Thursday, September 30, 2010

Police, Communities Struggle to Grasp Prostitution Ruling

Kirk Makin
The Globe And Mail

Governments were in disarray and at least one prostitution charge was withdrawn by the Crown Wednesday as the effects of a landmark ruling that decriminalized prostitution in Ontario began to be felt.

The ruling also left police confused and neighbourhoods fortifying to fend off a possible deluge of sex-trade workers.

When the dust settles around the prostitution decision, experts predict that municipalities across the country will pass bylaws and licensing systems based on their own local community standards and political realities.

“We could end up with a bizarre patchwork of regulation across the country,” said Simon Fraser University criminology professor John Lowman. “Nor, is there any guarantee that municipalities are going to do any better at this than the feds. It depends upon the attitude they take to a highly divisive issue in Canadian society.”

While they publicly warn the decision will end up victimizing prostitutes, the Harper Conservatives are also privately grumbling at what they consider judicial activism on the Ontario bench. One Tory MP said he believed that judges should not be making social policy. “That is exclusively the jurisdiction of Parliament,” the Ontario MP said.

Brendan Crawley, a spokesman for the ministry, said that the province intends to join the federal government in appealing the decision. In the meantime, he said, Ontario will ask for the ruling to be suspended until an appeal has been heard.

In the wake of the decision, chaos reigned for supporters and detractors of decriminalization. Sex-trade workers braced for an onslaught of bureaucratic red tape – including health inspectors, tax collectors and licensing officials.

“One of first things they will try to do is force us against our will to identify ourselves and provide information about who we are, where we reside and where we work,” said Amber, a 36-year-old Toronto sex worker. “There is absolutely no way I am prepared to be on any kind of public registry.

“They can get rid of laws, but the stigmatization of sex workers is going to be around for hundreds of years,” she said, adding that most sex workers feel as she does. “Sex workers know how to get around the law.” ”

Bruce Ryder, a York University law professor, said that sex workers are making a mistake if they think that they have been “liberated” by the ruling. “It may even turn out that status quo of legal enforcement could shift into a much more intrusive and detailed system of control,” he said.

“Licensing schemes could be highly restrictive and fees could be high,” he said. “Zoning bylaws could be used to restrict bawdy houses to particular parts of a city.”

Prof. Lowman predicted that a coming welter of bylaws, fees and regulations may drive many sex workers back into running illicit operations beyond the reach of the law.

In her 133-page ruling, Ontario Superior Court Judge Susan Himel struck down three key Criminal Code provisions: communicating for the purpose of prostitution, pimping and operating a common bawdy house.

Judge Himel found that laws set up to protect prostitutes actually endanger their safety, forcing them to furtively engage in hasty transactions conducted in shady locations.

Her decision will take effect in 30 days unless Crown lawyers return with arguments that are strong enough to persuade her to grant a further delay.

Confusion reigned Wednesday in Ontario’s law enforcement community. A Toronto Police Service spokesman said that the force is awaiting direction from the Ministry of the Attorney-General.

The Crown, meanwhile, withdrew at least one prostitute-related charge. Alan Young, a York University law professor who spearheaded Tuesday’s successful challenge, said that one of his law students witnessed a communications charge being withdrawn in a suburban Toronto courthouse on the basis of Judge Himel’s ruling. “It’s having an immediate impact,” he said.

In downtown Toronto, neighbourhood activists were steeling themselves for a battle to save their neighbourhoods.

“What planet does this judge live on?” asked Lisa Stephens Immen, former chairman of an umbrella group of resident associations known as The Neighbourhoods’ Forum. “I hope that all the naive fools who support this ruling will be gifted with the task of picking up the used condoms in their own nice neighbourhoods.”

Prof. Ryder said that police are going to find themselves under intense pressure to prevent a breakout of street prostitution. However, he was skeptical about the prospect of prostitutes taking to the streets to brazenly solicit customers.

Police still have numerous charges they can use to control street solicitation, he said – including nuisance charges, traffic regulations and prohibiting public annoyances.

Prof. Lowman said that defence lawyers outside Ontario will soon seek to persuade judges to follow Judge Himel’s lead.

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Iris Scanning Set To Secure City in Mexico, Then the World

Aaron Saenz
Singularity Hub

The million-plus citizens of Leon, Mexico are set to become the first example of a city secured through the power of biometric identification. Iris and face scanning technologies from Global Rainmakers, Inc. will allow people to use their eyes to prove their identify, withdraw money from an ATM, get help at a hospital, and even ride the bus. GRI’s eye scanning systems aren’t more secure than others on the market, but they are faster. Large archway detectors using infrared imaging can pick out 50 people per minute, even as they hustle by at speeds up to 1.5 meters per second (3.3 mph). The first phase of the Leon iris and face scanning project has already begun. It is estimated to cost around $5 million and focuses on law enforcement agencies’ security check points. Over the next three years commercial uses will be rolled out with banks leading the charge. Check out the videos below to see GRI’s wide range of iris scanning stations in action. Whether you’re jealous or intimidated by Leon’s adoption of widespread eye identification you should pay attention to the project – similar biometric checkpoints are coming to locations near you. Some are already in place.

When it comes to biometric identification, fingerprints are the most widespread and trusted technology. Yet they only contain a few dozen data points to link to your ID. Irises, in contrast, have around 2000 points of reference – enough to uniquely identify every person on Earth. Many companies have developed the means to take an iris scan and use these reference points to match them quickly to a database of scans. The problem has typically been that getting the image of the iris itself is slow and requires people to come very close to the scanning device. GRI has focused on improving the iris acquisition side of the technology, increasing the speed and range of their devices. Not only that, but they are bringing the costs down. A 30 person per minute device (the HBox Mini) costs around $48,000. Yet smaller devices, ones suitable for ATMs or desktop computers are falling below $2000. As they become faster and more affordable, the adoption of iris scanners is seemingly becoming more inevitable as well.

Here’s a demo of the larger devices from GRI. Notice that masks and sunglasses are generally not going to deter a scan:

The HBox V provides rapid access to restricted areas for those in cars at a rate around 12 people per minute.

Smaller devices like the EyeSwipe and EyeSwipe Mini could work for secured locations in an office. According to Fast Company, this scale of iris scanning tech is in place in Bank of America’s headquarters in Charlotte.

The HCam would provide a means of iris identification for computers and ATMs.

My apologies for showing so many different videos of GRI technology but I wanted to give you an idea of how completely the company has encompassed the application space for iris and face scanning. From large foot trafficked areas, to automobiles, to home use they’ve got it covered. They don’t have a handheld portable scanner that I’ve seen…but give them time and they’ll probably develop that as well.

This makes me believe GRI’s implementation in Leon is eventually going to exceed anything we’ve seen before. Every other means of access (license, credit card, keys, etc) has the potential of being augmented or replaced by iris and face scanning. Get on a bus, pass security on the way into work, pay for a meal, order packages online – all without using anything besides your eye. The Leon project could make this futuristic world appear in just 3 to 5 years. That’s incredible.

We have to put this in a larger context, too. India just launched its enormous effort to digitally identify more than a billion residents using fingerprints, face, and iris scans. Japan already uses finger scans during entry into the country. The EU is working on a variety of passive scanning technologies to help secure airports and other public spaces.

To some these emerging applications must seem like the sign of a privacy apocalypse. Government and commercial institutions will endeavor to create enormous shared databases of biometric data and scan huge numbers of private citizens everywhere they go. The first phase of the project in Leon is going to help track the movements of ‘watch-listed individuals’. Rapid scanning face and iris scanning technologies will redefine our sense of privacy in ways that make Big Brother seem like a little sissy.

Jeff Carter, chief business development officer of GRI, didn’t make any of this sound less threatening in his interview with Fast Company’s Austin Carr:

“…we’ve even worked with three-letter agencies on technology that can capture 30-plus feet away. In certain spaces, eventually, you’ll be able to have maybe one sensor the size of a dime, in the ceiling, and it would acquire all of our irises in motion, at a distance, hundreds–probably thousands as computer power continues to increase–at a time.”

“…If you’ve been convicted of a crime, in essence, this will act as a digital scarlet letter. If you’re a known shoplifter, for example, you won’t be able to go into a store without being flagged. For others, boarding a plane will be impossible.”

For commercial applications it’s just as incredible:

“Right now, we can determine how many eyeballs are on a Web page. And what you look at and click. For the first time, we can do that in a physical world. If you look at this or that advertisement, and then go purchase the product advertised, we can tie those two things together.”

“When you get masses of people opting-in, opting out does not help. Opting out actually puts more of a flag on you than just being part of the system. We believe everyone will opt-in.”

Does that vision sound ominous to you? It does to me, and I’m pretty biometric friendly. Yet I’m also fairly cynical. People already have a pretty good handle on my information. Google reads all my emails, albeit in an anonymous way. My bank knows most everything I buy, ditto for credit card companies. As Carter points out, I already deal with these commercial trackers every day. And I’ve opted into these systems. I could pay for everything with cash, but I find the convenience of plastic too great to ignore. While I’m worried about being verbally assaulted by billboards that try to identify me, they’re going to arrive whether I want them to or not.

Rather than fight the advent of biometrics, I’d rather focus on controlling how such data is used. We can pressure governments to insure that people are not unjustly placed on watch-lists. We can require businesses to divorce our identities from collected data to make advertisements anonymous even as they are personalized. We can limit who can use these technologies, and how, even as we accept that they will be widely adopted in the future. Now is the time, as the first cities test the feasibility of biometric ID systems, to ensure that they will be used to benefit rather than restrict the individual. The crucial moment to guide the path of this emergent technology has arrived. Blink and you could miss it.

