Saturday, September 18, 2010


Top general calls Christian soldiers 'bigots'


Next week, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is expected to begin floor debate on a defense authorization bill that would repeal the Clinton-era "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy and allow homosexuals to serve openly in the armed forces. Last month, a top military official offered a glimpse of how the military might look should the new policy take effect: Those serving who oppose the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) agenda are no longer welcome.

Those were the views of Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Bostick, the Army's deputy chief of staff in charge of personnel matters who spoke about "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" before several hundred troops at the European Command headquarters in Stuttgart, Germany. "Unfortunately, we have a minority of service members who are still racists and bigoted and you will never be able to get rid of all of them," Lt. Gen. Bostick said. "But these people opposing this new policy will need to get with the program, and if they can't, they need to get out. No matter how much training and education of those in opposition, you're always going to have those that oppose this on moral and religious grounds just like you still have racists today."

The strong words take additional significance from Lt. Gen. Bostick's direct involvement with a Pentagon panel charged with shaping military policy on this issue. Although Lt. Gen. Bostick presented the question of homosexuals in the military as if it were about civil rights, it is nothing of the kind. The services must discriminate to function. Those who are too old, too weak or too overweight must be shown the door even when similar actions in the private sector might spark a lawsuit. The reason for the military's existence is to win battles and wars, not to ensure feelings aren't hurt or to serve as a playground for social experimentation.

The military's long-standing ban on homosexual conduct is rooted in the principles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, which also criminalizes adulterous conduct among heterosexuals insofar as it undermines the good order and discipline of the armed forces. Lt. Gen. Bostick suggested he would employ the same strict disciplinary standards to provide "education and training" that would ensure soldiers, sailors and airmen embrace the new LGBT agenda.

"Unfortunately, if the law is repealed, the military will attempt to do what it does - makes things work, for better or worse," Tommy Sears, executive director of the Center for Military Readiness, told The Washington Times. "So there will be no toleration of dissent. If for whatever reason you disagree, whether it's religious conviction or personal objection, your career will in essence be over."

Servicemen should not be booted from the military because of their sincerely held religious convictions. It's unseemly for a senior officer to equate those who hold traditional values with racists and bigots. Lt. Gen. Bostick's careless words demonstrate his unsuitability to the task, and, for that reason, he should withdraw from further involvement in the Pentagon panel set to issue a report on the new policy by Dec. 1. The Senate also should reject this attempt to undermine the effectiveness, morale and morals of the military on the behalf of a radical fringe.

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Eco-Fascists Call For Tyranny To Enforce Draconian Agenda

The ugly face of eugenics peers from behind the mask of environmentalism.

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones

With the global elite in a race against time to enforce their draconian eco-fascist agenda before more of the public realize that the entire climate change con is a rigged game, alarmists are getting increasingly desperate and transparently thuggish in their rhetoric.

The mask of the man-made global warming movement is slowly being ripped away to reveal the true nature of what we face – a gang of hardcore control freaks who have hijacked well-placed environmental concerns as a vehicle through which to enact their religion of death – eugenics.

This was exemplified earlier this week when Bill Gates was caught in a controversy after he advocated the use of death panels to make rulings on denying health care to the elderly. Gates’ justification that killing old people could save money to preserve jobs was a classic case of social cannibalism, the end justifies the means, and it revealed the true nature of the eco-fascist agenda.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation funds vaccines for the third world to the tune of billions, and yet in his own speeches Gates has advocated using vaccines to lower global population, all in the name of reducing CO2 emissions and combating global warming. In other words, Gates invokes the vaccines he funds in the name of improving health care as a tool of forced sterilization.

Gates’ call for death panels was mimicked by a September 2009 Newsweek article entitled “The Case For Killing Granny,” in which writer Evan Thomas made the case for rationing health care by denying old people treatment.

The eugenicist health care argument shares a central parallel with the environmentalist screed – using the threat of artificial scarcity to uphold the role of the state as an authoritarian re-distributor

This idea is embraced by a growing cult of climate change cult members, who are openly calling for freedom to be crushed and humans to be exterminated in the name of saving the planet.

Top environmentalist and creator of the Gaia hypothesis James Lovelock told the Guardian earlier this year that “democracy must be put on hold” to combat global warming and that “a few people with authority” should be allowed to run the planet.

In a recent book, author and environmentalist Keith Farnish called for acts of sabotage and environmental terrorism in blowing up dams and demolishing cities in order to return the planet to the agrarian age. Prominent NASA global warming alarmist and Al Gore ally Dr. James Hansen endorsed Farnish’s book.

