Deborah Dupré
Each of the filmmaker crew members that have been in the U.S, war zone trenches since May, documenting the Gulf operation crime against humanity, are poisoned. Alex Thomas of The Intel Hub reports on an exclusive interview with film director of Project Gulf Impact, Matt Smith about his condition in the Youtube video below. They discuss the similarities between the Nazi holocaust in Germany and the one underway in the U.S.
Quoting Smith who was interviewed by Intel Hub radio show host, Shepard Ambellas, Thomas writes:
“Everyone down here knows what's going on and the media black out is like calling the oil spill an oil spill when it is a flood. This media blackout is so deep, it’s like the Gestapo, its seriously feels like we are in some sort of Nazi State with the media. The media control is horrifying. It is so horrifying because it is getting WORSE."
Smith says that it feels like a different country down along the Gulf Coast.
He explains that the sick people in the south have no money or health insurance and cannot afford health care.
It has been reported to the Examiner that many South Louisianans do not even have gas money to drive to New Orleans only a couple of hours away.
Smith said that the crew wore respirators the day they fell ill. The respirators did not prevent them from becoming poisoned. He and everyone on the boat are poisoned. They all required hospitalization. Three of them are in the hospital.
He explains that he has never been that sick in his life. What felt like a cold quickly turned into a life-threatening condition. He like the others awakened during the night feeling like they were underwater, unable to breathe.
Smith and the crew witnessed huge fish kills, dead dolphins and a dead whale. The locals say they have never seen as much oil on the Gulf waters as they have seen lately: 6 inches to 3 feet of oil.
Ambellas and Smith discuss how, instead of Americans being outraged at the genocide in progress in the Deep South, people in the U.S. are behaving like Germans during the Nazi extermination of six million Jews and other persecuted groups.
During the radio program, Ambellas mentions the history of the U.S. military's deadly chemical human experimentation. He talks about how the American public is conditioned, beginning from childhood and reinforced with TV. In analogy to the lack of public response to the chemical warfare declared on the people, Ambellas recites:
"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream."
And so it is, a merry dream, except for Americans sick, suffering, dying, pleading in vain for help. For them, it is a nightmare with no foreseeable end. The public merrily continues daily tasks, or Century of Self "spiritual" activities, or street rallies for whatever cause psychological operators determine, the latest being FBI arrests of human rights workers. After those rallies, predictably, there will be something else to distract from the Gulf operation crime against humanity on America's back doorstep.
Any distraction will do to maintain avoidance of the obvious, the petrochemical-military-industrial complex, under the U.S. Commander in Chief Barack Obama, committing the local Mission Creep, American genocide, starting with Gulf Coasters.
Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., S.Pa. Islands and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupré welcomes emails: Please send Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.
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Also see from The Intel Hub:
•Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert Spraying of the Gulf
•Raw Footage: Dispersant is STILL being sprayed,plumes in Florida and Alabama
•Thousands in Gulf Suffer from Misdiagnosed Skin Lesions
View Article With Links HERE
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