This call is from the Sunday, June 24th broadcast of the Alex Jones radio show. Jones announced that he only wanted to take calls from members of the military or police. A man identifying himself as a police officer named ‘Jim’ called in to report some startling information.
“We have been told that in October we need to be prepared for an event that will require us to use air and ground support, in conjunction with the military here.”
During the call Jim comes across as passionate, sincere and very shaken by the information he tries to share. After the commercial break, Jim gets choked up as he tries to convey his appreciation for what Alex Jones has tried to do in terms of waking people up in the effort to save the Republic from the clutches of the forces seeking to destroy it. Now, nearly in tears, Jim concludes by saying “This country’s dead Alex. It’s gone” before unexpectedly hanging up.
This report first appeared on SGTreport’s Youtube Channel.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Friday, June 29, 2012
“Turn In Your Guns At Your Local Church”
Chuck Baldwin
Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” WBBM News Radio has the story. “Using the lure of $100 gift cards, the Chicago Police Department is encouraging people to get guns out of their homes and turn them in this Saturday, during the annual gun turn-in program.”
The news report goes on to say, “[T]he Police Department is partnering with 20 churches.
First Deputy Supt. Alfonza Wysinger says anyone who turns in a real gun will get a $100 gift card. Replicas and BB guns are worth $10.
“‘No questions asked,’ Wysinger said. ‘Just show up at the church, and hand over the weapons to the CPD officer that will be there, and get your $100 gift card. So we strongly suggest that people come out that have weapons lying around the house, or weapons, maybe, that they don’t necessarily want in their house. This is a chance to get some money for their weapon, and get another dangerous weapon on [sic] the street.’”
The report then lists 23 churches that are identified as participating in the gun turn-in event.
See the report at:
But I particularly enjoyed a few of the comments that readers posted to the online report:
One guy wrote, “Gun thieves will be lined up for blocks.”
Another wrote, “They can arrest you for having a gun outside of your house.”
And another person wrote, “[Criminals] are turning in the guns they used in multiple crimes because the stupid politicians will destroy them thus getting rid of the evidence…”
And perhaps my favorite comment on the story was this one: “WOW. BOTH police and CHURCHES turning traitor against the Constitution.”
Truthfully, think about the absurdity of this gun turn-in program. As one reader noted, think of the money gun thieves will make on this program. As any tenured lawman knows, most guns are stolen to resell in order to get the money to purchase drugs, booze, sex, etc. Some are used in crimes, sure. But most are used for the purpose of making a buck. Imagine a gun thief who has perhaps 50 or 60 stolen guns in his possession: that guy has just made a small fortune OFF THE TAXPAYERS. Remember, there are “no questions asked.” And since the cops in Chicago seem to be doing this annually, how many gun thieves are stealing guns all year long and just saving up for the big payout, or how many start a gun-stealing frenzy just before the anticipated gun turn-in program? $100 for a stolen gun is often a higher bid than what the thief would get on the street. What a deal!
And think of this angle: what better way to get some quick dough by selling a gun or two that is totally inoperable, and then taking the money and buying a gun that actually works? Again, what a deal!
And another reader nailed it when he observed that taking a firearm outside your home is a CRIME in Chicago. In fact, I am surprised to learn that people in Chicago can even legally have a gun in their homes. You cannot legally carry a firearm in Chicago. So, the CPD is encouraging people to BREAK THE LAW. I can just imagine people all over Chicago caught carrying guns and telling the arresting officer, “I was going to take it to the gun turn-in program.” And you know what the cop would say, right? “Tell it to the judge.”
This brings up another point: why is there so much gun-related crime in Chicago, anyway? After all, Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the entire country. GUNS ARE ILLEGAL IN CHICAGO! So, pray tell, where is all of this gun-related crime coming from? I thought that passing laws restricting the ownership and possession of firearms was supposed to reduce crime? If that is truly the case, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York City, etc., should be the most peaceful places on earth! Of course, the truth is if you want to find peaceful communities, go to states such as Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Vermont where just about everybody is packin’ heat!
Plus, the point that another reader made about criminals turning in the guns with which they have committed crimes and thereby letting the authorities destroy those firearms–thus destroying the evidence–is a very astute observation. Way to go CPD!
But the icing on the cake for me is the point that one reader made when he said, “WOW. BOTH police and CHURCHES turning traitor against the Constitution.” Bingo!
Another reader was even more direct. He said, “The government and so called churches will be the downfall of this great country’s Constitution.” Amen!
It grieves me to say that a sizeable percentage (if not a majority) of today’s churches are as culpable in the dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights as any entity one can think of. So many pastors and churches today are unwilling to take a stand against almost ANYTHING that might have political overtones. I doubt that most of them would say “Boo” to the devil himself–especially if he came dressed in a government uniform. They are all about making people feel good, entertaining people, and stroking people’s egos.
In fact, let me ask my church-going readers to try an experiment. The next time you go to church, ask your pastor where he or she stands on the Second Amendment. Ask them, “Would our church participate in a police-sponsored gun turn-in program?” Ask them, “If the President declared a ‘national emergency,’ and FEMA (or any federal or State agency) asks you to ask your congregation to turn in their firearms, would you agree to do so?” Go ahead: ask them! Then observe their reaction very carefully.
You can count on this: virtually no pastor whose church is receiving federal “faith based initiative” taxpayer monies would take a public stand for the Second Amendment under those conditions. Count on it. So maybe you should also ask your pastor if your church is receiving federal “faith based initiative” monies. All over America, literally thousands of churches are accepting federal tax dollars to help support their daycare centers, their after-school programs, their “Christian” schools, their food banks, etc.
Contrast today’s churches to those of Colonial America. In those days, gun racks for the rifles that had been brought to church were as common as coat racks. In fact, many times, the church basement or back room was used as a place in which caches of firearms were commonly stored.
I realize the times in which we live do not remotely resemble those of Colonial America, but the spirit and attitudes of the pastors and men of the church should still be the same: that freedom is fragile and that firearms are “the people’s liberty teeth” (George Washington), that, “An armed society is a polite society” (Robert Heinlein), and, “No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms” (Thomas Jefferson).
And while these milquetoast preachers are preparing their sermonettes, they should read what the Lord Jesus said: “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36) Of course, the Roman sword was the First Century equivalent to a Twenty-First Century handgun: it was the weapon of choice for personal, close quarter combat. In today’s parlance, Jesus said if you don’t have the money, sell your clothes if you have to, and buy a GUN! That’s a far cry from churches in Chicago asking people to give up their guns, isn’t it?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I will take the word of Jesus over the word of Barack Obama and his Chicago Gestapo any day!
P.S. Through Independence Day, we are shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is a giant compilation of 50 of the greatest documents of American history in one volume, under one title. This is available nowhere else that I know of. This summer printing is limited, so if you want to get your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, you need to order now! Go to:
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
And follow my updates by liking the following Facebook pages:
Also, follow me on Twitter:!/drchuckbaldwin
And please visit my web site for past columns and much more at:
Source With Links: Chuck Baldwin Live
Last weekend, the Chicago Police Department collaborated with over 20 local churches in a giant effort to encourage Chicagoans “to get guns out of their homes.” WBBM News Radio has the story. “Using the lure of $100 gift cards, the Chicago Police Department is encouraging people to get guns out of their homes and turn them in this Saturday, during the annual gun turn-in program.”
The news report goes on to say, “[T]he Police Department is partnering with 20 churches.
First Deputy Supt. Alfonza Wysinger says anyone who turns in a real gun will get a $100 gift card. Replicas and BB guns are worth $10.
“‘No questions asked,’ Wysinger said. ‘Just show up at the church, and hand over the weapons to the CPD officer that will be there, and get your $100 gift card. So we strongly suggest that people come out that have weapons lying around the house, or weapons, maybe, that they don’t necessarily want in their house. This is a chance to get some money for their weapon, and get another dangerous weapon on [sic] the street.’”
The report then lists 23 churches that are identified as participating in the gun turn-in event.
See the report at:
But I particularly enjoyed a few of the comments that readers posted to the online report:
One guy wrote, “Gun thieves will be lined up for blocks.”
Another wrote, “They can arrest you for having a gun outside of your house.”
And another person wrote, “[Criminals] are turning in the guns they used in multiple crimes because the stupid politicians will destroy them thus getting rid of the evidence…”
And perhaps my favorite comment on the story was this one: “WOW. BOTH police and CHURCHES turning traitor against the Constitution.”
Truthfully, think about the absurdity of this gun turn-in program. As one reader noted, think of the money gun thieves will make on this program. As any tenured lawman knows, most guns are stolen to resell in order to get the money to purchase drugs, booze, sex, etc. Some are used in crimes, sure. But most are used for the purpose of making a buck. Imagine a gun thief who has perhaps 50 or 60 stolen guns in his possession: that guy has just made a small fortune OFF THE TAXPAYERS. Remember, there are “no questions asked.” And since the cops in Chicago seem to be doing this annually, how many gun thieves are stealing guns all year long and just saving up for the big payout, or how many start a gun-stealing frenzy just before the anticipated gun turn-in program? $100 for a stolen gun is often a higher bid than what the thief would get on the street. What a deal!