“The only way to prevent global ecological collapse and thus ensure the survival of humanity is to rid the world of Industrial Civilization,” writes Farnish in the book, adding that “people will die in huge numbers when civilization collapses”.

Another prominent figure in the climate change debate who exemplifies the violent and death-obsessed belief system of the movement is Dr. Eric R. Pianka, an American biologist based at the University of Texas in Austin. During a speech to the Texas Academy of Science in March 2006, Pianka advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the world’s population through the airborne ebola virus. The reaction from scores of top scientists and professors in attendance was not one of shock or revulsion – they stood and applauded Pianka’s call for mass genocide.

The current White House science czar John P. Holdren also advocates the most obscenely dictatorial, eco-fascist, and inhumane practices in the name of environmentalism. In his 1977 Ecoscience textbook, Holdren calls for a “planetary regime” to carry out forced abortions and mandatory sterilization procedures, as well as drugging the water supply, in an effort to cull the human surplus.

Enforcement of the global warming doctrine in its many guises has become more aggressive, onerous and in-your-face as the years have gone by. With less and less believing in man-made climate change and with more and more understanding that eugenics is the real agenda behind the global warming bandwagon, the vitriolic nature of the propaganda has intensified.

Consider the message behind the infamous Greenpeace video which was first released in September 2007, which shows a mean-faced child exhorting selfish adults for causing climate change. The clip reminds us that even back then, alarmists were coming off as increasingly desperate in their aggressive propaganda ploys.

The intention behind the clip was a classic attempt at divide and conquer between the generations in a similar vein to how AGW alarmist Al Gore told kids not to listen to their parents.

Basing his argument on discredited quasi-science, the boy donning a gangbanger hoodie warns that adults have had their chance to save the earth and now it will be the responsibility of the next generation to set things right — or set them right according to the globalist eugenicists. If the child’s facial expression is any indication, the effort will be less than kind.

The ugly endgame behind the global warming mantra is now crystal clear – rebranding climate change as “global climate disruption” and overpopulation, eugenicists are intent on exploiting hyped fears about environmental apocalypse to set themselves up as Gods with the power to regulate, oppress, and even make life and death rulings over a subjugated population, who through sophisticated barrages of propaganda will be convinced to acquiesce to their own enslavement and ultimately slaughter.

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Third Fish Kill Reported in Plaquemines

by Michael Luke / Eyewitness News

Officials in Plaquemines Parish are reporting a fish kill in Bayou Robinson – the third such fish kill in the parish in recent days.

P. J. Hahn, director for the Coastal Zone Management Department, took photos of another large fish kill in the waters of Plaquemines Parish.

The previous fish kills were reported in Bay Chaland and Bay Joe Wise and were predominantly menhaden, also called pogie.

The Bay Chaland fish kill was discovered on Sept. 10 and the Bay Joe Wise fish kill was discovered by officials Thursday.

“Hahn said Thursday that the fish (in Bay Joe Wise) covered at least one-fourth of a square mile, with oil visible among them. He said he wanted the area tested because it was affected by oil from the Gulf of Mexico spill,” said a report from the Associated Press.

In addition to hundreds of thousands of dead fish floating west of the Mississippi River in Bayou Chaland, several days before, a large starfish kill was found in nearby Barataria Bay, and a dead baby whale was discovered near Venice a few days later.

So far, none of the fish kills have been connected to oil spilled in the Gulf of Mexico from the Deepwater Horizon or the oil disperant used in fighting the oil spill.

A day after reported, Randy Pausina, assistant secretary for the Office of Fisheries in the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, said biologists went to check the fish kill at Bay Joe Wise on Friday and expected to find the cause to be similar to Bay Chaland, low oxygen caused by high temperatures in shallow water.

“‘The hotter the water is, the less oxygen the water can hold,’ Pausina said. Heat also speeds up plant and animal metabolism, so they need more oxygen. Fish trapped in shallow water use up its oxygen and suffocate,” said a report from the Associated Press.

How long are the American people going to believe that these fish kills are unrelated to the toxic rape of the Gulf? watchman57

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Prophesied MARTRYDOM is Coming to Christians USA

American Holocaust

Bible Prophecy and Coming Martyrdom of Christians to America

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism with a Christian perspective

SO many Christians in America have become dangerously lukewarm and comfortable with where America is at. Centuries of religious freedom and lack of persecution on a major scale has lulled many into a false state of "safety-comfort-denial" in this hour. In the minds of most Christians, in fact, no persecution could ever come to the Christians in America! And this is exactly what their flesh wants to hear and believe, for no one really ever wants suffering or persecution to invade their lives.

