Friday, January 28, 2011

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags

The Intel Hub

UPDATE: The Department of Homeland Security is also looking for a vendor that can supply “various fuels in support of disaster relief.”

DHS specifically cites the states that it will be needed in. North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Florida. That’s right, the Gulf of Mexico.

FEMA is also looking for Hydration Supplies for a disaster in the New Madrid Fault System just as they are looking for food, blankets, and underwater body bags.

I want to start out by stating the importance of an article such as this as well as the importance of NOT jumping to conclusions or doing irrational things out of fear caused by the actions of FEMA. I believe that one of the major powers of FEMA is the fear that it instills in people who consider themselves awake.

That being said, preparing has never became more important. Food, water, and ammo are a must, REGARDLESS of what company you choose to purchase your supplies from.

FEMA has issued multiple RFI’s(Request For Information) in regards to the availability of 140 million packets of food specifically for a disaster in the New Madrid Fault System. Normally this sort of information would seem like disinformation or fear mongering but this particular situation is heavily documented.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores pre-packaged commercial meals to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for meals in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M meals per day):

- Serving Size – 12 ounce (entree not to exceed 480 calorie count);
- Maximum calories – 1200 and/or 1165 per meal;
- Protein parameters – 29g-37g kit;
- Trans Fat – 0;
- Saturated Fat – 13 grams (9 calories per gram);
- Total Fat – 47 grams (less than 10% calories);
- Maximum sodium – 800-930 mg;

Requested Menus to include snacks (i.e. fruit mix, candy, chocolate/peanut butter squeezers, drink mix, condiments, and utensils). All meals/kits must have 36 months of remaining shelf life upon delivery. Packaging should be environmentally friendly.

Interestingly enough, FEMA is also requesting information on millions of blankets for the EXACT same reason. Does FEMA know something we don’t or are they doing this to simply prepare for a disaster in order to help the American people? Most educated people understand that history repeats itself and the history of FEMA is that of an agency that has been completely unprepared and at times, unwilling to help the American people.

While many individuals within FEMA are good, hard working people, their masters have secretly set up thousands of FEMA camps throughout the country specifically for the American people. A few years ago the idea that FEMA camps were real was looked upon as complete bs yet the alternative media continued to push and the facts have been exposed. This is not fear mongering, this is documented fact.

documented fact.


The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) procures and stores blankets to support readiness capability for immediate distribution to disaster survivors routinely. The purpose of this Request for Information is to identify sources of supply for blankets in support of disaster relief efforts based on a catastrophic disaster event within the New Madrid Fault System for a survivor population of 7M to be utilized for the sustainment of life during a 10-day period of operations. FEMA is considering the following specifications (14M blankets per day):
- 100% cotton;
- White;
- 66″ x 90″

These requests line up directly with NLE 2011. In this National Exercise, FEMA plans to run drills simulating a catastrophic disaster along the New Madrid Fault System. This exercise is scheduled for May 2011. Past National Level Exercises have resulted in 70,000 people being evacuated in central Texas while the mainstream media (CORRECTION) mostly ignored it.

Is a massive earthquake set to strike the New Madrid Fault Zone? How do HARRP and the gulf oil disaster play into this possible mega disaster?

In June, a report from the University of Illinois warned that the possibility of a 7.7 magnitude or higher earthquake striking the New Madrid Zone was very high.

“If a quake that size did hit, the report estimates at least 3,500 people would be killed and more than 80,000 others hurt,” reported the Chicago Headlines Examiner.

Other estimates from the report include:

■715,000 buildings damaged
■7 million people homeless
■2.6 million households without power
■$300 Billion economic impact
Adding to seriousness of this situation, the Department of Homeland Security has also contacted multiple vendors in regards to the availability of underwater body bags.

RFI – Department of the Navy
The Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center (SPAWARSYSCEN) Atlantic, Advanced Technology Branch (Code 51610) is seeking information on commercially-available underwater body bags used for recovery operations of bodies and body parts.The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Authorized Equipment List (AEL) item number for this equipment is 03WA-01-BAGB: Underwater Body Bags. The target audience for this information is public resource dive teams within theemergency responder community, and all submittals should be suited to their specific needs.Review of this information is being performed for the DHS System Assessment and Validation for Emergency Responders (SAVER) Program, which aims to conduct objective comparative assessments and validation of commercial equipment andsystems and provide those results with the emergency responder community. For more information on the SAVER Program, visit

It is interesting to note that this is happening at the same time as people are ordering a massive amount of food and food riots are being predicted by globalists throughout the world.