And think of this angle: what better way to get some quick dough by selling a gun or two that is totally inoperable, and then taking the money and buying a gun that actually works? Again, what a deal!
And another reader nailed it when he observed that taking a firearm outside your home is a CRIME in Chicago. In fact, I am surprised to learn that people in Chicago can even legally have a gun in their homes. You cannot legally carry a firearm in Chicago. So, the CPD is encouraging people to BREAK THE LAW. I can just imagine people all over Chicago caught carrying guns and telling the arresting officer, “I was going to take it to the gun turn-in program.” And you know what the cop would say, right? “Tell it to the judge.”
This brings up another point: why is there so much gun-related crime in Chicago, anyway? After all, Chicago has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the entire country. GUNS ARE ILLEGAL IN CHICAGO! So, pray tell, where is all of this gun-related crime coming from? I thought that passing laws restricting the ownership and possession of firearms was supposed to reduce crime? If that is truly the case, Chicago, Washington, D.C., and New York City, etc., should be the most peaceful places on earth! Of course, the truth is if you want to find peaceful communities, go to states such as Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, and Vermont where just about everybody is packin’ heat!
Plus, the point that another reader made about criminals turning in the guns with which they have committed crimes and thereby letting the authorities destroy those firearms–thus destroying the evidence–is a very astute observation. Way to go CPD!
But the icing on the cake for me is the point that one reader made when he said, “WOW. BOTH police and CHURCHES turning traitor against the Constitution.” Bingo!
Another reader was even more direct. He said, “The government and so called churches will be the downfall of this great country’s Constitution.” Amen!
It grieves me to say that a sizeable percentage (if not a majority) of today’s churches are as culpable in the dismantling of our Constitution and Bill of Rights as any entity one can think of. So many pastors and churches today are unwilling to take a stand against almost ANYTHING that might have political overtones. I doubt that most of them would say “Boo” to the devil himself–especially if he came dressed in a government uniform. They are all about making people feel good, entertaining people, and stroking people’s egos.
In fact, let me ask my church-going readers to try an experiment. The next time you go to church, ask your pastor where he or she stands on the Second Amendment. Ask them, “Would our church participate in a police-sponsored gun turn-in program?” Ask them, “If the President declared a ‘national emergency,’ and FEMA (or any federal or State agency) asks you to ask your congregation to turn in their firearms, would you agree to do so?” Go ahead: ask them! Then observe their reaction very carefully.
You can count on this: virtually no pastor whose church is receiving federal “faith based initiative” taxpayer monies would take a public stand for the Second Amendment under those conditions. Count on it. So maybe you should also ask your pastor if your church is receiving federal “faith based initiative” monies. All over America, literally thousands of churches are accepting federal tax dollars to help support their daycare centers, their after-school programs, their “Christian” schools, their food banks, etc.
Contrast today’s churches to those of Colonial America. In those days, gun racks for the rifles that had been brought to church were as common as coat racks. In fact, many times, the church basement or back room was used as a place in which caches of firearms were commonly stored.
I realize the times in which we live do not remotely resemble those of Colonial America, but the spirit and attitudes of the pastors and men of the church should still be the same: that freedom is fragile and that firearms are “the people’s liberty teeth” (George Washington), that, “An armed society is a polite society” (Robert Heinlein), and, “No freeman shall ever be debarred the use of arms” (Thomas Jefferson).
And while these milquetoast preachers are preparing their sermonettes, they should read what the Lord Jesus said: “He that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.” (Luke 22:36) Of course, the Roman sword was the First Century equivalent to a Twenty-First Century handgun: it was the weapon of choice for personal, close quarter combat. In today’s parlance, Jesus said if you don’t have the money, sell your clothes if you have to, and buy a GUN! That’s a far cry from churches in Chicago asking people to give up their guns, isn’t it?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I will take the word of Jesus over the word of Barack Obama and his Chicago Gestapo any day!
P.S. Through Independence Day, we are shipping THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS. This is a giant compilation of 50 of the greatest documents of American history in one volume, under one title. This is available nowhere else that I know of. This summer printing is limited, so if you want to get your copy of THE FREEDOM DOCUMENTS, you need to order now! Go to:
*If you appreciate this column and want to help me distribute these editorial opinions to an ever-growing audience, donations may now be made by credit card, check, or Money Order. Use this link:
And follow my updates by liking the following Facebook pages:
Also, follow me on Twitter:!/drchuckbaldwin
And please visit my web site for past columns and much more at:
Source With Links: Chuck Baldwin Live
What's Really Going On In The Multi-Billion Dollar Bank Hacking World
( Ed. Note: ) It appears they are stealing the money and closing the banks at same time so you cannot get your money out. Note previous post on bank holiday. when they do open back up will they say your money has been VAPORIZED? As in MF Globaled?
June 28, 2012
Right now banking systems the world over are going into meltdown due to this global syphoning hack that is occuring in over 60 banks worldwide with untold losses in the billions of dollars and counting.
What I want all of you to know is this. It is DAMN impossible for any one hacking group or individual to pull this off. The sheer speed and scope of the operation as well as the precision through which it is being carried out leads me to believe an advanced source is at play.
Look you can not simply hack this many accounts in this many banks simultaneously without leaving any tracks and yet there are no tracks left behind just a bunch of dead end false leads that lead no where.
My sources have told me that the algorithm used in this operation is very very advanced and "they have never seen anything like this." This leads me to one conclusion. A false flag, an inside job designed as a pretext to a broader event. I have been warning about a financial collapse for some time, I have also warned of an impending bank holiday as well as the market indicators pointing to World War Three. I strongly believe this event would be used in any one of these ways.
All of our banking software has back doors built into them for the anonymous power brokers/masters to use as they deem fit. This is an inside job that is done by an International Banking/ Intelligence Agency conglomerate who would have the accessibility, the infrastructure and means to pull this off.
I fear this is a huge prelude to a massive event. I have told many of you through this web site to get your money out...What are you waiting for?
Steve, I am appalled that they (the media) truley are downplaying this mass hack. I spoke to my guy again this morning @ 7am NY time and he feels the number of banks affected could be over 200 but is confident that for sure 100 banks got hit. Another thing that the media is doing right now is damage control saying that the hacks took a year. to do. This is nonsense as the hacks are recent and the money missing from the large accounts would be noticed a lot sooner than a year.
He also stated that the program is NOT Spyeye or Zeus. He stated those they can stop with no problem as they do not have the source code and structure to hit that many servers at that short amount of time. WIll keep you posted on the latest. V. SQ NOTE: DO AN INTERNET SEARCH ON "PROMIS SOFTWARE" AND SEE WHO STOLE IT FROM WHOM-THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS CONTROLLING THE DIS_INFORMATION AT A FANTASY LEVEL--SEEK GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND ASK HIM TO REVEAL TO YOU WHAT'S REALLY TAKING PLACE.
Source: Steve
June 28, 2012
Right now banking systems the world over are going into meltdown due to this global syphoning hack that is occuring in over 60 banks worldwide with untold losses in the billions of dollars and counting.
What I want all of you to know is this. It is DAMN impossible for any one hacking group or individual to pull this off. The sheer speed and scope of the operation as well as the precision through which it is being carried out leads me to believe an advanced source is at play.
Look you can not simply hack this many accounts in this many banks simultaneously without leaving any tracks and yet there are no tracks left behind just a bunch of dead end false leads that lead no where.
My sources have told me that the algorithm used in this operation is very very advanced and "they have never seen anything like this." This leads me to one conclusion. A false flag, an inside job designed as a pretext to a broader event. I have been warning about a financial collapse for some time, I have also warned of an impending bank holiday as well as the market indicators pointing to World War Three. I strongly believe this event would be used in any one of these ways.
All of our banking software has back doors built into them for the anonymous power brokers/masters to use as they deem fit. This is an inside job that is done by an International Banking/ Intelligence Agency conglomerate who would have the accessibility, the infrastructure and means to pull this off.
I fear this is a huge prelude to a massive event. I have told many of you through this web site to get your money out...What are you waiting for?
Steve, I am appalled that they (the media) truley are downplaying this mass hack. I spoke to my guy again this morning @ 7am NY time and he feels the number of banks affected could be over 200 but is confident that for sure 100 banks got hit. Another thing that the media is doing right now is damage control saying that the hacks took a year. to do. This is nonsense as the hacks are recent and the money missing from the large accounts would be noticed a lot sooner than a year.