However, my many years of performing investigative journalism nationwide and at times worldwide has uncovered something entirely different. Unfailing Bible prophecy also confirms what I am uncovering. Planned persecution is COMING to the Christians in North America. Here is what my research has uncovered.

This persecution will be prolonged and intense. It will seek to seize churches and turn them over to the government for secular purposes, much as in communist Russia. It will seek to arrest and persecute both religious leaders and the rest of the Christians throughout this nation. It will seek to cause Christians to renounce their faith in Jesus Christ to join their New World Order agenda, or subsequently martyr them when they refuse to deny Jesus Christ. It will see in fact to BEHEAD the Christians who remain faithful to Jesus Christ. Or to transport Christians arrested via prisoner boxcars with shackles to awaiting FEMA/Homeland Security detention camps scattered nationwide and also in Alaska and Canada, where there, much as in Russia and Eastern Europe under communism, the Christians will be severely persecuted, including torture and interrogation, ridiculed and finally terminated when finished. And ALL quite "legally" under martial law and the Presidential Executive Orders and other legislation written to prepare the way for THE COMING AMERICAN HOLOCAUST of the innocents.

For the serious student of END TIME BIBLE PROPHECY none of this should come as a complete surprise. When Jesus said in Matthew 24, regarding what would be the sign of His coming and the end of this age, He warned His disciples that worldwide persecution against His disciples would come FIRST. He warned that His disciples would be HATED OF ALL NATIONS for His name's sake. ONLY under a ONE WORLD ANTICHRIST GOVERNMENT (NWO of Revelation 13) can all nations simultaneously HATE THE CHRISTIANS and deliver them up to tribulation and to be put to death. AMERICA must be included in this WORLDWIDE persecution of the disciples of Jesus Christ, if Jesus' words are to be taken literally. And that is precisely the dark intentions of the coming NEW WORLD ORDER to be imposed on America under MARTIAL LAW.

Years of travel and interviews to uncover the plans of the NWO against the Christians in America have confirmed that the NWO planners for decades have been conspiring to bring persecution and death to the Christian opponents of the antichrist world globalist (communist) agenda for this nation. One of the most satanically controlled agencies in the world, the CIA, plays a major role in helping this NWO take over in America some day. My frequent interviews with former CIA officers, many who have now become Christians and feeling compelled to admit the truth, have uncovered the fact that plans from within the CIA have been made for many years both to persecute and ultimately terminate the Christians to pave the way for establishing their antichrist NWO agenda in America.

Much of the planning for Christians to be arrested under martial law and taken away to the camps for termination came out of the CIA, especially under the era of George Bush Sr being head of the CIA, according to many former CIA working under him. But then, the Bush Illuminati satanic bloodline has always been active behind the scenes in working hard for the realization of a NEW WORLD ORDER.

Even as Bible prophecy declares that this tyrannical world dictatorship of antichrist (Revelation 13) will receive it's power directly from "THE DRAGON" or satan/Lucifer himself, the ILLUMINATI or satanists of this NWO agenda how openly admitted as much. One former CIA assassin under Bush Sr. admitted to me while interviewed, "We satanists are the backbone, and Lucifer is the HEAD of the New World Order..." and as such, "...ALL the Christians have to go. We satanists realized that Christians would never accept our satanically based NEW WORLD ORDER. The very camps you are now investigating were designed to be used to terminate the Christians in America under martial law..." (Admission of Elaine, former satanist/assassin and NWO planner under Bush SR in CIA.)

My investigative journalism has uncovered the reality of thousands of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES designed to transport unfortunates arrested under martial law by train transport to the many FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps designed to deal with all future NWO resistance. This is identical to how the world globalist communists dealt with Christian and political resistance to their agenda in Russia. They arrested and sent religious/political resisters to the many gulags scattered throughout Russia and the former Soviet Union, transported by train. Hitler also used trains to transport religious and political opponents to the camps under a Nazi dictatorship. Mass prisoner transportation by rail is cost effective. These sturdy metal prisoner boxcars can be hosed out after each transport and used over and over again. They can last for decades. Prisoners can even be terminated (gassed, etc.) while still chained inside the boxcars. Tragically, history does repeat itself...IF the citizens of any nation will sit back passively and allow it's leadership to make it happen again unchallenged.

I have personally interviewed Christians who have experienced VISIONS FROM GOD of the coming AMERICAN HOLOCAUST. One woman attending a prophecy conference I spent time at, admitted when I told her about my investigating, "THIS explains the visions I have been having. I saw Christians arrested for their faith and placed onto BOXCARS and sent to concentration camps to be killed for their faith...." This woman I interviewed was from MONTANA. My years of research in MONTANA have uncovered the reality of many sightings of prisoner boxcars with shackles prepositioned throughout the state for the hour of arrest under martial law. Reliable eye witnesses have reported seeing even MODERN GUILLOTINES bolted into each boxcar in one case, along with the shackles installed as well.