I cannot stress enough the importance of stocking up on food. There are many different companies and places that you can purchase store able food. Pick One!

View Original Article HERE

Police Trained That FEMA Camps Are Perfectly Normal

Milo Nickels
Activist Post

Picture it: You are sound asleep next to your spouse. Your children are safely tucked away in their bedrooms. Despite the chaos in the world which surrounds you–the riots, the food shortages, the deadly pandemic, the nationwide power outage, and the apparent societal collapse–you are safe and comfortable in your house. Although the world has seemingly gone crazy, you are doing all you can to weather the storm and (for the moment) everything is quiet and peaceful. Suddenly, there is a loud crash! You jerk awake from your slumber. Within seconds, before you can even get to your feet, you are blinded by streams of intense light. You can hear your spouse screaming, and your children crying in the distance, but all that noise is drowned out by the loud, harshvoices behind those blinding lights. “Get down!” “Don’t move!” If you hesitate for even a second, they will violently throw you to the ground. You are dragged from your own house along with the rest of your family. As several officers remain behind to search your house, you are thrown onto a fortified bus without any explanation, and whisked away to a “secure facility”. This is your new home–uniforms, prisoner numbers, forced vaccinations, ID markings, armed guards, barking guard dogs, and a fence with barbed wire pointing in.

Yes, I’m talking about FEMA camps. I’m not sure if I actually believe that they exist or not, but I have absolutely no doubt that our government is capable of such a thing. These are, after all, the same people who want to see all travelers naked–and grope their genitals. Honestly, how much of a stretch would camps really be? With all of the rules, laws, taxes, license plate readers, face scanners, traffic cameras, security cameras, metal detectors, speed cameras, and (recently) unmanned spy drones we are pretty much in a giant camp already–they just haven’t built the fence yet.

This article is not about the “reality” of FEMA camps. Plenty of other people have written articles and made movies which offer “proof” that FEMA camps exist. If you want information concerning the Japanese internment camps of WWII, legislation that opens the door to prisoner camps, or even maps of supposed FEMA camp locations, may I offer the following resources for you:

Camp FEMA – American Lockdown(full movie – video – 86 minutes)

Jesse Ventura – Conspiracy Theory(Season 2, Episode 4 – video – 44 minutes)

American Concentration Camps(website)

Google maps marked with all alleged FEMA camps(website)

I’ve watched all the movies and visited all the websites. The information is sometimes compelling, sometimes absurd. There is a plethora of facts and an abundance of wild speculations. Although, I’m not sure what I believe, I have acquired an interesting piece of information that I want to share with all of you. One of my biggest questions concerning FEMA camps has always been this: how on earth would they convince military and police to go along with the roundup?

It’s actually not as difficult as you might suspect. Think of all the unconstitutional, victimless-crime laws that the police willingly and aggressively enforce every single day. Take the “seatbelt law” for example. Although this law is clearly a violation of the constitution and a glaring display of government overstepping its bounds, it was justified to the police as being “necessary because it saves lives”. The government offers a rationalization, the law gets passed, police supervisors give out the orders, and police do as they are told.

It all starts with the justification/rationalization.

It would stand to reason that, if placing people in camps could be justified/rationalized to the police as a “necessary act to save lives”, the police would likely go along with it. But are the police actually being indoctrinated that camps may be necessary to save lives? Sadly, the answer is yes. I recently received the following email, and it blew me away:

Dear Milo, I love your site. I noticed you haven’t discussed FEMA camps yet, but here’s some information that you might find interesting.

I’m a police officer in [withheld to protect officer's identity] State. Everyone in my department was recently required to take an online course sponsored by FEMA about the “Incident Command Structure” (ICS). The Incident Command Structure is the system of control set in place following a disaster, catastrophe, terrorist strike, or other such event. All of the documents from that course can be found on FEMA’s website:

In particular you should pay attention to Unit 6: ICS Facilities. Here’s that direct link:

First, I’d like you to notice page 6-8 which is actually entitled “CAMPS“!!! Now, they claim in this training that “camps” are temporary facilities and may not be required. I feel that they do this to condition the police that camps are perfectly normal and may be necessary–so that we won’t hesitate to place people in camps upon command.