He also stated that the program is NOT Spyeye or Zeus. He stated those they can stop with no problem as they do not have the source code and structure to hit that many servers at that short amount of time. WIll keep you posted on the latest. V. SQ NOTE: DO AN INTERNET SEARCH ON "PROMIS SOFTWARE" AND SEE WHO STOLE IT FROM WHOM-THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS CONTROLLING THE DIS_INFORMATION AT A FANTASY LEVEL--SEEK GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND ASK HIM TO REVEAL TO YOU WHAT'S REALLY TAKING PLACE.
Source: Steve
Bank Holiday Spreads To France
Silver Doctors
RBS/NatWest’s total system failure/glitch is now in its 10th day with no access to funds for nearly 20 million in Ireland.
No word yet on whether they are related, but the NatWest system ‘glitch’ appears to have spread to France, as both Bankque Postale and Soc Gen are reporting system issues, and Soc Gen posted a notice today that the bank is closed due to a ‘systems issue’.
From Max Keiser via a French reader:
Envoyé le : Jeudi 28 juin 2012 12h21
Bonjour Mr Jovanovic vous avez beaucoup parlé des problèmes techniques concernant les banques c’est pourquoi je vous joins une photo que j’ai prise en fin de matinée de mon agence Société Générale de Montbéliard (Doubs 25) qui annonce la fermeture de la banque suite à un problème technique !
via Google translate:
Posted on: Thursday, June 28, 2012 24:21
Hello Mr Jovanovic you much about the technical problems with the banks so I am attaching a photo I took in the late morning of my agency Societe Generale de Montbéliard (Doubs 25) announcing the closing of the bank after to a technical problem!
Source: Silver Doctors
RBS/NatWest’s total system failure/glitch is now in its 10th day with no access to funds for nearly 20 million in Ireland.
No word yet on whether they are related, but the NatWest system ‘glitch’ appears to have spread to France, as both Bankque Postale and Soc Gen are reporting system issues, and Soc Gen posted a notice today that the bank is closed due to a ‘systems issue’.
From Max Keiser via a French reader:
Envoyé le : Jeudi 28 juin 2012 12h21
Bonjour Mr Jovanovic vous avez beaucoup parlé des problèmes techniques concernant les banques c’est pourquoi je vous joins une photo que j’ai prise en fin de matinée de mon agence Société Générale de Montbéliard (Doubs 25) qui annonce la fermeture de la banque suite à un problème technique !
via Google translate:
Posted on: Thursday, June 28, 2012 24:21
Hello Mr Jovanovic you much about the technical problems with the banks so I am attaching a photo I took in the late morning of my agency Societe Generale de Montbéliard (Doubs 25) announcing the closing of the bank after to a technical problem!
Source: Silver Doctors
Americans Are Being Prepared For Full Spectrum Tyranny
Brandon Smith
Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next. The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator. For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are actually educated on the less acknowledged details of history, oligarchy and globalized centralism is much less random than this, and a far more deliberate and devious process than the general unaware public is willing to consider.
Unfortunately, the final truth is very complex, even for us…
One cannot place the blame of despotism entirely on the shoulders of globalists. Sadly, the crimes of elites are only possible with a certain amount of complicity from subsections of the populace. Without our penchant for apathy and fear, there can be no control. That is to say, there is no power over us but that which we give away. We pave the road to our own catastrophes.
In the end, a tyrant’s primary job is not to crush the masses and rule out of malevolence, but to obtain the voluntary consent of the citizenry, usually through trickery and deceit. Without the permission of the people, subconscious or otherwise, no tyranny can survive.
As with the oppressive regimes of the past, America has undergone a dramatic transformation, heavy with fear and ignorance. Our tradition of elections has been corrupted and negated by the false left/right paradigm, and the leaderships of both defunct parties now seek only to elevate a select minority of men bent on globalization. Our Constitutional liberties have been dismantled by legal chicanery. Our principles have been diluted by intellectual games of rationalism and moral relativism. Our country is ripe for conquest.
Americans battle over whose side is most to blame; Democrat or Republican, while ironically being disenchanted with both entities. For some people, the thought of holding each party equally accountable, or accepting that they are essentially the same animal, never crosses their minds.
While this irrelevant farce of a debate rages on, the true culprits plotting the demise of our Republic gain momentum, and implement policy initiatives that the public should and must take note of. In the past year alone, many blatant steps towards the Orwellian gulag have been openly administered. A carnival of peddlers and freaks and greasy popcorn overwhelms our senses, but the stench of this cheap circus still tickles our noses, and if we use our eyes for even a moment, certain dangerous trends reveal themselves. Here are just a few recent events that bear a dire warning; the ultimate assault on freedom in this nation grows near…
Acclimation To Subservience
Every totalitarian state worth its salt has its own goon squad. The Nazi’s had the “Brownshirts”, the Soviets had the “Militsiya” and the “Voluntary People’s Brigade”, the Communist Chinese have the “Chengguan”, etc. In America, however, all tyrannical measures are given innocuous bureaucratic labels to mislead and distract the masses. In this country, we have the Transportation Security Administration…
The TSA has become the most hated alphabet agency in the U.S. in perhaps the fastest time on record. It has violated the personal rights of more people on a daily basis in my view than the IRS, DEA, and the ATF combined. Clearly, this slobbering demon child of the Department of Homeland Security is being molded for something quite terrible and grand.
When confronted by the public on the use of irradiating and intrusive naked body scanner technology, the agency responded by allowing their blue handed ghoul army to molest our nether-regions. When confronted by state and local governments on their absurd tactics, the TSA threatened economic blockades and airport shutdowns. The organization then began expanding its jurisdiction to bus and train stations and even our highways when it introduced the VIPR program and implemented random roadside checkpoints in Tennessee last year. But, this behavior is nothing compared to what is next on the horizon: a compromise…
Beware of government agencies bearing gifts. The TSA along with the International Air Transport Association has announced a new methodology of “less intrusive” passenger screening measures, in order to address the concerns of the public over pat downs and irradiating naked body scanners. This SOUNDS like a step in the right direction, and a proper response to the grievances of the citizenry. Instead, it turns out to be a refined example of totalitarianism in motion, and a perfect lesson in how the masses can be duped into handing over their inherent freedoms.
Revamped security protocols call for biometric data collection, including fingerprint and retina scans, and a tunnel which combines multiple detection systems into one area (who knows how radioactive this will end up being):
The mainstream article above makes this development sound like a win/win scenario for everyone, painting biometric data collection as a matter of convenience, but it also reveals the true design of the system; to illicit voluntary subservience:
“The key to speeding up checkpoints and making security less intrusive will be to identify and assess travelers according to the risks they pose to safety in the skies. The so-called riskiest or unknown passengers would face the toughest scrutiny, including questioning and more sensitive electronic screening. Those who voluntarily provide more information about themselves to the government would be rewarded with faster passage…”
They enforce destructive anti-personal rights policies then pretend to acquiesce by replacing them with a technocratic nightmare grid which requires the cataloging of our very genetic essence in order to function. The only remaining injustice left would be to apply this grid to the rest of the country outside of the airports and train stations, which I assure you, they plan to do.
Last week, I covered the disturbing use of armored vehicles (APC’s or urban tanks) in open training regiments on the streets of St. Louis by the U.S Army, despite the fact that all of their exercises could have easily been accomplished on any number of military bases across the country. The action is an obvious attempt to condition the American populace to the sight of military units operating in a policing capacity:
I received multiple letters from current serving military who stated that in all their years in the armed forces they had never seen such a brash mishandling of public relations or an overstepping of bounds when it came to the restrictions of Posse Comitatus. It was encouraging to hear from military men and women who did not agree with or condone this kind of psyop activity on the part of our government.
Though the St. Louis event is not isolated, I believe it does represent an escalation.
Remember the controversy over the Mayor of Toledo and his refusal to allow 200 Marines to conduct urban combat drills on the public streets of his city in 2008? The media clamored to crucify this public official; one of the few who had any sense whatsoever in his head:
Or the tactical exercises using helicopters and combat troops over LA and Chicago early this year?
During each one of these events, city officials and local media attempted to inoculate the public with claims that they were “simply exercises”. This argument misses the point entirely. Whether or not these are “exercises” is not the issue. The issue is that this training could be done ON BASE. Using public streets and running drills within cities is absolutely unnecessary given the vast resources already available to the military, unless, of course, the goal is to BE SEEN by the public and to influence them to view the sight of armed troops around them as “normal”.
Add to this the fact that many of these military training exercises are being conducted in tandem with local police departments, and you have a recipe for the utter militarization of our society, turning peace officers into combat soldiers, and combat soldiers into law enforcement mechanisms; a juxtaposition that will soon lead to unmitigated disaster.
Arms Race Against the People?
