Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Officially Declared Nuclear Nightmare

Mark Sircus

Nothing good about the nuclear news at the end of August as we have official recognition (finally) of what is going on in Japan and thus what is threatening the rest of the world, especially the northern hemisphere. It is now being said that the amount of radioactive cesium that has leaked from a tsunami-hit nuclear plant is about equal to 168 of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima at the end of World War II, Japan’s nuclear agency said Friday the 26th.

That’s like dropping one nuclear weapon a day since the beginning of this disaster and this is what they have been calling safe, no problem, don’t worry about it, go home and go to sleep. Dr. Chris Busby tells us in the above video that he himself went to Japan with very sophisticated equipment and found areas in Tokyo that were 1,000 times higher than the exclusion zone around Chernobyl.

The report said the damaged plant has released 15,000 tera becquerels of cesium-137, which lingers for decades and could cause cancer, compared with the 89 tera becquerels released by the U.S. uranium bomb.

Now tell me who in their right mind would be comfortable being downwind of that? The answer to that one is very tragic and sad—millions are too comfortable and many more millions are simply unaware because they are not being told by their governments or the mainstream press. But today that finally changes!

A person can still squirm around this one with all their rationalizations but you can now count them—each nuclear explosion worth of radiation being pumped into the environment day after day after day.

The National Institute for Environmental Studies said its simulation of aerial flow, diffusion and deposition of the two isotopes released from the tsunami-hit plant showed their impact reached most of Japan’s eastern half, ranging from Iwate in the north to Tokyo and central prefecture (state) of Shizuoka. Both Iwate and Shizuoka are more than 180 miles (300 kilometers) away from the plant.

Tokyo is Finished

Time is running out for the 35 million people in the Tokyo metropolitan area and, in fact, in a year or two all of northern Japan will become quite uninhabitable for there is no way for them to stop the process once the fissioning materials work their way down into the earth and the water table below, which they have already done. (See my recent essay “The China Syndrome”.)

As radiation levels rise, some sanity has surfaced in Japan as the government lowered back down the radiation exposure limits for children to below one millisievert per year while at school. Following the accident, in a move that prompted outrage, Japan raised the exposure limit for both adults and children from one to 20 millisieverts per year, matching the maximum exposure level for nuclear industry workers in many countries.

Parents in Fukushima have since been calling on the government to lower limits at school, claiming that children face a higher risk from radiation-linked cancers and other diseases than adults, which of course is absolutely true. Radiation experts agree that children are at greatest risk from cancers and genetic defects because they are still growing, are more prone to thyroid cancers, and because they will have more time to develop health defects.

The news services continue to misrepresent the situation. “Areas surrounding Japan’s crippled Fukushima nuclear plant could remain uninhabitable for decades,” Reuters reported, when in reality it will be thousands of years at best. A brutal way of saying this is that the nuclear lobby is, all by itself, proving to be the undoing of the human race. But the British are still going to sing hail to the queen and the royal family, who are deeply wed to the uranium industry.

The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex “is still leaking low levels of radiation,” when it is still leaking high levels of radiation. “It could take more than 20 years before residents could safely return to areas with current radiation readings of 200 millisieverts per year, and a decade for areas at 100 millisieverts per year.” Someone is having a nuclear wet dream with these assumptions. Too many have swallowed hook, line and sinker the “safe, low-level, no harm, nothing to worry about” pronouncements in the press, so much so that they actually believe it. Humanity is stuck with Fukushima and all by itself it will badly pollute the north and, perhaps after some time, the south of our world as well.

New Data Supports Previous Fairewinds Analysis, as Contamination Spreads in Japan and Worldwide from Fairewinds Associates on Vimeo.

Newly released neutron data from three University of California San Diego scientists confirms Fairewinds’ April analysis that the disaster continues to contaminate the surrounding environment and upper atmosphere with large doses of radioactivity.

In a new revelation, the NRC claims that the plutonium found more than one mile offsite actually came from inside the nuclear reactors! If such a statement were true, it indicates that the nuclear power plant containments failed and were breached with debris landing far from the power plants themselves.

The bad idea of burning the radioactive materials (building materials, trees, lawn grass, rice straw) by the Japanese government will cause radioactive cesium to spread even further into areas within Japan that have been previously clean and across the Pacific Ocean to North America. Until very recently we in the West were considered barbarians by the Japanese. Perhaps when they burn these materials, knowing where some of that radiation is going, they are thinking of the old days. The real point here is that we are in trouble—serious trouble and we have not even begun to deal with this in our minds or hearts. We let the politicians lead us and now we see how high the price for that will go.

Governments Do Not Serve the People

Japan’s Prime Minister Naoto Kan has announced his resignation. Mr. Kan has been criticized for failing to show leadership after the devastating March 11 earthquake and tsunami, and ensuing nuclear crisis. The 64-year-old’s resignation had been widely expected, and comes amid tumbling public support. Kan is responsible more than anyone else for the government’s actions. As the disaster continues to unfold through the months and years to come it would not surprise me if Kan is shamed to the point of being invited to commit ritual suicide in Japanese fashion for his betrayal of the Japanese people.

Early on in the disaster, Toshiso Kosako, a Tokyo University professor, became senior nuclear adviser to Kan, then quickly resigned saying the government had ignored his advice and failed to follow the law, and had only taken ad hoc measures to contain the crisis at the crippled Fukushima nuclear power plant.

The Japanese government has yet to grasp the severity of the contamination within Japan, and therefore has not developed a coherent plan to protect its people from harm. Some say that without a cohesive plan, the radioactivity will continue to spread throughout Japan and around the globe further, but then again we might have to face the reality that there is nothing governments and industry can do now to mitigate the disaster.

Are People Dying Already?

I have already reported on increasing death rates for children under one year of age both on the east and west coasts of America and in western Canada. Some authorities have been bragging and waggling about the lack of deaths from this overblown disaster. But anyone who believes the authorities about anything these days needs to have his head examined.

A Japanese medical doctor recently sent me a translation of a blog in Japanese that talked about someone who lost three of his colleagues in two days. His translation stated that, “They were all involved in moving cars out of the evacuated areas early on at the request of evacuated families before the area became restricted. They were 32, 34, and 44, and first two died on August 9 and the third on August 10, all of heart attacks. (Not sure if it was really heart attacks or arrhythmia, since there was no autopsy done and the bodies were cremated.) There has been a middle-aged woman who was involved in a pet rescue, and she died of acute leukemia about a week after diagnosis in early August. She went to Fukushima at least once to pick up her relative’s dog that had been rescued, and she has a lot of family from Fukushima, so she might have been exposed to radioactive particles carried by those who had been exposed. She also seemed like the type of person who did not have good health to begin with.”

It is like vaccine deaths—so many of the sudden-infant and shaken-baby deaths can be blamed on anything but the real cause, which stems from the totally obnoxious toxins in vaccines. With the multiple vaccines given to children today, for them it’s like stepping into a boxing ring and having a hailstorm of punches delivered to their vulnerable young bodies.

Source: Dr. Mark Sircus Blog

Related: Dead Men Walking: Update on Fukushima

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Part II – Martial Law & FEMA Camp Conspiracy Theories

Kevin Hayden

Patriot Paranoia: Hayden Takes on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s Top Ten Conspiracy Theories

In this multi-part series, I’ll be offering responses to each of the SPLC’s Top Ten Conspiracy Theories. Part 1 – Chemtrails, can be found here. You can see my other articles covering the SPLC “paranoia” here, here and here as well.

Southern Poverty Law Center‘s Conspiracy Theory #2 - Martial Law

Quoted from their website -
If Patriot groups fear anything more than the water vapor in the sky, it is the imminent imposition of martial law. A longstanding and central plank of the Patriot catechism is the belief that one day — very soon! — federal forces, in league with the states, will suspend constitutional government and institute a police state.

During the first few years after the 9/11 attacks, this fear was also discussed on the left. But what was a temporary concern there has long been an absolute certainty on the far right. Today, hundreds of Patriot groups around the country are actively preparing for the declaration of martial law, some of them by mapping wilderness areas, learning how to set booby traps, studying and practicing guerrilla warfare tactics, and setting up short-wave radio communications systems. The question is not if, but when, the New World Order will come crashing down.

Patriot groups believe the legal groundwork for the inevitable imposition of martial law is being laid in Washington, within the pages of a steady stream of classified National Security documents and directives. At the local level, meanwhile, they suspect town and city governments are also in on the plan, as evidenced by their passing of emergency powers ordinances.

Once the legal mechanisms are in place, all that’s needed is a “crisis trigger,” for which Patriots are constantly on the lookout. Whether this trigger is real or manufactured matters less than the fact that it will succeed in frightening the population into submission and be used to justify suspension of the Constitution. This crisis trigger could take any form. Common scenarios suggested on Patriot discussion boards include economic collapse, followed by massive social unrest; a global (and likely government-created) pandemic; multiple acts of mega-terrorism (again, featuring government collusion); or possibly a fraudulent presidential election, resulting in rioting in major cities around the country.

Patriot groups often refer to the unelected junta that will rule the coming police state as a “metropolitan government.” This language, like the martial law scenario, has a long pedigree. As Patriot/survivalist Don Harkin explains in the Idaho Observer, a conspiracy rag popular among militia groups: “Metropolitan government was exposed in the late 1950s by Jo Hindman. … [Today] this unconstitutional form of government is being implemented all over the country — particularly in the nation’s more densely populated areas such as Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Portland and Seattle.”

Once the “metropolitan government” is instituted, most Patriots are certain they will immediately be rounded up and sent to internment camps — which takes us to our third conspiracy, FEMA Camps.

Southern Poverty Law Center‘s Conspiracy Theory #3 - FEMA Concentration Camps

Following the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Domestic Terrorism held hearings on the Patriot/militia subculture that bred and nurtured the bombers. Throughout the hearings, a running theme expressed by Patriots was a fear (Hayden’s abbreviated edit:) …[of gun confiscation]…. then send the members of Patriot militias or dissident citizens to internment camps run by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which most Patriot groups consider to be “the executive arm of the coming police state.”

The renewed chatter about “FEMA concentration camps” took many forms. Glenn Beck promised to “look into it.” Films such as “Camp FEMA: American Lockdown,” featuring conspiracy-monger Alex Jones, have been wildly popular on conspiracy-driven websites like martiallawsurvival.com, outselling all previous conspiracy-driven pseudo-documentaries. Aerial photographs, each supposedly showing secret government holding facilities, went viral on the Web. And of course, former Governor and Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura’s latest television series looked into the idea of FEMA camps on TRU TV, an episode that went viral within hours of debut.