[image credits: Austin Carr/Fast Company]
[video credits: Global Rainmakers Inc]
[source: GRI, Fast Company]

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Bakery Displays Morals, Now Faces Eviction
Charlie Butts and Jody Brown

An Indianapolis cookie shop could be evicted from its longtime location for refusing a special order from a college homosexual group.

The bakery "Just Cookies" has operated in a city-owned market for over 20 years. The president of the board that oversees the market told the Indianapolis Star that he would "hate to lose them" as a tenant -- but that could very well happen because owner David Stockton took a moral stand and did not want to endorse homosexual activity.

Controversy arose this week after the owners of the bakery cited moral objections to a special-order request for rainbow-decorated cookies for next week's "National Coming Out Day" observance at a nearby university campus. Stockton told the caller he did not feel comfortable in supporting homosexual values, especially because it would not set a good example for his two daughters.

Micah Clark of the American Family Association of Indiana says there are reports the city might evict Stockton, citing a local "anti-discrimination" statute.

"Indianapolis passed a sexual-orientation city ordinance five years ago," Clark explains. "...We warned [at that time] that this type of thing would happen if they passed an ordinance elevating a sexual behavior to the same moral equivalent of race or skin color."

Had the shop filled the special order, the owner felt he would be providing a microphone for homosexuals to celebrate their lifestyle. But there is another consideration, says Clark.

"If this were a Muslim-owned bakery, what would happen?" he wonders. "I don't think the city would pursue it the way they're pursuing it now. I think this is part of the liberal agenda where people must conform to the views that our culture wants in support of homosexuality."

In an interview with the Star, the AFA of Indiana spokesman argued for the rights of business owners. "It's one thing if someone walks into a store and buys a cookie off the shelf, but [the Stocktons] were being asked to become part of the [pro-homosexual] celebration. To make rainbow cookies for a special event with which the company has a disagreement -- I think that goes beyond the pale of what we should expect companies to do."

Meanwhile, homosexual groups are circulating memos encouraging people to stop purchasing at Just Cookies. Clark's response to that is to ask residents to do business there in support of the owners and their wholesome beliefs.

The Star reports the organizers of the homosexual celebration found another bakery to fill their order -- "The Flying Cupcake."

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By Coach Dave Daubenmire

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them." -Romans 1:18-19

The Holy Scriptures tell us that truth is obvious. In fact, those who deny it are engaging in self-deception.

To suppress is to “resist consciously.” Suppression is not a disbelief of the truth but a denial of it. There is a world of difference between ignorance of the truth and a denial of it.

The existence of God and the laws of Nature do not have to be proven. Jefferson, in his writing of the Declaration paraphrased Romans by calling them “self-evident” Truths. Something that is self-evident, (obvious) needs no trial to determine the veracity.

Because the Creator has made the truth “obvious” to everyone, we will never be able to stand before Him and plead “I didn’t know.”

We, all of us, can see the Truth. In fact, Paul said that the Truth is so obvious that everyone can see it even though it is “invisible.” Sort of like the wind, I guess. I am reminded of what Jesus said about the wind (Spirit)…it is invisible but can be seen and felt…that is the way it is with Truth. It is obvious. Denial of Truth is deliberate.

The Godless are running America. That should be obvious to everyone.

But that is not the problem. One would expect the Godless to “suppress the truth.” The quandary lies with those of us who claim to “know the Truth.” Scriptures tell us that knowing (not merely hearing) the truth sets us free. We are in this mess because those of us who “see the invisible things” will not push back against the lies.

Push back. That is a weight-lifting term we use with our football players. Pushing back against resistance produces strength. Christianity is failing in America because “believers” have refused to push back. Christianity has become the proverbial ninety-seven pound weakling.

With each new denial in America the Truth gets buried. Failing to push back has created a weight that cannot be moved. Suppression leads to oppression. An unjust authority is ruling over the people. Jesus has set us free, while government wants to chain us down.

By allowing these lies to go unchallenged, Christians permit the truth of God to become a lie. America is upside down. Good is bad and bad is good. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Lies become true and truth becomes lies. Lies only win if they go unchallenged.

Lies rule the day in America. They rule in government, they rule in science, they rule in education, and the rule in the media. They rule the day because Truth has fallen in the streets. If we do not rebuild on a foundation of Truth we will never recover.

I am reminded of what Benjamin Franklin said over two centuries ago at the birth of this nation.

“God governs in the affairs of man. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid? We have been assured in the Sacred Writings that except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it. I firmly believe this. I also believe that, without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the builders of Babel”

God governs in the affairs of men. He doesn’t just guide, and He doesn’t merely bless, He governs. For anyone to deny that obvious truth requires a purposeful, intentional suppression. Believing that America can recover without a return to Truth is nothing more than tower-building.

I watch with great interest the powerful rise of The Tea Party movement and the rapid pace at which American’s seem to be awakening. I pray that it is the grace and mercy of God that is being poured out once again on this stubborn and rebellious generation, who “set not their heart aright, and whose spirit was not stedfast with God.”

We have a Spiritual problem in America, not a political one. We are a rebellious people under the control of a rebellious system, controlled by rebellious leaders.

"For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he hath also rejected thee from being king." -I Samuel 15:23.

I hear a lot of lips flapping in America about the need to “return” to the Constitution; “rebuild” the nation; “recover” economically, “reclaim” our government; and “restore” fiscal sanity.

I think the most import “re” America can engage in is the need to “REPENT.”

The plans of man are doomed to failure. “Professing themselves to be wise they have become fools.” Godless government is the apex of foolishness. “The fool has said in his heart there is no God. The are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.”

A Tea Party movement void of God will not hold the day. It may turn the tide in an election but it will not hold sway over a generation. A short term fix will not heal a chronic sickness.

We must speak the Truth, demand the Truth, expect the Truth, teach the Truth, and live the Truth.

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” -John 8:44

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Feds Radiating Americans At Internal Checkpoints
Paul Joseph Watson

While illegals and hardcore drugs flood into the country from across the border, authorities target truck drivers in Atlanta.

Federal authorities do not concern themselves about the flood of illegal immigrants and drugs crossing the border every day, they’re more worried about radiating American truck drivers at internal checkpoints with mobile scanners that shoot dangerous x-rays through both vehicles and passengers.

As we reported last month, the federal government has acquired hundreds of backscatter x-ray scanners mounted in vans that they are now using to randomly scan vehicles, passengers and homes in complete violation of the 4th amendment and with wanton disregard for any health consequences.

An example of their expanding use was reported by WSBTV yesterday, after federal agents from several agencies, including Homeland Security, the Department of Transportation, and the TSA, set up an internal checkpoint on Interstate 20 just west of Atlanta and detained truck drivers for half an hour or more at a “state-owned inspection station” while they were scanned with a bomb detection device.

Officials admitted there was no specific threat that justified the checkpoint, and although it was labeled a “counter-terror operation,” the scans were also being conducted in the name of “safety”.

Watch Video HERE

Backscatter x-ray vision devices mounted on trucks are already being deployed inside the United States to scan passing individuals and vehicles in complete violation of the Fourth Amendment. Similar to naked airport body scanners, the devices fire x-rays outwards which are then absorbed by dense objects or the human body. Frequent exposure to low doses of radiation can cause cancer and birth defects, according to a report by the Inter-Agency Committee on Radiation Safety.

American Science & Engineering, a company based in Billerica, Massachusetts, has sold many of the devices to U.S. law enforcement agencies, who are already using them on the streets for “security” purposes.

“Without a warrant, the government doesn’t have a right to peer beneath your clothes without probable cause,” points out Marc Rotenberg, executive director of EPIC. “Even airport scans are typically used only as a secondary security measure. If the scans can only be used in exceptional cases in airports, the idea that they can be used routinely on city streets is a very hard argument to make.”

As we have warned from the very beginning, everything you see being rolled out in the airports is eventually designed to hit the streets as Americans become prisoners in their own communities, constantly harassed, scanned and surveilled by an oppressive state.

Mobile scanners for crowds that would be used at football matches and other public events have already been announced, as have proposals to fit lamp posts with CCTV cameras that would X-ray scan passers-by and “undress them” in order to “trap terror suspects”.

Body and vehicle scanners are just one tool authorities plan to implement on a widespread basis as part of our deepening decline into a hi-tech militarized police state.

Homeland Security is already implementing technology to be enforced at “security events” which purportedly reads “malintent” on behalf of an individual who passes through a checkpoint. The video below explains how “Future Attribute Screening Technology” (FAST) checkpoints will conduct “physiological” and “behavioral” tests in order to weed out suspected terrorists and criminals.

The clip shows individuals who attend “security events” being led into trailers before they are interrogated as to whether they are terrorists while lie detector-style computer programs analyze their physiological responses. The subjects are asked about their whereabouts, and if they are attempting to smuggle bombs or recording devices into the “expo,” proving that the technology is intended to be used at public events and not just airports. Individuals who do not satisfy the first lie detector-style test are then asked “additional questions”.

The implementation of ‘Checkpoint USA’, where citizens are routinely stopped, searched and radiated by federal VIPER teams is further evidence of how America is crumbling into a Soviet-style police state where the presumption of innocent until proven guilty is abolished and the 4th amendment eviscerated.

