Friday, September 17, 2010

Too Sick And Scared of Obama's Thugs: Australian SBS Reports Gulf Truth
Deborah Dupré
Human Rights Examiner

A sixty-six year old Louisiana grandmother, an environmental scientist, has threatened the American petrochemical-military-industrial-complex (PMIC) by collecting approximately 600 testimonies from Southerners stricken ill since the Gulf Operation overtly began April 20th, too afraid to speak out publicly due to hired black operatives intimidating locals, even threatening their lives as detailed in Australia's Special Broadcast Service (SBS) Dateline News report, but not American news reports.
SBS is one of Australia's top TV news resources.

Australia's SBS Dateline reporter on the Gulf truth, 'Sophie McNeill made her first documentary in 2001 at age 15, when she travelled to East Timor to film the country's health crisis.' (SBS)

Australians now know Gulf Truth

Wilma Subra and now many Australian TV viewers know first-hand why Gulf Coasters are afraid, the same reasons most Targeted Individuals live in fear. Since the Gulf operation onset and Subra's advocacy for the coastal people and environment, she has had repeated office break-ins, intimidating anonymous phone calls and death threats, all part and parcel of secretly hit-listed as indicated in the SBS special report by Sophie McNeill, Toxic Legacy on Youtube as 'Wilma Subra' below in which Subra states:

"One individual who was proposing a nuclear radioactive site threatened to kill me, my family and the local elected official and his family, so I had bullet proof glass put in on all the windows on the front and I had a security consultant come in and he said move everything to the back of the office and that’s why my computer is now in the back so I’m not so visible up front.

"So, here is a stack that I record all of the complaints that come in but I can’t show you information on the complaints because I’m protecting the identity of the people who called in the complaints because they are very scared of repercussions..."

Obama's authorized hit-list appears to be squarely aimed at people who dare speak out, suppression through the CIA's hired mercenaries, private contractors such as Blackwater (Xe), it's 20 subsidiaries plus Wackenhut and others defending crimes on the Gulf Coast. It appears as though these thugs are using their dirty tricks to both maintain the controlled U.S. mainstream media black-out of Gulf news that would be in best interest of the public and to enable the petrochemical-military-industrial complex to continue its slow-kill operation of Gulf Coasters where it continues to gas people and all other life struggling to survive.

In June, a passenger in a car passing Subra's house fired shots through her window, the bullet lodging "in a brick a few feet from where she was sitting." (See: Environmental warrior takes on industry - CNN) Recently, the Examiner reported that Project Gulf Impact filmmaker who has been documenting Gulf Coast evidence was paid a visit at his home by men in black. There is widespread speculation about the untimely death of one of the most vocal of all Gulf Coast whistleblowers, Matt Simmons.

Recently leaked documents indicate that Obama's "national security" tactics are not limited to the Deep South. They include "Pennsylvania Office of Homeland Security tracking anti-gas drilling groups and their meetings — including a public screening of the documentary, Gasland about environmental hazards of natural gas drilling. (See Department of Homeland Security Tracks Anti-drill groups in Pa, Intel Hub, Sept. 14, 2010)

Washington’s Blog reports this week, "Indeed, police have been terrorizing children, little old ladies and other “dangerous” people who attempted to protest peacefully."

In what resembles a U.S. biochemical war on Americans, with America's own PMIC, its black operatives destroying innocent American lives in the Gulf region, Subra continues collecting testimonies from people phoning her for help. Due to her abundance of evidence, she has been called to testify before Congress during its dispersant investigation. Subra states in the SBS report:

The dispersant is a very toxic substance that causes a lot of health impacts - short term and long term. Portions of them are known cancer-causing agents, the other portion causes the headache, the nausea, the respiratory problems and when it is mixed with the oil, it is much more toxic than either the oil or the dispersant. And you can inhale it, you can ingest it, you can have skin contact out here. So, it is an issue that is really important for people’s health. They need to be protected from any exposure."