A careful review of some of the photographs carried out by Popular Mechanics editor James Meigs made clear that the visual “evidence” was bogus in every instance. For example, a photograph of an alleged secret prison was actually a North Korean work camp. Other photographs showed nothing more sinister than well-known National Guard training centers and Amtrak rail yards. (Hayden’s Note: Keep this in mind. While a police officer in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, the Federal officials turned our Amtrak station into an internment camp and prison, complete with large dog kennel-like cells on the rail platform, excessive brutality and employing the NYPD’s Dept. of Corrections to handle jail operations. Much more about this in my rebuttal…)

Just as the agencies responsible for air travel and air quality have tried to respond to the chemtrails conspiracy allegations, so, too, has FEMA gone on record reassuring Americans that it has no intention of abrogating the Constitution or rounding up citizens. An internal FEMA memo, however, made clear that agency brass understands the losing-battle nature of trying to quell the conspiracies. “Most people know us as the agency that responds to natural disasters,” the memo read. “Others believe we have a somewhat sinister role. For the latter, it is not realistic to think that we can convince them otherwise and it is advisable not to enter into debate on the subject.”

Hayden’s Note:

For simplicity and because the idea of martial law and internment camps seem to run so closely together, I’ll be addressing both subjects in my rebuttal.

Definitions -

FEMA: The Federal Emergency Management Agency is an agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security, initially created by Presidential Order on 1 April 1979. The primary purpose of FEMA is to coordinate the response to a disaster that has occurred in the United States and that overwhelms the resources of local and state authorities.

Martial Law: …is the imposition of military rule by military authorities over designated regions on an emergency basis – usually only temporary – when the civilian government or civilian authorities fail to function effectively (e.g., maintain order and security, and provide essential services), when there are extensive riots and protests, or when the disobedience of the law becomes widespread.

As I research the endless ways in which to counter the SPLC’s idea that martial law is impossible and irrational, I look to our founding documents for guidance on the fundamentals. You may be familiar with the Posse Comitatus Act and the original Insurrection Act. If not;

The Posse Comitatus Act is a United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385) passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction, with the intention (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) of substantially limiting the powers of the federal government to use the military for law enforcement. The Act prohibits most members of the federal uniformed services (today the Army, Navy, Air Force, and State National Guard forces when such are called into federal service) from exercising nominally state law enforcement, police, or peace officer powers that maintain “law and order” on non-federal property (states and their counties and municipal divisions) within the United States.

The statute generally prohibits federal military personnel and units of the National Guard under federal authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within the United States, except where expressly authorized by the Constitution or Congress. The Coast Guard is exempt from the Act.

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is the set of laws that govern the US President’s ability to deploy troops within the United States to put down lawlessness, insurrection and rebellion. The laws are chiefly contained in 10 U.S.C. § 331 – 10 U.S.C. § 335. The general aim is to limit Presidential power as much as possible, relying on state and local governments for initial response in the event of insurrection. Coupled with the Posse Comitatus Act, Presidential powers for law enforcement are limited and delayed.

On September 30, 2006, the Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill.

Section 1076 of the law changed Sec. 333 of the “Insurrection Act,” and widened the President’s ability to deploy troops within the United States to enforce the laws. Under this act, the President may also deploy troops as a police force during a natural disaster, epidemic, serious public health emergency, terrorist attack, or other condition, when the President determines that the authorities of the state are incapable of maintaining public order. The bill also modified Sec. 334 of the Insurrection Act, giving the President authority to order the dispersal of either insurgents or “those obstructing the enforcement of the laws.” The law changed the name of the chapter from “Insurrection” to “Enforcement of the Laws to Restore Public Order.”

Senator Leahy remarked on September 19, 2006, “we certainly do not need to make it easier for Presidents to declare martial law. Invoking the Insurrection Act and using the military for law enforcement activities goes against some of the central tenets of our democracy….”

Luckily, rational members of Congress were able get it repealed it in it’s entirety under the 2008 Defense Authorization Bill. It should be noted however, when President Bush signed the 2008 Act into law, he also issued a signing statement which, though vague, seems to declare that he does not recognize the new limitations. The reason that this is very important is that it shows the Executive Branch is seeking this power and believes it is entitled to it lawfully. A basic understanding of the Constitution would quickly prove otherwise. But did that stop them from trying to gain these powers again? Most certainly not.

In January of 2010, President Barrack Obama signed Executive Order 13528. This order, which establishes a “Council of Governors” appointed directly by the President, is for the expressed purpose of circumventing The Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Act and building a national/domestic police partnership. The opening statement of this order reads:

“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,” it is hereby ordered as follows…

Gary D. Barnett explained it nicely when he said,

“This executive order was issued for one purpose only, and that is to build a “legal” partnership between the federal government’s national military force and the domestic police state so that they become one and the same. But in reality, this “partnership” would be controlled by the executive branch of the federal government; this being the most dangerous kind of fascism. Nothing could be more treacherous or more of a threat to liberty than for one man, the president of this now “United State,” to have the power to control and use in domestic matters the entire federal military, the National Guard, the Reserves, the Coast Guard and all state police organizations. This would effectively give the president the power to establish Martial Law over the entire country at any given time of his choosing.”

A lengthy list of other Executive Orders that could easily allow for the complete takeover of the United States, including power, communications, transportation, food and fuel by the Executive Branch can be found in my article here, Martial Law, Economic Meltdown and Executive Orders.

A brief reading of Section 2 of Executive Order 13528 describes and outlines the functions of this new “partnership” and “Council of Governors,” documenting who is involved and what is intended to be shared. It lists the Dept. of Homeland Security, Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, NORTHCOM, Intergovernmental Affairs, Secretary of Defense, National Guard and many, many more.

“Besides the fact that virtually every major agency of force, both federal and domestic, is listed [within Section 2], the one standout is the inclusion of the United States Northern Command or “NORTHCOM.” On October 1st, 2008, the 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team, an elite combat squad returning from Iraq, became the first active-duty military unit to be dedicated and deployed for domestic duties. They are under direct control of U.S. Army North, the Army service component of NORTHCOM. In addition, 20,000 more federal troops are to be added before 2011. Of course, this violates the Posse Comitatus Act and the original Insurrection Act; those two acts that forbid the federal government from using the military for domestic law enforcement…”

Hurricane Katrina & Martial Law, 2005

During Hurricane Katrina, I was able to witness many of these breaches of the Posse Comitatus Act and Insurrection Act firsthand. As a New Orleans police officer, I was on the front lines of the chaos that ensued and was able to witness many things you only see in movies, in some far off 3rd world country. And this was very clearly done before the Posse Comitatus and Insurrection Acts were ever modified; this was long before the President’s new Executive Order and Council of Governors. This was during a period where it was clearly defined in the law - Federal Troops can NOT be used for domestic law enforcement.

Many people mention this when talking of the standoff that happened in Waco, Texas many years ago at the Branch Davidian building. The ATF and other Federal agencies were at a stand-still and requested military vehicles and support. Publicly, they were turned down due to the Posse Comitatus Act. The military could not assist the Federal Agents in enforcing domestic laws.

But in New Orleans, no one seemed to care when the Humvees rolled down Bourbon Street, with thermal-imaging cameras mounted on the roof and federally-controlled troops at the helm (first on-scene were the Oklahoma National Guard due to the Louisiana National Guard being deployed overseas, therefore both under Federal control). Everything from Chinook helicopters to Blackhawks, combat medics to infantry were patrolling the neighborhoods and streets of New Orleans. Although completely illegal, it went unspoken due to the deteriorated state that the city was in. Months passed and the troops were still on the streets, in an ever-increasing presence with assault weapons. Federal troops began making traffic stops in their Humvees, displaying red and blue police lights or simply boxing vehicles in and forcing them to physically stop. They began making municipal and state arrests, including narcotics violations, stolen vehicles and simple trespassing. It continued escalating, with the police department starting to train many of them in how to write NOPD incident reports and arrest reports.

By the next year, during Mardi Gras (February and March 2006), troops under Federal control were assigned to the parade routes and major intersections. Large infantry trucks and Humvees were seen everywhere throughout the city. Uniformed troops were posted at street corners, weapons slung at the low-ready. But no one said anything.

I was assigned to the parade route, as I volunteered for it each year due to the community interaction. I began talking with several soldiers, asking them under what authority were they able to block streets, carry weapons within the city and enforce our local and state laws? Several seemed stunned by my questions and had no answer. One intrepid young MP pulled a folded-up paper from his pocket and presented it to me. It was a faded, copied page from the Governor’s original Declaration of Emergency.

He simply said, without being able to explain, “That gives us the power to be the police…that’s why we’re here.” I looked at him in amazement, speechless. I had to explain to him in very blunt terms that he was not a police officer. He was not a commissioned member of any law enforcement agency and most certainly was not a sworn officer, vested with the authority and responsibility to enforce New Orleans municipal law and state codes. His only rebuttal was his little folded paper, yet again.

The stories that I’ve heard and the incidents I’ve witnessed from Hurricane Katrina would frighten most if they ever heard them and give pause for the reality of martial law here in America, even for the staunchest of government supporters.

Amtrak Railyard Detention Centers

I’ve heard a million and one stories about Amtrak railyards being used for internment and detention. I’ve seen the YouTube videos of large railyards, supposedly ready to house thousands within their barbed-wire fences and herded onto railcars like cattle. While some videos are rather interesting, they provide hardly any credible information or evidence of their actual purpose – only speculation and assumptions.

On or around the middle of September, 2005, when the Federal agencies and other supporting departments arrived in New Orleans to assist with Katrina and began setting up their camps and getting settled in, I began to witness some very disturbing events. At the time, I had been a police officer for roughly two years; still with my rookie mentality of “arrest everyone, let the Judge sort’em out!” But Katrina changed that very rapidly.

While patrolling the streets of New Orleans, I would pass literal convoys of NYPD and California Highway Patrol cars, headed the opposite direction on some unknown assignment. Lacking radio communication with the hundreds of various agencies in town, it was impossible to coordinate anything unless a liason was assigned to that particular unit. With 600 deserters within the NOPD alone, that task was simply impossible and so these other agencies were, at best, being directed by the Feds and very loosely and vaguely from the top brass of the New Orleans Police Department.

Due to the flood waters engulfing Central Lock-up (the nation’s largest municipal jail, even though it served a city of only 500k), the Union Passenger Terminal (Amtrak station) located at 1001 Loyola Ave was turned into the new lock-up. My first interaction with this place was when my partner and I had arrested a looter who was a bit unruly. After 15 minutes of lousy radio communications and trying to figure out where to take prisoners, we were directed to the Amtrak station. While enroute, the arrested subject continued to spit at my partner and I, constantly tried to bite us and once inside the Amtrak Station, began cursing and screaming at everyone who would look his way. While this happens occasionally with drunks, apparently those in charge of the new “detention center” were none too thrilled.