Privacy organizations and civil rights lawyers need to activate immediately to bring lawsuits against the federal government for unleashing this tyranny upon the American people as part of the bid to create a chilling atmosphere that ends all dissent and makes the people fearful of their government as they are made to prove they are not criminals or terrorists on a day to day basis while a high-tech slave pen is constructed around their entire existence.

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Censored Gulf news: Voice from inside Ochsner Hospital
Deborah Dupré

More of the Gulf Coast humanitarian leaders have been hospitalized, the latest casualties resulting in canceling Coastal Heritage Society of Louisiana (CHSL) radio program. Joannie Hughes, Kindra Arnesen and Vicky Perrin of CHSL are ill with symptoms of poisoning. Hughes explained on air from her hospital bed

News via the brief radio show message in the Youtube audio below about these leaders who have been dedicating their lives to try to save others in the Gulf Coast region comes within days of similar tragic news of several of the others on the short list of human rights defenders working in the same capacity along the coast.

Reporter Gregg Hall has tested positive for 6 of 8 poisons in the VOC blood test. This week, the entire Project Gulf Impact film crew were hospitalized with life-threatening poisoning symptoms.

Florida Oil Spill provides a partial transcript from Tuesday's CHSL radio show broadcast that was done inside Ochsner Medical Center, known to locals as Ochsner Hospital, in the Greater New Orleans city of Kenner:


I am presently calling the show coming live from Ochsner Hospital on Jefferson Highway in New Orleans, where I am a patient since yesterday [Monday, September 28] and at least until Friday. …

Neurologist worried about neurotoxins I was exposed to… and things like that. …

We are not doing the show this week…

Kindra “very ill with staph infection” …

The radio show was to discuss health issues… that’s ironic enough because we’re all sick. (Listen to the program report here.)

On August 18, the Examiner reported:

Kindra Arnesen, the courageous young mother from Venice, Louisiana who became a celebrity by speaking out on behalf of Gulf coast fishermen at the first Emergency Gulf Summit where she exposed the media black-out, has appealed to the nation to understand the nightmare that poisoned people are living and to reach out with help now.

Although American media has censored Gulf news, a recent French special report on the Gulf of Mexico crime against humanity featured Arnesen and her determination to independently research and expose the poisoning of Americans. (See: French report on Gulf 'Beyond Pollution' with Kindra Arnesen (video), Examiner, Sept 18, 2010)

Arnesen has been interviewed for numerous radio programs, keeping the public up to date on the ongoing nightmare in the Gulf region. (See: La emergency summit fisher wife slams media black-out (video) and Gulf news: 'How do we get people to leave?' Kindra Arnesen on Intel Hub.)

Dr. Riki Ott recently wrote in Huffington Post, "A mysterious persistent skin rash has occurred across the Gulf, coincident with BP's release of oil and chemical dispersants. Mobile, Alabama, resident Sheri Allen was one of the first to report its occurrence in early May."

Now Arenesen is among the thousands of children and adults suffering blistering lesions, a symptom of radiation sickness, Corexit poisoning but typically diagnosed by medicos offering no blood tests as "staph infections" and "scabies." (See: Radiation Test Results On Gulf Crude Oil (video) - Page 5?, Jun 19, 2010, Radiation Test Results On Gulf Crude Oil (video) - Page 3?, Jun 18, 2010, Radiation Test Results On Gulf Crude Oil (video) - Page 2?, Jun 18, 2010, RADIATION SICKNESS - Know the symptoms - Protect yourself, Godlike Productions.)

Project Gulf Impact reported:

"Corexit is an agent that has been proven to break down lipid membranes that cover and protect human skin.

Human skin is composed of a thin layer of lipids and Corexit, by nature, breaks down these organized barriers into smaller individual molecules allowing the barrier to become permeable to pathogens. The skin irritation could be caused by prolonged exposure to these chemicals and could break down the ability of the body to fight off infection."

Ott explains that residents and visitors to the Gulf Coast continue to report long-lasting rashes or other skin problems like peeling palms "diagnosed as scabies and staph infections, including MRSA, the potentially lethal Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

"Most cases lingered for months, as the rash did not respond well to antibiotics, steroid creams, or steroid shots."

People are reporting to Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors that using the Toxic Survival Detox Kits is effective in easing the rashes and swelling.

Doctors in fear not following precautionary principle

Along the Gulf of Mexico coast and beyond, Americans’ survival is threatened by an unprecedented amount of violence, neglect and the ongoing catastrophe.

Consistently, poisoned victims report lacking access to three things:

1) Blood test for poisoning

2) Accurate diagnosis

3) Proper treatment for poisoning

Medical doctors are not providing these three basic survival needs due to fear after harassed and intimidated according to an Examiner source. Daily, sick people with symptoms of being poisoned report that they are simply mocked when they ask medical staff for a blood test.

The one doctor who was performing VOC tests out of Pensacola, Florida quit after receiving numerous threatening and intimidating phone calls from “government-like people.” He chose to head their warnings.

Ochsner Medical Center is holding a blood donation drive, giving Saints football tickets for home games.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., S.Pa. Islands and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupré welcomes emails: Please send Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Gulf Aid

Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or to have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need by visiting Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email

Learn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here.

If you are a Gulf Coaster wanting to evacuate but need help, please ask! If you can assist a Gulf Coaster in evacuating, please advise! See Kimberly Dawley's crisis aid forum: --
Make Gulf incident reports and view them at Text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OIL. Email them to Twitter them with hashtag #BPspillmap. If in danger or see an emergency, contact your local emergency response agency immediately.

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Reports of Flesh-Eating Bacteria in the Gulf

The WDSU report notes the risk of infection by the flesh-eating bacteria Vibrio vulnificus increases if the liver is impaired from alcohol use, which is on the rise around the Gulf since the oil disaster.

For more information see: Feds funding study of oil spill’s effect on FLESH-EATING bacteria — Blamed for multiple recent Gulf-area deaths after water/seafood contact

Reports from WDSU on July 8 and KHOU on September 9 and 22:

The National Science Foundation awarded a rapid response grant to research how the oil disaster may “change” Vibrio vulnificus. From the NSF website on June 21, 2010:

How are the oysters faring with the oil spill? The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded a rapid response grant to scientists Crystal Johnson, Gary King and Ed Laws of Louisiana State University (LSU) to find out.

The researchers will look at how the abundance and virulence of naturally-occurring bacteria called Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus, often found in oyster beds, may change in response to the spill.

The findings will provide insights into vibrios’ ability to “consume” oil, and will allow the biologists to uncover antibiotic compounds in certain species of phytoplankton that live in association with vibrios.

“Adaptation to the spilled oil may result in an increase in some types of vibrios,” says Johnson. “We believe that vibrios will change in response to the stress of direct exposure to oil and/or to indirect effects of interactions with other species affected by oil.”

Vibrios… may even help break down the components of the oil.

“Little is known about how microbes–in the water, along coasts, and associated with other species–are affected by the spill,” says Phillip Taylor, acting director of NSF’s Ocean Sciences Division.

“Through this NSF rapid response grant, these scientists will be able to track the oil’s effects on marine species living in the Gulf, and by extension, the possible threat to human health.” …

“Oil-induced changes in phytoplankton community composition and their associated bacterial communities are related to changes in vibrio abundance,” he says. Some species of phytoplankton in Louisiana and Mississippi coastal waters may excrete antibiotics that inhibit the growth of vibrios, according to Laws.

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Median Household Income Is Falling In Almost Every Single Major American City

Median household income is falling in the vast majority of U.S. states and in virtually every single major U.S. city. According to the Census Bureau's annual survey of income and poverty in the United States, of the 52 largest metro areas in the nation, only the city of San Antonio did not see a decline in median household income in 2009. Needless to say, that is not good news. If incomes are falling from coast to coast, then how in the world can anyone claim that we are experiencing a "recovery"? The truth is that we are not in the middle of an economic recovery. What we are in the middle of is a long-term economic decline. Incomes are going down and middle class American families find themselves squeezed like never before. Meanwhile, unemployment has skyrocketed in recent years and it has become much harder to get a good job. Less Americans than ever are able to achieve anything even close to resembling the American Dream. Things are getting really tough out there, and as more jobs and factories leave the United States, as the U.S. government goes into even more debt and as the economy continues to implode things are going to get even worse.

According to the Census Bureau, median household income declined in 34 U.S. states in 2009, and the only state where median household income actually moved up was in North Dakota.

In some areas of the United States, the decline in household income during 2009 was absolutely jaw dropping....

*In Detroit, median household income declined 10% to $48,535.

*In Orlando, median household income dropped almost 10% to $46,856.

*In Cleveland, median household income fell 8.5% to $45,395.

*In Miami, median household income declined 8.2% to $45,946.

*In Indianapolis, median household income dropped 7.1% to $50,140.

Remember, these declines were just in one single year.

And each year, 40 or 50 thousand dollars buys a whole lot less than it did the year before.

In fact, as I have written about previously, it is exceedingly difficult for an average American family of four to make it on $50,000 these days. Money just does not stretch as far as it used to.

So is there any city in the United States that is doing relatively well?

Yes, there is.

Washington, D.C. has the highest median household income of any major U.S. city. With a median household income of $85,198, the folks over in D.C. are doing quite well.

But what should we expect? As the federal government continues to grow, Washington D.C. is rapidly becoming the center of the economy.