My research has uncovered the presence of millions of modern guillotines in America (and I am convinced worldwide) to fulfill a future agenda tied in with the Jewish NOAHIDE LAWS legislation. They are also tied in with Bible prophecy regarding "...the souls BEHEADED for the witness of Jesus Christ and the Word of God...." (Revelation 20:4) who essentially will not go along with the coming antichrist NWO agenda, who will not deny Jesus Christ, and are slain as a result by BEHEADING.


When I first began to receive information from quality sources regarding the presence of modern guillotines in America and lectured on them, I was amazed to hear people coming forward after the lectures to share their GUILLOTINE VISIONS. Christians from around the world that I encountered in Jerusalem while lecturing, lined up to tell me of their visions of being BEHEADED FOR THEIR FAITH. Brian with YWAM from the Bahamas...Christina Mitchell from New Zealand...and many more. All told me of poignant detailed visions of the foreign troops involved and the modern guillotines and being beheaded for their faith.

One pastor's wife in Long Island, NY, told me with tears of her vision of being beheaded for her faith, while in military surroundings. Another youth pastor, Pastor Richards in Bakersfield, CA, told me of his graphic vision of martial law being declared in California, and the guillotines being brought out, and himself being dragged to one of them and told, "well, Pastor, what shall it be? Will you DENY JESUS and join our NEW WORLD ORDER agenda, or will you DIE?" In his vision he remained faithful to Jesus and was beheaded.

Becky, a powerful Christian witness in the Washington DC area working at the Department of Agriculture, told me of her many graphic GUILLOTINE VISIONS she is convinced God also gave her:

" I saw how the NWO was going to use these guillotines to tempt the Christians to deny their faith. I watched as children were snatched away from parents and taken to the guillotines. The parents were then tempted to deny Jesus, or the children would be beheaded. And the parents taken away from children, and the children tempted to deny Jesus, or their parents would be beheaded. In my visions, I even SAW THE GUILLOTINES SET UP ON THE WHITE HOUSE LAWN!"

In fact, the first time I ever became aware of these guillotines, was when I was involved in Christian outreach in Tulsa, OK, in 1976. It was an evident time of revival and the power of God was moving in many ways. I was participating in street outreach to youth then. While praying with another Christian, God's Holy Spirit interrupted. He spoke prophetically and said, "I am pouring out MY SPIRIT upon my Church in America today, because without His power, you will not make it with what is coming to your nation..." Stunned, I prayed, "Oh, God , WHAT IS COMING to our nation?" The reply: "My child, if I were to SHOW you what is coming to YOUR nation, YOU WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO BEAR what I would show you!" I was only a young Christian at that time. Still, we prayed that night for God to show us what was coming. And that very night, the person I prayed with had a graphic vision of Christians lined up in front of modern guillotines to be beheaded for their faith.

In fact, many Christians were receiving disturbing dreams and visions of things to come at that time period. I recall attending one prayer meeting, in which one Christian stood up to recount how God had showed her Christians being held in concentration camp type surroundings, filthy and unkempt, their Bibles having been taken away. She stated how God had shown her that many Christians faced persecution in the future, and to therefore memorize their Bible passages since evidently their Bibles would also be taken away under this future persecution.

Yet another stood up to recount how God showed him that famine was coming to this nation on a major scale, and yet how when Christians stood around a table to pray, miraculously their table was filled with food in response during this coming time of famine. In this vision, the person was shown that there was no food in the home, no heat or electricity, and a bleak time of depression in America. My years of investigative journalism have uncovered that all of the above are coming BY DELIBERATE PLAN to this nation someday.

Revelation 13 makes it clear that these forces of antichrist world globalism will have the power to put the Christians and all other resisters to death under their regime. And my many years of research have confirmed that this is their intent exactly. My question therefore to the Christians of America today is, "WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?"

WILL YOU take the time to fast and pray and to allow GOD TO PREPARE YOUR HEART to stand fast in your faith when this all comes down? WILL YOU purpose to GROW IN TRUE DISCIPLESHIP/CROSS-EMBRACING FAITH, so that when the coming winds of adversity blow against the Church in America, you will not be swept away in it's dark wake? "Faith WITHOUT WORKS is dead, " declares God's word. "But be ye DOERS OF THE WORD, and not HEARERS ONLY, deceiving yourself."

