Independence Lost
An excerpt from message #154 - "The Demise of America - Understanding the Times!"
Nathan Leal
July 29, 2010
The Watchman's Cry
America just had another birthday; she is now 234 years old.
Since that day, I have found myself contemplating many things about July 4th. Through the years, I have watched that day come and go, and I have noticed that every year, I see the same things.
On that day, by the millions, the children of America run around in laughter. And by the millions, American adults stand around and exchange small talk. They roast hot dogs. They tell jokes to one another and they try to make the best of their paid holiday.
Or at least the ones with jobs, still do this!
And in the midst of that symbolic day, I have also observed that most of them have no clue what the holiday really means. Sure, people can recite, "It is Independence Day."
America's Heritage
But most Americans do not consider that it was God Himself who chiseled the Nation of America from the quarry of the earth and then marinated it with independence and freedom.
Most Americans rarely stop to consider that in this nation, God planted the seeds of a special culture, where the fruit of the land was the heritage of God. And it was this heritage that gave birth to a people that had high moral standards, tenacity and a fear of God.
Today, most Americans have little awareness of how it used to be in America in days gone by!
Because it was in her youth, that America had citizens who valued the moral rudder and who knew how to place their trust in a handshake and a promise.
She had citizens who lived with the commitment to a bonded family. She had fathers who wanted to stick around and raise their children.
She had factories that could support an entire family when dad showed up at his job and worked hard. She had mothers who could afford to stay home and strengthen the children; raising vigilant sons and virtuous daughters.
Just a few years ago, her people were satisfied to be entertained with the wholesome conflicts of Ozzie and Harriet, and Beaver Cleaver.
America was the name of that country of destiny which was echoed in the mouths of so many people throughout the world.
America knew that her strength was in her God: Jehovah - the God of Heaven. And she boldly proclaimed this heritage to her children.
Americans prayed in their schools and they learned His statutes.
Americans also attended their local houses of worship. It was accepted. It was expected.
Things Changed!
But then... something happened!
They started to forget. They became comfortable and satisfied. They began to get drowsy. They became idle in their spiritual vigilance and slowly the tide began to turn.
Prayer was opposed in American schools and removed.
Abortion was made a women's right! The butchering and bloodshed of the innocent became an American entitlement! The condemnation of the unborn became the “proud shouts” in marches throughout the land. The right to choose was their bold proclamation!
And all of these things happened, while the rest of the citizens slept.
A new war started - Vietnam. Millions of American boys went away and many never returned. And it was there that they saw things and did things that they were not proud of.
The nation began to change. Many sons and daughters wanted to forget. Drugs arrived with the Woodstock Era. And in the knapsack of this new culture, were the ingredients of confusion, free love, promiscuity, feminism, and ailments that fractured many families.
The changes continued. The drowsiness continued. The complacency continued.
More Fourth of July holidays came and went. And slowly, the citizens lost their way. July 4 lost its cultural savor and it became a day for a picnic.
Welcome to Babylon
And here we are. The year is 2010.
That fire of the knowledge of freedom has grown dim. The light of God's lantern that made America glow with righteousness has been replaced with glowing computer screens that display images of iniquity and wicked ones who boast in themselves.
The laughter of a wholesome TV show has been replaced with a sermon from Hollywood which says, "God is no longer around, so be a hooker and a harlot! And men, spread your carnal plantings with pride for this is your reward!"
And that little city by the Hills of Beverly has become the nation's pulpit which tells the world that, "God made a mistake on many of you. Johnny is really Jenny inside, and Lizzie should have been Lenny!”
Homosexuality has become the new religion on American movie screens, TV sets, printed works, and school board agendas.
And with heart ache and pain, it must be declared with a trumpet call, that America is no longer the beloved land that she once was, because now she has brought affliction to the Heritage of God. She has molded for herself thrones of iniquity.
And now, darkness has arrived over her. This sword of her coming oppression is now being forged. Her capture is upon her.
The Night has Arrived
Read Full Article HERE
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