Today, the average federal worker makes nearly twice as much in total compensation as the average worker in the private sector does.

Does that seem like a good thing to you?

Of course not.

We are descending into European-style socialism as a staggering rate and the private sector is dying a very slow and painful death.

In fact, it is becoming increasingly difficult to live a middle class lifestyle without working for the government these days.

The percentage of Americans that are hanging on by their financial fingernails continues to go up. According to a poll taken in 2009, 61 percent of Americans "always or usually" live paycheck to paycheck. That was up significantly from 49 percent in 2008 and 43 percent in 2007.

Unfortunately, a growing number of Americans are not even "hanging in there" anymore. Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment insurance, which is almost four times as many as were receiving it back in 2007.

Poverty is exploding from coast to coast and tens of millions of Americans now find themselves completely dependent on the federal government. The number of Americans enrolled in the food stamp program passed the 41 million mark for the first time ever in June. More than 50 million Americans are now on Medicaid, the U.S. government health care program originally designed principally to help the poor.

Yes, things really are that bad.

Incomes are going down and yet health insurance premiums are skyrocketing.

Foreclosures continue to set records and there are very few signs that the housing crisis is going to end any time soon.

U.S. consumers are completely and totally tapped out, and yet everyone expects them to start spending again soon and pull us out of this "recession".

The reality is that there is not going to be any "recovery" without good jobs for the American people.

But every single day more factories and more good jobs flee our shores and they are never coming back.

Meanwhile, the U.S. government goes into much more debt every single month, our state and local governments go into much more debt every single month and America becomes poorer as a nation every single month.

Can someone please explain to me how in the world that is a recipe for long-term economic success?

It is time to wake up, America. Your economic goose is cooked. The government can borrow and borrow and borrow to mask our problems for a while, but eventually this whole thing is going to come crashing down like a house of cards.

We are in deep, deep, deep trouble and it is time to admit it.

Read Article With Links HERE

What In The World Are They Spraying?

The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed.

By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geo-engineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water — all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 — and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it. Do not watch this documentary if you have high blood pressure.

Produced by G. Edward Griffin, Michael Murphy, and Paul Wittenberger. Runtime 95 minutes.

Expected ship date, October 22, 2010.

Preorder now to secure your copy. Order here and get it first.

Project Gulf Impact Crew Poisoned in 'Nazi America'

Deborah Dupré

Each of the filmmaker crew members that have been in the U.S, war zone trenches since May, documenting the Gulf operation crime against humanity, are poisoned. Alex Thomas of The Intel Hub reports on an exclusive interview with film director of Project Gulf Impact, Matt Smith about his condition in the Youtube video below. They discuss the similarities between the Nazi holocaust in Germany and the one underway in the U.S.

Quoting Smith who was interviewed by Intel Hub radio show host, Shepard Ambellas, Thomas writes:

“Everyone down here knows what's going on and the media black out is like calling the oil spill an oil spill when it is a flood. This media blackout is so deep, it’s like the Gestapo, its seriously feels like we are in some sort of Nazi State with the media. The media control is horrifying. It is so horrifying because it is getting WORSE."

Smith says that it feels like a different country down along the Gulf Coast.

He explains that the sick people in the south have no money or health insurance and cannot afford health care.

It has been reported to the Examiner that many South Louisianans do not even have gas money to drive to New Orleans only a couple of hours away.

Smith said that the crew wore respirators the day they fell ill. The respirators did not prevent them from becoming poisoned. He and everyone on the boat are poisoned. They all required hospitalization. Three of them are in the hospital.

He explains that he has never been that sick in his life. What felt like a cold quickly turned into a life-threatening condition. He like the others awakened during the night feeling like they were underwater, unable to breathe.

Smith and the crew witnessed huge fish kills, dead dolphins and a dead whale. The locals say they have never seen as much oil on the Gulf waters as they have seen lately: 6 inches to 3 feet of oil.

Ambellas and Smith discuss how, instead of Americans being outraged at the genocide in progress in the Deep South, people in the U.S. are behaving like Germans during the Nazi extermination of six million Jews and other persecuted groups.

During the radio program, Ambellas mentions the history of the U.S. military's deadly chemical human experimentation. He talks about how the American public is conditioned, beginning from childhood and reinforced with TV. In analogy to the lack of public response to the chemical warfare declared on the people, Ambellas recites:

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream.

Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream."

And so it is, a merry dream, except for Americans sick, suffering, dying, pleading in vain for help. For them, it is a nightmare with no foreseeable end. The public merrily continues daily tasks, or Century of Self "spiritual" activities, or street rallies for whatever cause psychological operators determine, the latest being FBI arrests of human rights workers. After those rallies, predictably, there will be something else to distract from the Gulf operation crime against humanity on America's back doorstep.

Any distraction will do to maintain avoidance of the obvious, the petrochemical-military-industrial complex, under the U.S. Commander in Chief Barack Obama, committing the local Mission Creep, American genocide, starting with Gulf Coasters.

Deborah Dupré, with post-graduate science and education degrees from U.S. and Australian universities, has been a human and environmental rights advocate for over 25 years in the U.S., S.Pa. Islands and Australia. Support her work by subscribing to her articles and forwarding the link of this article to friends and colleagues or reposting only the title and first paragraph linked to this Examiner page. Dupré welcomes emails: Please send Gulf illness news tips to her with your name or anonymously. See her Vaccine Liberty or Death book plus Compassion Film Project DVDs.

Gulf Aid

Obtain a Toxic Survival Kit or to have one delivered to a Gulf Coast resident in need by visiting Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctors online or email

Learn to become a Gulf Coast Barefoot Doctor here.

If you are a Gulf Coaster wanting to evacuate but need help, please ask! If you can assist a Gulf Coaster in evacuating, please advise! See Kimberly Dawley's crisis aid forum: --

Make Gulf incident reports and view them at Text or call in reports to (504) 27 27 OIL. Email them to Twitter them with hashtag #BPspillmap. If in danger or see an emergency, contact your local emergency response agency immediately.

Also see from The Intel Hub:

•Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert Spraying of the Gulf
•Raw Footage: Dispersant is STILL being sprayed,plumes in Florida and Alabama
•Thousands in Gulf Suffer from Misdiagnosed Skin Lesions

View Article With Links HERE

Economic Collapse Update: Acceleration In Autumn

By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press – 09/29/2010

Our current economy is a shell game. A grand fraud designed to siphon more and more tangible wealth (not fiat wealth) from the average person and transport it post-haste into the silk lined pockets of a corporate banking minority. The goal? To reduce the self sufficiency of American citizens to the point of total fiscal and social dependence on the top 1% richest men in the world. Conspiracy theory? Not in the slightest. Just a cold hard fact of history. “Feudalism” is, sadly, rampant in the annals of human culture. Anyone who believes that our modern era is somehow different is simply fooling themselves. Elitists seek power over others, they always have and they always will, and, the most efficient way to gain control over the lives of the masses is through engineered imbalances in economy.

Every time you hear the term “bailout”, or “quantitative easing”, just think “wealth transference”. Every dollar that is printed from thin air by the private Federal Reserve and handed to a globalist entity like Goldman Sachs or AIG through our Treasury represents yet another dollar of debt (and another percentage of interest) that you, the U.S. taxpayer, and your children, are expected to eventually pay for without ever seeing any benefits. Right now, at this very moment, you and your descendents for generations to come are being enslaved by forcefully imposed usury. Our country has been “volunteered” for a financial debasement on a scale that dwarfs the Great Depression or even the Weimar catastrophe. We ignore this reality at our peril.

Since the initial meltdown began in 2008, we have seen two and a half years of stall tactics and skewed statistics designed to prolong total collapse while central banks position themselves for optimal gain. Simultaneously, the concrete underlying factors of our economy, including employment and purchasing power, have gone down the tubes. True, the system was an illusion long before its many flaws were openly revealed, and it needs to be dissolved, but should it be dissolved to the advantage of the elites who designed its flaws in the first place, and to the detriment of the rest of us? I think not…

Today, as Autumn 2010 begins to settle upon us, many notable and even dire trends are beginning to break the surface of the water and circle the sinking wreckage of our financial system. I believe these factors signal an extreme acceleration in the possibility of “trigger events”, which we have discussed in previous articles, and herald a new dynamic, a process that will directly contribute to a final breakdown of the present system. Let’s examine these trends now…

Dow Bubble Until November Elections?

If you look back at the history of economic collapses across the world, you’ll find a strange and ironic constant preceding most breakdowns; the disproportionate values of stocks and securities when compared to actual profits and consumer activity. The Great Depression saw record breaking rallies in the Dow and relentless financial propaganda claiming recovery was imminent just before total derailment. In many cases, investor confidence seems to be most heightened just before a brutal plunge. Perhaps it’s the power of reactionary denial, or maybe it’s the increase in false data supplied by establishment economic goon squads.

