Thursday, September 29, 2011

Economic Bad Times Just Beginning

Chuck Baldwin

A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to attend a private gathering of influential conservative leaders just outside Washington, D.C. While many differences of opinion were expressed on a variety of subjects, there was one subject on which every single attendee was unequivocally united: the US economy is soon going to tank! As one man said, “In a couple of years, these could be the ‘good old days.’” Another thing the august assembly was agreed on was that the only Presidential candidate in the two major parties who would actually have the guts to do what needs to be done is Congressman Ron Paul. And the national press corps (including FOX News) is doing everything in its power to make sure that the American people do not hear much of what Dr. Paul has to say for that very reason.

Neither the Democrat nor Republican parties in Washington, D.C., have any intention of addressing the real reasons why the American economy is on the verge of collapse. The only thing the two major parties–and the elites who dominate them–can see is the next election. The lust for power is the one thing that both the Donkeys and the Elephants share in common. And neither party is willing to disappoint their constituents who are feeding at the teat of that fat hog known as Washington, D.C.

Democrats want to extend Washington’s insatiable appetite for deficit spending in order to promote the Welfare State. And Republicans want to extend Washington’s insatiable appetite for deficit spending in order to promote the Warfare State. Conservative or liberal, hawk or dove, Christian or secularist, Democrat of Republican: they all are lining up at the back door of Uncle Sam’s kitchen begging for a handout!

Except for Ron Paul, no one is giving more than ten-second sound bites of lip service to what is necessary to conquering the real culprits of America’s economic malaise: expunging the fiat money system and returning America to hard money principles, dismantling that cabal of international criminals known as the Federal Reserve, returning America’s foreign policy to its constitutional parameters of non-interventionism, eviscerating those federal programs and entities not prescribed by the US Constitution, getting rid of the income tax, and taking the United States out from under the power and influence of the United Nations. No one else has the guts to even seriously talk about these issues, much less to actually do something about it! And if the “powers that be” successfully defeat Dr. Paul’s candidacy, it won’t matter to a tinker’s dam who gets elected President in 2012 (that is, unless a constitutionalist third-party candidate miraculously wins the Presidency)! Republican or Democrat, it will be business-as-usual. And that means this house of cards that these corrupt politicians and bankers have been playing with all these years is going to come crashing down. In fact, the signs are ubiquitous that the crash has already begun.

Writing for, Michael Snyder has recently produced two trenchant reports that show the handwriting on the wall for America’s financial future. Snyder begins this first report saying, “Goldman Sachs is doing it again. Goldman is telling the public that everything is going to be just fine, but meanwhile they are advising their top clients to bet on a huge financial collapse. On August 16th, a 54 page report authored by Goldman strategist Alan Brazil was distributed to institutional clients. The general public was not intended to see this report. Fortunately, some folks over at the Wall Street Journal got their hands on a copy and they have filled us in on some of the details.

“It turns out that Goldman Sachs secretly believes that an economic collapse is coming.”

Snyder concludes his report saying, “Sadly, the 54 page report mentioned above is right–we really are facing a global debt meltdown and we really are heading for an economic collapse.

“You aren’t going to hear the truth from the mainstream media or from our politicians because ‘keeping people calm’ is much more of a priority to them than telling the truth is.

“The debt crisis in the United States is unsustainable and the debt crisis in Europe is unsustainable. Right now we are in the calm before the storm, and nobody knows exactly when the storm is going to strike.

“But let there be no doubt–it is coming.

“The amazing prosperity that we have enjoyed for the last several decades has largely been a debt-fueled illusion. It was a great party while it lasted, but now it is coming to an end and the aftermath of the coming crash is going to be absolutely horrific.

“Keep watch and get prepared. We don’t know exactly when the collapse is going to happen, but it is definitely on the way and now even Goldman Sachs is admitting that.”

See Snyder’s report at:

And in a second report, Michael Snyder writes, “If you think the U.S. economy is bad now, just wait for a few months. Things are about to become absolutely nightmarish. None of the long-term economic trends that are hollowing out our economy have been addressed and more bad economic news seems to come out virtually every single day. Now there is constant talk of the “next recession” in the mainstream media. But did the last recession ever truly end? The number of good jobs continues to decline, more stores are closing, incomes continue to go down, credit card debt and student loan debt are soaring, the housing market resembles a corpse, the number of Americans living in poverty continues to rise and government debt is at unprecedented levels. We are losing blood fast, and almost all of our leaders are either too corrupt or too incompetent to be able to do anything about it. The U.S. economy really and truly is about to go into the toilet, and if something is not done very quickly we are going to experience a complete and total economic disaster in this nation.”

Snyder then goes on to highlight 30 signs that the US economy is about to go down the drain. Read his report at:

And for those of you who believe that such talk is just “Chicken Little” déjà vu, you need to know that many economists, politicians, and even federal police agents are personally preparing for a prolonged economic collapse. And if you’re not preparing, you’re either not paying attention or you’re preferring to ignore the warning signs. Neither option is healthy.

I have told readers before of my friend Chuck Coppes’ phenomenal book, “America’s Financial Reckoning Day.” Once again, I urge readers to obtain this book. I further follow Chuck’s recommendation that you seriously consider getting as much as you can of your fiat paper currency converted into hard assets ASAP! The gold and silver markets are being manipulated downward, but these tactics will not last forever. When the crash occurs, hard assets will skyrocket! That’s what virtually every economic forecaster that I have any confidence in is saying. And I believe them!

To obtain Chuck Coppes’ book or to contact him regarding obtaining precious metals, go to:

So readers will know up front, Chuck has felt led to support my work, and I am equally enthusiastic about supporting his work. I personally know Chuck, as he moved his business from his home State of Arizona, and has joined with us here in the Flathead Valley of Montana. (And we need many more businessmen to consider doing the same!)

As an aside, for those of you who are considering joining us here in the Flathead Valley of Montana, here is the email address of George Hudson, who, himself, “escaped” from California to join us in Montana. George has taken it upon himself to help people with the information and resources they might need to help relocate to the Valley. His email address is:

An old maxim says, “Forewarned is forearmed.” Ladies and gentlemen, we need to prayerfully and seriously weigh the evidence that is before us and make decisions NOW to prepare ourselves for the days to come. We need to heed the words of Scripture that twice say, “A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.” (Prov. 22:3; 27:12 KJV)

I further highly recommend that people who are serious about preparation, relocation, and related matters glean heavily from the works of James Wesley, Rawles and Joel Skousen.

Rawles’ web site is:

Skousen’s web site is:

After having attended the above-referenced meeting near Washington, D.C., I am more convinced than ever that we did the right thing in relocating to the beautiful Flathead Valley of Montana. I also came away from that meeting with the firm conviction that my friend was right when he said, “In a couple of years, these could be the ‘good old days.’”

P.S. To be sure you have my up-to-date contact information, please refer to this web page:

*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:

Source: Chuck Baldwin Live

CDC now calling U.S. households and demanding child immunization records as part of vaccine surveillance and tracking program

Mike Adams

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control, which has been comprehensively exposed as a vaccine propaganda organization promoting the interests of drug companies, is now engaged in a household surveillance program that involves calling U.S. households and intimidating parents into producing child immunization records. As part of what it deems a National Immunization Survey (NIS), the CDC is sending letters to U.S. households, alerting them that they will be called by "NORC at the University of Chicago" and that households should "have your child's immunization records handy when answering our questions." (See copies of the letter, below.)

This NIS vaccine compliance program is revealed in a letter being sent to U.S. households by Edward J. Sondik, PhD, the director of the National Center for Health Statistics at the CDC. The CDC, you may recall, was instrumental in pushing the false swine flu pandemic scare and encouraging governments to order billions of dollars worth of vaccines from drug companies. Following this marketing fraud, the former head of the CDC, Dr. Julie Gerberding, went on to accept the lucrative job as the president of Merck's global vaccine division ( One of the CDC's top researchers who worked under Gerberding, Dr. Poul Thorsen, was later indicted by a federal grand jury for allegedly stealing grant money and using it to buy luxury cars and motorcycles (

Now the CDC is bullying parents across the USA to comply with child immunization surveillance programs by calling their home phones and asking them to produce child immunization records.

NaturalNews has acquired a copy of the letter being sent by the CDC, which you can view in these two images:

Vaccine compliance tracking
"Your phone number was chosen randomly by computer," explains the letter, which goes on to say that the CDC will use your information to generate a map of vaccine compliance -- no doubt to later target low-compliance areas with increased vaccination propaganda or even court-ordered immunization mandates like the one we witnessed in Maryland (

"It is important for us to interview every household we call to get a complete picture of your area's immunization rates," the CDC letter explains. "Your answers to the NIS will provide information to help improve the nation's health now and in the years ahead," it continues. Which means, of course, that this information will be used to push more vaccines onto more infants by targeting areas with low vaccine compliance rates, such as African American neighborhoods which are rightly skeptical of government's claims about vaccines.

Note that in this letter, the CDC admits it is using this information to track vaccine compliance at the local level. On top of that, the website openly admits this is all about public health surveillance, saying: "the NIS is one of the largest telephone surveys in the nation and its data are considered the gold standard for public health surveillance on immunization rates."

Ever notice how these organizations are so aggressive at tracking vaccination rates but they care nothing about tracking rates of autism? Have you wondered why they aren't calling U.S. households and asking parents whether their children became autistic after receiving vaccines? (Gee, maybe they don't want to know the answer to that question...)