When a country is quietly preparing for war, the first signs are usually revealed by a disclosure of armaments. If stockpiling is taking place without a warranted threat present from a legitimate enemy, there is a considerable likelihood of aggression on the part of that nation. America has gone well beyond the psychological process of militarization and has begun the extensive arming of particular agencies whose primary purpose revolves around the domestic.
The DHS, for instance, placed an order for over 450 million rounds of hollowpoint .40 cal ammunition in April of this year:
And it placed an order for over 7000 new semi-automatic combat rifles chambered in .223 (5.56 by 45mm NATO) immediately after:
While local police through federal programs (like the 1033 Program) are being given millions of dollars in free military equipment, including body armor, night vision equipment, APC's, aircraft, first aid supplies, weapons, surveillance equipment, Kevlar helmets, gas masks and filters, vehicles, etc.:
All of this equipment, though issued to state agencies, is still heavily tracked and regulated by the federal government, making it clear that these “gifts” come with strings attached:
And finally, new FAA regulations will soon allow the dispersion of tens of thousands of predator drones with armament capability in the skies of the U.S. over the course of the next few years:
Now, anyone with any logic would ask who it is that the government is arming itself and local police to fight against? Al Qaeda? Let’s not be naïve…
The passage of the NDAA and its provisions for the indefinite detainment of ANY person, even an American citizen, under the laws of war has ended the debate over government intent in terms of domestic action. FBI Director Robert Mueller’s admission that he “did not know” if assassination programs would be used against American citizens also heaped evidence on the matter. The bottom line? Our government wishes to label and treat citizens as enemy combatants. Of course they would then organize armaments to follow through on their policy.
Pulling The Trigger
All despotic systems have another distinct similarity; they each began with a series of trigger events which opened the door to tighter controls over the population. The most immediate trigger event for the U.S. is the looming peril of a collapsing economy followed by inevitable civil unrest. With the EU currently in debt shambles, global markets are on the verge of a considerable breakdown. The Federal Reserve response will be predictable; QE3 and massive stimulus all around to mitigate the crisis. This time, though, the go-to Keynesian quick fix will not work in the slightest. In fact, it will make matters more untenable by placing the world reserve status of the dollar at risk.
Everything that has happened so far in the markets this year has been easy to foresee. Alt-Market predicted the economic slowdown around the world and the collapse of overall demand using the Baltic Dry Index as a gauge back in January:
We also predicted the accelerated turmoil in the EU in light of the recent election results in France and Greece:
If alternative economic analysts can predict these developments despite the manipulated statistics spewed out by the government every month, then I think the government and our central bank has a tremendously transparent view of what is coming down the road in terms of financial distress. I believe the establishment is very well aware of a potential crisis event, economic or otherwise, that is barreling down upon the U.S. I believe the evidence shows that they are preparing for this eventuality in a command and control fashion, without alerting the public to the coming implosion. I believe they will use the despair that flows forth from the fiscal wreckage as an excuse to institute martial law.
Call it "crazy". Call it “conspiracy theory”. Call it “coincidence”. Call it "fear mongering". Whatever you like. I find it far more insane to shrug off the strange and twisted behavior of our power structure, and simply hope that it’s all irrelevant to the future. Whenever I run into starry eyed historical romanticists who look back in astonishment at the tyrannies of the past and wonder out loud, “How could those people have not known where their country was headed?!!”, I think of where we are today…
Source With Links: Alt-Market
Totalitarian governments, like persistent forms of cancer, have latched onto the long history of man, falling and then reemerging from the deep recesses of our cultural biology to wreak havoc upon one unlucky generation to the next. The assumption by most is that these unfortunate empires are the product of bureaucracies gone awry; overtaken by the chaotic maddening hunger for wealth and power, and usually manipulated by the singular ambitions of a mesmerizing dictator. For those of us in the Liberty Movement who are actually educated on the less acknowledged details of history, oligarchy and globalized centralism is much less random than this, and a far more deliberate and devious process than the general unaware public is willing to consider.
Unfortunately, the final truth is very complex, even for us…
One cannot place the blame of despotism entirely on the shoulders of globalists. Sadly, the crimes of elites are only possible with a certain amount of complicity from subsections of the populace. Without our penchant for apathy and fear, there can be no control. That is to say, there is no power over us but that which we give away. We pave the road to our own catastrophes.
In the end, a tyrant’s primary job is not to crush the masses and rule out of malevolence, but to obtain the voluntary consent of the citizenry, usually through trickery and deceit. Without the permission of the people, subconscious or otherwise, no tyranny can survive.
As with the oppressive regimes of the past, America has undergone a dramatic transformation, heavy with fear and ignorance. Our tradition of elections has been corrupted and negated by the false left/right paradigm, and the leaderships of both defunct parties now seek only to elevate a select minority of men bent on globalization. Our Constitutional liberties have been dismantled by legal chicanery. Our principles have been diluted by intellectual games of rationalism and moral relativism. Our country is ripe for conquest.
Americans battle over whose side is most to blame; Democrat or Republican, while ironically being disenchanted with both entities. For some people, the thought of holding each party equally accountable, or accepting that they are essentially the same animal, never crosses their minds.
While this irrelevant farce of a debate rages on, the true culprits plotting the demise of our Republic gain momentum, and implement policy initiatives that the public should and must take note of. In the past year alone, many blatant steps towards the Orwellian gulag have been openly administered. A carnival of peddlers and freaks and greasy popcorn overwhelms our senses, but the stench of this cheap circus still tickles our noses, and if we use our eyes for even a moment, certain dangerous trends reveal themselves. Here are just a few recent events that bear a dire warning; the ultimate assault on freedom in this nation grows near…
Acclimation To Subservience
Every totalitarian state worth its salt has its own goon squad. The Nazi’s had the “Brownshirts”, the Soviets had the “Militsiya” and the “Voluntary People’s Brigade”, the Communist Chinese have the “Chengguan”, etc. In America, however, all tyrannical measures are given innocuous bureaucratic labels to mislead and distract the masses. In this country, we have the Transportation Security Administration…
The TSA has become the most hated alphabet agency in the U.S. in perhaps the fastest time on record. It has violated the personal rights of more people on a daily basis in my view than the IRS, DEA, and the ATF combined. Clearly, this slobbering demon child of the Department of Homeland Security is being molded for something quite terrible and grand.
When confronted by the public on the use of irradiating and intrusive naked body scanner technology, the agency responded by allowing their blue handed ghoul army to molest our nether-regions. When confronted by state and local governments on their absurd tactics, the TSA threatened economic blockades and airport shutdowns. The organization then began expanding its jurisdiction to bus and train stations and even our highways when it introduced the VIPR program and implemented random roadside checkpoints in Tennessee last year. But, this behavior is nothing compared to what is next on the horizon: a compromise…
Beware of government agencies bearing gifts. The TSA along with the International Air Transport Association has announced a new methodology of “less intrusive” passenger screening measures, in order to address the concerns of the public over pat downs and irradiating naked body scanners. This SOUNDS like a step in the right direction, and a proper response to the grievances of the citizenry. Instead, it turns out to be a refined example of totalitarianism in motion, and a perfect lesson in how the masses can be duped into handing over their inherent freedoms.
Revamped security protocols call for biometric data collection, including fingerprint and retina scans, and a tunnel which combines multiple detection systems into one area (who knows how radioactive this will end up being):
The mainstream article above makes this development sound like a win/win scenario for everyone, painting biometric data collection as a matter of convenience, but it also reveals the true design of the system; to illicit voluntary subservience:
“The key to speeding up checkpoints and making security less intrusive will be to identify and assess travelers according to the risks they pose to safety in the skies. The so-called riskiest or unknown passengers would face the toughest scrutiny, including questioning and more sensitive electronic screening. Those who voluntarily provide more information about themselves to the government would be rewarded with faster passage…”
They enforce destructive anti-personal rights policies then pretend to acquiesce by replacing them with a technocratic nightmare grid which requires the cataloging of our very genetic essence in order to function. The only remaining injustice left would be to apply this grid to the rest of the country outside of the airports and train stations, which I assure you, they plan to do.
Last week, I covered the disturbing use of armored vehicles (APC’s or urban tanks) in open training regiments on the streets of St. Louis by the U.S Army, despite the fact that all of their exercises could have easily been accomplished on any number of military bases across the country. The action is an obvious attempt to condition the American populace to the sight of military units operating in a policing capacity:
I received multiple letters from current serving military who stated that in all their years in the armed forces they had never seen such a brash mishandling of public relations or an overstepping of bounds when it came to the restrictions of Posse Comitatus. It was encouraging to hear from military men and women who did not agree with or condone this kind of psyop activity on the part of our government.
Though the St. Louis event is not isolated, I believe it does represent an escalation.