We were approached by several uniformed members of the New York Police Department’s Correctional team, who were effectively operating and in command of the jail in New Orleans. After placing a bag over the subject’s head, they took him towards a back room that was cordoned off. The arrested subject was kicking, screaming and fighting the entire way down the hall. After six or seven minutes had passed, they returned with the prisoner, who was now crying and apologizing. He was then handed off to another DoC member who eventually took him out to the rail platform where large dog kennel-like cages were placed in between the support beams of the platform. Each cage had a porta-john toilet and nothing else, many of them housing anywhere from five to fifteen prisoners. Officers from various agencies stood guard on the platform, some visibly armed with shotguns.

During my many trips to this “detention camp,” the cages were always filled with arrestees yelling for a phone call, to speak with their attorney or asking what they were being charged with. Some were even asking where they were at. Many times, the response from the law enforcement agents standing watch would be a 12 gauge beanbag round fired into the thigh or pelvis.

Martial Law Mentality

Over the next few weeks, things began operating somewhat smoother, with municipal logistics starting to regain their composure but the police, Feds and military still controlled every faucet of the city, including anyone coming into or attempting to exit New Orleans. Effectively, the city was under lock and key and you could not move without fear of being arrested, shot or harrassed by anyone from the California Highway Patrol, Border Patrol, FBI, military, local cops, Texas Rangers, small town sheriffs from Nebraska or Utah, Immigration and Customs Enforcement or the plethora of SWAT Teams who had descended upon the city, some even driving cross-country in their armored vehicles. Even the police weren’t safe – several were threatened by foreign private security contractors, namely the Israelis, and denied access to certain streets and neighborhoods.

The city imposed a strict curfew, with everyday citizens getting caught in the net while many of the criminal element knew how to avoid the police and went unscathed. Businesses of all types began to be harrassed – diners, cafes, coffe shops and especially bars. Many times, a half dozen Humvees would roll up to these businesses and order everyone to disperse under threat of arrest. Obviously, most people immediately complied but after awhile, people began to resist this oppressive tactic. Businesses began locking their doors shortly before curfew times in order to discourage customers being out after the city-mandated decree and also to avoid the penalties for having patrons inside after 7 or 8pm. But even then, troops and local cops would threaten to kick in the doors if they were not granted immediate access. Mass arrests were soon made at numerous cafes and bars, many times an hour before the city-imposed curfew took effect.

I happened to respond to one of these events. When I arrived on scene, I found a dozen troops with M16 rifles and another dozen NOPD officers huddled around four citizens, all handcuffed together. Some of them were crying, some were just silently sobbing, asking what was going on. When one particular Sergeant’s authority was questioned by a small female, he slapped her and exclaimed, “Take’em all to jail! F*ck’em! Write’em up for curfew charges…” At this point I intervened and began asking what exactly he planned to charge them with as there were no city or state laws regarding curfews for adults. When I tried to explain to him that if he wanted to proceed properly, he would have to find the emergency powers act and cite specific sections of that for the violation – instead, he said it was easier to simply arrest them all using the the municipal Juvenile Curfew code.

Something to take note of is that these were regular citizens, trying to rebuild their lives and make sense out of just losing everything they owned, myself included. These were not looters, criminals or insurgents. These were doctors, construction workers, students, relief and medical responders and of course the famous New Orleans restaurant personnel.

After arguing with the Sgt. and other officers for a bit, I was instructed to “get off the scene…” The sheer mentality of what I was witnessing was that of power-hungry, jack-booted Nazi thugs. This doesn’t even scratch the surface of what happened during those months, including officer-involved murders, mass theft and blatant looting by law enforcement, including Lt’s and Captains, and more.

My point is that when traditional social rules break down, it takes only days – if not mere hours for a Gestapo-like police state to exist. In fact, even without outside influences and legal precedants, many police officers will naturally progress towards this herd mentality, especially if encouraged or informed that they have special/emergency authority. In an almost tribal sort of way, the police department fractured and groups of officers began doing anything they wanted. Some maintained their patrols and attempted to provide law and order. Some took over private homes, others took over businesses, schools or gas stations. Other groups of officers merely went on killing sprees, literally. No business or personal property was safe due to the police having been granted [falsely] “the authority to seize and confiscate what was needed,” even from private possession with absolutely zero oversight.

Gun Confiscation Under Martial Law

Obviously, I can’t mention New Orleans and Katrina without touching on the rampant gun confiscation that occurred. The NRA, ABC, Fox and many more reported on this at length but focused on what Superintendent of Police Compass said when he stated, “…no one will be armed…only law enforcement will be allowed to have guns….” What many of the mainstream media failed to address was the literal door-to-door searches that were conducted by the military and various police agencies. By now, most people have seen or read about the elderly lady who had her revolver brutally confiscated from her. But what goes unsaid is the fact that members of the New Orleans Police Dept and supporting military units were instructed to seize all firearms in an effort to “take back the city.” While searching each house for bodies or survivors, officers would “confiscate” any firearms discovered in empty homes. Very few of these ever made it into the hastily-set up “Central Evidence & Property” location. Even when citizens were encountered with legally owned firearms, they were disarmed at gunpoint, brutally beaten with 2×4′s, pipes or pistol-whipped and most have never been able to recover their weapons, even 5 years later.

Reports from a group who were crossing the Ponchartrain Lake by boat to enter the city state that St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Deputies stopped and boarded their boat, seized all firearms and ordered them to turn around.

One citizen, JoAnn Guidos, owned a pub in New Orleans. After the hurricane, she kept the pub open for two weeks serving drinks and food to neighborhood people, law enforcement officers, and press. She didn’t want to evacuate because she was afraid of looters coming through and destroying the place and burning it down, which she claimed happened all around the area.

After a couple weeks, Guidos and friends decided to lock up and leave, since it was still very hot and humid and there was still no power. While loading up her van to leave she had her Browning shotgun and .38 revolver on her, when five U.S. Marshals armed with M-16s saw her and forced her to give up her weapons. Despite her request, no ID nor receipts were given by the Marshals.

In November of 2008 she completed the paperwork to receive her weapons, and never heard back. The New Orleans city attorney Papai claimed he contacted her several times, and even showed a letter he sent to her, but the letter was dated three weeks previous to her filing of the paperwork.

I could cite hundreds of examples of this, but the clear fact is that law enforcement and city leaders took it upon themselves to disarm the population and violate their 2nd amendment rights. The water had long ago receded and dried up; their reasoning behind violating citizen’s rights were due to the power and lights still being out and theft occurring. As the Southern Poverty Law Center would have you believe, conspiracy theorists think that some major, national disaster must occur (“some “trigger”"), ending all life as we know it before martial law and gun confiscation begin. All it took in New Orleans was a flood and suddenly Federal, State and local officials threw their sworn oaths in the trashcan and began acting like lawless rogues - all on their own.

National Level Exercises and FEMA Camps

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), along with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other government institutions conducted an 8-day anti-terror and disaster exercise from May 1st through May 8th 2008 called National Level Exercise 2-08. I covered this exercise in great detail while I was still on the air, co-hosting the radio show Truth is Treason using press releases from FEMA and U.S. Northern Command as source material.

According to those reports, the federal government had leased out the entire National Cattle Congress fairgrounds until May 25th for the exercise and began moving large trailers, mobile homes, barbed-wire fencing and electrical and mechanical systems such as heating and air into the fairgrounds. Initial speculation and theories thought that the involvement of ICE was a cover for a FEMA Camp-type drill. I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt and personally believed that it was merely another emergency/disaster preparation drill. I soon realized that I was horribly mistaken.

According to the Des Moines Register’s report;

“Tim Counts, a Midwest spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, known as ICE, declined to say Monday whether an immigration raid is pending that would use the fairgrounds as a detention center. He declined to say whether the “exercise” involves training or an immigration enforcement operation.”

Representatives of Gov. Chet Culver and U.S. Sens. Tom Harkin and Charles Grassley said they had no information about what was happening at the Cattle Congress fairgrounds.

At Grassley’s request, his staff called ICE officials on Monday.

“During the call, the ICE officials would neither confirm nor deny anything to Senator Grassley’s staff,” said Beth Pellett Levine, a Grassley aide.

The apparent involvement of FEMA and ICE indicated that the purpose of this exercise was to test their FEMA camp deployment apparatus using the round-up of illegal aliens as a test case. And that’s exactly what happened soon after setting up.

Several large busses and SUVs pulled into the AgriProcessors, Inc. factory nearby and conducted a raid, searching for illegal aliens. After arresting a large number of illegals, they were transported back to the Fairgrounds for processing and questioning. Most were released after processing and a brief detention, citing “humanitarian reasons.” ICE and FEMA then packed up and left town. Many believe that this was simply a live-fire exercise for both agencies to test inter-operability when having to process hundreds or thousands of citizens. Otherwise, why was it an official “National Level Exercise”? Most NLEs are merely disaster training with fake victims, such as a simulated airplace crash, toxic spill or similar. They don’t actually conduct raids with live rounds and make arrests.

The instances and examples of FEMA concentration-like camps or exercises is endless. I have yet to form the opinion that the Powers That Be are actually setting up and preparing these internment camps, but then again… what happened to the American-Asian population after World War II? Many were rounded up and placed in detention camps. With the fast pace of technology today and the ever-increasing use of secret prisons, torture, “black-bagging” and warrantless spying, it would be incredibly easy for government agents to create a vast database of “dissidents.” We already see the beginnings of these sort of “lists” with the “No-Fly List,” Fusion Center Intelligence Reports on harmless political activists and rallies, and more. Like all naturally-progressing entities, who or what could stop this sort of action?

HR 645 and SB 3476

Many FEMA camp theorists make mention of either H.R. 645, which was introduced in 2009 or Senate Bill 3476, introduced in 2010 when citing examples of government-sponsored internment camps. While reading the latest version of the bills, titled ‘National Emergency Centers Establishment Act’ does give pause for concern, so far there has been no concrete evidence of nefarious intentions or use. The rationale behind this theory is that the legislation serves as a mechanism of control and legality if the authorities need facilities to hold large amounts of dissenting people or insurgents.

In the bill, it suggests building “Emergency Centers” on military installations in the respective FEMA zones of operation with an initial budget of $180 million. The Centers are defined as being a place where “refugees” or victims of a catastrophic event could be temporarily housed and fed. While the initial budget isn’t much when compared to the billions of dollars poured into Dept of Defense projects and intelligence operations, the bill targets military bases that can be easily converted or refurbished – some not needing anything more than the power to be restored. So just how much chainlink fencing and barbed wire can $180,000,000 buy?