The Holy Spirit is truly showing His people THINGS TO COME. He is giving us a sneak preview with a purpose. IT IS NOT GOD'S WILL THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, and that includes perishing by FALLING AWAY and denying our faith as well. We as Christians are called to be FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. True discipleship understands that we may be called upon to SUFFER for our faith, to lose everything for our faith, and ultimately to DIE for our faith and confession of Jesus Christ as well. And we are NEVER permitted to DENY JESUS BEFORE MEN. Not even to save our lives or the lives of those we love. Jesus declared that whoever would deny Him before men, the same will be denied before the Father in Heaven.

"IF ANY MAN WOULD COME AFTER ME, let him DENY himself, take up his cross and follow ME," said Jesus. "Whoever seeks to SAVE his life, the same shall lose it, and whoseover shall seek to LOSE HIS LIFE for MY SAKE and the sake of the Gospel, the SAME SHALL FIND IT. For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and LOSE HIS SOUL?"

Tragically, few pastors are truly preaching a CROSS EMBRACING DISCIPLESHIP Christianity in America today. It is not popular to human flesh! Carnal Christianity is preaching a false prosperity message, equating the faith with money and material possessions and "easy street Christianity" of the flesh. And few pastors in America are preparing God's people to realistically face the COMING PERSECUTION. I personally believe that the wrath of God is upon those pastors who KNOW all that I have warned about, and yet refuse for carnal reasons to WARN GOD'S PEOPLE. And I am convinced that the end result of this shall be that MANY SHALL FALL AWAY AND DENY HIM, even as Jesus warned his Disciples in Matthew 24. If God's people are not being prepared and built up in their faith and Biblical discipleship principles to withstand the coming times of testing, how then shall they be prepared? How then shall they stand? If much of what they are hearing are false prophesies uttered by false shepherds of "good things to come," as is the case in many churches, will they not be devastated when reality hits them unexpectedly some day? The obvious answer is YES. And such Christians unprepared also have the potential to FALL AWAY out of fear and threat of persecution. THEY WERE NOT PREPARED!

THIS IS WHY I HAVE LABORED FOR YEARS NOW to forewarn my endangered fellow Christians and Americans. The greatest tragedy is for A SOUL TO BE LOST. Christians who lose faith under persecution and are moved to DENY JESUS CHRIST will in fact lose their salvation, and the Bible makes this very clear. Both the clear words of Jesus Christ and those of His Apostles confirm the fact that we are required to remain FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH. We cannot deny Him for ANY reason!

I am therefore determined that NO MAN'S BLOOD will be on my hands. I am TELLING AMERICA THE TRUTH. I will do everything I can to forewarn God's people in this nation of what is to come against Christians in this final hour of America's destiny. I will do the job that many pastors refuse to do from their pulpits and that is to forewarn and prepare God's people for the Biblically prophesied COMING PERSECUTION. This is in fact what a faithful "watchman on the wall" is required by God to do. And I have done this now faithfully for 13 years.

Please, won't you receive a word of warning from the Word of God and His Holy Spirit? Will you not take the time to prepare your heart from God's word and prayer and fasting, so that having done ALL, you may then stand triumphantly in Jesus Christ to face the coming times in VICTORY? "And THIS is the VICTORY that overcomes the world, EVEN OUR FAITH!"
"And they overcame him [satan] by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB, and by the WORD OF THEIR TESTIMONY, and because they LOVED NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO THE DEATH." (Revelation 12:11) The call to FAITHFULNESS UNTO DEATH is clear. I therefore testify that your eternal soul and eternal destiny is at stake. Where shall YOU spend eternity some day?

-Pamela Schuffert

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Do Not Be Taken Alive To The Camps Under Martial Law

American Holocaust

By Pamela Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

Independent investigators and researchers like myself are hearing more and more from alternative news sources about the coming SWINE FLU PANDEMIC (all originating in Government/military labs of course) and the terrible FORCED INOCULATIONS they plan to impose on ALL citizens under this ruse. We are also hearing about the plan to arrest and take people TO THE CAMPS who refuse these deadly inoculations.

Forget their term for it:"QUARANTINE of swine flu vaccination resisters." Think instead "TERMINATION OF NWO RESISTERS," even as my former CIA/NWO agenda people warned me, who came out to blow the whistle on government NWO black ops and the REAL purpose of THE DETENTION CAMPS.

"Oh, ALL OF US IN THE CIA know about the detention camps in America and their purposes. We ALL know they are to TERMIANATE the future resisters of the NEW WORLD ORDER under martial law as the government brings it down...." (Source: Michael Maholy, 20 years ONI/CIA before becoming whistleblower exposing the NWO agenda.