September has seen a very uncharacteristic stock rally, especially considering the fact that U.S. poverty levels are now at a 15 year high:

Food Stamp usage has hit a record high every month for the past 18 months:

The income gap between the very rich and the very poor has hit a record high:

Consumers have cut back on their credit use for 23 consecutive months:

Median household incomes fell in 34 states last year, the worst income depletion since the Great Depression, according to Census data released this month:

Stock Market volume has been dismal, down in some cases by 50% (which would explain how the Dow has been so easily pumped up):

The Federal Government has now had to bailout three large credit unions, making the American taxpayer responsible for the backing over $30 billion in bonds while at the same time managing $50 billion worth of troubled assets inherited from the same institutions:

Moody’s has (finally) lowered the Illinois debt rating from stable to negative, and California is now asking Wall Street banks like Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan for $5 billion dollars in cash just so their state government can continue to operate for the rest of the year:

Most disturbing is new Federal Reserve data revealing that foreign central banks are dumping record levels of U.S. Agency debt. Agency Bonds support government funded organizations like Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Sallie Mae, etc. This means that this autumn there will be an even more pronounced destabilization of the mortgage giants, and we will have to foot an even greater bill as the Treasury continues their endless bailout with increasing amounts of fiat capital. Foreign banks recently dumped $57 billion worth of Agency debt all at once! Some analysts, like Jim Sinclair, believe this heralds a major proliferation in quantitative easing by the Fed (more than they have openly forecast), and a severe debasement of the dollar in the near term. I tend to agree…

With all of these factors and hundreds more widely visible to anyone who wants to see them, how is it possible for the Dow to sustain its current upward trend? Witchcraft? The point is, when there is such an incomprehensible discrepancy between real market data and illogical market behavior, it is often a sign of a bubble; one that is dangerously close to failure.

Some believe that the market is being propped up by elements of the Treasury and the Fed until the end of November elections. The Dow is definitely being manipulated this month, but I’m not so sure it will last until November. An economic panic could serve several purposes so close to voting time, including easier promotion of scapegoats in order to rush otherwise ill conceived legislation. The move towards trade conflict with China is a good example…

Trade War With China?

Well, we’ve been warning about this since 2008, and now its here. Open economic animosity between the U.S. and China to the point of trade decoupling. Six months ago this still seemed for many like a remote if not impossible scenario. This month, it is now a stark reality. The speed at which elements of our government are implementing trade and currency legislation against China, and the rate at which China has begun to meld into ASEAN to counter U.S. import duties, is astonishing, even to me:

The House Ways and Means Committee has already approved a bill which could lead to trade penalties on Chinese goods if it meets equal success in the Senate, which is quite possible in the looming shadow of November elections:

The bill, however, appears mainly for show, especially in light of the fact that the U.S. is already slapping duties on an increasing number of Chinese goods, like copper tubing and steel pipe, without “committee approval”:

Chinese credit rating agency, Dagong Global, has also been denied status as a Nationally Recognized Statistical Rating Organization (NRSRO) by the SEC on thin grounds:

The Chinese have accused the SEC of bias, which is understandable. Apparently, the SEC is content to have agencies like Moody’s continue to give the AAA stamp to every security in the U.S. no matter how toxic and worthless, and would rather not have a third party around to gum up the works.

The trade war has already commenced while mainstream economists are still hoping out loud that America will be saved by increasing its exports to China! The disconnection between what the media reports and what is obviously happening is absolutely incredible!

A trade war with China, though, is in fact far preferable to the next likely step in this volatile process; a currency war.

The justification presented by the Obama Administration for the sudden increase in hairy chest beating on the trade deficit with China has been the now widely debated Yuan appreciation issue. China has recently de-pegged its currency from the dollar and appreciation has occurred, however, a substantial trade imbalance persists. Some analysts and government officials claim that a minimum 20% valuation of the Yuan is necessary in order to bring greater import/export equilibrium with the West. The Chinese have been accused of deliberately undervaluing their currency to the detriment of the rest of the world in order to prop up their own economy during the height of the global credit crisis. They have even been accused of direct responsibility for the financial meltdown itself. At least, that’s the official story. Here’s the REAL story…

The Yuan has been undervalued on the world market for a long time, this is no secret. The Chinese have indeed enjoyed an incredible export advantage over the U.S.; also no secret. However, who was it that initiated this trade advantage in the first place? It was not the Chinese, but corporate globalist interests in the U.S. and Europe that encouraged the freezing of the Yuan and outsourcing of American industry into cheap labor markets in order to increase profit margins while at the same time weakening U.S. infrastructure. Wage slaves making cheap Nikes and Levis sold for incredible markups across the Pacific to label obsessed Americans; does no one remember the 80’s and 90’s?

Our trade deficit has surged non-stop from 1990 to the present day, and all of a sudden our government is concerned? Why did they not slap China with broader trade duties ten years ago? Or even three years ago? Why is it so urgent that the Yuan appreciate over 20% now? Is it just a coincidence that we are bringing the anvil down on China only after they have positioned themselves to effectively flush our currency without looking back?

Interestingly, the exponential spike in our export imbalance starting around 1991-1992 coincided almost exactly with the Federal Reserve interest rate cut from 1990 to 1994.

This bar was lowered even further in 2001-2003 when the Fed cut rates to an insane 1%, which led to the infamous mortgage and derivatives bubble. While trade deficits and a 70% consumer based system rotted the American economy from the outside-in, the housing market collapse and resulting credit crisis rotted it from the inside-out. What this means is, either the U.S. has somehow been subject to a “perfect storm” of fiscal debacles that have positioned us for an amazingly thorough collapse, or, corporate interests and the Federal Reserve (same difference) deliberately took actions which gutted our country. As we have shown in many previous articles, the evidence dictates that the latter cause is most viable.

Where does a currency war with China play into all this? Yuan appreciation is the end game. In 2007, China publicly suggested that U.S. trade pressure will result in retaliation, up to and including a devastating dump of their Treasury Reserves that would result in the collapse of the Greenback:

That was back before the recession/depression had even hit full steam, and rhetoric against the Yuan was minimal. Today, the downturn is rolling ahead full bore and the rhetoric against the Yuan is nearing fever pitch! Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao stated this past week that a 20% Yuan devaluation would trigger severe job losses and social instability, putting his country at risk. That is to say, the Chinese are presenting this (falsely) as a matter of life and death for them, a situation that requires an extreme response if escalation occurs:

Some U.S. business leaders have spoken out against pressure on the Yuan, pointing out that China holds all the cards if a currency war is initiated:

This is absolutely true. The problem is that the elites in our government fueling this conflict are well aware that China can and likely will begin a T-bond dump that will implode our currency. They know that China has absolutely no incentive to increase imports from the United States while it holds all the industrial capability necessary to supply itself with needed goods and a solidified ASEAN trading bloc to support its expansion. They also know full well that tariffs and trade embargos in the midst of economic meltdown tend to inflame retaliation and lead to even greater collapse, just as the Smoot – Hawley Tariff Act did in 1930, right before the Great Depression spiraled out of control.

A trade/currency war is EXACTLY what global banks want, in order to remove the dollar as the world reserve currency, create panic and desperation in the American populace, and to introduce the SDR (along with a stronger Yuan as a component) as the only workable security capable of holding together international commerce.

America: The Villain?

Are the Chinese aware of this plan? I believe that elements of the Chinese government and its central bank have been clued in all along. Why else would China, an export based economy for decades, abruptly decide to drastically reposition itself as a consumer hub at the center of an Asian trading bloc, all in the span of three years? I don’t think many mainstream analysts realize how radical this Chinese metamorphosis has been, and how significant it really is. The move seems unprecedented and almost irrational, unless you are a Chinese financial official cognizant of a plan to unseat American primacy. Then, a rush to detach from the U.S. makes perfect sense.

Remember, China began cross-border Yuan exchange programs as well as “Yuan Bond” programs in 2007/2008, meaning they intended to revalue their currency before the severity of the crisis was fully known to most of the world. The Chinese have been preparing for a move away from the dollar all along. Why else would they do this unless they knew the U.S. consumer would not recover, that their exports would continue to suffer far into the future, and that the Federal Reserve would continue to create Everest sized mountains of fiat money from thin air?

If banking elements of China are working in concert with other central banks to force the U.S. into “global harmonization” under the IMF, it means this entire trade war state of affairs, all the accusations and cross-accusations, all the talking points and debates, every facet of the issue that has burgeoned so far this season, is one fantastic charade!

What’s the point? While China is being built up as the villain of our American economic collapse fairy tail instead of the global banks, America is being built up as the villain for the rest of the world. Already, China is feeding talking points into the mainstream that paint the U.S. as a kind of stampeding single minded monster trying to dominate at the expense of logic (take special note that ASEAN is being overtly used as a collective moniker in this article, similar to the EU):

The problem is, there is some root truth to the indictment. What this new political fulcrum leaves out though is that America is not the culprit, at least not in the traditional sense. It is the big stick used by the culprit (central bankers) to beat the rest of the planet into submission. The lies of tomorrow’s history books are being written today, as American “excess”, capitalism, hegemony, selfishness, and sovereignty are quietly being introduced as the cause of all sorrows overseas.

Most of Europe under the G20 has opted out of any involvement in the U.S./China currency dispute, and with good reason. The EU will not associate itself with the trigger event that will lead to the end of the dollar and the chaos that will follow in global markets:

That is an honor reserved for America alone. What better way to destroy the concept of sovereignty than to tarnish and villainize forever the image of the one country in the world universally symbolic as the “land of the free”?

Gold Is Money Again…Must Be Time For A Collapse…

Finally, we get to the biggest development this fall; the so far unstoppable juggernaut of gold and silver.

Gold is breaking records weekly, sometimes daily, now rushing past the $1300 an ounce mark without batting an eye. Not long ago I predicted gold would hit the $1350 to $1400 mark by this winter, but it seems I may have underestimated the precious metal. $1500 is not out of the question in the next three months, especially if trade laws are passed against China before elections.

