Saturday, August 28, 2010

America’s Coming Super Depression

A Warning to America and to the World!
Nathan Leal - November 29, 2009
The Watchman's Cry

Hello friends, over the last several months I have been wrestling with a prophetic warning that I received from God. In this letter, I am going to share these things with you.

This warning from God is not one to be taken lightly. Based on its contents, every one that is reading this prophetic alert needs to prepare themselves and their families for very hard events that are approaching. The warning of God always begins with a trumpet sound. And by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I am sounding an alarm.

A very loud alarm!

If you reside within the borders of the United States, what is coming, concerns you and your family. If you reside outside of the borders, you will also feel the residual effects of what is coming. So likewise, take notice!

A quick summary of this warning includes the following: In our future, America is going to face the incredible torrent of a Dollar crisis. How bad will it be? Bad enough to forever change the landscape of the United States! What is coming will not be a mere correction in the markets, but instead, will be at the level of currency extinction!

The Super Depression

It is not easy to share these things. But as Americans, we are all facing a tsunami of economic destruction! The US Dollar is going to collapse! As a result, life in America is going to change. The once strong middle class of the USA is going to be slaughtered and replaced with a new type of lifestyle. The rest of the world calls this lifestyle; Third world living!

The historians that chronicle the approaching crisis in America will have to fumble to find the right words; The Greatest Depression - The Dark Years of America - The Super Depression, etc.

America, the once mighty fortress of commerce and strength has lost her luster to the world. And in the next few years, this will become very evident to her apathetic citizens.

When the financial super storm arrives, the administration will no longer be able to lie to the public and say, "All is well and recovery has begun!"

It will be difficult for the media, to successfully tell the general public that things are okay, when the people are starving and eating out of garbage dumpsters!

A Prophetic Dream - The Dollar's Demise

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Unplug the Signal: The Truth Will Not Be Televised
Nathan James

A flow of information is constantly streaming from the television set; a bombardment of words and pictures. The speed at which this information is communicated makes it easy for the signal to take control, switching the viewer’s brain to stand-by as information is absorbed without analysis or question. Today the television’s constant signal shapes the conclusions of the masses and produces the collective norm. The signal prescribes what is news and what is truth through the words of so-called experts and authorities, gelding the consciousness and independent thoughts of those subjected to it. Through television, the masses can be made to accept the most monstrous distortions of reality. The signal is a chill wind of continuous oppression over the minds of the masses. It controls the management of society and culture, creating uniformity across all subjects.

The fuel for this vehicle of mass deception is a technique known as perception management where an array of psychological techniques are used to alter the truth, leading the viewer to a desired conclusion. Some call this spin or propaganda while others know it as lying. According to Joseph Goebbels, Propaganda Minister for Adolph Hitler, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it… It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Most of what can be found on the nightly news is nothing but advertisements selling more government and a false reality that benefits only those in control. Television is the dictator of information; newspaper and radio are the whisper campaign of the television’s message.

It is expected that Americans will consistently prescribe to the doctrine of the television. It is subtly communicated that one should stay within the collective and never challenge the message, for doing so may be considered an aggression towards culture. The message is, “Be a good consumer; always obey authority; you know nothing; listen only to experts; be content and never question or express new ideas.” This signal is being broadcast across millions of screens, indoctrinating the unconscious minds of those who choose this as their only reality. Self-censorship occurs when these individuals become so deeply indoctrinated that they are afraid to discuss any information outside the paradigm of television-created culture; they police their thoughts to ensure they won’t conflict with this culture. Sadly, many people’s reality today does not allow any outside information to process, instead it is written off as conspiracy or blatant lies. Our consciousness has been destroyed so much that fiction has become reality. An entire lifestyle of poisonous foods, pharmaceuticals, and fluoridated water are accepted as safe and sold to us at the cost of our health and well being.

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Turn Prisons Into Welfare Dorms

Beth Fouhy
Associated Press

Republican candidate for governor Carl Paladino said he would transform some New York prisons into dormitories for welfare recipients, where they could work in state-sponsored jobs, get employment training and take lessons in “personal hygiene.”

Republican candidate for New York governor Carl Paladino visits the Altamont Fair in Altamont, N.Y., on Friday, Aug. 20, 2010. Paladino greeted fairgoers during a one-hour visit.

Paladino, a wealthy Buffalo real estate developer popular with many tea party activists, isn’t saying the state should jail poor people: The program would be voluntary.

But the suggestion that poor families would be better off in remote institutions, rather than among friends and family in their own neighborhoods, struck some anti-poverty activists as insulting.

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Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis

Large Oil-Corexit Plumes, Fish Kill Coverup and Wackenhut

The Intel Hub

Everyday it seems we get more and more proof that oil and dispersant are still poisoning the Gulf of Mexico. Project Gulf Impact recently took their second boat trip in the last week. The first trip brought us photos of freshly sprayed dispersant, totally destroying the myth that this disaster is reaching its end.