But what about the other indicators or suspicious pieces of legislation? Let’s look at a few additional pieces of circumstantial evidence…

Army Regulation 210–35

Civilian Inmate Labor Program

Chapter 1

1–1. Purpose
This regulation provides Army policy and guidance for establishing civilian inmate labor programs and civilian prison
camps on Army installations. Sources of civilian inmate labor are limited to on– and off–post Federal corrections
facilities, State and/or local corrections facilities operating from on–post prison camps pursuant to leases under Section
2667, Title 10, United States Code…

While most of this Army regulation is innoculous, it sets the groundwork required to implement any actual detention camps on military installations. Currently, it only pertains to civilian inmates already in custody and only through those prison bodies that have an agreement to provide no-cost labor to the Federal Bureau of Prisons. Many county jails and state prisons have this agreement in-place because it carries with it some benefits and perks.

While this is extremely circumstantial, it does add to the speculation and theories regarding future internment camps. Let’s continue on to some more legislation…

Rex 84 – Readiness Exercise 1984

Rex 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984, is a contingency plan developed by the United States Federal government to suspend the United States Constitution, declare martial law, place military commanders in charge of state and local governments, and detain large numbers of American citizens who were deemed to be “national security threats”, in the event that the President declared a “State of Domestic National Emergency”. The plan stated that events that might cause such a declaration would be widespread U.S. opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad, such as if the United States were to directly invade Central America. To combat what the government perceived as “subversive activities” by American citizens, the plan also authorized the military to directly order movements of civilian populations at state and regional levels.

Rex 84 was written by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, who was both the National Security Council White House Aide and NSC liaison to FEMA, and John Brinkerhoff, the deputy director of “national preparedness” programs for FEMA. They patterned the plan on a 1970 report written by FEMA chief Louis Giuffrida, at the Army War College, which proposed the detention of up to 21 million “American Negroes”, if there were a black militant uprising in the United States. Existence of a master military contingency plan (of which REX-84 was a part), “Garden Plot” and a similar earlier exercise, “Lantern Spike” were originally revealed by journalist Ron Ridenhour, who summarized his findings in “Garden Plot and the New Action Army.”

A great book to read for similar information on Rex 84 and civil disturbance being a trigger for martial law is Police State America: US Military ‘Civil Disturbance’ Planning

Police State America: US Military ‘Civil Disturbance’ Planning

Price: $11.80

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In shocking detail, the meticulously researched articles in this anthology expose the national security state’s blueprint for destroying the Republic and crushing dissent. Deploying ‘civil disturbance’ strategies as part of a comprehensive doctrine of ‘homeland defense’, police, national guard and Army counterinsurgency units are gearing up for ‘operations other than war’ in US cities. Contributors include Frank Morales, Michael Novick, Ron Ridenhour, Arthur Lubow, Mitzi Waltz and Douglas Valentine.

Banker Bailout and Threats of Martial Law

During House debate on the banker “rescue” bill in October of 2008, Rep. Brad Sherman told his fellow Congressmen the government will declare martial law and the stock market will drop 3,000 points if the bill is not passed.

“The panic-mongers were to the point of telling people the market would drop 3,000 points and there would be martial law,” said Sherman.

Sherman’s comment was not in the same context as a comment issued by Rep. Michael Burgess earlier that week. Burgess had stated Pelosi threatened to invoke House rule XIII(6)(a), described as “martial law,” intended to suspend normal procedures and safeguards and thus allowing the House leadership to operate in a more authoritarian fashion. Representative Sherman, however, said the threats of martial law that were conveyed to him were aimed at Wall Street and Main Street and not used in a Congressional manner.

Whether key players in the Federal government intended to instill fear about “Congressional Martial Law” in order to get the bill passed or actual martial law on the streets of America is up to debate, depending on who’s side you’re on. Regardless, Congressional martial law is something to be concerned about as well, especially when regarding such a massive, important bill as the Bailout was. To instill fear and terror in order to accomplish a political agenda is called terrorism.

Closing Arguments

While much of this is circumstantial, there is a growing amount of legislation and evidence pointing towards the fact that the Federal Government might be considering martial law – either as a pre-emptive strike against dissidents within America or as a retalitory, defensive measure against some “triggering event,” such as the current economic meltdown. If Americans were to start taking to the streets as we’ve seen in France, Greece and elsewhere, we very well might see some of these measures put into place.

Again, my point is not to prove that martial law is being planned or whether FEMA camps exist. Instead, I seek to merely counter the Southern Poverty Law Center’s notion that martial law is impossible and irrational or simply a product of extremist views. At this current junction of America, nothing is impossible.

With the conclusion of Theories 1, 2 and 3, we move on to #4 – Foreign Troops on US Soil.

#1 Chemtrails

#2 Martial Law

#3 FEMA Camps

#4 Foreign Troops on U.S. Soil

#5 ‘Door-to-Door’ Gun Confiscations

#6 9/11 as Government Plot

#7 Population Control


#9 The Federal Reserve Conspiracy

#10 The North American Union

Source: Truth is Treason

Martial Law, Economic Meltdown & Executive Orders

Kevin Hayden

Originally written Oct 18, 2010 @ 06:40

We have all watched in predicted horror as the financial infrastructure of America has been disassembled in a predetermined fashion by the likes of Goldman Sachs, the Federal Reserve and other Globalists. There are a variety of reasons why this is happening, none of which we have the power to change or alter in time to save us. Therefore, I will focus on what is to come and how we might handle it in order to survive it.

With the Federal Reserve actually suggesting that inflation might be the cure to the weak economy, massive unemployment numbers and a crashing dollar, one has to stop and ponder. The chairman of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, was a child prodigy, scored a near perfect SAT score, focused his studies around the Great Depression and is a statistical genius. So why is he so willing to abuse the Dollar and essentially sign the death warrant for America?

For several years, many prominent people have been predicting this exact scenario. Gerald Celente, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff and others including the Web Bots Project, have detailed how this orchestrated financial implosion will occur. Many of these “predictions” or trends analysis are from late 2009 or early 2010. Most, if not all, are eerily starting to come true.

The sad fact is that many of the people currently in power are globalists or a minion thereof. Timothy Geithner, Paul Volcker, Henry Paulson … these people hold some of the most powerful positions in the world but they’re not Presidents or Heads of State. They’re not royalty. No.

They are, however, the ones who control the money and financial policy of the United States of America.

“Give me control over a nations currency, and I care not who makes its laws.”
Baron M.A. Rothschild

Orchestrated Meltdown & the Tea Party

By controlling the flow and direction of money, they are free to do as they please. A simple “divide and conquer” masquerade is offered for the peasants to consume and become distracted by. Every week, a new diversion is offered – President Obama’s birth certificate, Republican vs. Democrat, Dancing with the Stars, Christine O’Donnell is a witch or Lindsey Lohan enters drug rehab yet again. Perhaps we learn about another sex scandal involving Governor Rick Perry or the football players are on strike again.

The current “Tea Party” is a prime example of this divide & conquer attempt. It should be noted, the Republican tea parties and the original Campaign for Liberty are nothing alike. In 2007 and 2008, Ron Paul followers began a massive grassroots movement which spread like a wildfire across angry voters on both sides of the aisle. Liberals and Conservatives stood next to each other while greeting Moderates and Extremists. Many apathetic, disillusioned voters were so moved by the passionate speeches of Ron Paul that they began to become heavily involved in politics. An attempt to Audit the Fed was a centerpiece, knowing that the Federal Reserve is one of the “men behind the green curtain.” An unprecedented partnership was formed across the spectrum and the movement grew loud, demanding accountability, transparency, more freedom and an end to the current wars.

Fearing the worst, agents of the globalist banking cartel went into action. As Rahm Emanuel, the White House spokesman, said, “You can’t let a good crisis go to waste….a crisis allows you to do things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.” (Such as the Patriot Act and occupying multiple countries?) They moved their diversion tactics into high gear, with commentators on MSNBC and FOX appealing for patriotic “tea parties” across the country to unite against the banking bailout and stimulus package offered by Obama. They did this knowing that no amount of ranting and raving by citizens would change anything and they could be left in peace to continue the takeover while the peasants waved signs and yelled at Congress.

In order for this takeover to succeed, they had to first destabilize any real resistance. They immediately began shifting Ron Paul into the fringe category, denied him access to the primary debates and waged classic gestapo-like warfare on the citizens who were starting to wake up. The Southern Poverty Law Center, who now partially operates under the auspice of the Department of Homeland Security, began to demonize so-called Patriots and Constitutionalists. They needed to make sure that the wave of Ron Paul supporters – the ones who were awake and aware of who the enemy truly was – could be silenced or ignored. They began to label Constitutionalists and Libertarians as “extremists” and categorized them as violent militia members. This attempt went so far as to have the Missouri Intelligence Center issue a report clearly stating that vehicles displaying a Ron Paul sticker or supporters of Bob Barr, Barry Goldwater and others should be approached with caution during traffic stops, propping up the fear mongering in the law enforcement world where it could be put to good use by obediant police officers.

They knew these patriots, along with many 2nd amendment activists, disgruntled military veterans and Libertarians would be the first to resist. And so they had to run a few headlines on the mainstream media in order to encourage moderates not to listen to them or join their ranks.

Groups such as ‘FreedomWorks’ and the Tea Party Express began popping up all over the radar. These were self-described groups of Tea Partiers but failed to have any ties to Ron Paul or the initial liberty movement. In fact, many of those attending the rallies were George Bush loyalists, classic war-mongering Neocons and Corporate Republicans railing against the man. It quickly became apparent that these groups were funded and started by shady, wealthy individuals with a political agenda who sought to capitalize on the growing movement with no respect to it’s origins.

The groups began propping up the likes of Sarah Palin as their mascot and focused on minor, trivial issues at rallies across the country. They offer stereotypical sound bytes for mass media consumption and stagnate the political process with rhetoric about the welfare state, immigration and Obama. The real enemies are now left to their own devices on Wall Street as the peasants fight among themselves over religion, gay marriage and what Arab country should be invaded next.

This has been my own experience at a recent gun show and several tea party rallies. Everyone I talked to said the same things, “That socialist Obama is wrecking the economy and the illegal immigrants are going to bankrupt us! We need to throw the Democrats out of Congress and take over so we can make real change!” This was literally the same thing that over a dozen “patriots” said to me, completely oblivious to the fact that while illegal immigration is a major problem and does cost a lot of money, it is a penny in the bucket compared to what Wall Street and the multi-national corporations are doing to us. They fail to realize that the banking cartel owns both the Republicans and Democrats. The globalists own the media, the newspapers, the “fair and balanced” talk shows and more. Glenn Beck said it best, “I could give a flying crap about the political process.” Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. “We’re an entertainment company,” Beck says.