Silver has passed the $21 an ounce mark but is still highly undervalued in my opinion. I suspect that we could see a rapid increase in physical silver, akin to a “short squeeze”, before the year is out.

What is driving the new gold rush? MSM economists are apparently at a loss for words (which is rare). Gold criticism and uneducated skepticism has fallen silent lately. It’s hard to argue with the $1300 an ounce gold. Pundits are still bewildered at gold’s success, especially since they rely on disingenuous CPI and inflation data from the Federal Reserve and the government to make their deductions. This has led them to assume that an excessive sense of “fear” has pervaded markets and created a bubble in gold. They can’t seem to grasp that the bubble is not in gold, but in fiat currencies and the stock market, and this is why gold is on the rise.

Central Banks, primarily in Asia, are snatching up gold weekly. We all know about China’s unparalleled gold buying, but there are many other countries turning to PM’s as well. Thailand has apparently been buying gold in large quantities under the radar, improving their reserves by as much as 20%:

South Korea has been “under pressure” to diversify into gold because of their lack of defense against global devaluation in top currencies:

Bangladesh recently bought 10 tons of the hedge metal. Nepal has announced a revamping of gold reserves, and, most importantly, they have publicized a desire to use their new gold reserves to back their currency!

So gold is money again? I would be ecstatic about this, if it weren’t for the proposition that a Treasury dump is in the wings. The dollar index has plummeted over the past week, and the Yen and Euro have gained considerably in opposition. I doubt that we will ever see another upward correction in the dollar like the one we saw this summer. Temporary increases in the Greenback’s value seem to have little effect on gold’s rise, however, and a full decoupling appears close at hand. Even the wild gyrations of the Dow lately have had little consequence on PM’s, yet another sign that the world is turning towards commodities as the only solid protection for savings.

Reports are coming in from the EU that banks are halting gold sales that have been operating for over a decade:

That means sources of physical gold are beginning to dry up. This is becoming evident in the disconnection between physical gold values, and gold stocks. Physical values have far surpassed those of their paper counterparts. As demand grows and supply wanes, we could even see a complete decoupling of ETF values versus physical. This is already happening in some countries, like Vietnam, where the national currency and even the dollar are no longer trusted, and physical is trading at prices hundreds of dollars above set market value, something that could just as easily happen in the U.S.

One ember of stability in all this disaster is the strength of gold and silver as alternative currencies. In my recent article ‘Real World Solutions To Economic Tyranny’, I talked about the possibility of an “alternative economy” based on PM’s and created one community at a time, independent from our current fraudulent system, which could protect the Liberty Movement from collapse. Luckily, it seems others have had the same idea! Here is an article and video featuring G. Edward Griffin discussing the Idaho State Silver Gem Act, introduced by Representative Phil Hart, which would promote the use of silver as a designated alternative currency in the state (special thanks to Cassandra Anderson for sending me this link):

The Fall Setup

If I was to compare the movements of the economic collapse to a chess game, I would say that the pieces are now in place this fall for a checkmate maneuver. Watch for increased tensions with China in October and November, followed by actual legislation sparking detrimental retaliatory actions. Also keep an eye on the dollar as it continues what looks to be its final decline.

Will we see a trigger event before the end of 2010? I predicted this much last year. My hope is that I was mistaken and that 2010 only represents a staging period for the inevitable deterioration further down the road, giving as many people as possible the extra time to prepare. As you can see though from the available information, this winter could be very unsettling. Hold fast, keep educating family and friends, continue preparations, and try to become as independent from this diseased economy as possible. Build meaningful community around you. Provide for yourself and others what the corrupt system will not, and remain free. It doesn’t sound like much, but it is truly one of the greatest contributions you can make towards a better tomorrow.

You can contact Giordano Bruno at:

View Original Article With Links HERE

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

New Cybersecurity Bill Gives Obama ‘Power To Shut Down Companies’
Paul Joseph Watson

Businesses who don’t follow government orders would be suspended for at least 90 days with no congressional oversight.

An amalgamated cybersecurity bill that lawmakers hope to pass before the end of the year includes new powers which would allow President Obama to shut down not only entire areas of the Internet, but also businesses and industries that fail to comply with government orders following the declaration of a national emergency – increasing fears that the legislation will be abused as a political tool.

The draft bill is a combination of two pieces of legislation originally crafted by Senators Lieberman and Rockefeller. One of the differences between the new bill and the original Lieberman version is that the Internet “kill switch” power has been limited to 90 days without congressional oversight, rather than the original period of four months contained in the Lieberman bill.

In other words, President Obama can issue an emergency declaration that lasts 30 days and he can renew it for a further 60 days before congress can step in to oversee the powers.

The new powers would give Obama a free hand to not only shut down entire areas of the Internet and block all Internet traffic from certain countries, but under the amalgamated bill he would also have the power to completely shut down industries that don’t follow government orders, according to a Reuters summary of the new bill.

“Industries, companies or portions of companies could be temporarily shut down, or be required to take other steps to address threats,” states the report, citing concerns about an “imminent threat to the U.S. electrical grid or other critical infrastructure such as the water supply or financial network.”

The only protection afforded to companies under the new laws is that they would have to be defined as “critical” in order to come under government regulation, but since the government itself would decide to what companies this label applies, it’s hardly a comforting layer of security.

“Even in the absence of an imminent threat, companies could face government scrutiny. Company employees working in cybersecurity would need appropriate skills. It also would require companies to report cyber threats to the government, and to have plans for responding to a cyber attack,” states the report.

As we have highlighted, the threat from cyber-terrorists to the U.S. power grid or water supply is minimal. The perpetrators of an attack on such infrastructure would have to have direct physical access to the systems that operate these plants to cause any damage. The recent Stuxnet malware attack, for example, was introduced and spread through a physical USB device, not via the public Internet.

Any perceived threat from the public Internet to these systems is therefore completely contrived and strips bare what many fear is the real agenda behind cybersecurity – to enable the government to regulate free speech on the Internet.

Handing Obama the power to shut down certain companies or businesses is likely to heighten already existing fears that the new cybersecurity federal bureaucracy could be used as a political tool.

As we reported back in March, the Obama administration’s release of the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative, a government plan to “secure” (or control) the nation’s public and private sector computer networks, coincided with Democrats attempting to claim that the independent news website The Drudge Report was serving malware, an incident Senator Jim Inhofe described as a deliberate ploy “to discourage people from using Drudge”.

Senator Joe Lieberman appeared to admit that the legislation had more to do with simply protecting US infrastructure when he told CNN’s Candy Crowley that the bill was intended to mimic the Communist Chinese system of Internet policing.

“Right now China, the government, can disconnect parts of its Internet in case of war and we need to have that here too,” said Lieberman.

As we have documented, the Chinese government does not disconnect parts of the Internet because of genuine security concerns, it habitually does so only to oppress and silence victims of government abuse and atrocities, and to strangle dissent against the state, a practice many fear is the ultimate intention of cybersecurity in the United States.

The implementation of the cybersecurity apparatus would represent another huge expansion of the federal government, creating an Office of Cyber Policy within the executive branch and also “A new National Center for Cybersecurity and Communications (NCCC) within the Department of Homeland Security, led by a separate director who would enforce cybersecurity policies throughout the government and the private sector.”

Lawmakers have indicated that they intend to push through the bill before the end of the year, though with Congress set to leave Friday amidst deadlock on a number of issues, cybersecurity looks like it will have to wait until mid-November, providing its opponents with extra time to point out the inherent threats the legislation poses to free speech and free enterprise.

Read Full Article With Links HERE

Grotesque US Human Rights Violations in Gulf Spotlighted

Debra Dupree

Today, as human suffering and dying continues to intensify due to the petrochemical-military-industrial-complex's Gulf Operation, a company that tracks human rights abuses of 5000 companies in over 180 countries has opened a new online information portal on human rights impacts of the U.S. Gulf Coast. The non-profit Business & Human Rights Resource Centre launched its special online information hub that will also include human rights impacts of oil pollution Ecuador and Nigeria.

The new site url is:

Each day, a new list of horrors inundate front-line Gulf workers. Today, the list from one website alone, Florida Oil Spill Law lists the following news from the Gulf Coast:


•More reports of deadly flesh-eating bacteria in the Gulf -- 12 y/o dies after only his feet touched the water (VIDEO)

•*JUST IN* Feds funding study of oil spill's effect on FLESH-EATING bacteria -- Blamed for multiple recent Gulf-area deaths after water/seafood contact (VIDEOS)

•Official: “You WANT to be honest with people… BUT you don’t want to alarm them” — How do you warn public without a panic?

•Pharmacist: Something is “making people behave differently” — more and more with “thick throats” and headaches, nausea

•Plumes of Corexit/oil mix causing microorganisms to have “mutant DNA” that can be “passed on” says USF researcher appearing tomorrow on National Geographic

•Local Official: Reports that BP SPRAYING DISPERSANT “from an airplane with no lights” and that “BOATS are covertly DUMPING it into the water”

•*JUST IN* Feds funding study of oil spill’s effect on FLESH-EATING bacteria — Blamed for multiple recent Gulf-area deaths after water/seafood contact (VIDEOS)

•More reports of deadly flesh-eating bacteria in the Gulf — 12 y/o dies after only his feet touched the water (VIDEO) (436)

•Like an “Acid Cloud”: Entire family sickened — 10 y/o son’s nose “gushing blood everywhere”, daughter “could not breath”… NUMBNESS (VIDEO)

Read Full Article With Links HERE

How I Believe The Dollar Will Die

By Ray Gano
Survival 4 Christians

I want to say that first of all I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet nor am I claiming to be a prophet. I am a watchman on the wall who has been sounding this alarm for over five years now regarding the demise of the dollar. Many people have listened and heeded the warnings.
What you are about to read is based on historical research, observing past and present situations as well as what has happened in other countries that are currently or have gone through a massive economic downfall. We are following these countries almost step by step towards implosion.