This warning was further reiterated by former CIA assassin Elaine, who actually helped to plan the detention camps that will house and terminate future NWO resisters before coming out to blow the whistle. She told me while interviewing her:

"I tell you, it will be brutal rape, torture and death for NWO resisters once they get their hands on them and take them to the camps....."

Let's face it: you ARE already a "NWO resister" by now IF you know about this kind of government-censored information and have been following it for a while on alternate radio broadcasts and websites like mine!

I will say this again..and again...and again to my readers. Do NOT be taken alive to their FEMA/military (or any other) camps under any circumstances in the future. My CIA sources warned me, face to face as I interviewed them, of the many tragic horrors waiting for the unfortunate Americans who DO somehow get taken alive to the camps under martial law.

"NWO resisters" are considered committed Christians, Patriots, Constitutionalists, gun owners, etc. ANYONE who is already profiled through massive government spying on the American people, to be unwilling to cooperate with their nefarious plans to destroy our Constitutionally-based government, our cherished religious freedoms and rights, our sovereignty, our decidedly CHRISTIAN American founders and heritage, etc., has already been secretly labeled on massive government/military computer lists to be "RESISTERS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER" and marked for priority arrest, round-up, and transporting TO THE CAMPS to be "dealt with accordingly."

I challenge you to therefore stand your ground, defend your home and family, food supplies and possessions, and fight like honorable Patriotic men and woman of this nation who cherish their God-given freedoms and LIBERTY in the hour of coming confrontation.

You are under neither moral nor spiritual compulsion to meekly surrender your God-given rights and liberties to these NWO murderers, who will come in Satan's name and his NEW WORLD ORDER, to steal, kill and destroy the righteous and the innocent, to impose and install their satanic NWO agenda NOT BY CONSENT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, but by brutal force, under martial law.

In that great freedom-lovers' "BIG SKY state of MONTANA," I interviewed some courageous mountain men one day, who admitted to me the following: "Yes, Ma'am, we KNOW what their NWO agenda is, and it will be out of our cold dead hands they pry our guns , because we are NOT surrendering to the NEW WORLD ORDER! And we are NOT gonna be TAKEN ALIVE TO THEIR CAMPS!" (Good!)

I will never forget that interview. The REST of America should learn from their courageous and uncompromising example........

-Pamela Schuffert

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20 Signs That The Economic Collapse Has Already Begun For One Out Of Every Seven Americans

For most Americans, the economic collapse is something that is happening to someone else. Most of us have become so isolated from each other and so self-involved that unless something is directly affecting us or a close family member than we really don't feel it. But even though most of us enjoy a much closer relationship with our television sets than we do with our neighbors at this point, it is quickly becoming undeniable that a fundamental shift is taking place in society. Perhaps you noticed it when two or three foreclosure signs went up on your street. Or perhaps it got your attention when that nice fellow down the street lost his job, and he and his family seemingly just disappeared from the neighborhood one day. The Census Bureau made front page headlines all over the nation this week when they announced that one out of every seven Americans was living in poverty in 2009. Every single day more Americans are getting sucked out of the middle class and into soul-crushing poverty.

Unfortunately, most Americans don't really care because it has not affected them yet.

But this year, millions more Americans will discover that the music has stopped playing and they are left without a seat at the table.

Meanwhile, neither political party has a workable solution. They just like to point fingers and blame each other.

The Democrats blame Bush for all the poverty and advocate expanding programs for the poor. Not that there is anything wrong with a safety net. But the "safety net" was never meant to hold 50 million people on Medicaid and 40 million people on food stamps. The number of Americans on food stamps has more than doubled since 2007. So do we just double it again as things get even worse?

The truth is that welfare programs are only short-term solutions. Unfortunately, the Democrats do not understand this. What Americans really need are good jobs.

The Republicans are so boneheaded that they don't even like to talk about poverty because they think it is a "liberal issue". Some conservative commentators have even been so brutally cold as to mock the "99ers" (those who have been unemployed so long that even their extended federal benefits have run out).

Instead of showing some compassion and being the party of the American worker (as they should be), the Republicans are often very uncompassionate and they allow the Democrats to be "the party of the poor" by default.

Both political parties need a big wakeup call. There is a tsunami of poverty sweeping the United States, and somebody better wake up and do something about it. More handouts will help people get by in the short-term, but there is no way that the federal government can financially support tens of millions more poor Americans.

How long is it going to be before the "safety net" simply collapses under the weight of all this poverty?

The path we are on is not sustainable.

