Sunday, November 21, 2010


By Sheriff Jim R. Schwiesow, Ret.
November 21, 2010


Since its inception this nation has survived a calamitous civil war, two ominous world wars, the dust bowl, the grinding poverty of a fateful depression, and a series of grievous recessions. The truth is that this Commonwealth survived these events only by the moral fiber of its people, by an unyielding belief in free enterprise, by the individual selflessness that prevailed through perversity, by the industriousness of the people, and - most importantly - by a sustaining and unshakeable belief in the Supreme Being of the Universe in whom the people placed their faith and their earthly and eternal destinies.

Over the course of time the vagaries of successive generations has undergone a metamorphic transition, the previously described sterling character of the people has been replaced with a new morality, ethical codes have changed, and the bounds of propriety have disappeared. Old generations have been replaced with a new generation of doped up, immersed in dumbness, indolent creatures of little initiative, malformed character, and no faith. A generation acclimated to lives of luxury and decadence, indoctrinated in Godless socialism, nurtured in greed and avarice, and grounded in selfishness. All of this is not happenstance, but was rather engineered by the conscienceless elite, illuminati if you will, in an incremental and cunningly patient quest for a one-world arrangement of demonic design.

So skilled in deception were these agents of the dark domain that even the elect were deceived into believing that such changes were normal and acceptable, that they were cyclical events that always presage a return to normalcy, integrity, and resurgent moral soundness. This was, they said, inevitable. The cold, hard, dank truth is that there will be no return to wholeness or wholesomeness. This nation is treading a treacherous seamless linear plain that will inevitably lead to its total destruction.


“Woe to those who make unjust laws, to those who issue oppressive decrees, to deprive the poor of their rights and withhold justice from the oppressed of my people, making widows their prey and robbing the fatherless.” -Isaiah 10:1-2

Much has been made recently of the venality and corruptness of government on all levels. One has to wonder what the catalyst was for such seemingly sudden introspection given the fact that government corruption in these United States has been prevalent and systemic for half a century and longer. I note that just lately the sheep are becoming increasingly restive about the tyrannical machinations of the Transportation Safety Administration and that agency’s intrusion upon the intimate privacy of those who avail themselves of air travel. There seems to be in addition to a prevailing governmental tyranny an increasing voyeuristic predisposition among the personnel of that agency that manifests itself in the fondling of the person, the groping of the genitals, and the glimpsing of the nakedness of hapless passengers. When queried about these aberrational excesses Home Land Security Director, Janet Napolitano said if the public does not like it too bad, they should not fly. I think that she is right; if the flying public would absolutely quit this mode of transportation you can bet that there would be a swift solution to the incursions upon the privacy of those who fly.

Such intrusions and invasions upon intimate and supposedly inviolate privacies are predicated upon - as they always are when the government perpetrates dictatorial excesses - an entirely subjective government position on what is necessary to ensure the public safety. It is in fact about power over individual prerogatives and a mechanism that the various levels of government in this nation have used to effectively subvert and avert the Constitutional guarantees of protection against the nullification of individual rights.

How is it when governments entrap the public with a virtual minefield of traffic light cameras, altered signal light timings, embedded speed strips, mandatory seat belt use and the host of other cute gimmicks that are used to empty the pockets of hapless victims to the tune of millions of dollars that it always about safety?

If such inventiveness in regard to justification fails there is always the law, have you noticed dear reader that whenever government officials are queried in regard to these tyrannical encroachments they will respond with, “It’s the law?” How providential for these that such incursion upon Constitutional rights can be written into the law. The people in this nation have had this corrupted rule of law theme pounded into them ad nauseam.

The rule of law , which was intended by the founders to be connoted upon the Constitution, is now what some activist judge says it is, what some legislative body decrees it to be, and what thousands of unelected unrighteous bureaucrats set out in administrative rulings. The law has, in this nation, has become a tool to enhance unfettered totalitarian rule over the people and as an instrument to enable the curtailment of individual rights.


Put not your trust in princes, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help. His breath goeth forth, he returneth to his earth; in that very day his thoughts perish. -Psalms 146:3-5

In a previous piece I wrote that this nation is soon to go to its grave in the most ignoble collapse since the Roman Empire breathed its last, and that the unwitting instrument of its now inevitable death is the Republican Party. As the nation treads a tortuous path to the end the people cast about wildly for a savior among men. They switch their allegiance from one party to another in desperate hope for deliverance from what they now perceive as an inevitable crash and burn scenario.

During the last few decades the Democrat Party has demonstrated that it is a party of moral weakness, corruption, and social perversion. It is the Democrats who celebrate and endorse communist ideology, and it was the Democrats that initiated the now prevalent internal loathing of the foundations and wonderments of the Republic. This would, on the surface, seem to be a logical argument in favor of the opposition Republican Party, but for the Democrats to have achieved such monumental success in bastardizing and corrupting this nation it was necessary that they have the aid and support of an enabler, and that enabler was the Republican Party.

