanks to technology, anyone can see a little baby growing within a few weeks of conception and the result of a baby dragged dead and bloodied from its mother's womb. What's the matter? Too afraid of the truth? Feminist icon, Camile Paglia, is one of the rare exceptions:

"Let's take the issue of abortion rights, of which I am a firm supporter. As an atheist and libertarian, I believe that government must stay completely out of the sphere of personal choice. Every individual has an absolute right to control his or her body....

"Hence I have always frankly admitted that abortion is murder, the extermination of the powerless by the powerful. Liberals for the most part have shrunk from facing the ethical consequences of their embrace of abortion, which results in the annihilation of concrete individuals and not just clumps of insensate tissue. The state in my view has no authority whatever to intervene in the biological processes of any woman's body, which nature has implanted there before birth and hence before that woman's entrance into society and citizenship."

You see? While Paglia admits abortion is murder, it's okay with her because as an atheist, she has no belief in God who created human life or His Commandments. In her belief system, killing a baby is murder, but not a sin.

The retort so frequently used is that a fetus isn't a baby because the courts have said so. Well, heck, that makes it okay, right?

If that glob of tissue isn't human life, why do you have to abort it?

Well, the answer is obvious: Because God meant for that newly created life to remain in its mommy's tummy for nine months to be able to live outside her womb. A woman carries a precious life for nine months because that's how God designed humans. Mother Mary carried Lord Jesus Christ, for nine months. Just because that "glob" of human life doesn't look like a Gerber baby label at two weeks doesn't mean it isn't growing into a baby because it is and its called life.

The other day I read a column that literally made me sick to my soul. Those of us who believe every human life is precious, knew that just like all sin committed by mankind, Roe v Wade would open the doors for even more heinous killing of the innocent:

When is twins too many?

"Like so many other couples these days, the Toronto-area business executive and her husband put off having children for years as they built successful careers. Both parents were in their 40s and their first son just over a year old when this spring the woman became pregnant a second time. Seven weeks in, an ultrasound revealed the Burlington, Ont., resident was carrying twins. It came as a complete shock,3 said the mother, who asked not to be named. We're both career people. If we were going to have three children two years apart, someone else was going to be raising our kids. ... All of a sudden our lives as we know them and as we like to lead them, are not going to happen.3

"She soon discovered another option: Doctors could reduce3 the pregnancy from twins to a singleton through a little-known procedure that eliminates selected fetuses and has become increasingly common in the past two decades amid a boom in the number of multiple pregnancies.

"Selective reductions are typically carried out for women pregnant with triplets or greater, where the risk of harm or death climbs sharply with each additional fetus. The Ontario couple is part of what some experts say is a growing demand for reducing twins to one, fueled more by socio-economic imperatives than medical need, and raising vexing new ethical questions......

"The mother said the Toronto doctor who eventually did her reduction performs several a month."

Selective reduction? That's the new term to justify murder? Twins share an unbreakable, emotional, lifetime bond, yet "parents" now kill one for the sake of convenience? How will "parents" ever tell the twin they chose to give life to that they murdered their sister or brother for convenience or a career? Think children don't find out things when they grow up --- especially with the Internet? It would only take one family member who knows the truth to 'slip up' and the truth is out in the open. Pray tell, what impact do you think that will have on the surviving twin of "selective reduction"?

The shame of a nation

Tomorrow 52 MILLION precious little babies will not celebrate anything. They won't be smothered with kisses from grandma and grandpa because they were never given a chance to live. They won't giggle over that new toy or pair of warm jammies because they were but a small life snuffed out by their own mother. They won't get on their knees and pray to God for blessings bestowed upon them because they didn't live long enough. You see, their tiny little bodies are long gone in some medical waste container to be disposed of by some hospital or clinic personnel. Out of sight lest it offend anyone.

God so loved this world that he gave us his perfect, only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to save us from our sins. Murder is a sin. Murdering a helpless life nestled away in its mother's womb is the most heinous act of murder. In the name of God -- what have we as a nation done to condone such barbaric acts all in the name of privacy or choice -- times 52 MILLION -- way more than the entire population of the State of California. Perhaps a few will ask that tonight at midnight mass or some other service as they sing uplifting hymns to the Glory of God.

You might be saying, "Devvy is such a Bah-Humbug!" No. I look at my beautiful daughter and wonder how any mother, no matter how poor or busy with a career, could kill such a precious gift from God? I wonder how a woman can celebrate the birth of Jesus on Christmas after she gave permission for a doctor to rip a life from her body, causing the death of a perfectly innocent baby? Well, perhaps all those beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree or a new outfit helps erase the memory. A very different time from when the Magi brought gifts for baby Jesus.

So, forgive me for less than a ho-ho-ho column.


See what an abortion looks like -- times 52 MILLION
Abortion and the eclipse of reason

Those of us who hate the baby killing industry are forced with a gun to our heads to pay for it by morally bankrupt politicians:

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163

The mother, the son and God's promise

Will an abortion kill you?

Six Breast Cancer Research Papers (Five Published in Year 2009 - 2010)
Linking Abortion to Elevated Breast Cancer Risk

Microbiologist Exposes National Cancer Institute's Cover-Up
of Abortion-Breast Cancer Link

Recent Studies Confirm Women Face Depression After Abortion, Other Problems

Nebraska Fetal Pain Law Goes Into Effect Other States May Follow Suit

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