Tuesday, November 22, 2011

They Know Social Unrest is a Foregone Conclusion

Mac Slavo

One simply cannot ignore the progressively deteriorating economic and political conditions in just about every industrialized nation (as well as ‘periphery’ countries like Syria and Egypt). The people are getting frustrated at the inability of political leaders to put forth any meaningful solutions. Moreover, they are dismayed at the utter lack of empathy from politicians who claim to be just like the rest of us, but regularly use their positions of power to amass more wealth and influence for themselves and their well connected friends at the expense of the electorate.

As Sovereign Man Simon Black points out in The Government Is Getting Prepared, What About You?, the last week provides some insight into the emotional and psychological state of the globe’s populace as evidenced by the First Lady of the United States being booed at a major sporting event, and a similar occurrence in Russia with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, not to mention the continued protests in the U.S., Europe, the middle east and elsewhere.

It really doesn’t matter where in the world you are. The people have had enough. And, the majority of them are holding on to the (false) hope that the next election will somehow change things. Just as Scott Brown’s election to the Senate in 2010 at the height of the Tea Party movement failed to change or improve anything because it turns out that the knight in shining armor was just another political prostitute, so too will the next election fail to fundamentally alter the direction we’re headed (unless something amazing happens like the election of a true third party thinker).

People may be holding out hope that things will get better. When the elections of 2012 come and go, and nothing has improved, what we’re seeing play out on the streets of America today is going to intensify. If you think police response is brutal now, wait until the Molotov cocktails start flying.

From Sovereign Man via The Daily Sheeple

These minor instances are emblematic of the massive rift that has emerged between the ‘people’ and their leaders. Politicians may be completely out of touch, but they’re not stupid… and they’re taking steps to prepare.

In so many places around the world right now, anger, animosity, hostility, and anxiety rule the day. For the time being, though, the vast majority of this negativity has an outlet in the political process.

You see, between now and the end of 2012, several hundred national and provincial elections are scheduled around the world– from this past weekend’s parliamentary elections in Spain to presidential elecions in Russia, France, the United States, Mexico, Finland, Iceland, India, Switzerland, South Korea, Yemen, Egypt, and more.

Consequently, people have an outlet to invest their anger and hostility. Emotions are running high, but people at least have a shred of hope that if ‘their guy’ gets elected, everything will get better.

It won’t. And, next year once the election-cycle has disappeared, there will be no more peaceful outlet for all of the anger that has been building up.

That’s when emotions will spill into the streets. And it won’t be peaceful protests being met with violence… it will be violent riots being met with even worse violence.

Politicians are cunning. They can see the writing on the wall, they know that social unrest is a foregone conclusion, and they’re preparing to defend the status quo at all costs.

[emphasis added]

Government game theorists, who have been war-gaming scenarios that include large scale economic breakdown and civil unrest, know what’s headed our way. If you’re wondering why military troops are being trained for domestic policing and why local police forces are being weaponized and militarized, then you need only consider the law of parsimony (Occam’s Razor). The simplest explanation tends to be true – and in this case, the simplest explanation is that the government is planning on complete pandemonium in America.

Source: SHTFPlan

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