Carroll Quigley, the unofficial historian for the Globalists and Elites, said in his book Tragedy and Hope, “The two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can ‘throw the rascals out’ at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy.” It should be no surprise to anyone, of course, that during his tenure as a professor at Georgetown in the 1960′s, Quigley became the mentor to a young Bill Clinton.

So as more and more voters flock to these false tea party affiliate groups, their “voter angst” is quickly satiated by the waving of a Gadsden flag and yelling some coin-phrase about Socialism, all the while, no real harm has come to the establishment and Wall Street. The Globalists are free to sit back and laugh at the serfs as they complete their exit strategy, pilfering every last cent they can muster.

To use an analogy; we’re all on the Titanic with the White House at the helm of the ship. The Globalists and banking cartel know there is an iceberg ahead – in fact, they placed it directly in our path in order to speed up the sinking process while they continued to sell worthless tickets to the life rafts. Obama, like so many Presidents before him, was promised a VIP seat in the executive’s life boat. But being used by the elites doesn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. No, in fact, he happily sold his soul in order to be the first black President and make history. I suppose we all have our price. (There is also a long, sordid past involving his mother working for multiple CIA front organizations ((micro-financing, accounting, loans, etc)) and meeting his biological father in a Russian speaking class at the University of Hawaii…but that’s for another time and another article.)

Martial Law & Executive Orders

As the bond markets quickly sour and the market tries desperately to maintain it’s hold, many foreign countries are already making their exit plans from the dollar and when this happens en masse, you will hear the American Economy and our way of life take it’s final breath. It will very quickly lead us to a complete and utter shattering of the US Dollar.

Inflation, offered by the Federal Reserve as a solution, will rage out of control. The bond market, already suffering severely, will be the final death blow from the multiple bubbles of the past 10 years – including the housing market, the derivatives schemes, the out of control spending on illegal wars and the never-ending military-industrial-intelligence community.

As the engineered crisis swings into full global financial meltdown, we enter the classic Hegelian Dialectic method of ‘Problem, Reaction, Solution.’

Allow me to explain – The Globalists and elites have an agenda. They already know how they want this to end, as with any engineered crisis. Recall what Rahm Emaneul said about exploiting a crisis and it will start to unfold. The Powers That Be create or exploit a problem, blaming it on others. The citizens react, asking government to fix their problems, even if it means giving up certain rights or liberties. The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis.

And that solution is total control and domination. An increased military-police-state. A cashless, unarmed society full of GMO food and mercury-laden vaccines. Half a billion citizens dependant on the government for the next day’s meal. We are entering 1984. But first, the birthing pains of the new era – the New World Order.

In order to achieve this, a rock-bottom effect has to unravel and the crashing of the US Dollar is the perfect key. When the bond market goes, it will take municipal bonds and pensions with it. Cities will no longer be able to employ enough workers to maintain itself. Inflation will make food, gasoline and other tangibles too expensive for the common peasant and riots will start. In order to maintain their control and show force, the government will begin deploying the military into the hardest hit cities in a support role, handling more and more of the infrastructure and traditional police duties. The ability to do this has been laid out in carefully crafted Presidential Executive Orders. Troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are now being trained in domestic law enforcement and how to handle civil unrest, including active combat brigades on “homeland patrol.” Imagine this scenario unfolding while the White House has the following powers:

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10990 – allows the government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10995 – allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10997 – allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10998 – allows the government to seize all means of transportation, including personal cars, trucks or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways, seaports, and waterways.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 10999 – allows the government to take over all food resources and farms.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11000 – allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11001 – allows the government to take over all health, education and welfare functions.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11002 – designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11003 – allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11004 – allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11005 – allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11051 – specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution, of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit and the flow of money in U.S. financial institution in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when a state of emergency is declared by the President, Congress cannot review the action for six months. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has broad powers in every aspect of the nation. General Frank Salzedo, chief of FEMA’s Civil Security Division stated in a 1983 conference that he saw FEMA’s role as a “new frontier in the protection of individual and governmental leaders from assassination, and of civil and military installations from sabotage and/or attack, as well as prevention of dissident groups from gaining access to U.S. opinion, or a global audience in times of crisis.” FEMA’s powers were consolidated by President Carter to incorporate the…

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11310 – grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 11049 – assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a fifteen year period.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12148 – created the Federal Emergency Management Agency to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An “emergency czar” was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies. The bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12656 – appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

EXECUTIVE ORDER 12919 – Collects EOs 10995, 10997, 10998, 10999, 11000, 11001, 11002, 11003, 11004, 11005 and 11051 together into one new Executive Order.

National Security Act of 1947 – allows for the strategic relocation of industries, services, government and other essential economic activities, and to rationalize the requirements for manpower, resources and production facilities.

1950 Defense Production Act – gives the President sweeping powers over all aspects of the economy.

Act of August 29, 1916 – authorizes the Secretary of the Army, in time of war, to take possession of any transportation system for transporting troops, material, or any other purpose related to the emergency.

International Emergency Economic Powers Act – enables the President to seize the property of a foreign country or national. These powers were transferred to FEMA in a sweeping consolidation in 1979.

We are already living on borrowed time as a Nation. I suggest you take the advice of those people who predicted this exact scenario a decade ago and begin investing in tangibles and hard commodities. Land, firearms, precious metals, tools and food.

Think about the one thing that you must have and will always spend money on – food. If you could buy 6 months of food now, imagine the return on your investment when inflation hits the grocery stores by the end of this year. We’re already seeing it everywhere around us. Take note and act accordingly!

We are entering a very dangerous time frame in not only our lives, but history.

Kevin Hayden is a former New Orleans police officer-turned-political activist. He endured Hurricane Katrina’s chaos and societal collapse in the days following and after 5 years in New Orleans, he moved to Oklahoma. Kevin currently runs www.TruthisTreason.net and works on local politics and education about our monetary, food and foreign policies while building an off-grid homestead and helping people become prepared. He can be contacted directly at Contact.KevinHayden@gmail.com

Source: Truth is Treason

Friday, August 26, 2011

We Are Totally Unprepared – Tremors Caused Mass Confusion, Panic

The east coast earthquake(s) are just the latest example of how unprepared we are for an emergency or major disaster.

Whether we’re talking about earthquakes, snow storms, hurricanes, floods, electrical outages or terrorist attacks, government officials, as well as individuals, have demonstrated time and again that we have a psychological inability to cope with high stress situations, a lack of foresight to stock emergency reserves, and have failed to prepare effective emergency response plans.

Though we hardly felt any movement here in the city of New York as a result of the earthquake, panic seemed to overtake a lot of people, as indicated by various news programs and social networking sites.

A single tremor was enough to cause mass confusion, building evacuations and cell phone service outages across the city.

So, I ask, are we ready for this possibility [Hurricane Irene], New York?

Consider: This region, more than any other, relies on electrical power. From high rise apartment buildings, to business computers, to the subway system, a massive power outage caused by a hurricane will have a significant impact on people’s lives.

Imagine if you were sick or paralyzed, and stuck on a building’s 35th floor without elevator service for days. Or, simply picture the isolation caused by television and cell phone outages. Ask yourself, where are your flashlights? Your radio? How will you keep up to date with important emergency information if the storm knocks out electrical services?

In order to prepare for this hurricane, ultimately we have to think not of the earthquake, which caused no lasting damage, but rather everything that went wrong during this past winter’s big snowstorm.

People were unable to leave their apartments, and emergency buildings were essentially unable to move around on the streets. We were woefully under-prepared, and most city workers had to play catch up to fix the significant problems that resulted from the storm.

Source: Fox News [Hat tip Bill]

Once cell phone service went out following high volumes of calls across the eastern seaboard, local police, fire and medical response was effectively shut down. Add congestion and confusion on roadways and you have a recipe for disaster.

The earthquakes this week were minor events in terms of severity and damage. But consider what might happen in a prolonged regional-disaster. Hurricane Katrina was such an incident, albeit still a short-term event, and luckily the rest of the country was unaffected. Emergency response took a week or more in some instances, and it reportedly took some three days to get bottled water into New Orleans. Bottled Water! And this is with a completely intact national infrastructure around the disaster zone.

Images of the looting, violence, preventable deaths and confiscatory martial law sweeps were beamed to millions of Americans. No one was paying attention, save a few individuals willing to think outside the box of complaceny and the status quo.

We realize the government has spent billions of our tax dollars making preparations. But how that money has been directed and managed is anybody’s guess. When it comes down to it, whatever preparations are being made by emergency preparedness experts at DHS, FEMA and other agencies, they will likely not benefit you all that much. If the time ever came that the infrastructure of the entire United States, not just an isolated region, experienced a far-from-equilibrium event we need to assume help is not coming. No ambulances. No police. No grocery delivery trucks. And no electricians to fix the power.

It’s going to be up to you.

Author: Mac Slavo
Date: August 25th, 2011

Source: SHTF Plan

FDA wages secret war on raw milk farmers using KGB-style spying and infiltration techniques

(NaturalNews) After weeks of investigation, NaturalNews can now reveal that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration is waging a clandestine war on raw milk dairy farmers through a network of government spies who are coached on infiltration and social engineering techniques. Resembling the Stasi East German police or KGB of the former Soviet Union, these undercover FDA agents meet each month for a "spying roundtable" phone conference called the Raw Milk Call during which techniques of infiltration are openly discussed and encouraged.

NaturalNews can now reveal that the majority of these undercover FDA agents are women, who are more easily able to infiltrate the raw dairy community with techniques of social engineering (see below).

The existence of this elaborate spying operation has been confirmed by NaturalNews through three different sources, all of which demanded anonymity as they fear being targeted by the FDA with armed raids, false arrest and destruction of their property, as we recently witnessed with the Rawesome Foods raid. One source told NaturalNews they feared the FDA would stage a Waco-style siege of their farm and invent some justification to assault their farmhouse and shoot them and their family. Yes, this is how much freedom has been lost in America today, where farmers are afraid to speak out for fear they might be killed. And yet, it's not paranoia: They have legitimate reason to fear their own government is targeting them for termination.

FDA uses KGB-style techniques to infiltrate raw dairy networks
Through these sources, NaturalNews has learned the FDA coaches its network of spies to engage in KGB-style social engineering techniques in order to win the trust of the very people it then targets for armed raids and arrest. Those techniques include:

• FDA agents visiting local farmers' markets and gathering names of possible raw milk providers to be targeted.

• FDA agents calling those targets and trying to convince them to sell raw dairy products by telling "sob stories" of how they have a baby that can't breastfeed, and they need raw goat's milk to keep the baby alive. (This is why most undercover FDA agents are women -- they make more convincing social engineers when it comes to issues like finding goat's milk to feed babies.)

