Friday, July 20, 2012

DHS Insider: Soetoro’s 2012 election contingency

By Douglas J. Hagmann

20 July 2012: It was a conversation with my source inside the DHS that I did not want to have, but was not totally unexpected. “I’m not sure how long I can continue to provide you with information.” he stated. I was unable to tell if he made his statement with relief or sadness, or perhaps a mixture of both. ”I could be wrong, but I don’t think there’s much time left, if I am interpreting certain information and actions correctly.”

Obviously intrigued, I asked what information and actions he was talking about, and whether he was in any trouble from the information he’s passed to me and I’ve published. “No, it’s not that. I wish that’s what it was, I could deal with that. It’s worse. Things might be… it might not matter in a few more months.” This was one of the only times I’ve ever sensed a level of defeat in his voice and demeanor.Who’s in the White House?

My source looked at me and posed a question I did not expect: Do you know who is in the White House?” I was uncertain if he meant who was present there now, or if he was talking in a more general sense knowing that he has followed my research on Barry Soetoro (a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama II), so I asked him for clarification. I thought it was a fair request. With that, he became visibly agitated and had a look in his eyes I’ve never seen before. “You can’t answer that [expletive deleted] question. Trust me, few can, and those who can won’t, because they’re either part of the ‘royal round table’ or they’re gutless [expletive deleted].”

Based on his agitated state, I was careful with what I said next. I told him that we’ve covered this matter very comprehensively, adding that Obama’s dog’s papers are more valid than Obama. I told him that he was correct in that we both know that we do not know Obama’s legal name or his actual parental lineage I began to verbally list the various inconsistencies with his identify, at which point he stopped me with a raise of his hand.

“Enough,” he stated and apologized for his previous outburst. “We both know the guy is a an imposter, a ‘Manchurian Candidate,’ and he’s there to do a job, implement a very specific agenda. And he’s not planning to leave until that job is done, the agenda completed,” stated my source. “It’s no accident, his lack of history, lack of bona fides. It’s all about his lack of allegiance to our country and the Constitution that ’43′ called just a ‘G-d damned piece of paper. And Bush was an American President, at least on paper. Where does Obama call home?” Where does his allegiance lie? That’s what the eligibility brouhaha is all about and why it’s so important, but hardly ‘anybody gets it.’ When he said he was a citizen of the world, those were not just words, but an admission of sorts. And fundamental change and transformation, that’s what it’s all about.”

What’s the agenda?

Our conversation turned to the agenda of the person in the White House. Short on time, my source stated that the current resident of the White House has been tasked to implement a “robust agenda of change” using the agencies and government infrastructure previously created for him.

“He’s been instructed to fully remove ‘God, guns and guts’ from America and Americans, to neuter our military, bankrupt our country, and force everyone into dependency through a well-planned economic disaster that was crafted long before he stepped foot into the Oval Office. The financial crash of September 2008 was one such well planned economic terrorist attack. It had the blessing of many bankers and politicians in the U.S. and now I’m finding, some overseas. It was an important part of the framework given to Obama to ‘grease the wheels’ for a complete financial collapse. And I’m sad to say that a lot of people I once thought were on our side played an important role in setting us up – all of us.”

“The objective, or the agenda, is much bigger than I think anyone can comprehend,” stated my source. “It’s global in nature, and it involves other governments, communist governments,” he added. It’s evil in its simplicity. It’s to destroy our country from within and take away our ability to fight what’s coming. It’s to change our way of life, and he’s got the people in place to do it, at least for the most part. And forget about the Republicans versus the Democrats, because nearly all of them are all playing for the same team. Both sides have helped to get us to this point. They’ve allowed Communists to enter every government institution inside the beltway, and just about everyone let it happen, helped it happen or watched it happen.”

