Friday, November 9, 2012

Chin Up: It's All Downhill From Here

Homeward Bound
Micheal Boldea Jr.

Genesis 4:10, “And the Lord said, ‘What have you done?’”

So…that just happened. The elections have come and gone, and now shellshock is slowly giving way to anger and frustration for some.

I chose to stay out of the malaise, because knowing what we know of what the future holds, knowing that the persecution of the saints is forthcoming in this nation and that things will go from bad to worse, the outcome was discernible.

It was earlier this year that I and a handful of other brothers in Christ who were called to be watchmen sat around a table in Florida and talked about this very outcome.

The consensus was sobering, because now the true face of those we have elected into office will be seen by all. The masks are coming off, and the hateful rhetoric against God, the people of God, and anyone opposed to perversion and lawlessness will reach a fevered pitch.

The message is as the message was, as it has been for the past few years. Persecution is coming. Prepare yourselves and be steadfast in the Lord.

I am not one to be overly dramatic. It’s just not the way I was built. And so, I will not say we have seen the death of America due to the outcome of these elections, but we have seen the true heart, the true soul, and the true nature of this once great nation as it is today.

These are teachable moments for us as children of God, because many hoped for, and were certain of a different outcome based on what this nation was, and not what it has become.

It’s like people who post pictures of themselves from fifteen years ago, before the fifty extra pounds, loss of hair, and outbreak of a facial rash. Too many choose to believe they are living in the America of yesteryear, where God still meant something, and faith was still a priority, and morality was not something spoken of with disdain and derision.

If anything, I pray the past few days have shattered the illusion so many cling to of this being a Christian nation, and are come to realize that the judgment of God which is soon to descend is justified, warranted, and befitting.

As I wrote just a couple weeks ago, ‘we get the kind of leadership we deserve… no better, no worse’ and now we know exactly what that means.

From a personal perspective, the outcome of the election was irrelevant to me vis-à-vis the message I would continue to be speaking, because the message God has called me to speak is a timeless one, unaffected by either political processes or national elections. My calling is to preach Christ, and Him crucified, and this is the only true message that remains timeless, as relevant today as it was a thousand years ago.

Perhaps now we can return to what truly matters, namely our relationship, our fellowship, and our intimacy with God, having the wherewithal to understand the times we are living in, and prepare our spiritual man accordingly.

As the saying goes, ‘chin up, it’s all downhill from here.’

With love in Christ,
Michael Boldea Jr.

Prepare For Persecution

Rick talks with Pastor Doug Riggs about the coming persecution of Christians in America and what we should be doing to prepare for it.

Listen to internet radio with Trunews Radio on Blog Talk Radio

The Immoral Majority

The American Dream
Micheal Snyder

America Has Shifted To The Left And The Culture War Is Over

Election day 2012 showed once again that America is moving steadily to the left. Yes, Barack Obama defeated Mitt Romney, but the underlying dynamics run much deeper than that – especially when you take a look at social issues. Older voters are more conservative when it comes to social issues, but they are slowly dying off and being replaced by younger voters that tend to be much more liberal. So on a whole host of controversial social issues including gay marriage, abortion, immigration and drug legalization we are seeing a dramatic shift take place. The American people as a whole are rejecting traditional values and are embracing a more “progressive” view of morality that is being promoted by our education system, the entertainment industry and the federal government. Those that want to cling to the morality of the past are being told that they “are on the wrong side of history” and that they need to come into the 21st century. On election night I spent a lot of time watching CNN, and even their “conservative pundits” were trashing those that still believe in traditional values. Sadly, it is likely that those that believe in traditional values are going to have a harder and harder time trying to win national elections. It is much easier to get people to change their minds about economic issues or foreign policy issues than it is about fundamental questions of right and wrong. The demographic tidal wave that is pushing America to the left is not going to stop, and it would literally take a miracle to see this country start to move back in the direction of traditional values.

Twenty or thirty years ago, someone like Barack Obama would not have had a prayer of getting elected. But now, he is considered to be “moderate” and someone like Mitt Romney is considered to be “conservative”. That is how far this country has shifted to the left. The mainstream media likes to talk about how this is a “center-right” nation, but that is just because the mainstream media is always more liberal than the rest of the country is. The mainstream media is always eager for the rest of the nation to “catch up” to where they are already at.