I believe that in the near future the dollar will die.
We are over leveraged to the point that a single event within the stock market can now bring this nation to her knees.

This is not a matter of "IF" it is a matter of "WHEN" and that is a historical fact.

Solomon, the wisest man of all times stated the following…
Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Man has not learned his lessons from history, therefore he is destined to repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

How It Will All Go Down
One day when nothing much is going on with the stock markets, there will be a commodities jump. Some commodity like gold or oil will "spike" out of the blue.

This will trigger already pre-programmed events and T-Bills / treasuries will be sold off because that is the only thing of "value" that today's fund manager have at their fingertips.

The reason they will sell these treasuries off is to catch the quick chance to ride the "spike" and cash in on some profits.

What this will do is set into play another series of pre-programmed events at the FED. The FED computers seeing these T-Bills / treasuries being sold will snatch them up so that they can still maintain the low yields they have been manipulating in order to prevent deflation of the dollar. But the reverse is what will take place.

Because the feds bought up those T-Bills / treasuries this will set into action other asset managers, mega banks and other funds pre-programmed events and they too will sell off their T-Bills / treasuries to get in on the FED buying.

All of a sudden, all these computer programs that have been pre-programmed to catch the next profit margin will sell off their T-Bills / treasuries.

Now mind you, all of this can take place within a matter of minutes before anyone is really aware that this is going on. When someone finally realizes what is going on, it will be too late, the lots will be cast and the damage is already done.

It is at that moment the US dollar will die and the only thing that was "propping up the dollar," the trust and faith of the people in the currency, is also gone. The trust and faith of the currency was just sold down the river and cannot be recovered no matter what the Federal Reserve, Banks or even the government will do. The death blow has been struck and we have entered upon the path of no return.

Now that all these fund managers, banks and asset managers have sold off their T-Bills / Treasuries and they are now sitting on a wad of cash. They are not going to buy more T-Bills / treasuries because they themselves have lost faith in the dollar a long time ago. They will not reinvest in a already sinking ship. The fact of the matter is that they were praying for that one chance to dump their T-Bills / treasuries and cash them out before the dollar died completely.

So where do these banks, fund managers, asset managers and others put all their money ?

By the end of that incredible day, commodities of all types, precious metals, industrial metals, oil, foodstuffs, all will increase exponentially.

If you see this happen, it will be your signal to go to the store as fast as you can and buy every bit of food you are able to purchase. Fill all your cars up and any extra gas cans you have. Charge it, write checks, do whatever you need to do. The dollar has gone bust and the world is about to get on the "E" ticket ride on the fastest speeding train ride the world has ever seen.

See this is the signal you need to keep a serious eye out for.
The important thing to remember is that when this is taking place, stop everything you are doing and get food, gas and draw out as much cash as you can.

Why do this? Because ordinary people have not been tipped off yet. Sure we all have lost faith in the dollar, but it will become reality when Wall Street crashes into Main Street in about 3-7 days after this event takes place.

Now why go out and get all these items no matter what the cost? Once T-Bills / Treasuries are not the sure method of value as viewed by Wall Street, one question will come to everyone's mind. Where are all those money managers going to stick all these dollars they got from selling off Treasuries?

Will they…
A - Put it in the bank?
B - Under Aunt Flo's mattress?
C - Some overseas currency?
No. They are going to run to what people have run to throughout history. They are going to start buying up commodities

When the dollar dies and the faith and trust of the currency called the US Dollar is no more, commodities will be viewed as the only sure place of value, to put one's cash.

Also, it won't be commodity stocks, ETF’s, or bonds. These will die alongside with the death of the dollar, because they were based on the value of the US dollar. Anything attached to the dollar will become just as worthless.

So what we will witness is a major run on actual hard, hold in your hand commodities.

By the end of this panic driven spiral, commodities will have risen between 50% and 100%.

By week’s end, we could very well be looking at an increase of 150% to 250%.

All of a sudden everyone will be on the search to purchase any tangible asset that will hold value. Gold, silver, food, daily use items. The prices for consumable commodities will begin to go through the roof.

But my personal belief is that it will be silver that will be the real sky rocket. We could very easily see silver and gold "normalize" and go back to a historical norm of 10 -1 ratio. Today gold is sitting around $1290.00 an oz. 10 % of that is $129.00 that will be the minimum that silver will sell for. But odds are that it will sell even higher because of panic purchasing on Wall Street. It is a very good possibility that gold could reach a $3000.00 to $5000.00 price per ounce. This will put silver in and around $300-$500 per ounce.

What is today's price for silver per ounce? It is sitting around $21.50. Compare that to $300 - $500 per ounce and that is quiet a return on an ounce of silver.

But at this moment we are still primarily talking / focusing on events taking place on Wall Street.

Once we see this commodity balloon start to go up, that is when ordinary folks will see their first examples of hyperinflation come into play.
In fact the first place they will probably see hyperinflation is at the gas pump when the prices of gas go up drastically over night.

I personally believe that it will be oil that will kick off all these events. If oil spikes from $75.95, which is the price it is sitting at the moment of writing this article to let's say $150 in one day. The next day it shoots higher and higher. Within three to five days oil is sitting at $300.00 a barrel which is a very feasible scenario. Panic as well as supply and demand will cause gas to shoot up to $10, $15, $20 per gallon and possibly even more.

So what happens next?

Well Wall Street is already in a major panic, this will trickle down to "Main Street."

Remember me stating earlier that when you see these early signals go buy food, gas, and pull your money? Well "main street" is about to wake up and markets and prices of consumable commodities are about to go vertical.
People will storm Walmart and the other stores buying up everything in sight. It will be utter chaos. Bread, noodles, camp fuel, ammo, any daily need products are going to fly off the shelves.

This is why I have been telling people to store up and buy what they can now because we need to view what we are purchasing now as a "hedge" against inflation. For example the week prior you could purchase a 20 lb bag of rice for just $12.00. What is going to happen to that bag of rice when gas prices go to $15.00 - $30.00 for a gallon of gas? What about when the laws of supply and demand take effect. What about when hyperinflation becomes a reality?

What people need to realize is that Hyperinflation is not "inflation" at all. Hyperinflation is the complete breakdown in the trust with that countries currency. Because people no longer trust their own currency, It will take more pieces of paper to purchase stuff. The currency is literally not worth the paper and ink it is printed with.

So what "main street" will do is what they have done throughout history. Exchange currency for commodities. This is why gold, silver, gas, food, camping supplies, anything deemed of value will rise in price and the other, the dollar will be used to paper ones walls, light fires, blow ones nose, etc.

But here is another effect that will take place that will wipe many people out completely.

Because people have freaked out and have panic-bought basic commodities, their 401K,s IRAs, Savings account, Retirement accounts, stocks, bonds, anything tied to the paper dollar will collapse.

Sure people may have 50,000 - 100,000 - 500,000 in one or more of these methods of saving, but when the price of a bag of rice shoots up to $1500.00 a bag, the currency you have becomes pretty much worthless.
Do you know that today a dozen eggs in Zimbabwei, which is still in the beginning stages of hyperinflation costs 1.3 trillion Z Dollars?

If a dozen eggs cost that here in the US when hyperinflation hits, how much will you be able to purchase with your 50,000 - 100,000 - 500,000 in the savings?

So even if you have a lot of dollars, their value is worth nothing. People who were once well off will be dirt poor over night.

What is taking place at that time is that everyone is rushing the banks to get their cash, so that they can turn their worthless cash into any consumable commodity that will retain its value.
Now I know I have covered a lot here, so let's do a quick review.

Here is the sequence…
A spike takes place in oil, gold, some major commodity.

Asset managers dump treasuries for cash so they can catch the spike for a short profit.

FEDs rush in and buy up Treasuries, causing a secondary sell off from other asset managers, banks & large corporations
The treasury market will tank.

Because of this, a few days later stocks, bonds and other equities to also drop in price like a lead balloon after the treasury sell off panic takes place.

Because all these asset managers "et al" are sitting on cash, they will need to put it somewhere safe, that will be commodities. The prices of gold, silver, oil, food stuff, any commodities of value. The price if these commodities will go vertical.

Simply put equities die, commodities go bust.
Everyone will be rushing to commodities. It is a self perpetuating speeding train. Nothing will be able to stop it nor will anything be able to apply the brakes.
This is where we pick up again…

Where Wall Street Meets Main Street
This speeding train coming from Wall Street will hit Main Street and everyday people will wake up to this fact. Panic will ensue.
Like the asset managers they will dumping anything they perceive to be of real world value, but for main street these real world assets are cars, trucks, laptop computers, iPods, even houses. All of these items will lose value in order to purchase commodities like gold, silver, food, gas, heating oil, any sort of daily consumable need.

But Ray, gold and silver are not a daily need. You cannot eat gold and silver.

You are completely correct. But the world will still revolve around money and this is where the natural laws of God take effect.