“But O- I cannot even bring myself to call him by name anymore, and as we talked before, we’re not even sure what his real name is, made some serious mistakes, or became lazy and began enjoying his lifestyle a little too much. Not sure which, maybe both. His international handlers have been upset with him because it set the whole timetable back. And this is where I can offer you information about what’s going on at DHS, because it’s DHS that is tasked to be the enforcers. It’s like the old military saying, ‘hurry up and wait,’” said my source.

The Plan

“Look,” stated my source, “I’ve been told that the people with the real power are using the guy in the White House to implement the whole globalist power structure thing. They made certain that they had someone in the White House to go along and implement certain things by executive order, appointments, and other methods to bring about the deconstruction of the U.S., and making our Constitution irrelevant, or at least subservient to international law. I can’t say I know this for sure because it’s all second hand, but it makes sense from my perspective at DHS,” he added.

“Remember when I told you about DHS planning a response for chaos, civil war, rioting, insurrection or whatever you want to call it? Well, that’s not happening fast enough, and there are people who don’t think it can be accomplished in one term. That’s why a second term is critical, and that’s why there’s desperation sinking in. Napolitano is corresponding a lot with the White House, to Valerie Jarrett, to the Secret Service, and to others I won’t name. But there is some plan in place to assure the reelection of this guy so he can finish the job he was given,” he said.

“We’re talking about something taking place to make sure that Obama stays in office. I’ve been privy to ‘contingency plans’ ordered by Jarrett for one that defines the protocol for DHS response to the ‘temporary suspension of U.S. elections due to international and domestic crisis.’ It’s a real document, ordered by Jarrett and contains plans for travel restrictions, gun possession ban by citizens, and in general, ‘martial law.’”

“You know, I heard rumors about the same thing under Bush and laughed, calling it conspiracy nonsense. Now I’m not so sure, and think that maybe it was just too early and the wrong person. Anyway, I’m not laughing anymore.”

“Also, there are some mid-level people beginning to question the orders they are receiving. There’s a lot of talk, questions being asked now by a few people in key DHS positions about what is taking place, and that’s making Napolitano and the White House very nervous. Anyone who questions the ‘militarization’ going on is either transferred out or given [expletive deleted] assignments.”


I asked if the plans could be disrupted, changed or if anything posed a valid threat to the agenda.

My source responded: ”The Arpaio investigation hit on something critical. I don’t know what it is, and maybe they’re holding something back, back whatever happened in the last 2 or 3 months really upset things, got some people scrambling. The White House, and again, Jarrett, ordered ‘Justice’ to turn up the heat against Sheriff Arpaio.”

“It’s interesting how the media has laid down and not reported on this investigation. There have been threats made, and not so subtle ones, either.”

“Also, ‘Fast and Furious’ is huge and leads right to the White House and ‘State,’ but according to my sources, won’t be an issue because the politicians in charge of the investigations have been compromised and threatened. Napolitano knows everything about Fast and Furious and is working with Holder to impede the investigations. She’s using her political clout. But damage control had taken time and a toll,” added my source.

In the end, though, I don’t think there’s enough to stop a second term. And should there be any hint of it, well, I told you, there are contingency plans for 2012.

Source: Northeast Intelligence Network

Pastor to Stand Trial on Federal Charges for Helping Ex-Lesbian Who Fled the Country with Daughter

A Mennonite pastor is scheduled to stand trial next month in a federal court in Vermont for helping an ex-lesbian who fled the country with her daughter to escape orders that she transfer parental custody to her former partner.

Kenneth Miller is facing charges of aiding and abetting kidnapping following accusations that he assisted Lisa Miller (no relation) with traveling to Virginia to Buffalo, New York with her daughter in 2009, so that she could flee to Canada. In addition to not wanting her child to be raised in the homosexual lifestyle, Miller believed that her daughter was being traumatized from alleged activities taking place between her partner and her daughter. Kenneth Miller states that he helped the woman out of Biblical compassion.

The situation began in 2000, when Lisa Miller, then a homosexual, joined in a civil union with lesbian Janet Jenkins in the state of Vermont. Following an artificial insemination procedure, Miller gave birth to baby Isabella in 2002.