As Gulf Coast residents learn about non-government organizations (NGO) opening their phone lines to offer help with survival resources, more calls and emails flood in daily from people desperate for help for themselves and their children who are ill. The sole way to obtain these NGO numbers is through alternative media that most people do not access, and though word of mouth. Fear and confusion in the Gulf Coast is exemplified by, Edmon L, a Mobile, Alabama resident who wrote yesterday:

"My wife is a Bio-Chem student at USA in Mobile and is very knowledgeable on chemicals and the such. She is concerned and has a lung condition that has amplified since this all came about. We have 4 young children and her concerns are what this could cause in the development of our kids. She is very concerned and feels that we should evacuate the area ASAP. Personally, I am scared!!! (Examiner)

One woman, Wilma Subra, has collected 600 case testimonies thus far. Daily, more people phone her for help.

Subra is not the only one collecting such testimonies. Louisiana Environmental Action Network (LEAN), Louisiana Bucket Brigade, Project Gulf Impact and Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors are among others collecting accounts from people unknown to each other, providing consistent stories of illness, fearing for their lives and that of their families, not only because of poison used on them, but also retribution from thugs if it is known they have sought help.

As Subra explains, the sick and injured are not only BP workers and fisherman. They are ordinary people who had been living ordinary lives in ordinary neighborhoods until late April, before the 1.8 million gallons (and still rising) of the deadly Corexit was sprayed in their air, water, food, homes and gardens.

Subra and her colleagues tackled BP over the waiver in court, and they’re now preparing to take action over the use of oil dispersant, saying it is one of the most toxic available and has made people ill. (SBS)

Project Gulf Impact and Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors have reported that sick Gulf Coasters using public health facilities are being mistreated, mis-diagnosed and worse, re-victimized by health workers attributing their illnesses to a mental problem, as Pensacola resident Heather Dixey recently experienced when she went to the hospital with severe chest pains and internal bleeding.

Thousands of people have mysterious scabs and pustules covering their extremities according to a July report by Project Gulf Impact.

"We are hearing from people in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida with similar stories," reports Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor Delia LaBarre from Ground Zero in New Orleans yesterday.

LaBarre stated:

"We are convinced that we are in the Gulf region experiencing a grave public health crisis and that it will only get worse in the years to come. We know this because of the toxins toxicologists tell us we have been exposed to and because of the 'latent illnesses' caused by the toxins from the Exxon Valdez oil spill, 9-11 Ground Zero contaminants, and oil disasters throughout the world that continued to manifest years after the initial exposures.

"We know also that Corexit continues to be sprayed along the Gulf Coast, even though government officials and BP representatives claim they have ceased applying chemical dispersants. We have many witnesses who refute those claims."

Louisiana Fisherman Gary Burris, among those who have provided testimony to Subra and LEAN because he is now ill states in the SBS report, "And there were planes, just not three miles from us, like 10 or 15 in a row, and they come back empty, an this went on for four or five hours. I mean, they were hitting it - hitting it."

Faceless people of the Gulf Coast

"Where are all these people who are supposedly sick and suffering?" some people ask in disbelief.

Instead of covering the Gulf criminal activities, U.S. mainstream news is covering-up the Gulf operation with as much professionalism as it did throughout the September 11, 2001 false flag operation, the general public is again duped, this time impacting the survival needs of millions of people, families needing support from fellow Americans. Unlike the 911 psychological weaponry used on the public, TV viewers do not repeatedly hear people crying, people jumping off the skyscrapers, the destruction, he faces of victims and their families' stories.

People of the Gulf Coast have no faces.

Instead of giving faces to people of the Gulf Coast, airing the children crying because they are ill, showing Corexit dispersant foam swooshing atop Gulf waters, chemical burned bodies, and bloody faces from internal bleeding, the U.S. media is airing nonsense.

Today, Williams Rivers Pitt writes in Truthout, "I don't know about you, but I'm getting pretty sick and tired of seeing these Tea Party idiots all over my television. I turn on the news,' and there they are, holding badly spelled signs and chanting nonsense."