Public health surveillance = interrogations by phone
Once your private home phone is called as part of this vaccine surveillance and tracking program, you will be essentially interrogated over the phone about your vaccine immunization compliance:

"Respondents are asked a series of questions about the vaccinations received by selected children (including recommended seasonal flu vaccines)," says NORC. And after that, NORC will request permission to acquire your child's immunization records from your doctor!

"Respondents are also asked for permission to contact the children's health providers for the sole purpose of obtaining immunization records, providing an important supplement to the household report," NORC explains. Yes, once you answer the interrogation questions on the phone, they will then go straight to your doctor to acquire vaccine records there in order to determine whether you were lying on the phone.

See our screen capture of the website which admits all this:

The original source of this is: (but they will no doubt change their page after this NaturalNews story goes live, which is why we posted a screen shot).

It's all admittedly a way to increase vaccination rates of low-income children
"NORC then sends an Immunization History Questionnaire via mail to these health providers," it says. And once the data are compiled: "These data are used by the CDC and state and local public health agencies to monitor the potential for disease outbreaks at the community level and to allocate resources for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program, which ensures that all children in the U.S. have access to vaccinations regardless of financial status."

In other words, the CDC, working on behalf of the drug companies, wants to make sure that all children are vaccinated even if their parents can't afford it. That's government being "helpful" to its slaves, you see. "Public health" has been so perverted and distorted under the government / pharmaceutical collusion regime that instead of teaching people how to prevent disease with nutritious foods, vitamin D and low-cost natural cures, the government is all about injecting infants with vaccines, irradiating women's breasts with mammograms, and outlawing dietary supplements while claiming to be working under the label of "public health."

And now, thanks to the police state tactics being increasingly used by the federal government to enforce vaccines even at gunpoint (as we saw in Maryland), it appears we are about to enter a phase where it's not just TSA reaching down your pants, but CDC running vaccine surveillance and compliance tracking in order to make sure no one goes unvaccinated in America.

Enhanced government surveillance for teen vaccination rates
This vaccine compliance tracking and surveillance program is also being used to target teens and to push for increased vaccination rates using flu vaccines. As NORC admits on its website: "In response to the need for improved surveillance on teen immunization rates, CDC expanded the use of the NIS sampling frame in 2008 to screen households for the presence of teens between 13-17 years of age."

But flu vaccines are scientifically useless and simply don't work on 99 out of 100 people who receive them ( Besides, flu vaccines only contain DNA proteins from last year's flu strains, meaning that even if you believe flu vaccines work, they would only be useful to time travelers who go back in time to the previous year's flu season. And this is all in addition to the fact that flu vaccines actually weaken the immune system and make you more vulnerable to future flu infections. (

Flu vaccines also cause seizures (, vomiting, fevers and other dangerous or even deadly side effects (

Ties to the military industrial complex
Under a heading called "Advances in Survey Research," NORC adds something that should raise some red flags among privacy advocates, saying "In collaboration with CDC, NORC has spearheaded an ambitious research program to identify best practices for sampling landline and cell telephones and develop valid statistical approaches for weighting and estimation."

Cell phones? Ambitious research programs? This only begins to make sense when you realize that the CDC awarded $5 billion grant money to computer surveillance and weapons contractors to develop aggressive public health (vaccine compliance) surveillance programs ( Northrup Grumman is a weapons manufacturer that has been caught by the U.S. State Department selling technology secrets to the Russians and violating international arms trafficking laws by selling computer guidance systems to Israel and China, among other countries (

If this seems surprising, remember that the Institute of Medicine, another key propaganda mouthpiece for the vaccine industry, is funded in part by the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. It also receives money from junk food companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, an aggressive vaccine-pushing non-profit. This was all exposed in an exclusive NaturalNews article available here:

What's clear from all this is that today's government-run "public health" fiasco is really all about the following:

Vaccines - Surveillance - Compliance - Tracking - Military - Weapons

This is all being conducted like a military operation, not a compassionate public health initiative that genuinely seeks to save the lives of children. If the CDC really wanted to save lives, it would aggressively promote vitamin D, which can prevent nearly all winter flu cases, cancer cases ( and even kidney disease or osteoporosis. But instead of recommending affordable solutions that really work, the CDC focuses its billions of dollars in taxpayer money on tracking household compliance with deadly vaccines.

This is public health? Get real.

Non-compliant households to be added to quarantine list?
What the CDC is also probably not telling you is that people who answer the survey and admit they have not given their children vaccines could in theory be added to a quarantine list to be arrested and thrown into FEMA camps during the next pandemic outbreak.

The recent "terror exercise" in Denver, called Operation Mountain Guardian featured government SWAT teams and armed military-style squads entering public schools and terrorizing children with simulated gunfire and explosions, then conducting secret mass-arrest exercises in a large sports stadium. As Alex Jones explains on, this is all practice for kidnapping children, taking them to stadiums, then calling parents to come pick them up at which point the parents are then arrested and taken away by law enforcement authorities ( while the children are turned over to the state.

The children are essentially used as "bait" to arrest parents who happen to be on whatever government "lists" are considered offensive. If your name is on a list provided by the CDC, claiming that you are a "bad parent" because you refuse to vaccinate your children, you could have those children taken away by the state -- at gunpoint!

This is similar to what happened recently with Maryanne Godboldo in Detroit, who was subjected to a 12-hour SWAT team standoff because she refused to medicate her teenage daughter with dangerous psychiatric drugs (

Of course, the CDC claims your privacy will be protected in all this (yeah, right). "Strict U.S. laws require that we protect your family's information and keep it confidential," the CDC's letter says. Importantly, however, there is nothing in the CDC's letter that says it will not violate those laws. So it's really just clever lawyer-speak to say that "laws require we protect your information" without saying the CDC will abide by those laws.

After all, there are strict U.S. laws that prevent the ATF from running guns into Mexico, but it violated those laws anyway ( There are strict U.S. laws that require the President to seek Congressional approval for acts of war, but those laws have been violated routinely for decades. There are strict U.S. laws that protect the due process of U.S. citizens, and yet the U.S. is steeped in illegal secret prisons and torture initiatives that were rolled out under Bush and yet have actually been expanded under the Obama administration. In fact, if there's anything we've all learned about watching the federal government over the last decade, it's that the government will openly and brazenly violate whatever laws it wants in order to get what it wants. This is especially true in health care, where the FDA, for its part, openly engaged in illegal international abductions of American citizens ( in order to oppress herbal cancer cures that really work.

And the CDC, we all know, wants increased "vaccine compliance" so that vaccine makers earn more profits from selling these deadly injections to parents who have no idea those vaccines are making their children autistic (or even killing them).

The real agenda of this entire vaccine survey becomes crystal clear at the end of the CDC's letter, which pushes a vaccine agenda with the question: "How do I find out more about immunizations and places to get them?" It then gives out a toll-free number to call to "get the phone number of a doctor of clinic near you."

When the CDC calls your house, don't answer
The message is quite clear in all this: We're from the government, we're going to be calling your private home phone number and asking you questions about your child's immunization history. We want you to produce your child's vaccination records. We will also acquire your doctor's vaccine records to find out if you are lying. The information will be used to track vaccine compliance in your area. And if you want to get "compliant," here's a government phone number to call which will direct you to the nearest vaccine center.

If your receive one of these letters from the CDC, the safest thing to do in all this is screen all your phone calls and simply refuse to answer your phone. Just refuse to talk with them at all. After four or five attempts, they will figure you're never home and probably stop calling. Do NOT speak to them and tell them you are opposed to vaccines, or you may suddenly find yourself being visited by Child Protective Services or government thugs wielding loaded firearms pointed at your head. (This is no longer just a theory. It's factually true.)

The vaccine industry, remember, is running a kind of modern-day McCarthyism, where being intelligently opposed to vaccines is a lot like being accused of being a "Communist" back in the McCarthy era. The government is now admittedly using weapons technology companies, phone surveillance techniques, immunization tracking and statistical analysis to find out who is not being vaccinated. These are police state tactics now being used by the vaccine industry -- in collusion with dangerous government mandates and rogue CPS agents -- to attack your freedom of choice and your right to make parental decisions about the health of your child.

And it's all being done under the false Orwellian mantra that "VACCINES ARE THE SOLUTION FOR PUBLIC HEALTH!" It's all a complete lie, of course. Vaccines cause autism, live viral infections, seizures, comas and even deaths. That's because they contain neurologically damaging adjuvants such as aluminum! They also contain "stealth viruses" that can cause cancer and autoimmune disorders. SANE Vax, Inc. recently found HPV vaccines to be contaminated with the rDNA of HPV viral strains (, and vaccine manufacturers have been caught placing live viral strains directly into the vaccines! (

Perhaps even more shockingly, a top Merck vaccine scientist, Dr. Maurice Hilleman, openly admitted that polio vaccines were contaminated with 40 unknown viral strains, including some strains that caused cancer. Read the incredible transcript of this secret recording at:

What we are all suffering under today, friends, is a vaccine-pushing police state and its accompanying Ministry of Truth (the CDC and FDA). This is not about public health, it's about injecting infants and maximizing the profits of the vaccine manufacturers, even if countless children and teens are permanently harmed as a result.

Share this story far and wide. Let people know what's really going on with the CDC and vaccine compliance surveillance programs. And keep reading for more breaking news articles that reveal the true agenda of the criminally-operated vaccine industry.