The economy is falling apart, and somebody better wake up and do something before even more Americans find themselves drowning in poverty.

The following are 20 signs that the economic collapse has already begun for one out of every seven Americans.....

#1 The Census Bureau says that 43.6 million Americans are now living in poverty and according to them that is the highest number of poor Americans in 51 years of record-keeping.

#2 In the year 2000, 11.3 percent of Americans were living in poverty. In 2008, 13.2 percent of Americans were living in poverty. In 2009, 14.3 percent of Americans were living in poverty. Needless to say the trend is moving in the wrong direction.

#3 In 2009 alone, approximately 4 million more Americans joined the ranks of the poor.

#4 According to the Associated Press, experts believe that 2009 saw the largest single year increase in the U.S. poverty rate since the U.S. government began calculating poverty figures back in 1959.

#5 The U.S. poverty rate is now the third worst among the developed nations tracked by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

#6 Today the United States has approximately 4 million fewer wage earners than it did in 2007.

#7 Nearly 10 million Americans now receive unemployment insurance, which is almost four times as many as were receiving it in 2007.

#8 U.S. banks repossessed 25 percent more homes in August 2010 than they did in August 2009.

#9 One out of every seven mortgages in the United States was either delinquent or in foreclosure during the first quarter of 2010.

#10 There are now 50.7 million Americans who do not have health insurance. One trip to the emergency room would be all it would take to bankrupt a significant percentage of them.

#11 More than 50 million Americans are now on Medicaid, the U.S. government health care program designed principally to help the poor.

#12 There are now over 41 million Americans on food stamps.

#13 The number of Americans enrolled in the food stamp program increased a whopping 55 percent from December 2007 to June 2010.

#14 One out of every six Americans is now being served by at least one government anti-poverty program.

#15 California's poverty rate soared to 15.3 percent in 2009, which was the highest in 11 years.

#16 According to an analysis by Isabel Sawhill and Emily Monea of the Brookings Institution, 10 million more Americans (including 6 million more children) will slip into poverty over the next decade.

#17 According to a recently released Federal Reserve report, Americans experienced a $1.5 trillion loss in combined household net worth in the second quarter of 2010.

#18 Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is actually lower in 2010 than it was in 1975.

#19 Median U.S. household income is down 5 percent from its peak of more than $52,000 in 1999.

#20 A study recently released by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College University found that Americans are $6.6 trillion short of what they need for retirement.

How anyone can look at those numbers and think that things are about to "get better" absolutely boggles the mind.

It is time to wake up.

Things are not going to get better.

Things are only going to get worse.

The United States is rapidly becoming a nation where poverty is absolutely rampant.

As poverty continues to spread, crime will not be far behind.

Meanwhile, the international community wants to impose a global tax on us so that they can "redistribute" even more of our wealth around the world.

The following was just reported by

A group of 60 nations will meet next week at the United Nations to push for a tax on foreign currency transactions as a way to generate revenue to meet global poverty-reduction goals, including “climate change” mitigation.

Well isn't that great? As American descends into poverty, the rest of the world is pushing for a global tax that will drain us of wealth even more.

It is just a tax on foreign currency transactions, but history has taught us that once taxers get their foot in the door they always go for more eventually.

Sadly, it is not just the United Nations that is discussing a global tax. In fact, the IMF and the World Health Organization have both been very open about the fact that they want to impose global taxes of their own.

Not that we aren't taxed enough already. We already pay dozens of different kinds of taxes each year, and 2011 is already being dubbed as "the year of the tax increase".

But most Americans don't have any more to give. Most Americans can barely make it from month to month. More Americans than ever are slipping into poverty.

What a mess we have on our hands.

Do any of you have any suggestions for how we should go about fixing all of this?

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Fascism in America, Government Complicit in Covert Spraying of the Gulf

By Alex Thomas
The Intel Hub

Today on The Intel Hub, award winning journalist Dahr Jamail reported some starling information on the situation in the gulf. The Gulf of Mexico has been poisoned beyond relief yet BP has continued to spray toxic dispersant. How is this happening in America? Agencies within the government have seemingly merged with the private sector, essentially creating a fascist American dictatorship.

Armed with a clever name, BP has set up an operation that enables them to find oil throughout the gulf and immediately disperse it. The Vessel of Opportunity Program has tasked BP workers with finding the oil, punching the coordinates into their GPS, and relaying it to command. Skiffs armed with toxic dispersant then descend upon the oil, continuing the cover up and chemical rape of the gulf. BP workers HAVE reported coming back to areas that they initially radioed in and seeing the obvious sign of dispersant deployment. Remember the pretend president and co. have repeatably insisted that dispersant hasn’t been sprayed since July 16th.