Remember the controversy over the Mayor of Toledo and his refusal to allow 200 Marines to conduct urban combat drills on the public streets of his city in 2008? The media clamored to crucify this public official; one of the few who had any sense whatsoever in his head:
Or the tactical exercises using helicopters and combat troops over LA and Chicago early this year?
During each one of these events, city officials and local media attempted to inoculate the public with claims that they were “simply exercises”. This argument misses the point entirely. Whether or not these are “exercises” is not the issue. The issue is that this training could be done ON BASE. Using public streets and running drills within cities is absolutely unnecessary given the vast resources already available to the military, unless, of course, the goal is to BE SEEN by the public and to influence them to view the sight of armed troops around them as “normal”.
Add to this the fact that many of these military training exercises are being conducted in tandem with local police departments, and you have a recipe for the utter militarization of our society, turning peace officers into combat soldiers, and combat soldiers into law enforcement mechanisms; a juxtaposition that will soon lead to unmitigated disaster.
Arms Race Against the People?
When a country is quietly preparing for war, the first signs are usually revealed by a disclosure of armaments. If stockpiling is taking place without a warranted threat present from a legitimate enemy, there is a considerable likelihood of aggression on the part of that nation. America has gone well beyond the psychological process of militarization and has begun the extensive arming of particular agencies whose primary purpose revolves around the domestic.
The DHS, for instance, placed an order for over 450 million rounds of hollowpoint .40 cal ammunition in April of this year:
And it placed an order for over 7000 new semi-automatic combat rifles chambered in .223 (5.56 by 45mm NATO) immediately after:
While local police through federal programs (like the 1033 Program) are being given millions of dollars in free military equipment, including body armor, night vision equipment, APC's, aircraft, first aid supplies, weapons, surveillance equipment, Kevlar helmets, gas masks and filters, vehicles, etc.:
All of this equipment, though issued to state agencies, is still heavily tracked and regulated by the federal government, making it clear that these “gifts” come with strings attached:
And finally, new FAA regulations will soon allow the dispersion of tens of thousands of predator drones with armament capability in the skies of the U.S. over the course of the next few years:
Now, anyone with any logic would ask who it is that the government is arming itself and local police to fight against? Al Qaeda? Let’s not be naïve…
The passage of the NDAA and its provisions for the indefinite detainment of ANY person, even an American citizen, under the laws of war has ended the debate over government intent in terms of domestic action. FBI Director Robert Mueller’s admission that he “did not know” if assassination programs would be used against American citizens also heaped evidence on the matter. The bottom line? Our government wishes to label and treat citizens as enemy combatants. Of course they would then organize armaments to follow through on their policy.
Pulling The Trigger
All despotic systems have another distinct similarity; they each began with a series of trigger events which opened the door to tighter controls over the population. The most immediate trigger event for the U.S. is the looming peril of a collapsing economy followed by inevitable civil unrest. With the EU currently in debt shambles, global markets are on the verge of a considerable breakdown. The Federal Reserve response will be predictable; QE3 and massive stimulus all around to mitigate the crisis. This time, though, the go-to Keynesian quick fix will not work in the slightest. In fact, it will make matters more untenable by placing the world reserve status of the dollar at risk.
Everything that has happened so far in the markets this year has been easy to foresee. Alt-Market predicted the economic slowdown around the world and the collapse of overall demand using the Baltic Dry Index as a gauge back in January:
We also predicted the accelerated turmoil in the EU in light of the recent election results in France and Greece:
If alternative economic analysts can predict these developments despite the manipulated statistics spewed out by the government every month, then I think the government and our central bank has a tremendously transparent view of what is coming down the road in terms of financial distress. I believe the establishment is very well aware of a potential crisis event, economic or otherwise, that is barreling down upon the U.S. I believe the evidence shows that they are preparing for this eventuality in a command and control fashion, without alerting the public to the coming implosion. I believe they will use the despair that flows forth from the fiscal wreckage as an excuse to institute martial law.
Call it "crazy". Call it “conspiracy theory”. Call it “coincidence”. Call it "fear mongering". Whatever you like. I find it far more insane to shrug off the strange and twisted behavior of our power structure, and simply hope that it’s all irrelevant to the future. Whenever I run into starry eyed historical romanticists who look back in astonishment at the tyrannies of the past and wonder out loud, “How could those people have not known where their country was headed?!!”, I think of where we are today…
Source With Links: Alt-Market
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
RED ALERT from International Banker: Euro Has Collapsed!
June 14, 2012
It is with trepidation that I write to you....The Euro has collapsed unofficially. The money is OUT of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Belgium and the German Elites have begun to shore up their wealth in hard assets and precious metals. RBS has given orders to close two of their major equities sectors, thousands of jobs are going to be lost the next few days/weeks. Credit Sussie has called on top investors to head to Swiss safe harbor and hard asset diversified portfolios.
The Capital Controls are in place to keep the charade of control going for the next four to six months before the official collapse. Steve...this is it. The Euro has collapsed and no one has noticed it. Greek bank runs are close to $3.5 Billion Euros per day not the $1 Billion that is being reported. The rest of the PIIGS are in the same boat. Bank Holiday imminent in all of continental Europe in the coming days and weeks. This is again theatrics to keep the plebeians believing in some semblance of control.
Please warn your listeners to pull out of their bank accounts everything that they need. Keep only to pay the day to day expenses. If they have land to go to, please do so now. Steve I do not know how much longer I can keep writing to you. You were knocked off line during your show with the Haggmans right before your were going to divulge what I have told you with the Spanish bailout. It is getting dangerous for all of now.
Again the Euro has collapsed...I repeat the Euro has collapsed. Unofficially.
May God Help Us All....
Source: Steve
It is with trepidation that I write to you....The Euro has collapsed unofficially. The money is OUT of Greece, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Italy, France, Belgium and the German Elites have begun to shore up their wealth in hard assets and precious metals. RBS has given orders to close two of their major equities sectors, thousands of jobs are going to be lost the next few days/weeks. Credit Sussie has called on top investors to head to Swiss safe harbor and hard asset diversified portfolios.
The Capital Controls are in place to keep the charade of control going for the next four to six months before the official collapse. Steve...this is it. The Euro has collapsed and no one has noticed it. Greek bank runs are close to $3.5 Billion Euros per day not the $1 Billion that is being reported. The rest of the PIIGS are in the same boat. Bank Holiday imminent in all of continental Europe in the coming days and weeks. This is again theatrics to keep the plebeians believing in some semblance of control.
Please warn your listeners to pull out of their bank accounts everything that they need. Keep only to pay the day to day expenses. If they have land to go to, please do so now. Steve I do not know how much longer I can keep writing to you. You were knocked off line during your show with the Haggmans right before your were going to divulge what I have told you with the Spanish bailout. It is getting dangerous for all of now.
Again the Euro has collapsed...I repeat the Euro has collapsed. Unofficially.
May God Help Us All....
Source: Steve
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Alert From International Banker: Close All Equity Accounts & Exit Markets Now!
Steve tell your listeners to ignore ETFs and continue buying Physical SILVER and GOLD no matter what "spot price" is. Please tell them to take cash out NOW!!!! Only keep in bank what you can afford to lose and what you need to pay bills and expenses. Please tell them to get money out NOW!!! They have till December the latest to do so. Be mindful it CAN HAPPEN SOONER. Prices of Metals without manipulation $1000 SILVER $5000 GOLD---Steve Great show Im listening to you right now.
Here is the latest truth on Spain. The bailout already happened by stealth from very reliable sources. My sources are never wrong. The Bank holiday is going to spill over to Spain, Portugal and France. The Flight to safe harbor now is the UK. From there you will see flights to the US dollar. The main players have moved to Gold. Watch for another shock to SLV and GLD market. This will cause shaky uncommitted hands to dump more SLV and GLD physical. ETF markets will take massive hit.
Germany will start to have massive upheaval as their banks Duetche Bank in particular is over exposed to Spanish Flue, solvency crunch will hit Germany, look for Germans to go mad over the fact they can not have access to their funds.
Evolving..... Dollar only rises with IR Swaps and flight to "safe currency" once dirivative market bursts all of this goes parabolic high velocity crash. This is due to the fact that the dollar is exposed as WORTHLESS due to the overleveraged CDS exposure.Very little SILVER left to be mined. It is a precious and Strategic metal. SILVER will be less plentiful than GOLD.Steve Russian economy willl suffer greatly due to EuroCollapse. This is due to the dependency that the Russian economy has with Euro zone energy exports. (GAZPROM) Greek crisis has hurt Russian Natural Gas exports.