Goldman Sachs Rules The World

In a news blitz, Alex discusses the blunt statements of trader Alessio Rastani, who told the BBC that a larger collapse is coming, adding that Goldman Sachs ‘rules the world’ and cares nothing about the interests of ordinary people.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Christians Choosing TO BE FOOLS in this Critical Hour of America's Unfolding Destiny

It is very sad to me to discover Christians who choose to be fools in this hour. This includes some pastors as well. Nowhere in our Bible are we instructed TO BE FOOLS!

But, OH, how the NWO loves slumbering and ignorant Christians...

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

I recently began to share with one local Montana pastor my valuable information, obtained at great personal expense and effort. This particular pastor preaches right in the heart of where much NWO/martial law preparation activities are going on behind the scenes here in Northwestern Montana. But as soon as I began to share details, he interrupted with a spirit of mockery and began to make fun of my information! "I have walked every step of this region, and NEVER saw prisoner boxcars or guillotines..." And he continued to rant, exposing his utter ignorance and lack of research on this vital subject. He could not hurt the truth that I know and expose, but he certainly exposed his foolishness and lack of information.

YE FOOL and BLIND! All that I uncover and report on consists of COVERT military black (secret) operations! Do you really think the US military is stupid enough to alert millions of Patriotic Americans to their intentions, by OPENLY displaying their modern guillotines, or prisoner boxcars with shackles, or UNDERGROUND detention camps and tunnels in this region??? Not when the US military KNOWS that such discoveries would cause millions of Americans to RISE UP NOW in resistance to their HEINOUS NWO AGENDA!

I met another pastor in a local church near Glacier National Park. He began a recent sermon by telling his congregation that he was NOT INTERESTED in such information, nor would he preach on END TIME EVENTS. He stated to his congregation that he felt it was " MORE SPIRITUAL" to ONLY focus on the GOSPEL message and nothing else.

YE FOOL AND BLIND! This kind of end time prophecy and information confirming it is a VITAL PART of the GOSPEL MESSAGE, or Jesus never would have given us warning in His eternal word! And HOW, pastor, do you THINK you are a faithful WATCHMAN ON THE WALL when you refuse to become educated to such information as I faithfully provide to God's people? These NWO forces from hell plan to ARREST CHRISTIANS and tempt them to DENY JESUS CHRIST or DIE! Foolish pastor, HOW are you helping God's people, by refusing to prepare them faithfully for their coming persecution and temptation of this kind??? In fact, you are NOT.

I also met a CHRISTIAN RAILROAD ENGINEER in a local church who pulls trains over these very railroad tracks that have periodically hauled prisoner boxcars with shackles and modern guillotines across Montana to be prepositioned in covert locations for the coming hour of martial law. When I began to mention this information to him from my years of research, he mocked this, stating, "I have driven trains all over this region, and NEVER did I see a prisoner boxcar or hear of them in my work...and I don't wanna hear this kind of information anyhow...I just wanna focus on Jesus..."

Well, dear, I too love focusing on JESUS! But there are MANY THINGS He has warned us of to come, and he wants us to focus on THESE TRUTHS ALSO!

YE FOOL AND BLIND! Again, this is a covert government/military black (secret) operation. Do you THINK you can recognize a prisoner boxcars with shackles or guillotines MERELY FROM THE OUTSIDE? Do you really THINK they are so foolish as to tell a CHRISTIAN train engineer what he is hauling, when Christians will become MAJOR TARGETS in the future??? Do you honestly think you will see stenciled on every prisoner boxcar, "PRISONER BOXCAR/SHACKLES/GUILLOTINE" exposing their dark secrets???

YE FOOL AND BLIND, that you don't want to know about this kind of information, when IN THE FUTURE this very railway system you now operate on, will haul your fellow Christians to their DEATH to the detention camps.And YOU as an experienced train engineer have the potential to help RESCUE your fellow Christians due to your position as train engineer??? How very sad!!!

What makes this true report even MORE amazing, was that IN THAT VERY CHURCH wherein I encountered both the pastor and train engineer, I also met THE CHRISTIAN TRUCK DRIVER who told me only two months ago, that his trucker friends warned him that they were delivering MORE GUILLOTINES to BILLINGS, MT at that very time! Even this truck driver attending this church on that Sunday knew these things were absolutely true!

And THIS is only a sampling of the tragic kinds of "Christian" foolishness and ignorance I am forced to deal with continually. There is NOTHING "Christian" about being ignorant of the enemy's plans for YOUR GENOCIDE in this very hour!

And yet, HOW MANY TIMES have I attempted to share this valuable information and insight into the coming times with God's endangered Christians, only to hear responses such as, "Oh, I don't want to hear it..." Or, "I don't need to worry, 'cuz I am gonna be raptured out BEFORE IT CAN HAPPEN..." (Oh, REALLY! Please give me chapter and verse in the Bible that tells me conclusively that CHRISTIANS IN NORTH AMERICA are not going to suffer even the loss of a hangnail under end-time persecution! And that they will be quicky RAPTURED OUT! In fact, there is NO SUCH VERSE!

What is THE TRAGIC OUTCOME of choosing to remain uneducated and ignorant of such relevant and vital truth in this hour? The Bible states,"MY PEOPLE PERISH FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE." This Bible verse can not only be applied TO THE SPIRITUAL, but in a practical way to many other kinds of pertinent truths.

What will be the outcome for God's people, because of the pastors who refuse to understand the times we face, and refuse to warn God's people of coming danger?

What will be the outcome for God's endangered people, when the train engineer, who COULD have become educated and be used of God to help rescue God's people when they are being hauled to these FEMA camps by train...BUT REFUSED TO BECOME EDUCATED ON THIS SUBJECT?


"My people perish for lack of knowledge...." Hosea 4:6

The inevitable outcome will be, that many will suffer terribly and many will perish, both physically and eternally, because no one warned them of these things to come, and no one prepared them. When people refuse to listen to the truth, tragedy happens on many levels.

Please don't be foolish like the above people. Become educated and act NOW to prepare, spiritually and practically. SEEK GOD FOR WISDOM IN THIS HOUR! Someday you will be glad you did!

Source: American Holocaust

18 Examples Of How Christians Are Being Specifically Targeted By Big Brother

When the freedom of speech of one group is being threatened, it is a threat to all of us. Just because you may not be a Christian, don't think that what you are about to read is not a problem for you as well. The truth is that any individual or group that does not "fit in" with the new "politically-correct" global system that is emerging is going to be persecuted sooner or later. In our society today, it has become quite fashionable to bash Christians. In fact, I am quite certain that some of the comments that get left after this article will say really horrible things about Christians. But after "Big Brother" is done with the Christians, are you sure that they will not come after you next? When I speak of "Big Brother", I am not just speaking of the government. In today's world, giant corporations and the mainstream media also play instrumental roles in the totalitarian police state prison grid that is being constructed all around us. The elite control the government, they run nearly all of the major corporations and they own most of the major media outlets. Anyone that does not "conform" to their system is a threat. As time goes by, the persecution of those that attempt to "rebel" against their system is only going to become more intense.

So if you are not a Christian, do not applaud when the system cracks down on Bible-believing Christians.

You never know, you might be next.

The following are 18 examples of how Christians are being specifically targeted by "Big Brother"....

#1 Home Bible studies are now banned in the city of San Juan Capistrano, California. According to city officials, regular gatherings "of more than three people" in private homes are simply not allowed. One couple that has held home Bible studies for years has already been fined twice and is being threatened with even more fines.

#2 Paypal has initiated "formal investigations" of a large number of Christian websites and organizations. Apparently, many of these investigations have been launched due to concerns that these websites and organizations do not hold to a "politically-correct" view of sexuality.

According to WorldNetDaily, Paypal has targeted include Americans For Truth, Last Days Watchman and a host of other Christian organizations including "Abiding Truth Ministries, New Generation Ministries, Noua Dreapta of Romania, Truth in Action Ministries, Dove World Outreach, Faith Word Baptist Church, Family Research Institute and American Society for the Defense of Traditional Family".

#3 In Wichita, Kansas last year, a Christian minister was handcuffed and hauled off to jail by police for sharing the gospel and handing out tracts to Muslims on a public sidewalk. Apparently freedom of speech does not apply on the public sidewalks of America any longer.

#4 In the UK, police recently threatened a cafe owner with arrest for silently playing a Bible DVD on a small television on the back wall of his cafe. The following is an excerpt from a Daily Mail article about this incident....

Mr Murray, 31, was left shocked after he was questioned for nearly an hour by the officers, who arrived unannounced at the premises.

He said he had turned off the Bible DVD after an ‘aggressive inquisition’ during which he thought he was going to be arrested and ‘frog-marched out of the cafe like a criminal’.

#5 Last year, a high school student in Southern California was suspended for two days because he had private conversations with his classmates during which he discussed Christianity. He was also banned from bringing his Bible to school ever again.

#6 Big cable networks regularly feature "comedians" that love to mock Christians. For example, HBO "comedian" Bill Maher recently stated that "there's a term for people who hate charity and love killing: Christian".

If that had been said about another minority group, it would have made front page headlines for weeks.

#7 Down in Texas, the Department of Veteran Affairs actually tried to ban prayers that include the words "God" or "Jesus" during funeral services for veterans.

#8 In North Carolina last year, a pastor was dismissed from his chaplain duties for praying in the name of Jesus.