The mostly out of state workers have worn little to no protective gear, poisoning themselves while following orders to poison the gulf.

Dahr Jamail: Evidence Mounts of BP Spraying Toxic Dispersant

The amount of Corexit sprayed is, perhaps, the most important question that remains unanswered. Reports have varied with the most conservative estimates ranging from 1.8 to 2 million gallons.

“This is coming from a company that has lied about every single thing since day one. I have spoken to scientists[about the amount of dispersant sprayed] and estimates vary with the highest being 40 million gallons”

We have extensively documented the amount of sick people in the region and the reports have consistently gotten worse. Entire communities are reportedly vomiting blood and passing blood when they go to the bathroom. This revelation is stunning yet almost unexpected. We all know that the average lifespan of a worker from the Exxon Valdez Spill is 51. Unfortunately, the amount of dispersant sprayed in the gulf far surpasses the amount used in Alaska. What else could anyone planning on using Corexit think was going to happen?

People sickened by the spill have received no help from doctors in the area. Apparently doctors won’t even talk about anything that has to do with BP, including dispersant poisoning.

Documentary film maker James Fox has also reported the presence of 2-butoxyethanol in sediment in Florida.

“I was talking to a worker that worked in the Exxon Valdez disaster and they reported that the Corexit was so strong it would literally melt her boot. You can just imagine what this is doing to the wildlife.”

The wildlife in the area have been poisoned beyond belief. Massive fish kills have become a daily occurrence. Our sources on scene have personally told us that these fish kills are actually worse than reported. Seagulls have even refused to eat the dead fish. This is absolutely alarming considering that Obama recently shilled for BP by taking his daughter to, “swim” in the Gulf.

Staging areas have been set up with 370 gallon storage tanks that have been approved to hold dispersant. These staging areas serve as a command center where Carolina Skiffs are loaded and shipped out with their toxic concoction. While spraying from the water may eliminate the threat of direct contact with the chemical, it is actually worse when applied in bays and marshlands.

The fishing industry has been wrecked, perhaps beyond repair. Shrimpers aren’t catching shrimp, fish are dying, and the fisherman who have had their lives destroyed are being underpaid or not paid at all!

“Any line that previously existed between government and private corporations has been crossed. BP is calling the shots. Obama is basically being used as a spokesperson for a private company.”

This is total Fascism. The merging of government with private entities is a direct violation of the Constitution. This isn’t conspiracy theory, rogue elements of the government are working to further the interests of private corporations. Last week a Texas A&M scientist reported on national public radio that Department of Homeland Security agents confiscated his samples and told him to leave.

This isn’t just happening in the Gulf of Mexico. In another instance of obvious Fascism, DHS hired a private Israeli intelligence company to track anti-gas drilling activists in Pennsylvania.

The situation in the gulf isn’t going to change anytime soon. We must continue to expose this toxic situation and refuse to comply with the corporate takeover of America.

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French Report On Gulf 'Beyond Pollution' With Kindra Arnesen
Deborah Dupré
Human Rights Examiner

Gulf of Mexico region poisoning and associated fear, suppression and violence including stalking are highlighted in the new French TV report featuring Louisiana's citizen scientist, Kindra Arnesen entitled, France24 - Beyond Pollution with Kindra Arnesen, Although such information is censored in the United States, the French have added to the recent Australian SBS prime-time TV report on Gulf truth that relatively few Americans are provided.

France 24 news reporters accompany Arnesen collecting water and other samples for independent testing where she became under helicopter surveillance, assumed to be operated by BP.

"She wants evidence she and others can rely on."

The new French report embedded below includes a Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge graduate student "stalked" after undertaking comparative research involving polluted water since the spill. Such stalking, kept under surveillance, is a government sanctioned tactic painfully familiar to thousands of Targeted Individuals.

The French report highlights a Louisiana festival with people eating Gulf seafood with no hesitation, despite scientific reports proving it is tainted with poisons and reports of internal bleeding after eating it.

A New Orleans area Hospice group has disclosed information about "patients dying of internal bleeding and pneumonia after getting rashes and respiratory illness," and, "getting sick and bleeding internally after eating Gulf seafood." Due to fear for personal safety, this report is provided under anonymity.

Most locals were to afraid to speak to the French TV reporters according to their account, but one local said he's "seen so much" in the bayous. "I've seen dead fish..."

Arnesen with her children recently returned to her home town, Venice in south Louisiana after removing the children for health and safety reasons. She continues the "daily struggle" of worrying about her children's exposure to poisons that she explains, with both hands rubbing her watery eyes.

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