Russians are angry at Eurocrats due to their inability to fix the crisis. They are blaming the whole entire western banking system for the recent decline of the Ruble. Steve some of the investors that lost big in Iceland were the Russians and guess what? They are vested in Greece as well. Take to account this along side with recent NATO aggression does not work to help this particular situation.Steve remember Deutsche Bank is #2 only to PNB Paribas the French Banking Giant. The kicker here is that both of their derivative exposure combined is over $125 Trillion!!! You have to be solvent in order to be liquid. This is a solvency crisis. The average joe on the street is duped into thinking it's liquidity. There is no liquidity.Chinese will back Yuan with Gold. They are stealth dumping US Tbonds. Have not been in any major bond auctions for the last year or so. Will form new banking/ trade system with BRICS---Morgan Stanley is next Lehman bros due to Facebook and Euro exposure. Close all equity accounts and exit markets now. V
Source: Steve
Here is the latest truth on Spain. The bailout already happened by stealth from very reliable sources. My sources are never wrong. The Bank holiday is going to spill over to Spain, Portugal and France. The Flight to safe harbor now is the UK. From there you will see flights to the US dollar. The main players have moved to Gold. Watch for another shock to SLV and GLD market. This will cause shaky uncommitted hands to dump more SLV and GLD physical. ETF markets will take massive hit.
Germany will start to have massive upheaval as their banks Duetche Bank in particular is over exposed to Spanish Flue, solvency crunch will hit Germany, look for Germans to go mad over the fact they can not have access to their funds.
Evolving..... Dollar only rises with IR Swaps and flight to "safe currency" once dirivative market bursts all of this goes parabolic high velocity crash. This is due to the fact that the dollar is exposed as WORTHLESS due to the overleveraged CDS exposure.Very little SILVER left to be mined. It is a precious and Strategic metal. SILVER will be less plentiful than GOLD.Steve Russian economy willl suffer greatly due to EuroCollapse. This is due to the dependency that the Russian economy has with Euro zone energy exports. (GAZPROM) Greek crisis has hurt Russian Natural Gas exports.
Russians are angry at Eurocrats due to their inability to fix the crisis. They are blaming the whole entire western banking system for the recent decline of the Ruble. Steve some of the investors that lost big in Iceland were the Russians and guess what? They are vested in Greece as well. Take to account this along side with recent NATO aggression does not work to help this particular situation.Steve remember Deutsche Bank is #2 only to PNB Paribas the French Banking Giant. The kicker here is that both of their derivative exposure combined is over $125 Trillion!!! You have to be solvent in order to be liquid. This is a solvency crisis. The average joe on the street is duped into thinking it's liquidity. There is no liquidity.Chinese will back Yuan with Gold. They are stealth dumping US Tbonds. Have not been in any major bond auctions for the last year or so. Will form new banking/ trade system with BRICS---Morgan Stanley is next Lehman bros due to Facebook and Euro exposure. Close all equity accounts and exit markets now. V
Source: Steve
Financial Crisis in “real time” – U.S. media silent
By Douglas J. Hagmann & Joe Hagmann; The Hagmann & Hagmann Report
12 June 2012: Steve Quayle broke the news in real time during our special Sunday Edition of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report: Italy’s oldest and 4th largest bank, Bank Network Investments, or BNI, ran out of money and declared a “bank holiday.” Now I will ask our readers and listeners to try to find information about this significant event in the major media in the United States. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Back so soon? Couldn’t find any Western media outlets reporting on this very significant event? What’s that? You did not see this reported in any of the major media news – television or print? Wasn’t covered by the Obama White House? Must be that Steve Quayle is spouting off more of his “conspiracy nonsense” again. Oh, wait…
It seems that the Bank of Network Investments own website confirms the bank “holiday,” but unless you are able to speak the language, you’ll have to use a translator.
Oh, and you haven’t seen network news coverage about the rioting in Spain due to their financial crisis? Economist Hal Dunham, a guest on hour two of last night’s Hagmann & Hagmann Report, just returned from Europe on business but skipped Spain, but not because he’s tired of the cuisine. “It’s too dangerous,” he told our audience last night.
Coming to America
No, we’re not talking about the 1988 movie starring Eddie Murphy, and we’re not laughing. In fact, we warning that what you are witnessing in Italy and across Europe is coming to the United States. Unless you are paying attention and not watching a gaggle of post-menopausal women swooning over Obama’s latest “tele-prompted” speech, you’re going to find out the hard way. And the ay we see it, most will never see “it” coming.
One morning on your way to work, you might stop at the ATM to find out that the machine is empty or out of service. Instead of the breakfast sandwich you’ve eaten while driving to work, you decide to skip the morning snack and gas up, muttering under your breath that it was you’re husband’s job the night before, but he was too wrapped up in the game to fill up your car. You slide your debit card into the pump and ugh, the card is rejected. Must be a mistake. As you reach into your purse, you find a few “singles” and some change, not even enough for a gallon of gas. As you look at your gas gauge again, you feel confident that you can make it to work and back home, but just barely.
You travel to your bank, ready to complain about the problem but are surprised to learn that despite the lateness of the hour, a hastily printed sign is hanging on the bank branch door says the bank is “temporarily” closed. No other information. You can see bank employees huddled in a group inside and other employees milling about, but are waved off by someone inside. Hmmm, maybe they were robbed?
Close. YOU were robbed. WE are being robbed, right now – as you read this. Can’t, won’t or isn’t happening in America? Oh really?
Are you prepared for what is coming?
Source With Links: Northeast Intelligence Network
12 June 2012: Steve Quayle broke the news in real time during our special Sunday Edition of The Hagmann & Hagmann Report: Italy’s oldest and 4th largest bank, Bank Network Investments, or BNI, ran out of money and declared a “bank holiday.” Now I will ask our readers and listeners to try to find information about this significant event in the major media in the United States. Go ahead, we’ll wait.
Back so soon? Couldn’t find any Western media outlets reporting on this very significant event? What’s that? You did not see this reported in any of the major media news – television or print? Wasn’t covered by the Obama White House? Must be that Steve Quayle is spouting off more of his “conspiracy nonsense” again. Oh, wait…
It seems that the Bank of Network Investments own website confirms the bank “holiday,” but unless you are able to speak the language, you’ll have to use a translator.
Oh, and you haven’t seen network news coverage about the rioting in Spain due to their financial crisis? Economist Hal Dunham, a guest on hour two of last night’s Hagmann & Hagmann Report, just returned from Europe on business but skipped Spain, but not because he’s tired of the cuisine. “It’s too dangerous,” he told our audience last night.
Coming to America
No, we’re not talking about the 1988 movie starring Eddie Murphy, and we’re not laughing. In fact, we warning that what you are witnessing in Italy and across Europe is coming to the United States. Unless you are paying attention and not watching a gaggle of post-menopausal women swooning over Obama’s latest “tele-prompted” speech, you’re going to find out the hard way. And the ay we see it, most will never see “it” coming.
One morning on your way to work, you might stop at the ATM to find out that the machine is empty or out of service. Instead of the breakfast sandwich you’ve eaten while driving to work, you decide to skip the morning snack and gas up, muttering under your breath that it was you’re husband’s job the night before, but he was too wrapped up in the game to fill up your car. You slide your debit card into the pump and ugh, the card is rejected. Must be a mistake. As you reach into your purse, you find a few “singles” and some change, not even enough for a gallon of gas. As you look at your gas gauge again, you feel confident that you can make it to work and back home, but just barely.
You travel to your bank, ready to complain about the problem but are surprised to learn that despite the lateness of the hour, a hastily printed sign is hanging on the bank branch door says the bank is “temporarily” closed. No other information. You can see bank employees huddled in a group inside and other employees milling about, but are waved off by someone inside. Hmmm, maybe they were robbed?
Close. YOU were robbed. WE are being robbed, right now – as you read this. Can’t, won’t or isn’t happening in America? Oh really?
Are you prepared for what is coming?
Source With Links: Northeast Intelligence Network
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Globalist Plan: European Union Police State Lockdown
Kurt Nimmo
European Union apparatchiks are preparing to lockdown Europe following Greece’s exit. From the Associated Press today:
Olivier Bailly said Tuesday that, legally, limits could be imposed on movement of people and money across national borders within the EU if it’s necessary to protect public order or public security — but not on economic grounds.
“Some people are working on scenarios,” he said, but refused to identify individuals or organizations.
EU finance bosses have discussed controlling ATM withdrawals, subjecting the citizens of member states to rigorous border checks, and imposing capital controls “as a worst-case scenario should Athens decide to leave the euro,” Reuters reports.
The banksters are seriously worried about the second Greek election on June 17 and are working on “contingencies” should a leftist coalition, SYRIZA, win the second election and increase the probability that Greece will ultimately renege on its EU/IMF bailout and dump the euro currency.
SYRIZA is a Greek abbreviation for Coalition of the Radical Left. It is comprised primarily of democratic socialists, green left groups and Maoist, Trotskyist and eurocommunist organizations.
The political party is second largest in the Greek parliament. During the 2012 elections, millions of disenfranchised voters facing bankster imposed austerity voted for SYRIZA, quadrupling its number of seats. Earlier this month, the group re-registered as a single party instead of as a coalition, in order to receive the 50 additional seats which will make it the largest polling party under the Greek electoral system.
SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has pledged to dump the EU-IMF bailout. Tsipras said forcing Greece to return billions of euros in rescue loans will lead Greece towards collapse.
“If one of the 17 countries is brought to collapse … the fire will become unquenchable and will not be limited to Greece and the southern countries … it will break up the eurozone and that will not be in anybody’s interests,” he said during a news conference.
On Monday, EU central banksters rushed to prevent a run on Spain’s banks as they teetered on the edge of disaster.
“The burden of recapitalizing insolvent banks or loss-making acquisitions of solvent banks will fall on Spanish citizens,” said Karl Whelan, economist at University College, Dublin. “For this reason, this weekend’s announcement may well end up shutting Spain out of the sovereign bond market.”
Fitch Ratings last week cut Spain’s credit rating to BBB, just above junk status.
The EU’s third largest economy is also looking for a bailout. Italy believes the deal to prop up Spain represents “the removal of a filter” that separated Spain and Italy from the group of heavily indebted EU countries, with Greece leading the way. Italy’s “public debt” currently accounts for 120 percent of its GDP.
The banksters warn that Italy will follow Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, and eventually seek an aid package as the EU begins its descent.
It now appears the EU will impose some sort of police action to prevent its citizen-subjects from taking money out of banks and preventing them from fleeing the country as chaos ensues in the wake of one country after another toppling.
Source With Links:
European Union apparatchiks are preparing to lockdown Europe following Greece’s exit. From the Associated Press today:
Olivier Bailly said Tuesday that, legally, limits could be imposed on movement of people and money across national borders within the EU if it’s necessary to protect public order or public security — but not on economic grounds.
“Some people are working on scenarios,” he said, but refused to identify individuals or organizations.
EU finance bosses have discussed controlling ATM withdrawals, subjecting the citizens of member states to rigorous border checks, and imposing capital controls “as a worst-case scenario should Athens decide to leave the euro,” Reuters reports.
The banksters are seriously worried about the second Greek election on June 17 and are working on “contingencies” should a leftist coalition, SYRIZA, win the second election and increase the probability that Greece will ultimately renege on its EU/IMF bailout and dump the euro currency.
SYRIZA is a Greek abbreviation for Coalition of the Radical Left. It is comprised primarily of democratic socialists, green left groups and Maoist, Trotskyist and eurocommunist organizations.
The political party is second largest in the Greek parliament. During the 2012 elections, millions of disenfranchised voters facing bankster imposed austerity voted for SYRIZA, quadrupling its number of seats. Earlier this month, the group re-registered as a single party instead of as a coalition, in order to receive the 50 additional seats which will make it the largest polling party under the Greek electoral system.
SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras has pledged to dump the EU-IMF bailout. Tsipras said forcing Greece to return billions of euros in rescue loans will lead Greece towards collapse.
“If one of the 17 countries is brought to collapse … the fire will become unquenchable and will not be limited to Greece and the southern countries … it will break up the eurozone and that will not be in anybody’s interests,” he said during a news conference.
On Monday, EU central banksters rushed to prevent a run on Spain’s banks as they teetered on the edge of disaster.
“The burden of recapitalizing insolvent banks or loss-making acquisitions of solvent banks will fall on Spanish citizens,” said Karl Whelan, economist at University College, Dublin. “For this reason, this weekend’s announcement may well end up shutting Spain out of the sovereign bond market.”
Fitch Ratings last week cut Spain’s credit rating to BBB, just above junk status.
The EU’s third largest economy is also looking for a bailout. Italy believes the deal to prop up Spain represents “the removal of a filter” that separated Spain and Italy from the group of heavily indebted EU countries, with Greece leading the way. Italy’s “public debt” currently accounts for 120 percent of its GDP.
The banksters warn that Italy will follow Greece, Ireland, Portugal and Spain, and eventually seek an aid package as the EU begins its descent.
It now appears the EU will impose some sort of police action to prevent its citizen-subjects from taking money out of banks and preventing them from fleeing the country as chaos ensues in the wake of one country after another toppling.
Source With Links:
Saturday, June 2, 2012
International Banker Says ‘Acceleration Of Financial Meltdown Can’t Be Stopped’
May 31, 2012
The Iron boot has been firmly planted to the pedal of this runaway tractor trailer that is heading off the cliff. All of the Euro banks including my former associates at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are all prepped and ready for the Euro collapse. What we in the inside are calling "Spanish Flue" is now running hot with temperatures that are setting ten year yields sky high. What many do not realize is that Bankia's demise has started a breach in all the firewalls and safety measures that are in place in the Eurozone. This had an immediate effect on the Italian markets as you can now see the pandemonium that is there.
We keep hearing reports of massive bank runs that are occurring across many of the PIIGS but is not just limited to them. As I stated many times the UK and France are the most vulnerable to the Eurozone collapse, many of their populace are cashing out of their equities though there is a massive media blackout about this. European contacts report that there is a flight to German bonds, UK and a mass migration to the US dollar. But these currency life preserver jumps will not help as the contagion in all FIAT markets are affected. It is a game of hot potato that the investors are playing, jumping from one asset to the next and again before the one that they just jumped to burns. A juggling act with fire that cannot be quenched. Gold jumped over $40, it is telling us something.
Many banks in the Eurozone are stuffed with US Bonds/TBills as a hedge, this will not work for them for the following reasons:
1- The American TBTFs (Too Big to Fails) are filled to the brim with T-Bills, so are many banks in the Eurozone, the backroom deal was take the bills, bolster your balance sheets, dont sell them and We (Federal Reserve) will help you out. Why do you think the details of a Fed bailout of Eurobanks were never fully divulged? It is because they are being propped up by any means possible including American Treasuries that can not be dumped.
2- They cannot dump them, the main reason is that the Fed is THE # 1 buyer of American Debt. Yes that is correct #1 not #2 we have surpassed the Chinese, since the ChiComs did not show for many of the last bond auctions and are stealth dumping US Debt Obligations. This has caused the balancing act to begin...Fed is Printing, at the same time buying what it prints, thus the banks can't lend causing a solvency crisis the likes of which we have not seen and killing all credit markets like a ELE (Extinction Level Event) This will create a hyper Velocity Parabolic crash.
There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:
1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown
Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan. Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills. The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.
Source: Steve
The Iron boot has been firmly planted to the pedal of this runaway tractor trailer that is heading off the cliff. All of the Euro banks including my former associates at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) are all prepped and ready for the Euro collapse. What we in the inside are calling "Spanish Flue" is now running hot with temperatures that are setting ten year yields sky high. What many do not realize is that Bankia's demise has started a breach in all the firewalls and safety measures that are in place in the Eurozone. This had an immediate effect on the Italian markets as you can now see the pandemonium that is there.
We keep hearing reports of massive bank runs that are occurring across many of the PIIGS but is not just limited to them. As I stated many times the UK and France are the most vulnerable to the Eurozone collapse, many of their populace are cashing out of their equities though there is a massive media blackout about this. European contacts report that there is a flight to German bonds, UK and a mass migration to the US dollar. But these currency life preserver jumps will not help as the contagion in all FIAT markets are affected. It is a game of hot potato that the investors are playing, jumping from one asset to the next and again before the one that they just jumped to burns. A juggling act with fire that cannot be quenched. Gold jumped over $40, it is telling us something.
Many banks in the Eurozone are stuffed with US Bonds/TBills as a hedge, this will not work for them for the following reasons:
1- The American TBTFs (Too Big to Fails) are filled to the brim with T-Bills, so are many banks in the Eurozone, the backroom deal was take the bills, bolster your balance sheets, dont sell them and We (Federal Reserve) will help you out. Why do you think the details of a Fed bailout of Eurobanks were never fully divulged? It is because they are being propped up by any means possible including American Treasuries that can not be dumped.
2- They cannot dump them, the main reason is that the Fed is THE # 1 buyer of American Debt. Yes that is correct #1 not #2 we have surpassed the Chinese, since the ChiComs did not show for many of the last bond auctions and are stealth dumping US Debt Obligations. This has caused the balancing act to begin...Fed is Printing, at the same time buying what it prints, thus the banks can't lend causing a solvency crisis the likes of which we have not seen and killing all credit markets like a ELE (Extinction Level Event) This will create a hyper Velocity Parabolic crash.
There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:
1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown
Those who are ready begin to implement GOOD (Get Out Of Dodge) Plan. Keep what you need in paper and what you can afford to lose in banks in order to pay day to day expenses/bills. The rest of your investments/retirements should NOW be pulled from the market and moved to safe haven assets like Precious metals, farmland, fire arms and food. Prepare to ride out what we are calling the coming RESET BUTTON.