Secondly, I’d like you to notice page 6-4 which mysteriously states “some incidents may require facilities not included on the standard list”. The use of the word “facilities” would lead me to believe that these locations are already in place and are permanent in nature. But then you have to ask: what kind of facilities are important enough to already have in place, but too secretive to leave out of your police training?

I found it very interesting and thought I’d share.

Keep up the good work,

[Name Withheld]

Interesting, indeed! It’s quite unsettling that FEMA is educating police officers around the nation that citizens may have to be placed into CAMPS at some point (for their own safety, of course), and that this practice is completely normal.

Now, I know that I bust on cops a lot on my site. Truthfully though, I don’t actually dislike most individual police officers, but the corrupt governmental institution they serve. Most cops are just honest, hard-working people–working a very difficult job. They don’t want to violate people’s rights, but they also don’t want to get in trouble with their supervisors and risk losing their livelihoods. I actually have several friends who are cops and, like the author of this letter, I can’t picture any of them voluntarily placing American Citizens into camps. I’m hoping that, by sharing this email with all of you, maybe some other police who have received this training will realize what’s really going on, and how they are being conditioned. Placing citizens in camps is not normal, it’s not necessary, and it never will be.

View Original Article HERE


FEMA Advising Australia Amid Takeover of America?

FEMA Requests Information on the Availability of 140 Million Packets of Food, Blankets, and Body Bags

When The Collapse Comes, Will FEMA Camps Look Like Club Med

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Lindsey Williams Returns: China Owns The United States

America has been swallowed up by the globalists and will now be run from Beijing.

12 Economic Collapse Scenarios That We Could Potentially See In 2011

The Economic Collapse

What could cause an economic collapse in 2011? Well, unfortunately there are quite a few "nightmare scenarios" that could plunge the entire globe into another massive financial crisis. The United States, Japan and most of the nations in Europe are absolutely drowning in debt. The Federal Reserve continues to play reckless games with the U.S. dollar. The price of oil is skyrocketing and the global price of food just hit a new record high. Food riots are already breaking out all over the world. Meanwhile, the rampant fraud and corruption going on in world financial markets is starting to be exposed and the whole house of cards could come crashing down at any time. Most Americans have no idea that a horrific economic collapse could happen at literally any time. There is no way that all of this debt and all of this financial corruption is sustainable. At some point we are going to reach a moment of "total system failure".

So will it be soon? Let's hope not. Let's certainly hope that it does not happen in 2011. Many of us need more time to prepare. Most of our families and friends need more time to prepare. Once this thing implodes there isn't going to be an opportunity to have a "do over". We simply will not be able to put the toothpaste back into the tube again.

So we had all better be getting prepared for hard times. The following are 12 economic collapse scenarios that we could potentially see in 2011....

#1 U.S. debt could become a massive crisis at any moment. China is saying all of the right things at the moment, but many analysts are openly worried about what could happen if China suddenly decides to start dumping all of the U.S. debt that they have accumulated. Right now about the only thing keeping U.S. government finances going is the ability to borrow gigantic amounts of money at extremely low interest rates. If anything upsets that paradigm, it could potentially have enormous consequences for the entire world financial system.

#2 Speaking of threats to the global financial system, it turns out that "quantitative easing 2" has had the exact opposite effect that Ben Bernanke planned for it to have. Bernanke insisted that the main goal of QE2 was to lower interest rates, but instead all it has done is cause interest rates to go up substantially. If Bernanke this incompetent or is he trying to mess everything up on purpose?

#3 The debt bubble that the entire global economy is based on could burst at any time and throw the whole planet into chaos. According to a new report from the World Economic Forum, the total amount of credit in the world increased from $57 trillion in 2000 to $109 trillion in 2009. The WEF says that now the world is going to need another $100 trillion in credit to support projected "economic growth" over the next decade. So is this how the new "global economy" works? We just keep doubling the total amount of debt every decade?

#4 As the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve continue to pump massive amounts of new dollars into the system, the floor could fall out from underneath the U.S. dollar at any time. The truth is that we are already starting to see inflation really accelerate and everyone pretty much acknowledges that official U.S. governments figures for inflation are an absolute joke. According to one new study, the cost of college tuition has risen 286% over the last 20 years, and the cost of "hospital, nursing-home and adult-day-care services" rose 269% during those same two decades. All of this happened during a period of supposedly "low" inflation. So what are price increases going to look like when we actually have "high" inflation?