In 2003, Miller and Jenkins split, and Miller moved to Virginia. She renounced homosexuality and reportedly turned to Jesus Christ for salvation.

When the civil union was officially dissolved, the court gave custody to Miller, while also granting visitation rights to Jenkins.

While Miller did allow Isabella to spend time with Jenkins for awhile, she reportedly became very concerned at the information that her daughter was providing to her following the visitations. Later, Miller testified to the court that the visits were causing great trauma to Isabella. She claimed that at six years old, the girl was forced to take baths together with Jenkins, and that the girl was openly touching herself inappropriately. She also stated that Isabella was withdrawn and talked about suicide at times.

“Isabella came home and said, ‘Mommy, will you please tell Janet that I don’t have to take a bath anymore at her house,’” Miller told LifeSite News in 2008. “I asked her what happened. She said, ‘Janet took a bath with me.’ I asked her if she had a bathing suit on. ‘No, Mommy.’ She had no clothes on and it totally scared Isabella. She had never seen this woman except once in 2 ½ years and she takes a bath with her.”

“Last year, Isabella put a comb up to her neck and said she wanted to kill herself after one of the visits,” she outlined. “She took a comb and pressed it into her neck and said, ‘I want to kill myself.’ I don’t know where she got that. It was immediately after a visit. Other people have seen huge changes.”

Miller then filed for exclusive custody of Isabella, and the court agreed. However, Jenkins fought the ruling all the way up to the Virginia Supreme Court, which in 2008, ruled in favor of granting Miller’s former lesbian partner visitation rights. Miller refused.

The case also went to the Vermont Supreme Court, where Judge Richard Cohen also stated that Isabella should be allowed to visit Jenkins. When Miller again refused, in 2010, Cohen granted full custody to Jenkins.

However, Miller had fled the country with Isabella before the date that she was to transfer custody to Jenkins, and for some time, none knew the whereabouts of the two. Information later turned up that they had taken refuge in Nicaragua.

“I did not divorce my child, I divorced my partner. Yet, I’ve missed out on my child’s kindergarten graduation. I’ll never get that back. I don’t even get to talk to my daughter on the phone. It’s heinous what has transpired,” Jenkins told Newsweek Magazine.

While it is not known as to exactly how Ken Miller, a Mennonite, became involved with Lisa Miller, his website,, does outline some of the circumstances surrounding the situation.

“It was in very painful circumstances that Lisa came to the Anabaptists in Virginia for help, which as a follower of Jesus, Ken could not ignore,” the site states. “Ken supported Lisa’s desire to remove herself and Isabella from former relationships which were not in accord with Jesus’ standard. However, he felt only love and compassion for Lisa’s former partner and others involved.”

“In April of [2011], Timo Miller was arrested in connection with Lisa and Isabella’s disappearance. In October, all charges against Timo were dropped,” it states. “The story continues with a criminal complaint from the Federal Government now being brought against Ken Miller, an Anabaptist pastor from Virginia.”

After a criminal complaint was filed against Ken Miller in November 2011, he traveled to Vermont to self-surrender to authorities, and was released on $10,000 bond.

Although attorneys for Miller sought to have the case dismissed, the courts have denied the requests and have ordered the trial to move forward, pursuing charges against Miller for allegedly “aiding and abetting an international parental kidnapping in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1204 and 18 U.S.C. § 2.”

At a pre-trial conference in Burlington, Vermont yesterday, Judge William Sessions scheduled the official trial for August 7th. According to reports, prosecutors asked that Miller not be allowed to argue obedience to God’s law over man’s law during the trial. Miller’s attorneys stated that it would not be a part of their argument.

“Nothing can take my freedom away,” Ken said on his website, “because I have already surrendered it to Jesus of Nazareth.”

It is not known if Lisa Miller remains in Nicaragua at this time. It is reported that an individual from Canada has also been charged for allegedly assisting Miller to flee to Nicaragua.
