Saturday, October 22, 2011

Going the Way of Commies and Nazis

Mac Slavo

When the TSA introduced its policy of enhanced pat downs prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday last year we noted that it was only a matter of time before such security measures were introduced throughout public venues and transportation infrastructure throughout the country.

In the last year, we’ve seen exactly that happen. As we speak the police state is expanding its monitoring and control across ever public access point in the country, including train stations, bus terminals, sporting events, digital social networks and, most recently, our roadway systems.

We warned of the spread of rapid response Visual Intermodal Protection and Response (VIPR) checkpoints in 2010 when they were first used at Greyhound bus terminals, and now their use has been broadened to include impromptu stops of motorists on a state-wide level, starting first in Tennessee:

Via The Intel Hub

The full scale Department of Homeland Security takeover of America shifted into high gear Tuesday with an army of TSA agents conducting illegal, 4th amendment killing, random searches throughout Tennessee.

The Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response (VIPR) program was put into motion at 2 public bus stations as well as at 5 weigh stations throughout the state.

The program is billed as a must have anti terrorism measure when in reality no terrorists have ever been arrested by TSA and all the supposed terrorists who have been arrested in America since 9/11 have literally been run by the FBI.

In East Germany Stasi fashion, DHS officials are also recruiting multiple truck drivers in the area for their tell on your neighbors, see something say something program.

The underlying fact is that these random checkpoints and searches are NOT for terrorists, (they essentially do not exist without the help of the FBI) they are for everyday American people.

This is far from “fighting” terrorism, this is about complete control of our once free society as staged terror plot after staged terror plot is splashed across the media in a move to get Americans to submit to a full scale police state all in the name of security.

Source: The Intel Hub

The purpose of this operation is not to respond to any particular terrorist threat. It is to desensitize the American people to what can only be described as nullification of our Constitutionally protected fourth amendment rights which explicitly protect our persons and property from unreasonable searches and seizure, and to clearly demonstrate to the American people who’s in charge by instilling a sense of authority and fear.

The hundreds of billions of dollars our government confiscates from honest, law abiding citizens each year are now being used to militarize and lock down the entire nation.

This is precisely what was done in Communist Russia and Nazi Germany.

Under Communist rule, Russians and eastern Europeans were regularly subjected to such checks when travelling from town to town. Prior to engaging in travel behind the iron curtain, now matter how mundane or innocent the purpose, travelers were first required to obtain permission from a local commissar who would determine if they were eligible. All of this was executed with extreme precision and effectiveness under a system that lacked modern day biometric identification and computerized tracking capabilities.

The attacks on September 11, 2011 proved that the country could be locked down within a few hours – airline travel, border crossings and all transportation pipelines. It can be done. Quickly. Efficiently. Effectively.

The next step, which is now progress, is to control the flow of traffic – be it digital or physical – within the borders of the United States.

Proponents of the new policies will often make the asinine and fallacious argument that we’ve heard all too often from ignorant myrmidons who have no concept of liberty and the purpose of Constitutional protection , “If you’re not doing anything wrong, you have nothing to worry about.”

The counter argument, as pointed out by the ACLU, should be “”If I’m not doing anything wrong, why is the government snooping on me?”

Source: SHTFPlan

Related: TSA begins VIPR highway inspections in Tennessee

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