The center of American homes, once the kitchen or dining table where families gathered to listen and learn from each other has been replaced with the TV, the perfect PMIC psychological weapon. TV is now being used to distract people of goodwill who could reach out to help Gulf Coasters. TV is perfect for covering up the new mass murder on the Gulf Coast that is destined to make the tragic 3000 lives lost on 911 pale in comparison.

"The U.S. media landscape is dominated by massive corporations that, through a history of mergers and acquisitions, have concentrated their control over what we see, hear and read. (Ownership Chart: the Big Six, Free press)

"In many cases, these giant companies are vertically integrated, controlling everything from initial production to final distribution," reports Freepress. (See information about the largest U.S. media firms here.)

Dixie 56 commented on the SBS Dateline report, Toxic Legacy ('Wilma Subra'):

"As a resident of Alabama we see first hand the destruction and continued destruction of the Gulf. We will be seeing the effects of BP and the Fed's lies for generations to come. The main stream media over here has pretty much stopped reporting on the damage and the people of the Gulf coast region are left to fight this horror. I appreciate datelines excellent report. Just wish the media here would tell the truth. Fat chance! We had some of the most beautiful water and sugar white beaches."

Lisa from Queensland wrote:

"More awareness about the long term health effects of chemicals on human health is needed. I applaud Wilma Subra for thinking long term. Some of the people in the Gulf area and some of the workers who help with the clean up will go on to develop long term and chronic health problems caused by chemical injury as is the case with 9/11. Who will be there to help those people? Society needs to be better educated on chemical injury and the consequences of chronic poisoning, at the moment it is being whitewashed by the Government, the medical profession and the chemical industry."

Meanwhile, barefoot doctors at Ground Zero report, 'We need to let the rest of the country - the world - know that this catastrophe is only beginning. Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors needs help to supply detoxification kits and information to the public."

"Most of the people contacting us can neither afford to relocate or to purchase many of the supplies recommended for detoxification. We are currently able to assemble the kits for $10 to $25, depending on the donations from our generous sponsors."

Lynne Frye, who became an American refugee, fleeing the Gulf Coast with her husband for health and safety, sent a message through the Examiner to people of the Gulf and the world early today:

"What the video didn't show was my husband and I couldn't afford to move either. We sold everything we owned except for his work truck and what clothes and camping gear, and whatever we could fit in the back of our small nissan. We met someone that wanted to help out a gulf coast family. She offered a room in her house until we could get back on our feet. We left Pensacola. We found a campground by a beautiful a river and some amazing caverns, we stayed for a week. We have met some amazing people that want to help the 'Gulf Coasters' just like me and my family. We have lost our beaches.

"All the information is out there and as individuals, we have to do the research and not rely on corporate media to tell us everything because they won't. Your wife is right. y'all should evacuate. We had to think about our daughters health. My prayers are with you!'

For Americans needing proof of the U.S. PMIC's calculated use of lethal chemicals on millions of Americans now causing illness and early death, the SBS report (below) may provide enough evidence to break denial of the crime against humanity occurring in the United States against the nation's citizens.

Thanks to SBS and Sophie McNeill, at least Australians now know the Gulf truth.

Photo: Special Broadcasting Service (SBS)



Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors

Subra Company

Copyright ©Deborah Dupre' 2010 All Rights Reserved

The author grants permission to republish the title and first paragraph of this article provided they are linked to the original article on Examiner. She welcomes emails:

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., Vanuatu and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupré welcomes emails: Please send Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Gulf incident reports can be made and viewed at Mobile phone users can text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OIL. Reports can also be sent to and through Twitter with the hashtag #BPspillmap. If you are in danger or witness an emergency, please contact your local emergency response agency immediately.

Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or to have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need. See Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email

Learn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here.

Send information or inquirel and visit Project Gulf Impact online at

If you are a Gulf Coaster wanting to evacuate but needing help, please ask! If you can assist a gulf coaster in evacuating, please advise! See --

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