LoneStar Watchdog
I wonder who hires these idiots to do these economic studies recommending our ports be outsourced to private operators.Especially if they are owned by a foreign power called China. I remember the outrage of our ports being turned over to a Dubai company.At the same time there is no outrage about the Chinese coming in to run our ports. I do not trust the Chinese and I keep speaking my mind to the Russian people.They better throw out China before they metastasize themselves inside their infrastructure.What we see happening the US will happen to Russia if not stopped. Never trust the Chinese. The Chinese now runs the Long Beach Navel Ship yard in California were cargo is never inspected and practices are questionable because the threat to our national security China poses.
The city officials who oversee Port of Galveston operations are negotiating with the Carlyle Group and Hong Kong based company Hutchinson Port Holdings a subsidiary of Hutchinson Whampoa owned by Chinese Billionaire Li Ka Shing who is part of the Chinese Military. If negotiations go well. This International conglomerate will have a 75 year lease to operate inside the Port of Galveston.
Who gave them the authority to turn over a Port owned by the people of Galveston to a foreign company under the control of the Chines government?. These city officials of Galveston need their heads checked or hung from the nearest tree after they have been found guilty of treason. I seriously see these city politicians need to recalled and the city manager fired . These Ports belong to the Taxpayers and not to the Politicians. Who in their right mind would turn over the Ports to a foreign power.This same country has wiped out our manufacturing base in this country. The same county that wants to go to war with us? If the City of Galveston gives China the Ports. They will have a strategic advantage militarily and economically with a foothold inside of Texas.
Texas is being attacked on all fronts.We are fighting so our highways and roads will not be turned over to a Spanish Company.We are being sold out left and right down the river. China now has leases to the Oil Fields in South Texas. The people of Texas might have to start recalling politicians who propose such things and having them removed from office. We do not have much time and can not wait till 2012 to throw them out. We need to recall them now and have them investigated. These public private partnerships are bad news. I rather see public sector stay public and private sector stay private.They should never be partners in partnerships.Never with a foreign company. Especially China to partner with. When these agreements happen. The people who payed for these ports with tax money will get the shaft while the company that partnered with the politicians will make out like bandits. I have no doubt there are laws being broken to allow these deals to go forward.We need to call out these swine for what they are.They need to be investigated by the grand jury and indicted.
Texas ports must stay in the control of the people's hands. This vital infrastructure must not be sold out to the highest bidder of a foreign power that seeks to bring down the United States and Texas.The Chinese are our sworn enemies. These people in city government must be really stupid or payed off to see the investors point of view.Either way. We must not tolerate any more selling out to the Chinese or any foreign power that violates the safety and security of Texas. I will boycott Galveston if they sell out to the Chinese .I will take my money and business to Port Aransas if I want to enjoy the beach.We should all too till they see our way. No Chinese companies Allowed!
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