• FDA agents engage in name-dropping of others in the raw dairy community in order to imply trust. In California, for example, they might say, "I spoke with Mark McAfee at Organic Pastures, and he told me to talk to you." This technique impresses the target, thinking they have been recommended by a big name in the raw dairy industry. In reality, the whole story is fiction and is just used by FDA spies to try to ensnare other raw dairy producers.

• FDA is building a secret government database of raw dairy customers. This is accomplished by training its spies and agents to demand the confiscation of customer lists from raw dairy farmers. Such lists are then delivered to FDA headquarters in Washington D.C. where they are added to a growing database of names, email addresses and sometimes even home addresses. It is not known what the FDA ultimately plans to do with this list.

• FDA pays huge sums of cash each month to various state agriculture departments, then sends top-level FDA infiltration agents to those states to train state-level agents in these same clandestine techniques. As one example, NaturalNews has learned the FDA currently pays the Wisconsin Dept. of Agriculture more than $80,000 a month for it to spend on these raw dairy spying and infiltration schemes. Shortly after the program was launched, FDA flew several of its top agents to Wisconsin to walk the local farmers' markets with spies-in-training agents, teaching them spying and infiltration techniques in what was essentially a "Raw milk spy camp."

• FDA agents have been well trained and schooled on running elaborate entrapment schemes which are operated with the sole purpose of persuading small, local raw dairy farmers to break the law or violate FDA regulations so that the FDA can justify an armed raid on their farm operation.

• Many millions of dollars (NaturalNews could not get accurate numbers on the total expenditures) are being spent by the FDA on these spying and infiltration programs. None of these programs are reported to Congress. None are reported to the press. These are entirely "dark operations" conducted behind the scenes, with no official announcements, and with no desire to attract publicity of any kind. They are, essentially, secret wars being conducted against America's farmers, with no congressional approval whatsoever.

• NaturalNews was told that FDA head Margaret Hamburg is not only authorizing these secret spying operations, but that she took a personal role in structuring the operations so that they would not be made public. NaturalNews has not yet been able to confirm this allegation, since obviously the FDA outright refuses to return our phone calls, insisting on operating entirely in secret.

• As part of its secret spying and social engineering effort, the FDA also runs a national farmer intimidation program where FDA agents dressed in what look like FBI or "agency" uniforms just show up at farmers' homes and engage in verbal intimidation in order to dissuade farmers from producing or marketing raw dairy products. This is done without a warrant and completely outside the law. Farmers are routinely told that if they talk about this, they will be targeted with armed raids.

• One farmer was told, "If you go public with this, we will come back and have your entire herd destroyed by claiming your cows are infected with mad cow disease." This is a classic secret police-style intimidation technique, and it explains why so few raw dairy farmers have been willing to step forward and go public with their stories. One sheep farmer was already targeted and had his entire flock of sheep murdered by the FDA working in conspiracy with state agriculture officials, under the false pretense that the sheep were infected. This particular instance is covered in the film Farmageddon, at www.FarmageddonMovie.com

• FDA officials have stated, during these monthly "Raw Milk Calls," that their goal is the complete destruction of the raw dairy industry in the United States, and that achieving this goal was a top priority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

• FDA has also stated that it plans to use the increased funding provided to it under the Food Safety Modernization Act to expand its secret spying and infiltration network and train even more spies to entrap and intimidate raw dairy farmers.

• Many of the people now attempting to join raw milk buying clubs and meet-up groups are actually undercover FDA agents who are gathering names, emails, addresses and other "evidence" to be used to justify future armed FDA raids. National lists are being drawn up and prioritized to create "hit lists" of farms to raid under the Food Safety Modernization Act.

• Salaries and bonuses of clandestine FDA employees are raised based on the "performance" of how many raw dairy operations are shut down, how many customer names are confiscated, successful raw milk "buys" and other key milestones of oppression and tyranny that are set by the FDA. In this way, FDA agents are financially rewarded based on the number of American farmers they crush.

The FDA's secret war reveals how the U.S. government is headed toward total police state tyranny
That this situation exists in the United States today is a disturbing and powerful commentary on the runaway power of regulatory agencies which have essentially built their own lawless kingdoms of power, subject to no law and no checks or balances.

The FDA, in particular, simply writes its own law without any congressional approval whatsoever. It wages its own secret wars, runs its own spy network and is essentially rising up to become its own secret police organization (or terrorist group). None of this has ever been approved by Congress. The head of the FDA is not elected by the voters. And President Obama is either unaware that all this is going on or refuses to do anything about it. (President Bush did nothing about it, either, and you can bet that unless the next President is Ron Paul, this same look-the-other-way attitude will continue at the White House).

The FDA, notably, far from protecting Americans from dangerous foods and drugs, now sees the people as the enemy and spends an inordinate amount of its time and money waging secret spying campaigns and plotting armed raids against innocents. If this rise to power continues, the FDA will effectively become the KGB of agriculture, eventually wielding its own firearms and running terror-style hit-and-run assaults on people engaged in small-scale organic farming, gardening or raw dairy production. This is, essentially, all-out war against the American people, and it's all being funded by your taxpayer dollars and carried out with the full tolerance of the President himself.

President Obama could put a stop to this if he wanted to. The FDA could be reeled in and de-funded. It could be split into two separate agencies: Foods, and then Drugs as a separate agency. Congress could pass a "food freedom rights" law that guarantees the protection of farmers (of course, the FDA would probably just ignore it, as the agency respects absolutely no law whatsoever).

The growing revolt against the FDA's war on innocents
NaturalNews has learned, through its own network of informants, that the most likely outcome of all this is a growing citizens' revolt against FDA tyranny. While this revolt is so far focused on peaceful protest and non-violent resistance against the FDA's secret war on Americans, it is my personal belief that at some point we will witness an escalation where FDA agents who are discovered and "outed" wind up shot in the head, or farmers begin to fight back and defend their farms against FDA raids through the use of firearms -- which is, of course, their right.

That's the whole point of the Second Amendment, of course: To give the citizens of America a fighting chance against oppressive government. This is why the right to own firearms was specifically placed in the Bill of Rights, just after the right to Free Speech. It was not put there as a right to go hunting or to engage in "sport" shooting. It was written there specifically as a way for the citizens to protect themselves from government tyrants who, throughout history, have always -- always! -- overstepped their bounds to become tyrannical, oppressive regimes that end up using guns against innocent citizens.

It is only the mass armament of the People that creates the ultimate "balance" of keeping government power in check. When the FDA enforces its criminal agenda through the threat of guns, it is up to the People to invoke their own Second Amendment protections in response and present an armed, lawful, protective resistance against tyranny that tells the FDA, "If you continue down this path, you will be fired upon."

I believe we are very close to entering the age of a shooting war between farmers and the FDA. I would encourage the FDA agents who are no doubt reading this to strongly consider: Is your war against raw milk worth risking your life?

Here at NaturalNews, we do not want to see this situation devolve into a shooting war, and yet, as President John F. Kennedy famously said: "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."

Unless the FDA backs off from these secret police tactics, in other words, the agency can expect to be dealing with a whole new problem: Lead poisoning. This is the FDA's own fault, of course. When farmers are stripped of their God-given right to produce honest food and sell it to their neighbors, and when they are treated like criminals and terrorists by an out-of-control, rogue federal agency that respects no law and no rights, it is only a matter of time before some of these farmers are driven to the point of shooting back. And I dare say, farmers are far better shots than FDA agents.

Help us end this insanity by leaking intel
NaturalNews has already received information hinting that even many agents within the FDA are fed up with the agency's illegal war on farmers. If you work for the FDA, or with the FDA, or participated in FDA raids in any way, and if you have intelligence that needs to be made public to help end this secret war, NaturalNews will protect your anonymity, just as we have the other sources who provided intelligence for this story.

You may submit tips to us at: http://www.naturalnews.com/newstips/NewsTips.asp

Our goal is to see the FDA's war exposed, to see Congress take action to halt the FDA's actions, and to see the rights of farmers protected under law. We do not wish to see this escalate into the violence that now seems likely.

Obviously, do not submit tips to us from your work computer, because that can be tracked. Use an internet cafe so that your IP address cannot be tracked by anyone. Do NOT include your real name, and if you give us an email address, make sure it is an anonymous email that would not link back to your actual name or work location. Remember: The government is also tracking and reading your emails, so take all necessary steps to protect your privacy and safety. We are, after all, dealing with a terrorist organization in the FDA. The FDA may stop at nothing to protect its power and continue waging its war on American farmers.

NaturalNews is actively gathering and distributing intelligence on this situation, publicizing the truth that the FDA wants to keep secret -- that it is waging a clandestine, illegal war against America's farmers, using Stasi-style, or KGB-inspired secret police tactics combined with the threat of violence to crush resistance. This is a campaign of terrorism being waged against innocent farmers in America, and it is a sign of a government out of control... a government which, in many ways, has become an enemy of the People and an enemy of freedom.

The FDA wants MORE power
And the FDA is just getting warmed up. Once the new funding from the Food Safety Modernization Act kicks in, this agency promises to unleash an army of new agents to sweep across the countryside, detaining gardeners and small farmers, demanding "show me your papers!" Meanwhile, its agents will be terrorizing, intimidating and threatening everyone except the big agriculture giants which are always exempt from government scrutiny (even though they are the ones causing all the food safety problems in the first place).

If the FDA is not stopped, it is positioned to rise up as the most dangerous government-run terrorist organization America has ever seen. Already responsible for the death of at least 100,000 Americans each year who die from taking FDA-approved medications, this agency is now hell bent on destroying an entire food-producing industry while exploiting the most insidious tactics of intimidation and oppression that have ever been used throughout the world's most criminal regimes: Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler and others.

We are watching the history of tyrannical government oppression repeat itself here, and just as Mao murdered hundreds of thousands of intellectuals, and Hitler gassed millions of Jews, the FDA is determined to silence and destroy the livelihoods of countless American farmers who are only guilty of "weapons of mass nutrition." (http://counterthink.com/Rawesome_Foods.asp)

May God help us all. What we need to see right now is the Dept. of Justice conducting an armed raid on the FDA, arresting all the top FDA officials and charging them with criminal conspiracy to deprive American farmers of their rights.

Only then can we see justice served in America... and the rights of a free people protected under law.

Sources for this story
This story is triple-sourced. The identity of the sources shall remain protected by NaturalNews, as they rightfully fear for their lives. The FDA has already indicated it will engage in mob hits and terrorist-style actions to censor those who speak out.

Source: Natural News

Monsters of Anarchy - Post Collapse Security Considerations


America - A Nation In Desperation!

America - A Nation In Desperation!