The only true money that is God created and ordained will rise to the surface again. It has never fallen out of favor, has always held its value, and it ALWAYS replaces devalued, depreciated fiat currency. God's only ordained and created form of money is gold and silver.

What main street people are going to find out is that real-world assets will not go up in value in a hyperinflation scenario. They will drop. In fact throughout history they have never held their value when the hyperinflation comes.

What happens is that real world assets collapse along with the dollar. In fact they deflate or go down in price in relation to consumables / commodities.

Look at how many people have their wealth locked up in their house.
During a hyperinflation an estimated $250,000 house can easily fall to $50,000 or even less.

In fact what will happen is real world assets will all of a sudden be pegged to gold and silver. This is God's natural law taking effect. So the good news is that if you have 50 ounces of silver, you will be able to purchase that home that has dropped to $50,000. The reason is because in a hyperinflation market real world assets such as a cars, trucks and even a house lose their value and pretty much become worthless, whereas 50 ounces of silver will buy you just about anything you will need.
Now if you are still reading this and you have gotten this far you might be saying that the government will step in, Wall Street has computers to prevent this, the President will stop it, etc etc.

Someone somewhere in power will stop this runaway train and apply the brakes and stop the hyperinflation.

Well the answer is that no one will be able to stop it. Congress, senate, the president, the Feds are all helpless.

This sort of event has happened time and time again. It is all part of the FIAT Currency model. The first time this took place was in ancient Greece. It took place in France, England, Germany, just about every country that has instituted a fiat currency.

Do you know that hyperinflation has taken place in the US twice already?

Once during the revolutionarily war days and then during the Lincoln administration. In both of these times, a fiat currency was created, the people lost faith, it busted and hyperinflation ensued. It is all there in the history books and they were not able to stop the speeding train either.
So can the FEDS stop this hyperinflation?

No they are the ones that started this whole mess. They can't fix it.

Well can the Federal government stop it? Create more laws, regulations, quite possibly a bank holiday? They probably will try and history shows that when government does step in, they will always devalue the currency. They will split it so now instead of having $100.00 you have $200.00. Problem is that a bag of rice costs $500.00 so splitting the currency will do nothing except to cause prices to shoot up even higher.

Well why not implement price controls? If the government is foolish enough to do this, it will whip lash back into their faces and reappear as rampant black market.

So those ideas will not work.
Many conspiracy websites love to say that soldiers will be put out on the street.

Folks, US men and women in the military are feeling the pain just as much as you are. The military will have a hard enough time just keeping their ranks in order. You think that we will have it bad? Our men and women in the military will have it worse. Half of military families are already on food stamps, what do you think will happen when hyperinflation takes hold?
Another point you have to remember is that our military is stretched so thin overseas that we can barely hold on to the two fighting fronts we are involved in already.

In other words, there isn't man power enough. America is too big and to even try this basically equates to one soldier per city they must patrol. Are these severely reduced forces going to be able to really do anything? No.

Bring in UN Troops / Foreign troops? This is another popular idea that has floated around on the conspiracy sites.

What many people fail to remember is that by this time the US is going to be a hotbed of chaos.

The introduction of any foreign troops would instantly polarize the nation and all of a sudden 500 million guns that are in the hands of the US public would be pulled out of the closet and it would be open hunting season for any UN / Foreign troop. In other words it would be a blood bath for anyone stepping foot onto US soil. This is a fact. Give chaos a rally point and it will naturally gravitate to it.

What about more stimulus, start up the printing presses, inject more money?

Can't. This is hyperinflation, people do not want the paper dollar in the first place. Commodities are the only true asset of value. Flooding the market with even more worthless cash is not going to help.

What we might see, but this will take time to enact is food / gas rationing. A return to the ration cards like they had during WWII. But by the time this is put into effect the people will be adapting to the "new normal" and operating within a commodities based economy. Black and grey markets will already be in effect, people will have learned how to get their needed items. The laws of supply and demand will have already kicked in and a "new normal" economy will take effect.

So by now all of you reading this are asking that one critical question…
What do we do?

Welcome To The New Normal
See the key to survival is not surviving the nuclear bomb, it is surviving the next day and then the next after the bomb hit.

The same will be the case when Hyperinflation hits.

I used the analogy of a nuke because that is what Hollywood has portrayed. They always show the nuke going off, everyone "ducks and covers," fall out settles and then the happy couple walking off into the sun set. They never show what takes place after everything settles down and people adapt to the new normal.

If you have read any of my previous articles on preparedness you will know that I do not buy into the Hollywood's idea of the apocalypse. They never take into the boring everyday idea that people eventually will adapt to the new normal and it will become business as usual, just the rules have changed.

It isn't going to be a world filled with mutant biker gangs, nor will there be blood thirsty zombies. No thermal nuclear wasteland, no empty cities. Nothing that Hollywood said it would be like.
All we need to do is look at countries that have succumbed to an economic disaster already.

For example look at Argentina.

Argentina had a massive economic downfall in December 2001. Their banks closed, money devalued, their world was turned upside down. They have a massive rise in crime, drugs, prostitution, alcohol, murder, kidnapping, theft, muggings. Argentina went from first world country to a third world country over night.

So what do you do?

How you prepare for hyperinflation is to do just as Noah did. Create / build your own ark before the event takes place. But this ark is built up of true tangible assets. No equities, stocks, bonds, ETF’s, mutual funds, nothing that is tied to the US Dollar or any other foreign FIAT currency.

See if and when that hyperinflation thunderstorm takes place, you will have that "ark" you have built to see you through the storm.
When the zenith of hyperinflation takes place there will be a plethora of opportunity that you can then purchase.

Robert Kiyosaki who I consider one of my mentors, suggests purchasing cash stream producing residential property. He also likes mining, pharma, industrial production and transportation. At the height of the hyperinflation storm, these will be at rock bottom prices at pennies on the dollar.

A famous quote came from the depression era, when the very same thing took place. That famous quote was "Buy when there is blood in the streets."
I believe that America will end up pretty much like it is today. But it will be a "new normal." We will refer to everything as before "Bank Day" BBD and after "Bank Day" ABD. Crime will be higher, jobs will be scarce, food and gas prices will be 300% - 400% higher. But we will adapt and over come as we always have.

Another thing that quiet possibly will come out of this that has not happened before in other countries is that we will return to God. This country was founded on biblical principles, it is who we are and it is those ideals that influence us at our core as a people.

This nation always has a "great awakening" to God the father, the Creator of the universe after every great financial upheaval.

Finally, turning the ship around after hyperinflation hits will take 15 - 20 years. It took approximately 25 years for our last depression, it will probably take that same amount of time for us to get back on the right track after this one.

Just look at Argentina, here it is 2010 and she is still in the throes of economic chaos and it is nine years after their event took place. Look at Japan, she lost two decades due to her economic downfall. Did either of these countries fall into apocalyptic chaos? Mutant biker gangs? Zombies? Wastelands?

No and it will not happen here either.
What will help us speed up the healing of this nation will be a word that many people do not want to hear nor accept.
That word is sacrifice.

Will we be willing to take on three to four hard years of sacrifice so that we can emerge a healed nation faster?

I doubt it, but if we as a nation repent of our sins and turn back to the Lord anything is possible. But to do this we will need strong men and women to boldly preach the gospel. Godly people will need to show that man is lost but can be saved from the fires of Hell through the blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. We will need to return to being accountable to Jehovah God.

Getting through this coming economic storm just might be what the doctor ordered to return this nation to what she once used to be, a good and great nation that fears God and His Son, Jesus Christ.

But I am sorry to say that history shows another solution, at least in other nations.

What has always come out of the economic upheaval is a strong charismatic leader.

They will return (force) the nation back to a gold and silver based economy.

The good of the "people" outweighs the good of the one.
The good of the nation outweighs the good of the family.
The state becomes their god and the dictator their high priest.

This is the solution that brought about Caesar, Napoleon, and someone we all have heard of, Adolf Hitler.
All these great leaders were born out of economic upheaval.
All lead their nations to greatness quickly.
All ruled with an iron fist and they all did away with dissidents who stood against them.

Often these dissidents were good men and women who maintained a moral fortitude and in most cases that was backed up by their belief in the one true God Jehovah and His Son Jesus Christ.

It is hard to say what the future will hold. There are so many paths that we can travel down. But man in all his wisdom always seems to choose the path of least resistance instead of the path of good. At least that is what history has shown.

The US was born out of the desire for religious freedom, and that is what makes us a different nation. We have survived two other economic upheavals resulting in hyperinflation, we will survive the third. But how we come out on the other side can be anyone's guess. History shows that our last "great awakening" took place after the civil war's hyperinflation, the late 1800s.

Although many turned to the Lord in the great depression of the 1920-30s, it was not like the prior revival of the late 1800s.

In all of this, we as bible believing Christians will need to stand in this evil day or there is the chance that we will fall by the wayside. What will take place depends on what we do now. We can either prepare and build our ark for the sake of the gospel, or bury our heads in the sand and ignore the lessons of the past.

I pray that there are enough who love the Lord that will work hard to build an ark for the good of protecting and freely sharing the gospel. Because the other option will result in utter tyranny and oppression like no other.

I leave you with what God's Word says…

Ecclesiastes 1:9 (KJV) The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Proverbs 6:6 (KJV) Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:

Proverbs 30:25 (KJV) The ants are a people not strong, yet they prepare their meat in the summer;

Joshua 24:15 (KJV) And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

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