But the shift to the left is not just reflected in our presidential politics. In fact, on election day 2012 it was most clearly seen in the results of some of the ballot initiatives and referendums held across the country.

For example, prior to 2012 gay marriage had been voted down every single time when it had been put on the ballot in any state.

However, on election day 2012 gay marriage was made legal by the voters in Maine, Maryland and Washington state. This represented a huge victory for gay marriage advocates.

We also saw the election of the first openly lesbian U.S. Senator up in Wisconsin. Adding her and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts to the mix is going to push the U.S. Senate even farther to the left.

Down in Florida, voters decided to reject a proposal to prohibit the use of public funds for abortion. This is just another in a string of pro-life ballot initiatives that have been defeated in recent elections.

Meanwhile, those that are promoting the legalization of drugs have some stunning victories to celebrate. Both Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana. This would have never happened 20 years ago. But times have changed.

There has also been a dramatic shift when it comes to illegal immigration. CNN exit polls found that a solid majority of American voters want immigrants that are in this country illegally to be given a chance to stay and be given a legal path to citizenship. This is a huge change compared to what we saw even just five or ten years ago.

And this fundamental shift to the left will be felt in some of the highest institutions in the land. Quite a few Supreme Court justices are in their seventies, and it is quite likely that Barack Obama will get the opportunity to nominate several new justices to the court before the end of his next term.

That means that all of the conservative hopes for the Supreme Court are probably dead in the water at this point. It appears extremely unlikely that Roe v. Wade will ever be overturned, and the court is probably only going to get even more liberal from this point forward.

So what does all of this mean?

Well, it essentially means that the culture war is over and the social conservatives lost. Obviously I would consider this to be a bad thing, because I am someone who believes deeply in traditional values.

The American people have chosen a direction, and the path that they have chosen is the path of “progressive” morality. We are already seeing the consequences of this kind of morality play out all around us, and those consequences are only going to get worse.

But to stop the monumental cultural shift that is taking place right now in this country would take a miracle of epic proportions. Older voters that tend to be more socially conservative will continue to die off, and they will continue to be replaced by younger voters that tend to be more socially liberal.

The American people have made their choices, and those choices will continue to be reinforced by the education system, by the mainstream media, by the entertainment industry and by the federal government.

America has changed, and things will never be the same again.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Americans Vote To Go Into Captivity

Ray Gano

Uncomfortably Numb

WARNING :: If you are not wanting to hear about the dark days coming, then do not read this.

I woke up this morning to the fact that we will get four more years of the same.

Well, actually not, it is going to be worse.

I don't think that people understand the gravity of what has taken place.

I hate saying this but our nation as we know it is no more.

I was hoping to have till April, but now, who knows. We may have till tomorrow.

One of my facebook friends who is a history buff also stated the following...

"I feel sick, in my heart. You see, I love History, studying it analyzing it. Seeing the patterns and trends. I believe, again, based on my studies, that within a year we will be living in a very brutal dictatorship."

2013 - 2015 - somewhere in this span our country will take a great fall.

If from nothing else then at lease by incredible economic catastrophe.

These economic storms are coming starting Jan 1 2013 and there is nothing that can eventually stop them.

- The Financial Cliff
- Inflation Beginning To Run Amok
- Food Prices Going Up / Shortages of Food
- ERISA Law Going Into Effect
- Another Housing Bubble Will Burst

The natural laws of economy and nature have kicked in a long time ago. There is no escaping these events and no matter who was voted in, they are still coming.

What Romney offered was a little more time. Now, who knows.

I pray for mercy and that we might have till April 2013. But now I am not sure that will happen. The man who occupies the oval office will push even harder and faster with his plans to destroy this nation.

Now we might be able to kick the can down the road on a few months, but it still does not eliminate all the events, just delays the pain. And the pain and suffering is going to come.

Couple all this with the weakening of our defenses, our military being made a politically correct in many ways, lawlessness and hedonism with no limitations and you can see why I sit here "uncomfortably numb."

We are a nation primed for a dictator, an invasion, sever oppression, and the list goes on. Look at history, in fact look at pre WWII Germany and we are there.