"Because thou hast forgotten the God of thy salvation, and hast not been mindful of the rock of thy strength, therefore shalt thou plant pleasant plants, and shalt set it with strange slips: In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow."
Isaiah 17:10-11
"My people hath been lost sheep: their shepherds have caused them to go astray, they have turned them away on the mountains: they have gone from mountain to hill, they have forgotten their restingplace."
Jeremiah 50:6
"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are motheaten. Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days. Behold, the hire of the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth. Ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a day of slaughter. Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth not resist you."
James 5:1-6
"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."
Matthew 6:19-21
In this issue of the Last Trumpet Newsletter, we will closely examine the current events of our time and the prevalent state of desperation now so common in the endeavors of mankind. Whether you look at the high unemployment rate in the United States, the failing economies of Europe, the turmoil in the Middle East, the drug related violence in Mexico, or the natural disasters occurring throughout the world, it will soon become clear that much of this planet is in a state of despair and misery. Why is there so much trouble in the world?

Apostasy In The Churches!

In the Holy Bible, we are warned of the sorrows that will befall man if he should ever forget God. Yet, in the United States, a country which is traditionally regarded to have a Christian majority, many people have turned their backs on the Lord, and while they may pay lip service to Him, they do not honor Him with their actions. It is interesting to note that a recent survey found that 80 percent of Americans who claim to be Christian are inactive. (1) Sadly, the term "Christian" has become a cultural identifier rather than a way of life for many people.

Although there are religious organizations and churches all over the United States, ranging in size from small to large, many of those religious assemblies are operating under the influence of a strange spirit that is not of God. For example, the United Church of Christ, which was formerly the denomination of choice for Barack Obama, has recently voted to remove the term "God the Father" from its organizational documents. The denomination claims that referring to God as "heavenly father" is too restrictive, yet a spokeswoman for the organization stated that referring to God as "Father and Mother" is acceptable. (2)

Some churches have become so devoid of discernment and understanding that they have actually read from the so-called "holy book" of Islam, known as the Qur'an. A new interfaith movement is gaining traction in the United States thanks in part to an organization known as Faith Shared. The group's website states, "Faith Shared asks houses of worship across the country to organize events involving clergy reading from each other's sacred texts. An example would be a Christian Minister, Jewish Rabbi and Muslim Imam participating in a worship service or other event. Suggested readings will be provided from the Torah, the Gospels, and the Qur'an, but communities are encouraged to choose readings that will resonate with their congregations. Involvement of members from the Muslim community is key. We will also provide suggestions on how to incorporate this program into your regular worship services." (3) On June 26, 2011, fifty churches from twenty-six states held readings from the Qur'an. (4) The churches who participated in these "interfaith worship services" must have torn II Corinthians out of their Bibles. For we read in II Corinthians 6:14-17, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."

Yes, there is much apostasy within mainstream Christianity these days. In the state of New York, which recently became the sixth state in America to legalize same-sex marriage, many churches are now allowing or even embracing the homosexual lifestyle. The New England Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America has issued a document stating that pastors may perform same-sex wedding ceremonies if they desire to do so. (5) Meanwhile, the bishop at the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island has issued a deadline demanding that gay priests with active partners be married within the next nine months. (6)

As we move closer to the return of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, we will find an increasing number of churches espousing unbiblical doctrines. Christians who fully embrace the entire Bible as the inspired Word of God will become fewer in number, but we know that God will always have a remnant people. Be assured that even though much of the religion in the world today is phony and counterfeit and rife with impiety, God is very real; and amidst all the trouble in the world, He can sustain us through the hard times in which we live.

Economic Desperation!

We are truly living in a time of economic desperation. Despite multiple attempts by the Obama Administration and the Federal Reserve to "stimulate" the United States' economy, all of their efforts have been for naught, and the economy has seen very little improvement despite the assertion by government officials that the country has been recovering since 2009. Fewer people are still believing their claims, however. A recent poll by the New York Times found that 39 percent of the respondents believe the United States economy has entered a state of permanent decline. (7) Many experts agree with that sentiment. Peter Schiff, the CEO at Europacific Capital, stated in a recent interview, "The stimulus is wearing off and the much anticipated hangover is starting to set in. The economy is now in worse shape because the government stimulated it. The stimulus merely interfered with the corrective process. So instead of resolving some of our economic imbalances, the government has made them worse. Now we are on the precipice of a bigger economic decline than the one the stimulus interrupted back in 2009." (8) Economist David Rosenberg stated in an interview with CNBC, "Everything is telling you how soft the underbelly of the economy really is. We're just one small shock away from the economy going back into recession." (9)

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke has blamed the stalling economy on the high cost of oil and recent natural disasters, such as the earthquake which struck Japan in March 2011. "Once the temporary shocks that have been holding down economic activity pass, we expect to see again the effects of (recent Fed policy) reflected in stronger economic activity and job creation," Bernanke stated. (10) However, Drew Matus, a senior economist at UBS Investment Research, was not quite as optimistic. "A lot of the options he put on the table were effectively worthless. So I think Bernanke really is just hoping for the best," Matus said. (11)

Sadly, unemployment has only grown worse over the last few months. On July 7, 2011, Barack Obama issued prepared remarks to the media stating, "The economy as a whole just isn't producing nearly enough jobs for everybody who is looking." (12) Obama's comments seemed to be a bit of an understatement. In fact, growth in the labor market for the month of June 2011 was so poor that it shocked many economists who were expecting about 90,000 new jobs to be created. In reality, there were only 18,000 new jobs, which was the worst rate of employment growth since September 2010. David Semmens, an economist at Standard Chartered in New York, put it rather bluntly, stating, "It's a terrible number. There is no good news you can glean from it." (13)

With such a lack of steady and reliable employment options in America, many young people are finding themselves with no other choice but to work three or four separate jobs. Carl E. Van Horn, director of the John J. Heldrich Center for Workforce Development at Rutgers, said, "Young college graduates working multiple jobs is a natural consequence of a bad labor market and having, on average, $20,000 worth of student loans to pay off." Mr. Van Horn further went on to say, "There are two types of people in this position: the graduate who can't get a full-time job, and the person whose income isn't sufficient to meet their expenses. The only cure for young people in this position is an economic recovery of robust proportions." (14)

In some cases, those who do have jobs do not get to keep them very long. This was the cold reality for forty-two graduates of the Police Academy in Cleveland, Ohio. The graduates were given their guns and badges, and proclaimed to be police officers. Less than an hour later, they were laid off because the city could not afford to pay them. thirty-two year-old Robby Prock was understandably disappointed. "You're full of joy that you finally got in, and everything's going good. And then all of the sudden, it just gets ripped away from you," Prock said. The city of Cleveland has laid off 321 employees so far in 2011. (15)

The state of affairs in this erstwhile great nation of the United States has grown so bleak that some unemployed women have resorted to relocating to the state of Nevada so they can legally work in brothels as prostitutes. A manager at one of these filthy establishments stated, "We've seen over the course of the last couple of years a massive flow of women from all around the country. It's their first time in the sexual-entertainment business and they're showing up here - literally on our doorstep sometimes - for the purpose of seeking work to support their families: their husbands, their children, their parents. It's a zillion-fold increase. When things started to get really bad, in the fall of '07, we started seeing things increase and there's been no let-up." (16)

All across America you will find people in a state of desperation doing things they probably never thought they would do. On July 13, 2011, in the city of Dallas, Texas, about 5000 people lined up at the Jesse Owens Memorial Complex for a chance to apply for a limited amount of rental vouchers, which are distributed to low-income applicants to help pay a portion of their housing rent. When the office building opened for business that morning, a stampede of humans rushed the complex resulting in the injury of eight people. (17)

States such as Illinois, Texas, Arizona, Georgia, and Florida have seen a large spike in the theft of air conditioners. The conditioning units are stolen for their valuable copper components, which are stripped from the cooling equipment and then sold as scrap metal. The thieves have grown increasingly brash according to the sheriff in Parker County, Texas. "Some of them have even gone up on the roof with ladders and cut the condition units loose up there and dropped 'em over the side of the building and hauled 'em off," remarked Sheriff Larry Fowler. (18)

Thieves in Antioch, California, have grown so desperate that they have knocked down an estimated three hundred power poles and stripped them of their copper wiring. In one brazen theft, an entire power transformer was stolen from a pole, which is a particularly risky maneuver that could result in electrocution if done improperly. (19)

In Lee County, Florida, thieves have stolen at least ten storm drain covers, along with metal drains and grates. The stolen equipment is valued at about four thousand dollars. Frank Neal, the vice president of the Charleston Park Neighborhood Association, remarked, "People are trying to survive." (20)

Violence In The Streets!

These are hard times in the United States. The current circumstances are particularly worrisome to James Carville, a Democratic strategist who used to do work for former President Bill Clinton. Speaking of the economic distress and the bleak job market, Carville said, "You know, if it continues, we're going to start to see civil unrest in this country. I hate to say that, but I think it's imminently possible." (21) There is already some evidence that Mr. Carville may be correct. My father used to talk about what would happen if this spoiled generation could no longer obtain the things they wanted. He predicted that if the young people in today's push-button society, which has grown so accustomed to instant gratification, could no longer purchase the things they wanted to buy, they would simply steal them. Since the adult population has taken many of the low-paying fast food and retail jobs that used to be common amongst young people, much of America's youth cannot find a job.

In Chicago, Illinois, and several other cities throughout the United States, there are now roving gangs of teenagers who band together to rob automobiles, stores, and people on the street. In June 2011, a man was dragged off his scooter and beaten by a group of fifteen to twenty teenagers on the streets of Chicago. Shortly thereafter, another man was knocked off his bike and punched by a mob of teenagers who then stole his cell phone and camera. (22) In early May 2011, two bike riders were attacked by a mob of approximately one hundred teenagers, who took the men and threw them into Lake Michigan. (23) On June 7, 2011, as many as fifteen teens boarded two buses operated by the Chicago Transit Authority and attacked the passengers before darting off with stolen electronic devices. (24) Similar gangs of teenagers have robbed convenience stores and other shops in Washington, D.C.; Las Vegas, Nevada; and St. Paul, Minnesota. (25)

American Lives - Micromanaged And Controlled!

The United States of America is undergoing a rapid wave of change, and this change is not for the better. We may soon reach a point where this once vibrant country, which placed such a high value on freedom and liberty, will no longer even resemble the nation it once was. We are now seeing the groundwork being laid to take away any remaining freedom that the American people have left.