Large oil and dispersant plumes still linger, continually poisoning and destroying our precious oceans. Internal BP documents show that there were not one but TWO wells, raising the possibility that the ROV cameras may have never been placed near the real leak.

I spoke to Project Gulf Impact about their trip and they had this to say:

“In some places you could see oil, in others it was clearly freshly sprayed dispersant. In certain areas there was a heavy chemical smell, in others it was oddly quiet.”

“As far as that trip goes, it was defintly the worse i have seen the dispersant. It was scarey because some of the dispersant was still in powder form which would indicate that it was from a plane. It was horrifying to see the jelly fish and dolphins attempting to get away from the plumes, especially when certain plumes were over a mile long!“

When they reached the shore they came across a massive fish kill. Later that day they attempted to go back to the area of the fish kill and found that it was crawling with private security. That’s right, BP has hired private security to cover up the damage caused by the oil spill and the subsequent dispersant overkill.

“When we were coming in we saw a fish kill, that was the hardest part. When we came back later a huge cover up had begun. The beach was full of private security, Wackenhut security called in our plates and forced us off the beach. Private security on a public beach! This all happened in a matter of hours.”

Wake up people, this chemical rape will continue until the American people demand it is stopped. How has Wackenhut, with their reputation after Hurricane Katrina, been able to control and dictate the American people?

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Catherine Austin Fitts: We Must be Self-Sufficient Ahead of The Coming Global Disasters

Our Future In Chains: The For Profit Debtor's Prison System

Michael Edwards
Activist Post

Debtors' prisons have a sordid history that was thought to be best left behind in Medieval Europe and in Charles Dickens' fictionalized accounts of the 19th-century hellholes of Victorian England. America was not to be outdone, debtors’ prisons were widespread in the United States as well, and stories of the conditions in New York's debtors’ prisons could make one question if repayment of debts was really the purpose; violent criminals were much better clothed and fed. In fact, history shows that terror and slavery have always had a close relationship with debt, and it follows a path from the Romans right through to 17th century England, and into America from English common law. However, America chose to abolish her debtors’ prisons a full 36 years before England; first in New York in 1831, and by 1833 the rest of the America had followed.(1)

Now, debtors' prisons seem to be making a comeback in America. A recent article in the Star Tribune in Minnesota titled, "In jail for being in debt," exposes the growing number of citizens going to jail at the behest of banks and a welcoming judicial system. They write:
It's not a crime to owe money, and debtors' prisons were abolished in the United States in the 19th century. But people are routinely being thrown in jail for failing to pay debts. In Minnesota, which has some of the most creditor-friendly laws in the country, the use of arrest warrants against debtors has jumped 60 percent over the past four years, with 845 cases in 2009, a Star Tribune analysis of state court data has found.

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Dead Bird Island – Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana

Government wants your 401(k)

By Jerome R. Corsi

The Obama administration appears to be proceeding with a novel way of financing trillion-dollar budget deficits by forcing IRA and 401(k) holders to buy Treasury bonds by mandating the placement of government-structured annuities in their investment accounts.

The requirement to invest private retirement assets has been cleverly buried within plans to create "automatic IRAs" that would mandate employer groups enroll all employees in 401(k) or IRA plans.

The U.S. Department of Labor released yesterday an agenda for an upcoming joint hearing with the Department of the Treasury scheduled for Sept. 14 and 15 on whether government life-time annuity options funded by U.S. Treasury debt should be required for private retirement accounts, including IRAs and 401(k) plans.

WND reported in January that Assistant Labor Secretary Phyllis C. Borzi and Deputy Assistant Treasury Secretary Mark Iwry are planning to stage a public comment period before implementing regulations that would require private investors to structure IRA and 401(k) accounts into what could amount to a U.S. Treasury debt-backed government annuity.

In a 2010 budget blueprint unveiled Feb. 26, President Obama proposed that employers sponsoring 401(k) plans or other defined contribution plans should be required to offer automatic enrollment in these plans, or in direct-deposit IRAs, as steps that would change the nation's voluntary retirement plan into a government-mandated nationalized program.

With the Treasury needing to sell another $1.4 to $1.5 trillion in government debt to finance the anticipated fiscal year 2010 federal budget deficit, the Obama administration is obviously scrambling to find ways to sell government debt without having to raise interest rates.

Under ERISA, the Department of Labor regulates approximately 700,000 private pension plans, with approximately $4.7 trillion in assets.

The Investment Company Institute estimates that IRA assets have grown from $25 billion in 1980 to a peak of $4.747 trillion by the end of 2007, declining to $3.613 trillion in 2008.

For 401(k) plans, the ICI estimates a peak of $3.025 trillion in total assets was reached in 2007, declining to $2.350 trillion in 2008.

The ICI estimates that total U.S. retirement assets decreased to $14 trillion in 2008, down 22 percent from the peak of $17.9 trillion in 2007.

Kerry introduces 'Automatic IRAs'

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