A Warning to America and to the World!
Nathan Leal - November 29, 2009
The Watchman's Cry
Hello friends, over the last several months I have been wrestling with a prophetic warning that I received from God. In this letter, I am going to share these things with you.
This warning from God is not one to be taken lightly. Based on its contents, every one that is reading this prophetic alert needs to prepare themselves and their families for very hard events that are approaching. The warning of God always begins with a trumpet sound. And by the leading of the Holy Spirit, I am sounding an alarm.
A very loud alarm!
If you reside within the borders of the United States, what is coming, concerns you and your family. If you reside outside of the borders, you will also feel the residual effects of what is coming. So likewise, take notice!
A quick summary of this warning includes the following: In our future, America is going to face the incredible torrent of a Dollar crisis. How bad will it be? Bad enough to forever change the landscape of the United States! What is coming will not be a mere correction in the markets, but instead, will be at the level of currency extinction!
The Super Depression
It is not easy to share these things. But as Americans, we are all facing a tsunami of economic destruction! The US Dollar is going to collapse! As a result, life in America is going to change. The once strong middle class of the USA is going to be slaughtered and replaced with a new type of lifestyle. The rest of the world calls this lifestyle; Third world living!
The historians that chronicle the approaching crisis in America will have to fumble to find the right words; The Greatest Depression - The Dark Years of America - The Super Depression, etc.
America, the once mighty fortress of commerce and strength has lost her luster to the world. And in the next few years, this will become very evident to her apathetic citizens.
When the financial super storm arrives, the administration will no longer be able to lie to the public and say, "All is well and recovery has begun!"
It will be difficult for the media, to successfully tell the general public that things are okay, when the people are starving and eating out of garbage dumpsters!
A Prophetic Dream - The Dollar's Demise
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