#9 An unclassified Department of Homeland Security report published a couple years ago entitled "Right-wing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment" claims that a belief in Bible prophecy "could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition and weapons." The report goes on to state that such people are potentially dangerous.

#10 Back on February 20, 2009, the State of Missouri issued a report entitled "MIAC Strategic Report: The Modern Militia Movement". That report warned that the following types of people may be potential terrorists....

*anti-abortion activists

*those that are against illegal immigration

*those that consider "the New World Order" to be a threat

*those that have a negative view of the United Nations

#11 All over the nation, "child protection agencies" are ripping an inordinate number of children out of Christian homes. In many of these cases the parents believe in homeschooling their children or they do not believe in having their children vaccinated.

#12 On June 18, 2010 two Christians decided that they would peacefully pass out copies of the gospel of John on a public sidewalk outside a public Islamic festival in Dearborn, Michigan and within three minutes 8 police officers surrounded them and placed them under arrest.

#13 A Christian consultant was recently fired by Bank of America and by Cisco because they discovered a book that he had written that expressed Christian viewpoints about social issues.

#14 A while back, a federal judge actually ruled that the University of California can deny course credit to applicants from Christian high schools that use textbooks that teach that it was God who created the earth.

#15 Back in 2009, one 8 year old boy in Massachusetts was sent home from school and was forced to undergo a psychological evaluation because he drew a picture of Jesus on the cross.

#16 The Obama administration has announced that there is a whole host of laws that it will not be enforcing, but one thing that the Obama administration has chosen to do is to aggressively pursue lawsuits against anti-abortion protesters.

#17 During a Congressional hearing earlier this year, U.S. Representative Sheila Jackson Lee warned that "Christian militants" might try to "bring down the country" and that such groups need to be investigated.

#18 According to a shocking FBI document obtained by Oath Keepers, the FBI definition of "suspicious activity" now includes making "extreme religious statements" and believing in "radical theology".

The good news is that there still is at least a limited amount of religious freedom in America. It may soon be gone, but at least we are in better shape than most of the globe.

Almost 70 percent of the population of the world now lives in countries where religious activities are highly restricted.

The sad truth is that the entire planet is moving away from freedom of religion.

That is a right that we are supposed to be guaranteed under the U.S. Constitution, but it should be obvious to everyone that our right to religious freedom is rapidly dying.

If you are not religious, don't think that you should not be fighting for religious freedom along with the rest of us.

Once they take some of our rights away, it will be much easier for them to take all the rest of our rights away.

United we stand, or divided we will fall.

Source With Links: The American Dream

Monday, September 26, 2011

BBC Speechless As Trader Tells Truth: "The Collapse Is Coming...And Goldman Rules The World"

Trader on the BBC says Eurozone Market will crash.

In an interview on BBC News this morning that left the hosts gob-smacked (google it... it is the BBC after all), Alessio Rastani outlines in a mere three-and-a-half-minutes what we all know and most ignore. While the whole interview is worth watching, the money shot for us was "This economic crisis is like a cancer, if you just wait and wait hoping it is going to go away, just like a cancer it is going to grow and it will be too late!". While he dreams of recessions, sees Goldman ruling the world, and urges people to prepare, it is hard to disagree with much (or actually anything) of what he says and obviously interventions and machinations means we will have days like this (in Silver for instance), there is only one endgame here and we hope there is less hopeful euphoria (and more preparedness) as we pull back the curtain further and further.

Source: ZeroHedge

Saturday, September 24, 2011

'Gay' culture war: It's nearly lost

Scott Lively

Many Christians are only now awakening to the seriousness of the threat to our society posed by the homosexual movement. But, unfortunately for us all, it is only the sounding of the victory trumpets by "gay" activists that has stirred Christians from their slumber. The watchman's walls have been broken and breached, the village is in flames, and triumphal "gay" culture warriors are leading a long string of young prisoners by their necks into the woods. Most disturbingly, many of the captives, including some of the children of these still sleepy-eyed Christian parents, seem happy to go.

I have long warned that the homosexuals agenda is not about tolerance but control. It started, of course, with a plea for tolerance, but then immediately shifted to a demand for acceptance and in due time to celebration of all things "gay."

It wasn't enough, however, for prominent public officials in every major city to lead the "Gay Pride" parades. No, the agenda continued to unfold to another level, requiring forced participation in "gay" culture. Much of the country is on that cusp of celebration/coercion today, led by California with it's new aggressive K-12 homosexual advocacy curriculum, mandated by law.

Even conservative Texas is not immune. Just this week Fox News covered the story of a ninth grader suspended from school for telling a classmate he believes homosexuality is wrong. The outraged teacher who demanded punishment for the boy reportedly keeps a picture on the classroom wall of two men kissing and frequently steers classroom discussions to the homosexual issue.

It took the intervention of a Christian public-interest law firm to get the school to rescind the suspension. But how many students of this same teacher have over the years simply assimilated his values as normal, their parents none the wiser?

Were the Nazis anti-homosexual? Far from it! Find out the truth in Scott Lively's jaw-dropping book "The Pink Swastika"

More importantly, how many other classrooms across America are headed by such men and women? Their activist network, the Gay Lesbian Straight Teachers Network (GLSTN – later changed to "education network" GLSEN to hide the teacher/activist association) was powerful enough to launch its founder Kevin Jennings to the position of Obama White House "safe schools" czar for a time. I'd guess their agenda is an influence in just about every classroom by now.

I'm old enough to remember the debate about whether homosexuals should be allowed to be teachers at all, let alone allowed to punish students for disagreeing with the class-time advocacy of their sexual lifestyle. I remember the protestations from the pro-homosexual side, that "gays and lesbians just want the right to be left alone. They would NEVER interject their private lives into the classroom." They all lied, and we believed them, and now our children and grandchildren are being forced to celebrate "gay" culture under penalty of law.

That is the end game for the "gays." The final stage of their agenda, which has always been about taking control of things, is the power to punish dissent: to silence or crush their detractors. They only have this level of control in a few places yet, but they are moving fast to achieve it everywhere, and the momentum is on their side. And wherever they have it, they use it.

This brings me, in conclusion, to the subject of "gay marriage." Huh? How does "gay marriage" in any way relate to homosexual propaganda in schools? Or to Christian parents awakening late to the indoctrination of their children?

It is the same issue, my friends. "Gay marriage," "gay" curriculum, "gay" parades, "gay" TV shows, "gay" soldiers, "gay" adoption, "gay" diseases, "gay" recruitment and on and on. So many seemingly separate issues that are really just one issue: the unnatural, dysfunctional, personally and socially destructive phenomenon of homosexual sin. We are warned clearly and emphatically about it in the Bible. We have seen its corrupting effect in history. And we are literally watching its ethic of sexual anarchy supplant the biblical model of family as the guiding value system of our society.

I'm not going to add here how much I really love homosexuals and just hate their sin. As a question of public policy it really shouldn't matter what I think about the perpetrators, just whether I am telling the truth about their agenda. I don't want to reinforce the ridiculous assumption that Christians need to offer a disclaimer to prove they aren't haters. It wouldn't mitigate their hostility toward me for saying it anyhow. Trust me.

I'm not saying here that Christians are without hope of overcoming the challenge before us. Nothing, after all, is impossible with God. What I am saying is that we cannot possibly win, especially at this late stage of the game, if our "heroes" continue to fiddle about with the "definition of marriage" and fall all over themselves trying to prove they're not haters by endorsing other, non-marriage-related bits of the "gay" agenda.

We need to stand firmly and unapologetically on the hard truth that homosexuality is not a benign, morally neutral social phenomenon. It is an insidious and contagious form of sexual perversion condemned by God as an abomination. I cringe even writing these words because I know the wrath I am inviting on myself. Still, someone needs to say this boldly and publicly because it is the truth, and only the truth can set us free of the political correctness that has imprisoned us until now.

The homosexual agenda represents an existential threat to Christian civilization and we're in the final phase of the war, losing badly. It all hinges upon you, Christian reader. Either get into the "game" in earnest, immediately, or wave goodbye.

Dr. Scott Lively is an attorney, pastor and author of several books on the homosexual agenda, including "The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party" (co-authored by Jewish researcher Kevin E. Abrams).

Source: WorldNetDaily

Gardasil Vaccine, Injection of Death!

Alex Jones interviews Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the dangers of Gardasil, a topic that has found its way into the spotlight following Rep. Michele Bachmann’s comment that Big Pharma’s HPV vaccine is dangerous.


Is The U.S. Government Stockpiling Food In Anticipation Of A Major Economic Crisis?

Is the U.S. government stockpiling huge amounts of food and supplies in anticipation that something bad is about to happen? Is something about to cause a major economic crisis that will require large quantities of emergency food? For a while, I have been hearing things about the government storing food through the grapevine and I have not been sure what to think about those rumors. Well, today I received a phone call that blew me away. I debated for quite a while before I decided whether or not to share this information with you all. Normally I do not like to talk about anything unless I am able to prove it by pointing to an article in the mainstream media. But the source of the information that I am about to share with you is rock solid. I cannot reveal his name, so you will just have to trust me on that. Hopefully the following information will be one more "dot" as we all try to connect the dots about what is really going on out there.

This morning I received a call from a very prominent person in the storable food industry. He has asked me not to reveal his name. I have been dealing with him for an extended period of time and I consider him to be a rock-solid source. When I talked to him today, he had just received a huge order for storable food from a U.S. government source. He told me that the dollar amount of the order was in the "five figures".