One of the first things that popped into my head this morning is that the German people elected Hitler. They turned all power over to him… willingly too.

Life is not going to go on as normal. Things are going to change and change drastically. Terribly dangerous ugly days lie ahead of us.

Look at what we are facing.

- A lame duck president hell bent on destroying this nation, totally ignoring the will of the people.

- A lame duck Senate hell bent on supporting the president.

- A lame duck congress, which is republican controlled, so that means nothing is going to budge thus enabling "the man who occupies the oval office" the giddy opportunity to sign as many executive orders as he deems necessary. Thus deeming congress and our constitution null and void.

Long ago we as the church allowed the unrighteous to rule and when we did, they took it with gusto. Now the unrighteous have had the reins for quite some time and there is nothing that we can do. This has not been an overnight event, it has been a long time coming.

Listen, I was not a fan of Romney, what I saw in him is added time and that is all. Time to batten down the hatches, make adjustments and get ready to ride out the storm. Like it or not, Romney was just a few hairs to the right of the current administration and he would have taken us down the same path, just slower.

Our ship has been too far gone for some time now. I had hope that we could possibly change course, but today, we are locked into our heading and the direction is not pretty at all.

We are walking in the same steps ancient Israel did prior to being placed into bondage.

For heaven sakes, read Isaiah and see what happened to Israel. She got what she deserved in light of God's Judgment.

God does not change. I have been digging into history looking for other examples and been reading up on England 1550 - late 1600s.

God brought down England the same way He brought down Israel. The same disobedient steps Israel took, England took. For the past 20-30 years we have been repeating the exact same steps Israel and England took.

God destroyed Israel.

God destroyed England.

The patterns are clearly there.

In fact, look up the Great London Fire. It took place on Sept 2 1666.

Does the timeframe sound familiar?

By my calculations 1666 was also Sabbatical year. Just like 9-11 and 2008. In fact I believe it to be a "high sabbatical year" because it was followed up by jubilee in 1667.

The fire wiped out all of London and destroyed the country. One can clearly see that this pinpoint in time was a catalyst, England never recovered to her prior greatness, even to this day.

Same with Israel. She has never recovered to her former greatness.

England suffered famine, pestilence, civil war, even persecuted Christian at the orders of Elizabeth. King James recanted that law, but never the less, the people of that time still looked down on bible believing Christians as dogs.

We as a nation is going to face the same thing and in fact we have already started to feel the pangs.

God's natural laws are in play. Economic storms are heading our way no matter what.

We are a nation ripe for judgment, that is a fact. We have been on this path for some time, so it really should not surprise us.

My heart is heavy and I pray that what I believe that lies before us does not come to fruition.

I am not a prophet, nor claiming anything like it. I study His word and look for trends. Isaiah, Jeremiah they both spell it out. It is all there in black and white, one just has to read it.

We as a nation is going to suffer pain at the hands of a tyrant. We are then going to be put into bondage by our enemies OR we will have some form of destruction never seen before on our soil. Whatever event God deems to judge us by, we will never fully recover and never return to our former greatness.

God's Word shows this to be true and history backs it up.

Like bible believing Christians throughout time have done, we will need to do as well.

Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Exodus or Underground, those are the only options.

There is a third option that many will face. It is the same plight 6 million Jews and 11 million people faced as a whole under Hitler.


Can't happen here? We kill millions of babies every year, what are a few bible believing Christians and Jews in comparison?

The unrighteous view us as worthless air breathers anyways. So no skin off of their teeth to see us put down.

In fact, this is nothing new to our own countries history. We have persecuted a sect of people about every 100 years and the time is ripe to do it again.

Why do you think all those fema camps have been built?

I do not like saying these things, but they need to be said. Being a watchman is not a job of popularity, it is a job of necessity and the blood of the innocent will be on my hands if I do not sound the warning.

The sifting has begun and I pray God's protection and mercy upon the remnant.

I will be adding more to the PZ Underground in days to come.

If you are not a PZ Insider, come on board and support our effort. We need more monthly PZ Insiders so that we can be instrumental in this next step in history and be able to boldly share the gospel in these coming hard days ahead.