A shocking article, written by James Bamford and published by PBS in 2009, tells a frightening story that indicates just how close we are to an Orwellian Police State here in America. The National Security Agency, or NSA, is developing an artificial intelligence system known as AQUAINT, which is an acronym for Advanced Question Answering for Intelligence. In the article, Mr. Bamford writes, "With the entire Internet and thousands of databases for a brain, the device will be able to respond almost instantaneously to complex questions posed by intelligence analysts. As more and more data is collected - through phone calls, credit card receipts, social networks like Facebook and MySpace, GPS tracks, cell phone geolocation, Internet searches, Amazon book purchases, even E-Z Pass toll records - it may one day be possible to know not just where people are and what they are doing, but what and how they think." (26) A former researcher who worked on the project stated, "The technology behaves like a robot, understanding and answering complex questions. Think of '2001: A Space Odyssey' and the most memorable character, HAL 9000, having a conversation with David. We are essentially building this system. We are building HAL." (27)

Even without a sophisticated system such as AQUAINT, government agencies in the United States already have access to a great deal of information regarding the lives and habits of American citizens. The U.S. Patriot Act has given agencies such as the FBI the ability to compel companies such as Facebook, Microsoft, Google, Apple, and other technology providers to turn over any information they request. In fact, all American companies are subject to the Patriot Act, even when they are not operating in the United States. Gordon Frazer, the managing director for the United Kingdom branch of Microsoft, was recently asked the question, "Can Microsoft guarantee that EU (European Union)-stored data, held in EU based datacenters, will not leave the European Economic Area under any circumstances - even under a request by the Patriot Act?" Mr. Frazer answered, "Microsoft cannot provide those guarantees. Neither can any other company." (28)

The New Normal!

It is no secret that if people believe there is a clear and present danger many will give up their freedom for the sake of security and protection. The security measures now in place at airports would have been unthinkable to Americans only a few generations ago. Yet while some people protest the methods and procedures of the Transportation Security Administration, nearly everyone complies with their demands. The reality is that every passenger at an airport is now treated as a potential terrorist, regardless of how young or how old a person may be. This sad fact became poignantly clear when airport screeners at Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport subjected a six year-old girl to an rigorous pat-down on April 5, 2011. On June 18, 2011, a ninety-five year old woman was subjected to a pat-down and inspection at an airport in Florida. The elderly woman was forced to remove her adult diaper during the inspection. (29) Regarding the incident, TSA spokeswoman Sari Koshetz stated, "TSA cannot exempt any group from screening because we know from intelligence that there are terrorists out there that would then exploit that vulnerability." (30)

In early July, the TSA issued a statement indicating that terrorists could potentially attempt to circumvent airport security procedures by surgically implanting explosives in their bodies. Because of this possibility, TSA officials have warned that there could be additional security procedures put into place. "As a precaution, passengers flying from international locations to US destinations may notice additional security measures in place. These measures are designed to be unpredictable, so passengers should not expect to see the same activity at every international airport. Measures may include interaction with passengers, in addition to the use of other screening methods such as pat-downs and the use of enhanced tools and technologies," the statement said. (31) I cannot help but wonder what more they could possibly do to further scrutinize passengers.

It would be reasonable to assume that with all of the security measures which have been implemented at airports across the United States a security breach should be nearly impossible. Yet, on June 24, 2011, a Nigerian national by the name of Olajide Noibi was allowed to board a plane at John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York using a college ID and an expired boarding pass with a name that did not even match his identification. Mr. Noibi was then allowed to fly all the way to Los Angeles on the Virgin Atlantic flight, even after airline personnel became aware of the breach while in flight. Upon landing, the man was not even detained. (32) Considering the fact that a breach of this magnitude occurred, we might reasonably ask ourselves if all the TSA's so-called "enhanced" screening procedures are really making the American people safer.

As time marches on, security measures are becoming more stringent, and just how intrusive they may become in the future can only be imagined. Additional security procedures have already been put in place in locations outside of airports, such as the subway stations of New York City. Passengers on the trains are now being watched, scrutinized, and randomly searched. Of the security procedures now in place, Inspector Scott Shanley of the New York Police Department commented, "This is the new normal." (33)

America - A Dry And Withering Land!

Most Americans have probably heard the song "America the Beautiful" at one time or another. This patriotic song opens with the following lines, "O beautiful for spacious skies, for amber waves of grain, for purple mountain majesties, above the fruited plain." Sadly, the "amber waves of grain" spoken of in the song are noticeably absent throughout many of the American states due to a devastating drought, which has spread across fourteen states. The drought is particularly bad in the state of Texas, which saw all 254 counties declared natural disaster areas by the United States Department of Agriculture in June 2011. (34) As of July 14, 2011, exceptional drought, the most severe classification assigned by climatologists, has engulfed over 70 percent of Texas and over 58 percent of Oklahoma. The drought has also affected 17 percent of Kansas, 3/4 of Georgia, 1/2 of Florida, and 40 percent of Alabama. (35) "We're really looking at a throwback summer to some of our more intense drought periods such as the 1930s and the 1950s and of course the 1980s heat wave as well," said climatologist Gary McManus. (36) Unfortunately, the drought is expected to cause poor crop yields this year, which will likely result in even higher prices at the supermarket. The drought has persisted for months, and many people, particularly in Texas, have grown so frustrated that they have actually wished for a hurricane to bring moisture to the area. "They can be a lifesaver," said one cattle rancher. (37)

Desperation Around The World!

With so many problems facing the United States of America, those of us who live here sometimes forget that much of the world is in deep trouble as well. Africa is suffering from its worst drought in sixty years, which has affected ten million people throughout the continent; particularly in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, and Uganda. (38)

In Japan, much of the nation is still struggling with the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami of March 11, 2011, and the nuclear disaster that occurred thereafter. The city of Ishinomaki was one of the areas most severely affected by the disaster. "On a recovery scale of zero to ten, some parts of Ishinomaki are at zero and some are at one. Nowhere is better than that," said the city's mayor, Hiroshi Kameyama. (39)

Famine is so severe in the Communist nation of North Korea that many people are starving to death. "People are very poor again, they are going to the mountains to get grasses and weeds to make into soup," said Kim Yeong, a sixty-eight year-old Korean man now living in China. (40)

In Europe, financial crises in Greece, Spain, and Italy have left many worried about the economic future of the European Union. "Global equities could lose up to 35 percent of their value if the situation deteriorates into a full-blown financial crisis on the scale of the fallout from the collapse of the Lehman Brothers in 2008," analysts from Deutsche Bank warned. (41)

There is so much more that could be said about the desperate times that we live in. However, I am once again running out of space. I am thankful that we can rely on God, for without His mercy and grace, life would truly seem hopeless. He is the shelter from the storm, and the solution to our problems. For as it says in Psalm 34:4-6, "I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. They looked unto him, and were lightened: and their faces were not ashamed. This poor man cried, and the LORD heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles." Likewise, in Psalm 33:18-20, we read, "Behold, the eye of the LORD is upon them that fear him, upon them that hope in his mercy; To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. Our soul waiteth for the LORD: he is our help and our shield." If you find yourself struggling and do not know where to turn, please remember that God is always there. I urge you all to fully yield your hearts to our Almighty God.

In closing, I wish to thank all of you for your support of this ministry. Your donations, letters of encouragement, information packets, and newspaper clippings are all greatly appreciated. We at Last Trumpet Ministries desire to continue serving you for as long as time may remain. It is my hope and prayer that this newsletter will be a blessing and assist you in recognizing the signs all around us that indicate the coming of our Saviour draweth nigh. If you have any prayer requests, please do not hesitate to send them our way. Our intercessors will give each request individual attention and carry your petition before the throne of the Almighty. Grace and peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Samuel David Meyer

01. Christian Post, June 26, 2011, By Stephanie Samuel, http://christianpost.com.
02. WorldNetDaily, July 5, 2011, By Bob Unruh, http://wnd.com.
03. Faith Shared Official Website, http://faithshared.org.
04. Human Rights First, May 17, 2011, By Human Rights First, Washington, D.C.
05. Associated Press, July 16, 2011, By Rachel Zoll, New York, NY.
06. Ibid.
07. Business Insider, June 29, 2011, By Joe Weisenthal, http://businessinsider.com.
08. King World News, June 6, 2011, By Eric King, http://kingworldnews.com.
09. CNBC, July 15, 2011, By Jeff Cox, http://cnbc.com.
10. MSNBC, July 13, 2011, By John W. Schoen, http://msnbc.com.
11. Ibid.
12. Yahoo News, July 8, 2011, By Zachary Roth, http://news.yahoo.com.
13. Reuters News Service, July 8, 2011, By Barani Krishnan, New York, NY.
14. The New York Times, June 27, 2011, By Hannah Seligson, http://newyorktimes.com.
15. CBS News, July 12, 2011, By Cynthia Bowers, http://cbsnews.com.
16. LA Weekly, September 2, 2010, By Michael Albo, http://laweekly.com.
17. WFAA News, July 14, 2011, By Cynthia Vega and Rebecca Lopez, Dallas, TX.
18. Huffington Post, July 12, 2011, By James Sunshine, http://huffingtonpost.com.
19. CBS News, June 17, 2011, By KCBS, Antioch, CA.
20. WINK News, June 9, 2011, By WINK News, Alva, FL.
21. Newsmax, June 6, 2011, By Dan Weil, http://newsmax.com.
22. Fox News, June 18, 2011, By Fox News, http://foxnews.com.
23. Huffington Post, June 8, 2011, By Janet Tavakoli, http://huffingtonpost.com.
24. CBS News, June 8, 2011, By Devin Brown, http://cbsnews.com.
25. Fox News, June 18, 2011, By Fox News, http://foxnews.com.
26. PBS, January 1, 2009, By James Bamford, http://pbs.org.
27. Ibid.
28. ZDNet, June 28, 2011, By Zack Whittaker, http://zdnet.com.
29. CBS News, June 27, 2011, By Alex Sundby, http://cbsnews.com.
30. Ibid.
31. BBC News, July 7, 2011, By BBC News, http://bbc.co.uk.
32. CBS News, June 30, 2011, By CBS News, New York, NY.
33. CBS News, July 18, 2011, By CBS News, New York, NY.
34. The New York Times, July 11, 2011, By Kim Severson and Kirk Johnson, Colquitt, GA.
35. Reuters News Service, July 14, 2011, By Karl Plume, Chicago, IL.
36. Ibid.
37. Financial Times, July 17, 2011, By Gregory Meyer, New York, NY.
38. France 24, June 28, 2011, By France 24, http://france24.com.
39. The Christian Science Monitor, July 7, 2011, By Melanie Stetson Freeman/Staff and Peter Ford.
40. The Telegraph, July 16, 2011, By Peter Foster, http://telegraph.co.uk.
41. The Telegraph, July 16, 2011, By Emma Rowley, http://telegraph.co.uk.

Special Note: A new tribute website for Pastor David J. Meyer can now be accessed at http://pastormeyer.org.

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Source: Last Trumpet Newsletter