The Democrats have achieved nearly every inimical social perversion that they have pursued, and they achieved the same by the acquiescence of Republicans who kissed the behinds of their political enemies of the Democrat Party and fawned all over them to the point of embarrassment.

Under that rogue George W. Bush the Republican Party handed the Democrats the biggest political endowment in history, thirty million illiterate aliens who were trained like chimpanzees to pull the lever for Democrats. They may be illiterate but they understood quite clearly that it was Democrats who were willing to bankrupt the nation to provide them with the necessities of life, such as food, schooling, lodging and medical care. The complaisance of the Republican Party in this loose border chicanery and the illegal immigration fiasco was shameful, and remains shameful to this day.

There will be those who write to complain that I have laid the putrid state of the nation solely at the feet of the Republicans, and that by doing so I have been too hard on the darlings. Someone should be hard on them they have frittered away every opportunity to coral the unconstitutional excesses of the Democrats and move this country back to constitutional governance. They have completely alienated the conservative base of their party and taken to their bosom socialistic causes once thought to be the sole province of liberal Democrats.

If the people are waiting for the Republicans to pull them out of the current slide into oblivion they are going to have a long wait, it isn’t going to happen.


Recently a local jeweler, whom I respect, lamented that the spectacular rise in the price of gold was ruinous to his business and seriously jeopardizing his livelihood. He stated that the price of a modest gold ring had appreciated nearly two hundred percent in a relatively short time, thus placing it out of the reach of the middle-income earners of modest means who comprise the majority of his customers. This precipitous rise in the price of precious metals portends financial ruin for him and those like him.

Not concerned about jewelers and the sellers of luxury items, you say. How about your local bakers, butchers, food merchants, hardware merchants, dry goods sellers, and appliance and automobile dealers? Thanks to the Federal Reserve and its weak-minded chairman, Ben Bernanke, along with the Obama Administration’s dim-witted treasury secretary Timothy Geithner, and the fat-cat speculators in commodities and durable goods all of the aforementioned main street dealers in goods and services are in serious jeopardy. The price of gold is simply a leading indicator of a precipitous decline of the dollar in value and purchasing power. Who wants to invest in the future by hoarding bank notes or dollar-bound equivalents of no intrinsic value? Gold they believe is the way to go.

If you have visited the local food merchants lately you will have picked up on the subtle indicators which signal that we are headed for an economic crisis. Even huge chains such as Wal-Mart are having trouble maintaining a perpetual inventory. This can only mean that such interruptions in the flow of commodities and goods are the result of shortages of supply and a vicious international competition for supplies on hands.

In order to cope with the rising costs of materials and the declining value of the dollar the manufacturers of processed foods and periphery grocery items are resorting to chicanery and deceitful pricing practices in regard to their products. Toilet paper and other paper items are shrinking in width, length, and thickness in an attempt to obfuscate price increases. Deceptive innovative packaging that contains smaller quantities at the same price, and inventive pricing gimmicks do not fool discerning customers. The handwriting is on the wall, the dollar is crashing and inflation is on the march.

All of this means that you dear reader may all too soon find yourself in circumstances similar to the Biblical Lazarus and Rich man didacticism delivered by Jesus. If, or when, the complete economic collapse comes you may find yourselves under rich men’s tables begging for scraps. Whether or not they favor you with a tidbit from their ill-gotten largesse will depend entirely upon your slavering acquiescence to their control over your lives and circumstances.

One final thought here before I move on. For those who are hoarding gold and laughing up their sleeves, I hearken them back to the days of the great depression when that old socialist despot Franklin Delano Roosevelt reorganized the banks, confiscated the gold in the hands of the citizens, and devalued the dollar. This was government theft of a monumental dimension and would most certainly be repeated by the despots who rule over us these days.

They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels: because it is the stumblingblock of their iniquity. -Ezekiel 7:19


Biblical prophecy warns that in the last days - these times – there will be a turn to preponderant immorality of a bestial nature, and that the people will give themselves up to perversions precisely such as those that were pursued and acted on in Sodom and Gomorrah and their surrounding environs. Scripture makes clear that these perversions were taught by demons and that these very despicable and filthy practices will be institutionalized by governing authority and endorsed and sanctified by an apostate church in the latter days.

No one can deny that in this nation and in these days that these predictions have come to pass. Sodomy is pursued with militant aggressiveness. Activist judges - many of them sodomites - unfettered by ethics, scruples, morality or the Constitution are by-passing the people and legislative prerogatives with judicial decrees that are rapidly institutionalizing sodomy.

A majority of the denominational churches now condone, support, and encourage sodomy and the co-occurring spin off of same sex marriage, this even to the point of ordaining sodomite pastors and uniting same sex couples in marriage. That they would pervert the sacrament of marriage and deny the authority of God’s word thusly speaks to the depth of apostasy to which they have descended. Those that use Jesus, the very author of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, as justification for their despicable and impious religious dictums in regard to sodomy have reserved unto themselves the punishment of eternal fire.

”Woe unto them! for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core.” -Jude 1:11

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