When he asked about why so much food was being ordered, the government source told him essentially that "you know what is coming". When pushed further, the government official did not elaborate.

It was unclear whether this was part of a larger food stockpiling program by the government. Perhaps this order was just part of the normal preparations that government agencies make for potential emergencies.

Nobody could blame the government for storing up some emergency food. That is something that we all should be doing.

The truth is that the government is taking emergency preparedness very seriously these days. For example, you can see video of a high-level NASA official urging NASA employees to develop preparedness plans for their own families right here.

But what if this is a sign of something bigger?

Remember, this is not some rumor I just pulled off the Internet. This is not something that someone got from "an aunt" somewhere.

I got this information over the telephone from the person who took the order.

I promised that I would not reveal any more specific details, so I won't.

But this does seem to fit with a pattern that we are beginning to see emerge.

Earlier this year, FEMA issued an RFI (Request For Information) that inquired about the availability of 140 million meals of emergency food. Apparently the food was meant to be stored up in case there was a "catastrophic disaster event" along the New Madrid Fault.

You can view this FEMA RFI right here. The following is an excerpt....

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

- Serving Size - 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories - 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters - 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat - 0;
- Saturated Fat - 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat - 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium - 800-930 mg;

Requested Menus to include snacks (i.e. fruit mix, candy, chocolate/peanut butter squeezers, drink mix, condiments, and utensils). All meals/kits must have 36 months of remaining shelf life upon delivery. Packaging should be environmentally friendly.
Mysteriously, seven days later this RFI was cancelled.

At that same time, FEMA also issued an RFI that sought to identify a supplier for 140 million blankets. You can view that RFI right here. The following is an excerpt....

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores blankets to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for blankets in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M blankets per day):

- 100% cotton;
- White;
- 66" x 90"
Also, there have been some much publicized shortages of storable feed recently. There has been much speculation about whether or not the government is part of the reason for these shortages.

There are some products that simply were not available for an extended period of time. For example, the following was posted on the Mountain House home page....

As you know we have removed #10 cans from our website temporarily. The reason for this is sales of #10 cans have continued to increase. OFD is allocating as much production capacity as possible to this market segment, but we must maintain capacity for our other market segments as well.
The shortages around the country got so bad at one point earlier this year that a special alert was posted on Raiders News....

Look around you. Read the headlines. See the largest factories of food, potassium iodide, and other emergency product manufacturers literally closing their online stores and putting up signs like those on Mountain House's Official Website and Thyrosafe's Factory Webpage that explain, due to overwhelming demand, they are shutting down sales for the time being and hope to reopen someday.
Unfortunately, shortages have not been limited to storable food. Most Americans don't realize this, but there is a significant shortage of certain pharmaceutical drugs in many areas of the country right now. Just check out the video news report posted below....

In addition, it is not just in the United States where food is being aggressively stored up. For example, a recent article in The Telegraph noted that governments all over the globe are now stockpiling food....

Authoritarian governments across the world are aggressively stockpiling food as a buffer against soaring food costs which they fear may stoke popular discontent.
Also, some governments are now gobbling up as much farmland as they can.

According to the New York Times, China has been buying up "vast tracts of Latin America’s agricultural heartland" and is seeking to acquire quality farmland all over the globe.

So what does all of this mean?

It could mean something.

It could mean nothing.

But as I have written about so much recently, we really do seem to be on the verge of a major economic crisis.

The signs that the financial world is melting down are all around us. I won't take the time to repeat what I have covered in the last few days here. If you missed any of it, just go back and read these articles over....

*Is Financial Instability The New Normal?

*Depressed As A Nation? 80 Percent Of Americans Believe That We Are In A Recession Right Now

*Nervous Breakdown? 21 Signs That Something Big Is About To Happen In The Financial World

One thing that I haven't covered yet is a very curious move by Lloyd's of London. It turns out the Lloyd's of London has started pulling money out of banks in Europe’s peripheral economies according to Bloomberg....

Lloyd’s of London, concerned European governments may be unable to support lenders in a worsening debt crisis, has pulled deposits in some peripheral economies as the European Central Bank provided dollars to one euro-area institution.
At this point, world financial markets have officially entered "bear" territory. In fact, global stocks are down approximately 20 percent since May.

Many believe that what we have seen is just the beginning of another major financial crisis.

For example, in a recent editorial for The Ticker, Karl Denninger (who saw the 2008 crash coming) warned that the house of cards is starting to fall once again....

Well, America (and the world), you’ve been scammed by the financial institutions and governments for the last 30 years. 2008 was the first spasm of recognition but was short-circuited by…. you guessed it…. even more scams. Rather than demand truth and an end to the games the American consumer lapped up the frauds and schemes of the politicians on both sides of the aisle who conspired with the financiers to rip you off once again.
Later on in the editorial, Denninger stated that he hopes that all of us have "taken the last couple of years to become prepared"....

Now recognition of that fact is dawning on people in a convulsive fashion, and markets of all sorts are reacting as one would expect when their entire worldview is exposed as having been a gigantic and intentional pyramid scheme constructed of debt layered upon debt thatcannot be paid down. The wrong thing was done in 2008 and there is zero evidence that our government has changed one iota in their singular focus on misdirection and lies in this regard.

Welcome to awareness; I hope you’ve taken the last couple of years to become prepared.
Well, if the anecdotal evidence presented above is an indication of a larger trend, it appears that the government is getting prepared.

And if the government is stockpiling food, who can blame them?

It should be obvious to anyone that the world has become an incredibly unstable place.

Hopefully we are not about to enter another major economic crisis, but it never hurts to be prepared.

If anyone out there has any additional information that is relevant to this report, please let me know.

If the government really has started to aggressively stockpile food, that would be an important thing to know.

If it is happening, the mainstream media surely will not tell us about it. So we will have to rely on one another for information.

So what do you think about all of this? Please feel free to post a comment with your opinion below....

Source: The Economic Collapse

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mountain Guardian Exercise Takes School Children to Sports Stadium reporter Darrin McBreen reported today outside Denver’s Mile High Stadium that the facility would be used for “processing activities,” according to a handout.

The handout is a news advisory disturbed to press by authorities in Colorado. It states that a “terrorist-driven catastrophic situation” will include the “processing” of students:

Catholic Charities and Sports Authority Field at Mile High will participate in an administrative fashion to test student/teacher processing activities.

“In terms of the drill or even real events, the goal is to get everybody here to reunify with their parents,” Scott Snow, director of the Victims Assistance Unit of the Denver Police, told

Darrin McBreen talked with a Denver firefighter on a security detail who admitted that she was playing the role of a mother who was at the stadium to pick up fictitious children. She had a print-out of fifth or sixth grade kids, according to McBreen. The woman said she was instructed not to talk with the media and her comments were off the record.

An employee confirmed that the south entrance and tunnel of the stadium would be used to bus children in for processing. Buses were spotted at the location with digital destination banners reading “Special,” according to Aaron Dykes.

As Alex Jones has noted in his documentaries, and William Lewis has documented in his film, Camp FEMA, the supposed disaster response agency has the authority to round up people and relocate them to designated facilitates, including sports stadiums, under a number of executive orders.

Federal exercises have specifically targeted children on a number of occasions, most infamously in Muskegon, Michigan. In 2004, a Michigan county concocted a scenario in which public school children were threatened by a fictitious radical group that believed everyone should be home-schooled, WorldNetDaily reported. The exercise was funded by homeland security grants to area school districts and Muskegon county.


“I Hope You’ve Taken the Last Couple of Years to Become Prepared”

Mac Slavo

Karl Denninger, who forecasted the breakdown in stock markets a couple of weeks before the crash of 2008, says that all hell is now breaking loose:

You’ve once again had your 401k and IRA whacked by the incessant lies and scams promulgated by your government and the “financial wizards” who seduced you back into the markets with half-truths and siren songs.

The market opened this morning down 300+ DOW points and the VIX slammed through the 40 level. There will clearly be bounces along the line but as things stand right now the underlying financial conditions have not changed one iota from where they were in 2007. Instead of allowing those who were overlevered to go bust and have capitalism do what it does best – creative destruction of the foolish – we instead took private effectively-defaulted risk and transferred it to the public balance sheet.

But that’s a scam – it simply moves the deck chairs on the economic Titanic, because governments can only raise funds through two means: They can borrow money (increasing leverage) or they can tax it (decreasing consumption or investment by private parties.) The obvious “borrow it” choice was made here in the US and elsewhere, but just as with private borrowing government borrowing has limits and we’re now running into them, and deficit spending creates false demand signals in the economy that must eventually end.

Recognition that you’ve been scammed can be a truly ugly thing. It is usually violent at an emotional and financial level, and more often than one would like it has a habit of being violent in the physical sense as well.

Well, America (and the world), you’ve been scammed by the financial institutions and governments for the last 30 years. 2008 was the first spasm of recognition but was short-circuited by…. you guessed it…. even more scams. Rather than demand truth and an end to the games the American consumer lapped up the frauds and schemes of the politicians on both sides of the aisle who conspired with the financiers to rip you off once again.

The opportunity to address these issues as I have been tirelessly attempting to do, was ignored by those in policy roles in Washington DC. Those who have been reading The Ticker are well-aware of my efforts going back into 2007 and through the 2008 Presidential campaign on both sides of the aisle, along with my efforts since.