Source: Steve
The Bad Jobs Report Is Just A Very Small Taste Of The Nightmare That Is Coming
Another month, another bad jobs report. For the month of May, the U.S. economy only added 69,000 jobs and the unemployment rate rose to 8.2%. Many are calling this a total "disaster" and are worried that the U.S. economy could be headed back into another recession. Economists had been expecting 150,000 payroll jobs would be added, so the 69,000 number really shocked a lot of people. The truth is that the economy needs to add approximately 125,000 new jobs every single month just to keep the unemployment rate steady. So yes, this bad jobs report is not welcome news at all - especially for the Obama administration. When Barack Obama first took office the unemployment rate was sitting at 7.6 percent and now it is sitting at 8.2 percent. Some "recovery", eh? But the reality is that this jobs report was really not that "devastating" even though the stock market had its worst day of the year. Unemployment in America is still about at the same level as it was back at the beginning of 2012. The tough stretch that we are going through right now is only a very small taste of the economic nightmare that is on the horizon. If you think that things are a "disaster" right now, just wait until you see what is coming.
At the moment, 53 percent of all Americans with a bachelor's degree under the age of 25 are either unemployed or underemployed, and there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.
But this is only just the beginning.
During the next major economic downturn, the unemployment rate in the United States is going to soar well up into the double digits.
Many Americans will look back on 2010, 2011 and 2012 as "the good old days".
Right now, there are only small pockets of the country that are total economic hellholes.
For example, Yuma, Arizona has an unemployment rate of 26 percent, and El Centro, California has an unemployment rate of 26.2 percent.
In the future, those kinds of numbers are going to become the norm all over the nation.
Sadly, most Americans have no idea what is coming.
Today, I wanted to share with you all a couple of chilling economic forecasts that I have been made aware of recently.
The first is from Raoul Pal. According to Zero Hedge, Raoul Pal "previously co-managed the GLG Global Macro Fund in London for GLG Partners, one of the largest hedge fund groups in the world. Raoul came to GLG from Goldman Sachs where he co-managed the hedge fund sales business in Equities and Equity Derivatives in Europe... Raoul Pal retired from managing client money in 2004 at the age of 36 and now lives on the Valencian coast of Spain, from where he writes."
The following is from a Zero Hedge summary of a recent presentation by Raoul Pal....
We don’t know exactly what is to come, but we can all join the very few dots from where we are now, to the collapse of the first major bank…
With very limited room for government bailouts, we can very easily join the next dots from the first bank closure to the collapse of the whole European banking system, and then to the bankruptcy of the governments themselves.
There are almost no brakes in the system to stop this, and almost no one realises the seriousness of the situation.
The problem is not Government debt per se. The real problem is that the $70 trillion in G10 debt is the collateral for $700 trillion in derivatives…
Yes, that equates to 1200% of Global GDP and it rests on very, very weak foundations
From an EU crisis, we only have to join one dot for a UK crisis of equal magnitude.
And then do you think Japan and China would not be next?
And then do you think the US would survive unscathed?
That is the end of the fractional reserve banking system and of fiat money.
It is the big RESET.
It continues:
Bonds will be stuck at 1% in the US, Germany, UK and Japan (for this phase).
The whole bond market will be dead.
Short selling on bonds - banned
Short selling stocks – banned
CDS – banned
Short futures – banned
Put options – banned
All that is left is the Dollar and Gold
It only gets better. We use the term loosely:
We have around 6 months left of trading in Western markets to protect ourselves or make enough money to offset future losses.
Spend your time looking at the risks of custody, safekeeping, counterparty etc. Assume that no one and nothing is safe.
After that…we put on our tin helmets and hide until the new system emerges
So how soon does Raoul Pal think all of this is going to happen?....
From a timing perspective, I think 2012 and 2013 will usher in the end.
You can find his entire presentation entitled "The End Game" right here.
What Raoul Pal is saying lines up very well with what Steve Quayle's anonymous international banking source is telling him....
There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:
1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown
You can read the rest of what that source is saying right here.
As I have been saying all along, there are two keys that you need to be watching right now....
#1 Europe
#2 Derivatives
Sadly, the articles that I write about Europe tend to get far less of a response than my other articles get. Most Americans simply do not understand that what is happening in Europe right now is going to significantly affect their daily lives.
And most Americans have very little understanding of derivatives. But as you just read, there are some in the financial community that are warning that we could see the derivatives bubble burst very soon.
Time is running out. This period of relative stability that we are currently experiencing will not last forever.
You better get ready.
Source With Links: The Economic Collapse Blog
At the moment, 53 percent of all Americans with a bachelor's degree under the age of 25 are either unemployed or underemployed, and there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.
But this is only just the beginning.
During the next major economic downturn, the unemployment rate in the United States is going to soar well up into the double digits.
Many Americans will look back on 2010, 2011 and 2012 as "the good old days".
Right now, there are only small pockets of the country that are total economic hellholes.
For example, Yuma, Arizona has an unemployment rate of 26 percent, and El Centro, California has an unemployment rate of 26.2 percent.
In the future, those kinds of numbers are going to become the norm all over the nation.
Sadly, most Americans have no idea what is coming.
Today, I wanted to share with you all a couple of chilling economic forecasts that I have been made aware of recently.
The first is from Raoul Pal. According to Zero Hedge, Raoul Pal "previously co-managed the GLG Global Macro Fund in London for GLG Partners, one of the largest hedge fund groups in the world. Raoul came to GLG from Goldman Sachs where he co-managed the hedge fund sales business in Equities and Equity Derivatives in Europe... Raoul Pal retired from managing client money in 2004 at the age of 36 and now lives on the Valencian coast of Spain, from where he writes."
The following is from a Zero Hedge summary of a recent presentation by Raoul Pal....
We don’t know exactly what is to come, but we can all join the very few dots from where we are now, to the collapse of the first major bank…
With very limited room for government bailouts, we can very easily join the next dots from the first bank closure to the collapse of the whole European banking system, and then to the bankruptcy of the governments themselves.
There are almost no brakes in the system to stop this, and almost no one realises the seriousness of the situation.
The problem is not Government debt per se. The real problem is that the $70 trillion in G10 debt is the collateral for $700 trillion in derivatives…
Yes, that equates to 1200% of Global GDP and it rests on very, very weak foundations
From an EU crisis, we only have to join one dot for a UK crisis of equal magnitude.
And then do you think Japan and China would not be next?
And then do you think the US would survive unscathed?
That is the end of the fractional reserve banking system and of fiat money.
It is the big RESET.
It continues:
Bonds will be stuck at 1% in the US, Germany, UK and Japan (for this phase).
The whole bond market will be dead.
Short selling on bonds - banned
Short selling stocks – banned
CDS – banned
Short futures – banned
Put options – banned
All that is left is the Dollar and Gold
It only gets better. We use the term loosely:
We have around 6 months left of trading in Western markets to protect ourselves or make enough money to offset future losses.
Spend your time looking at the risks of custody, safekeeping, counterparty etc. Assume that no one and nothing is safe.
After that…we put on our tin helmets and hide until the new system emerges
So how soon does Raoul Pal think all of this is going to happen?....
From a timing perspective, I think 2012 and 2013 will usher in the end.
You can find his entire presentation entitled "The End Game" right here.
What Raoul Pal is saying lines up very well with what Steve Quayle's anonymous international banking source is telling him....
There is no stopping this...We are still on track as I have been predicting for a while now for a fall/winter collapse of the Eurozone and naked exposure of all derivative markets the world over. Europeans will go through a major reset, after time they will recover as Europeans do not carry the type of personal debt that Americans do. It is for America that I worry. Look for these signs next:
1- JPM will be bailed out again but it will not stop the coming market crash. More details will emerge about their derivative swap failure $150 billion and counting.
2-BOA (BAC Bank of America) will fold and be absorbed into JPM as a way to prop up the bleeding Giant. JPM will get the best picking of this deal just like they got with Bear Stearns.
3- Massive layoffs at Citigroup and Wells Fargo
4- Goldman Sachs finally pays the piper, look for massive cuts there as well as BIG Losses
5- Bond market bust which leads to freeze of all bond sales
6- Derivative bust the next one will be BOA followed by Citigroup
7- All CDS shorts and swaps will freeze.
8- Total Meltdown
You can read the rest of what that source is saying right here.
As I have been saying all along, there are two keys that you need to be watching right now....
#1 Europe
#2 Derivatives
Sadly, the articles that I write about Europe tend to get far less of a response than my other articles get. Most Americans simply do not understand that what is happening in Europe right now is going to significantly affect their daily lives.
And most Americans have very little understanding of derivatives. But as you just read, there are some in the financial community that are warning that we could see the derivatives bubble burst very soon.
Time is running out. This period of relative stability that we are currently experiencing will not last forever.
You better get ready.
Source With Links: The Economic Collapse Blog
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