They’ve been ignored with the political establishment choosing to knob-job the banks and lie to you, the public, rather than address the fact that the entire last 30 years have been one gigantic economic scam and that what they were attempting to do could not, as a matter of mathematics, succeed.

Now recognition of that fact is dawning on people in a convulsive fashion, and markets of all sorts are reacting as one would expect when their entire worldview is exposed as having been a gigantic and intentional pyramid scheme constructed of debt layered upon debt thatcannot be paid down. The wrong thing was done in 2008 and there is zero evidence that our government has changed one iota in their singular focus on misdirection and lies in this regard.

Welcome to awareness; I hope you’ve taken the last couple of years to become prepared.

Source: Market Ticker

Denninger has for years put forth mathematically undeniable empirical evidence that shows not only how unsustainable our system is, but the lunacy in the government’s purported solutions and response.

Our debt load is too high. Our production capacity has been decimated. Our GDP growth is negative and has been for a decade (if you look at the real data).

It may very well all be coming to a head. While we opined earlier that the triggers for the meltdown of the last 24 hours may not have been a loss of confidence in the US dollar, that doesn’t mean it won’t happen as a result of what will play out in coming weeks and months.

It’s clear that stock markets world wide are in panic mode, and this will not bode well for investors, as Denninger suggested in a commentary yesterday:

I’ll go ahead and make the prediction now: This time will be worse than 2008 and we’ll measure from SPX 1370, which makes the minimum downside target under 600. And no, this time it won’t recover with more “hopium” and fraud – that card has already been played which means the pension funds and annuities across this nation are going to get smoked, exactly as I warned about four years ago.

Consider the implications of what led to the collapse of 2008, our failure to resolve the problem, the obscene debt we created in the last three years, and the economic disaster that is the American job market.

Many have been holding out hope that “they” will do something to keep everything from normal.

They won’t.

So if you haven’t spent the last two or three years preparing, then we’d recommend you get into high gear right now. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Now.

The world as we have come to know it, in one way or another, is going to crumble over coming years. It may happen overnight in a rapid waterfall collapse, or it may deteriorate over several years. Regardless of how it happens or exactly how long it takes, we’re running out of time and the outcome will be the same. Here’s historical proof exists that this can happen in America. In The Redline: A Tale of Collapse, Brandon Smith depicts a scenario that may not be too far off from what reality will look like in America in the not too distant future.

Suffice it to say that if you want to avoid, or at least insulate yourself from, living in a world of poverty, violence, and despair, consider how you can become more self reliant today.

■What will you do if commerce stops due to a currency collapse and the banks are closed- how will you buy food, medicine and bare essentials?
■Can you grow your own food or raise micro livestock?
■Do you have the ability to protect yourself at home or in public?
■What skills do you bring to the table that will be of use when the service industry in America collapses – what are you capable of producing?
■How prepared are you to sustain your family in the event of a hyperinflationary or hyperdeflationary collapse – what will you use to pay your monthly mortgage and bills if traditional currencies collapse or you lose your primary income stream?
All of these questions and many more should be at the top of your list of things to do right now.

Obviously, mainstream media, government and central bankers have been lying to us about the state of our economy and financial markets. Perhaps preparedness minded web sites like SHTFplan are wrong.

But what will you do if we’re right?

Source: SHTF Plan

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Nervous Breakdown? 21 Signs That Something Big Is About To Happen In The Financial World

Will global financial markets reach a breaking point during the month of October? Right now there are all kinds of signs that the financial world is about to experience a nervous breakdown. Massive amounts of investor money is being pulled out of the stock market and mammoth bets are being made against the S&P 500 in October. The European debt crisis continues to grow even worse and weird financial moves are being made all over the globe. Does all of this unusual activity indicate that something big is about to happen? Let's hope not. But historically, the biggest stock market crashes have tended to happen in the fall. So are we on the verge of a "Black October"?

The following are 21 signs that something big is about to happen in the financial world and that global financial markets are on the verge of a nervous breakdown....

#1 We are seeing an amazing number of bets against the S&P 500 right now. According to CNN, the number of bets against the S&P 500 rose to the highest level in a year last month. But that was nothing compared to what we are seeing for October. The number of bets against the S&P 500 for the month of October is absolutely astounding. Somebody is going to make a monstrous amount of money if there is a stock market crash next month.

#2 Investors are pulling a huge amount of money out of stocks right now. Do they know something that we don't? The following is from a report in the Financial Post....

Investors have pulled more money from U.S. equity funds since the end of April than in the five months after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., adding to the $2.1 trillion rout in American stocks.

About $75 billion was withdrawn from funds that focus on shares during the past four months, according to data compiled by Bloomberg from the Investment Company Institute, a Washington-based trade group, and EPFR Global, a research firm in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Outflows totaled $72.8 billion from October 2008 through February 2009, following Lehman’s bankruptcy, the data show.
#3 Siemens has pulled more than half a billion euros out of two major French banks and has moved that money to the European Central Bank. Do they know something or are they just getting nervous?

#4 On Monday, Standard & Poor's cut Italy's credit rating from A+ to A.

#5 The European Central Bank is purchasing even more Italian and Spanish bonds in an attempt to cool down the burgeoning financial crisis in Europe.

#6 The Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan and the Swiss National Bank have announced that they are going to make available an "unlimited" amount of money to European commercial banks in October, November and December.

#7 So far this year, the largest bank in Italy has lost over half of its value and the second largest bank in Italy is down 44 percent.

#8 Angela Merkel's coalition is getting embarrassed in local elections in Germany. A recent poll found that an astounding 82 percent of all Germans believe that her government is doing a bad job of handling the crisis in Greece. Right now, public opinion in Germany is very negative toward the bailouts, and that is really bad news for Greece.

#9 Greece is experiencing a full-blown economic collapse at this point. Just consider the following statistics from a recent editorial in the Guardian....

Consider first the scale of the crisis. After contracting in 2009 and 2010, GDP fell by a further 7.3% in the second quarter of 2011. Unemployment is approaching 900,000 and is projected to exceed 1.2 million, in a population of 11 million. These are figures reminiscent of the Great Depression of the 1930s.
#10 In 2009, Greece had a debt to GDP ratio of about 115%. Today, Greece has a debt to GDP ratio of about 160%. All of the austerity that has been imposed upon them has done nothing to solve their long-term problems.

#11 The yield on 1 year Greek bonds is now over 129 percent. A year ago the yield on those bonds was under 10 percent.

#12 Greek Deputy Finance Minister Filippos Sachinidis says that Greece only has enough cash to continue operating until next month.

#13 Italy now has a debt to GDP ratio of about 120% and their economy is far, far larger than the economy of Greece.

#14 The yield on 2 year Portuguese bonds is now over 17 percent. A year ago the yield on those bonds was about 4 percent.

#15 China seems to be concerned about the stability of European banks. The following is from a recent Reuters report....

A big market-making state bank in China's onshore foreign exchange market has stopped foreign exchange forwards and swaps trading with several European banks due to the unfolding debt crisis in Europe, two sources told Reuters on Tuesday.
#16 European central banks are now buying more gold than they are selling. This is the first time that has happened in more than 20 years.

#17 The chief economist at the IMF says that the global economy has entered a "dangerous new phase".

#18 Israel has dumped 46 percent of its U.S. Treasuries and Russia has dumped 95 percent of its U.S. Treasuries. Do they know something that we don't?

#19 World financial markets are expecting that the Federal Reserve will announce a new bond-buying plan this week that will be designed to push long-term interest rates lower.

#20 If some wealthy investors believe that the Obama tax plan has a chance of getting through Congress, they may start dumping stocks before the end of this year in order to avoid getting taxed at a much higher rate in 2012.

#21 According to a study that was recently released by Merrill Lynch, the U.S. economy has an 80% chance of going into another recession.

When financial markets get really jumpy like this, all it takes is one really big spark to set the dominoes in motion.

Hopefully nothing really big will happen in October.

Hopefully global financial markets will not experience a nervous breakdown.

But right now things look a little bit more like 2008 every single day.

None of the problems that caused the financial crisis of 2008 have been fixed, and the world financial system is more vulnerable today than it ever has been since the end of World War II.

As I wrote about yesterday, the U.S. economy has never really recovered from the last financial crisis.

If we see another major financial crash in the coming months, the consequences would be absolutely devastating.

We have been softened up and we are ready for the knockout blow.

Let's just hope that the financial world can keep it together.

We don't need more economic pain right about now.

Source: The Economic Collapse

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

California City Closes Down Bible Study in Private Home

In Orange County, California, it is illegal to hold a religious meeting in your home.

This is what Chuck and Stephanie Fromm, of San Juan Capistrano, discovered when they were fined $300 earlier this month for holding a Bible study class on their property.

Officialdom in the county said the couple were singled out because it is considered illegal to hold “a regular gathering of more than three people” on private property. Officials stated that the Fromms require a license to hold meetings in their home.

San Juan Capistrano authorities claim home Bible study is not allowed because it is a “church,” and churches require a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) in residential areas.

The Fromms face additional fines of $500 per meeting for any further “religious gatherings” in their home, according to the Pacific Justice Institute.

The city’s action is a brazen violation of the First Amendment, which guarantees free worship without government intervention.

PJI and the Fromms plan to appeal a decision made by the city to uphold the fine and restriction to the California Superior Court in Orange County, according to KCOY 12 News, a Fox affiliate.

Ironically, the city of San Juan Capistrano was founded as a mission in the late 1700s by Catholic priest Junipero Serra. A local chapel established by Serra is the oldest standing building in California.


This is why you must Prepare for the Underground Church. When they come knocking on your door it is too late. You must prepare your mind, spirit, speech, thought, and actions NOW! watchman57

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bloomberg Warns of Riots: “The Public Knows There’s Something Wrong In This Country”

Mac Slavo

Very few Americans have ever thought about the prospect of an economic depression or collapse so severe that it could result in riots like those we’ve seen in the middle east and Europe over the last year.

But while most of our countrymen have had their heads in the sand, alternative news media has been warning about the possibility of civil unrest, riots, violence and even martial law if the economy continues on its unabating downward trajectory.

It seems that the realities of what we face are starting to reach the mainstream, as Mayor Bloomberg of New York recently noted on WOR Newstalk 710:

The public is not happy. The public knows there’s something wrong in this country. And there is. The public does not know what, necessarily, or disagrees on what, doesn’t know how to fix it, or disagrees on what the fix should be.

The bottom line is they are upset.

Economic disasters tend not to be an overnight thing.

The damage to this country from our immigration policy will last for decades. The damage to a generation that can’t find jobs will go on for many, many years. It all sort of us — there’s no one event…

We are really making ourselves have less of a future than we could have.

You have a lot of kids graduating college that can’t find jobs. That’s what happened in Cairo. That’s what happened in Madrid. You don’t want those kinds of riots here.

…There’s no overnight solution. You create these problems over long periods of time…

While we disagree with Mayor Bloomberg’s approach to a host of issues, we agree with his view that riots will hit the streets of America if we can’t resolve our economic, fiscal, political, social and monetary problems.

Unemployment is a big part of it, but it won’t be the only driver of civil unrest. For now, if you’re unemployed you have assistance in the form of modern day soup lines – food stamps, welfare, government health care, social security and rental assistance. It’s when there’s either no more money to send checks to those without jobs, or, when the prices of goods rise so high that it effectively cuts subsistence checks by 50% or more, that we will see Americans rise up in the streets.

In our view, it’s a foregone conclusion. It’s is no longer a question of if civil unrest will happen. It’s only a question of when.

There is no easy fix and we’re going to experience some serious pain one way or another. We suspect Mr. Bloomberg and many of our elected officials already know this. This is why our government is conducting military exercises designed specifically for large-scale economic breakdown and civil unrest, and this is why they are arming our local police forces with assault weapons, tanks, and drones.

Source: SHTF Plan

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Vaccine Wake-up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken

A Parent's Horrid Nightmare: Coming Soon to YOUR State?

By Dr. Mercola

The state of California has just passed bill AB499, which will permit minor children as young as 12 years old to be vaccinated with sexually transmitted disease vaccines like Gardasil without parental knowledge or parental consent. This means that if you live in California, school or medical personnel would be allowed to vaccinate your child against an STD without your ever knowing it.

At issue, of course, is whether 12-year-olds are mature enough to fully analyze the benefits versus risks of vaccination (or any medical treatment for that matter), or recognize the alternatives to STD prevention, such as abstinence. Meanwhile, a child could suffer a vaccine reaction and the parent, not knowing the child had been vaccinated, could mistake it for the flu or another condition, delaying getting help until it is too late.

But, perhaps the greatest issue of all is whether this law violates your basic right to be involved in important decisions regarding your child's health.

How Can Parental Consent be Completely Ignored?
As Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) has stated, informed consent is a human right.

"The right to voluntary, informed consent to a medical intervention, including use of a pharmaceutical product such as a vaccine that can injure or kill you or your child, is a human right. While the State may have the legal authority to mandate use of vaccines, nobody has the moral authority to FORCE you to get vaccinated or vaccinate your child without your voluntary, informed consent," she says.

We as parents, who know and love our children better than anyone else, we, by U.S. law and a larger moral imperative, are the guardians of our children until they are old enough to make life and death decisions for themselves. We are responsible for their welfare and we are the ones who bear the grief and the burden when they are injured or die from any cause.

We are their voice and by all that is right in this great country and in the moral universe, we should be allowed to make a rational, informed, voluntary decision about which diseases and which vaccines we are willing to risk their lives for -- without fearing retribution from physicians employed by the state."

Not only does AB499 remove a parent's right to give their informed consent, but parents will not even have the right to be informed if their child is vaccinated. As Age of Autism recently reported, this could be disastrous for the child's well-being for a number of reasons:

•“A child will most likely not know his or her family history of allergies, autoimmune diseases, or adverse reactions to other vaccines or medications, all of which are essential to consider before the administration of any vaccine.
•A child is not capable of weighing the risks and benefits of vaccination, and under this bill, a parent will not be present to ask the appropriate questions to elicit this important risk/benefit information.
•A child can be easily swayed by a person of authority, his or her peers, and by misinformation
•... Who will determine if the child falls within the category of those who should not be vaccinated on the label (especially in the absence of the child's medical records and the child's parent)?”
Informed consent is especially important when it comes to vaccination, because there is no way for you or your physician to predict if your child will be one of the children who has a devastating vaccine reaction, such as brain inflammation, immune dysregulation, or even death.

AB499 More About Profits than Health
Pharmaceutical and medical lobbyists were heavily involved in pushing AB499 through the state legislature. After all, by stripping parents of their right to make informed decisions about medical procedures that could harm their children, they have tapped a new market for their Gardasil vaccine. And, at a cost of $108 per dose to the government, Merck, the vaccine's manufacturer, stands to profit handsomely.

Meanwhile, California taxpayers will likely foot the bill for the multi-millions of dollars this law will cost to implement. Parents are NOT responsible for the costs (how could they be if they're not even informed that a vaccine was given?), so the bulk will come from the government (i.e. the taxpayers). As Fisher states:

"This proposed law would cost the cash-strapped state of California multi-millions of dollars to implement. Most of that money will go to Merck and other vaccine corporations to pay for multiple doses of each vaccine that will be aggressively promoted to young children, who are not yet physically, mentally or emotionally mature enough to make fully informed decisions about risk-taking, including whether or not to take a medical risk."

Further, has anyone considered who will be held responsible if a child is permanently injured or killed from receiving a vaccination without their parents' consent? Neither physicians nor drug companies have any legal liability, so the parents will ultimately be the ones who will have to carry the financial burden if their child suffers damage from the vaccine.

If You Live in California, Talk to Your Child About Gardasil Risks!
You have the legal right to know the risks and complications of vaccines BEFORE you make the choice of whether or not to allow your child to be vaccinated. If you live in California, this right may soon be taken away, unless you ACT NOW to stop the Governor from signing it into law. Still, it would be prudent to discuss this issue with your child now, before they are given the opportunity to receive this vaccine, so they will be able to make an educated decision when and if the time comes.

In the four short years since Gardasil came on the market, there have been more than 21,000 reported incidents of adverse effects and death, despite the fact that only two out of every 10 women in the approved age group have gotten the vaccine so far.

Add to this the fact that an estimated 90 to 99 percent of all adverse effects are never reported, and the abnormally large risks of the HPV vaccine compared to other vaccines should give most people reason to pause. Further, you and your child should know that:

•Gardasil is NOT a cancer vaccine. It is simply a vaccine for two strains of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) that in some instances can lead to cancer in some women (Gardasil's other two HPV strains are for genital warts, which don't cause cancer). There is absolutely no proof and no clinical trials that show Gardasil protects against cancer in the long-term.
•Since there are at least 15 HPV strains that can lead to cancer, Gardasil-vaccinated girls can still get cervical cancer from the other 13 HPV strains not contained in the vaccine.
•The vaccine doesn't work if you've already been infected with the HPV strains in the vaccine.
In the United States, infection with HPV is very common, and it is estimated that about 20 million Americans have an HPV infection at any given time. In fact, HPV is so common that most sexually active people will get it at some time in their lives.

The important thing to know about HPV is that in almost all cases, it clears up on its own without any adverse health effects within two years in most healthy people. So not only is the HPV vaccine one of the most unnecessary vaccines on the market, it is also the most dangerous! If AB499 is not vetoed, it's important, if you live in California, to arm your children with these facts in advance.

Urgent Action Alert for ALL Parents
If California parents can be stripped of their legal right to make informed medical decisions for their minor children, so too can parents in any state. I encourage you to get involved with the work that NVIC is doing to protect your right to choose which vaccines you want your children to get, including the legal right to use all, some, or no vaccines at all.

Register for the free NVIC Advocacy Portal that educates you about how to communicate effectively with your elected state representatives and protect vaccine exemptions in your state. Stay informed about what is happening in your state and make your voice heard.

Go to and register today to take action.

For those of you who live in California, it is imperative that you take part in NVIC's urgent action alert. If Governor Brown does not veto AB499, vaccine exemptions for sexually transmitted disease vaccines become NULL and VOID in California. Please take just 5 minutes to help support this cause by:

•Forwarding NVIC’s Urgent Action Alert to everyone you know
•Posting the link to this alert on Facebook, blogs, or other social media sites:
•Contact Governor Jerry Brown and ask him to VETO AB499. The most effective way is to call the Governor’s office. They’ve already added a simple voicemail button for a "yes" or "no" vote on the legislation.
◦Call: (916) 445-2841
◦Fax: (916) 558-3160
◦Email Web Form:
•Register for the NVIC Advocacy Portal so you can receive updates
The more people who get involved, the better chance there is that California will get the message that parents will not lie down while their parental rights are removed. Together we can make a difference and keep this legislation from standing, and influencing the right to informed consent in the rest of the United States as well.

Our entire country needs to come together and send the state government of California the strong message: Keep your hands off our kids!


Friday, September 16, 2011

Enhanced Pat-Downs At NFL Games? America Is Rapidly Turning Into A High-Security Prison

The NFL has announced that it will be implementing "enhanced" pat-downs at all 32 NFL stadiums. Once this is fully implemented, the 16 million fans that attend games each season will be frisked from the ankles to the knees and from the waist up. Apparently this new level of security was brought on by a recent incident where a Cowboys fan smuggled a stun gun into a game between the New York Jets and the Dallas Cowboys and started zapping other fans with it. As usual, authorities have responded to a minor security incident by massively overreacting to it. In the post-9/11 world in which we live, paranoia is standard operating procedure. Those that are responsible for security are far more interested in "covering their backsides" than they are in respecting the liberty, freedom and dignity of average Americans. America is rapidly turning into a high-security prison. When naked body scanners and "enhanced pat-downs" went into U.S. airports, those that warned that we would soon see these types of "Big Brother" security measures pop up at train stations, bus stations, shopping malls and sporting events were dismissed as "conspiracy theorists". But it turns out that the "conspiracy theorists" did not even fully understand how quickly all of this nonsense was going to spread. How much "security" is going to be enough? Where in the world is the line going to be drawn? If groping all fans is "necessary" for security at all NFL games, how long will it be before it is implemented at all other sporting events across the United States?

The truth is that no matter how hard they try, those in charge of our "security" cannot keep us perfectly safe. Life is dangerous and bad things are going to happen no matter how much "security" you throw around.

We have a choice. We can live as free men without fear, or we can cower in terror and call for increasingly repressive layers of "security". If we continue on the path that we are on, this nation is going to become a totalitarian "Big Brother" police state so repressive that it will make our founding fathers roll over in their graves.

In fact, they are probably already rolling over in their graves.

Do you enjoy living in a prison grid? That is what this country is becoming.

Once upon a time, going to an NFL game was great fun. But like with so many other things, "Big Brother" is sucking all of the joy out of that too.

The following is from a USA Today article which describes that new "security" procedures at NFL stadiums....

Under the new "enhanced" pat-down procedures, the NFL wants all 32 clubs to search fans from the ankles to the knees as well as the waist up. Previously, security guards only patted down fans from the waist up while looking for booze, weapons or other banned items.
Do you want to wait in incredibly long lines to get into a game while security thugs grope fellow fans as if they were a herd of cattle?

I think that I will be more than happy to sit home and watch the games on television.

Where will this end?

If we keep going to the games and act as if nothing has changed, then they are going to see that as a sign that they can tighten our shackles even more.

Yes, of course nobody ever wants to see something bad happen, but do we really have to live like this?

All government agencies that have anything to do with national security should be given a dual mandate. Instead of just focusing on "security" at any cost, they should be required by law to provide security while pledging to never compromise the liberty, freedom, honor and dignity of the American people while doing so.

If those in charge of our security right now cannot protect us without compromising our liberty, freedom, honor and dignity then they need to immediately resign and allow someone else to do the job.

Right now, those that are supposed to be "protecting" us treat us all like a bunch of trash.

Rather than shielding us from "the enemy", they actually treat us as though we are the enemy.

It started in our airports, but now futuristic "Big Brother" police state security measures are being implemented at subway stops, bus stations, ports, shopping malls, highway rest stops and sporting events.

We are spending billions upon billions of dollars on programs that are turning us a little bit more into North Korea every single day.

Did you know that TSA "VIPR teams" now conduct approximately 8,000 "unannounced security screenings" every year at subway stations, bus terminals, seaports and highway rest stops?

Should we be proud that in America today, goons in black uniforms conduct "out-of-nowhere" security sweeps at transportation hubs and at public events?

What in the world is happening to us?

In prison, you should expect to be locked down and frisked by security thugs at any moment.

But I thought that we lived in America.

And you know who is going to be flocking to fill these security goon positions?

Yes, you guessed it. For the growing number of perverts and child molesters in America, these are going to be dream jobs.

As a security goon, they can legally touch the bodies of other people and get paid while doing it!

But unleashing hordes of security goons is not enough for the government. Now they want us to snitch on one another. That is what the whole "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign is all about.

When I was growing up, East Germany was a nation that was despised because of their repressive totalitarian police state.

But now we are becoming just like East Germany.

Sadly, things will soon become even more repressive.

Are you ready to be monitored for "pre-crime"? Yes, new technology will soon be watching you at public events that will determine whether or not you have the "intent" to commit a crime. If you fail any of the "psysiological" or "behavioral" tests, you will be flagged for "suspicious activity" and security goons will pull you off the street. This new program was described in a recent article by Paul Joseph Watson....

Homeland Security is also developing technology to be used at “security events” which purports to monitor “malintent” on behalf of an individual who passes through a checkpoint. The promotional video for the program explains how “Future Attribute Screening Technology” (FAST) checkpoints will conduct “physiological” and “behavioral” tests in order to weed out suspected terrorists and criminals.
In America today, watching for "suspicious activity" has become a very high priority. As I wrote about recently, an FBI document that is being distributed to stores and hotels says that "suspicious activity" now includes....

-paying with cash

-missing a hand or fingers

-"strange odors"

-making "extreme religious statements"

-"radical theology"

-purchasing weatherproofed ammunition or match containers

-purchasing meals ready to eat

-purchasing night vision devices, night flashlights or gas masks

Do any of those apply to you?

I have also written about how our children are being trained to accept living in a repressive "Big Brother" prison grid. Life in U.S. public schools is becoming a little more like life in U.S. prisons every single day.

Our kids are being conditioned to accept that it is okay for "authorities" to constantly watch them, track them, record what they do, search them for no reason and put them on "lock down" at any time.

Somewhere along the way, the American people became the biggest threat. Instead of an "enemy" that lives on the other side of the world, we are now being told that our biggest enemy may be our neighbor or the person traveling in the seat right next to us.

Since the American people are the biggest threat, it has become necessary to monitor everything that we do and say.

Just check out what a recent Politico article had to say about how things have changed in the post-9/11 world....

At the NSA, thousands of analysts who once eavesdropped on troop movements of enemy soldiers in distant countries were now listening in on the bedroom conversations of innocent Americans in nearby states.

“We were told that we were to listen to all conversations that were intercepted, to include those of Americans,” Adrienne Kinne, a former NSA “voice interceptor,” told me. She was recalled to active duty after Sept. 11.

“Some of those conversations are personal,” she said. “Some even intimate. … I had a real problem with the fact that people were listening to it and that I was listening to it. … When I was on active duty in ’94 to ’98, we would never collect on an American.”
Are you disturbed by this?

If not, you might want to check to see if you are actually an American.

Of course some of the biggest abuses are happening at U.S. airports. The following is what one of Steve Quayle's listeners recently shared with him about her own TSA experience....

She proceeds through the upper body part, then moves down to the ankles and up one leg. As she reached the top, her hand hits the middle of my crotch area and she slightly "slides" it away from there. This area had NEVER been touched before, and I only asked her a simple question, "since when can you touch the crotch?" She immediately pulls back, stands up, and calls a supervisor! He comes over, she tells him what happened (although her words were, "she complained I touched her in a personal manner")...he proceeds to tell me she was following protocol. I told him I had been patted down 2 or 3 times this year, and had NEVER had anyone touch my crotch! I told him, I was sorry, but I was standing on my principles. One thing leads to another, eventually I was able to retrieve my cell fon, and tried my darndest to record the incident, without them knowing I was doing so, but could only get brief recordings, the best one is linked here (Real Player format). You hear the guy at the end hesitate to answer my question..unfortunately I wasn't aware it had stopped recording!

Eventually the duty supervisor for my airline walked over and introduced himself. He was very kind and understanding. I asked him if this was going to get me in trouble at work. He told me, as far as he was concerned, not at all. He said his wife has a disability, and she also has complained at the intrusiveness of the TSA patdowns, so he fully understood my position. I told him, that as a Christian, this type of touching is totally unacceptable. He agreed!

After just sitting in a chair, waiting around, they brought in the "Federal Security Director" of Sky Harbor!! He proceeds to inform me of my "options." He tells me that they can have another woman complete the procedure and I can then proceed through, or if I refuse, I would be further investigated and charged with a civil suit!
This type of behavior is absolutely outrageous.

So why are so many Americans still willing to get on to airplanes?

Have we become so desensitized that we are willing to be groped and manhandled like cattle just so that we can feel a little safer?

Sadly, even if you get through all of the scanners, the groping and the searches, you can still be pulled off your plane in handcuffs and interrogated for hours just because someone thinks that you look "suspicious".

If you do not think that such a thing can happen to you, just read this story. After reading that story you will likely never want to get on to an airplane in the United States again.

It doesn't seem to matter whether the Republicans are in control or whether the Democrats are in control. We just continue our sad march toward becoming a totalitarian police state no matter who is in charge.

Anyone that still believes that we live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave" is delusional.

This country is undergoing fundamental changes and everything that our forefathers passed down to us is in danger of being wiped out forever.

You better wake up America.

Source:The American Dream

Related: Alex Jones Calls for NFL Boycott After Intrusive Pat-down Searches Announced