#5 One of the primary drivers of global inflation during 2011 could be the price of oil. A large number of economists are now projecting that the price of oil could surge well past $100 dollars a barrel in 2011. If that happens, it is going to put significant pressure on the price of almost everything else in the entire global economy. In fact, as I have explained previously, the higher the price of oil goes, the faster the U.S. economy will decline.

#6 Food inflation is already so bad in some areas of the globe that it is setting off massive food riots in nations such as Tunisia and Algeria. In fact, there have been reports of people setting themselves on fire all over the Middle East as a way to draw attention to how desperate they are. So what is going to happen if global food prices go up another 10 or 20 percent and food riots spread literally all over the globe during 2011?

#7 There are persistent rumors that simply will not go away of massive physical gold and silver shortages. Demand for precious metals has never been higher. So what is going to happen when many investors begin to absolutely insist on physical delivery of their precious metals? What is going to happen when the fact that far, far, far more "paper gold" and "paper silver" has been sold than has ever actually physically existed in the history of the planet starts to come out? What would that do to the price of gold and silver?

#8 The U.S. housing industry could plunge the U.S. economy into another recession at any time. The real estate market is absolutely flooded with homes and virtually nobody is buying. This massive oversupply of homes means that the construction of new homes has fallen off a cliff. In 2010, only 703,000 single family, multi-family and manufactured homes were completed. This was a new record low, and it was down 17% from the previous all-time record which had just been set in 2009.

#9 A combination of extreme weather and disease could make this an absolutely brutal year for U.S. farmers. This winter we have already seen thousands of new cold weather and snowfall records set across the United States. Now there is some very disturbing news emerging out of Florida of an "incurable bacteria" that is ravaging citrus crops all over Florida. Is there a reason why so many bad things are happening all of a sudden?

#10 The municipal bond crisis could go "supernova" at any time. Already, investors are bailing out of bonds at a frightening pace. State and local government debt is now sitting at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP. According to Meredith Whitney, the municipal bond crisis that we are facing is a gigantic threat to our financial system....

"It has tentacles as wide as anything I’ve seen. I think next to housing this is the single most important issue in the United States and certainly the largest threat to the U.S. economy."
Former Los Angeles mayor Richard Riordan is convinced that things are so bad that literally 90% of our states and cities could go bankrupt over the next five years....

#11 Of course on top of everything else, the quadrillion dollar derivatives bubble could burst at any time. Right now we are watching the greatest financial casino in the history of the globe spin around and around and around and everyone is hoping that at some point it doesn't stop. Today, most money on Wall Street is not made by investing in good business ideas. Rather, most money on Wall Street is now made by making the best bets. Unfortunately, at some point the casino is going to come crashing down and the game will be over.

#12 The biggest wildcard of all is war. The Korean peninsula came closer to war in 2010 than it had in decades. The Middle East could literally explode at any time. We live in a world where a single weapon can take out an entire city in an instant. All it would take is a mid-size war or a couple of weapons of mass destruction to throw the entire global economy into absolute turmoil.

Once again, let us hope that none of these economic collapse scenarios happens in 2011.

However, we have got to realize that we can't keep dodging these bullets forever.

As bad as 2010 was, the truth is that it went about as good as any of us could have hoped. Things are still pretty stable and times are still pretty good right now.

But instead of using these times to "party", we should be using them to prepare.

A really, really vicious economic storm is coming and it is going to be a complete and total nightmare. Get ready, hold on tight, and say your prayers.

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Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Feds Come Knocking For Home Inspections

Bob Unruh

Some citizens outraged, calling probe 'illegal search and invasion' of property.

A sanitation district in Pennsylvania has notified homeowners that its representatives will be making personal visits to every structure served by its network of drainpipes because that's what the federal Environmental Protection Agency is demanding.

The letter informs homeowners the inspections will probably take only about 15 minutes, but that all properties "will be considered a source of clear water discharges until an inspection can be conducted."

The effort, according to officials at the Coplay Whitehall Sewer Authority, is to prevent water from sources such as sump pumps or downspouts from being channeled into a water treatment process.

But homeowners are concerned about the mandatory government inspections of their properties.

"I do consider this the equivalent of illegal search and invasion of my home without just cause and [it] establishes a situation where I am guilty and must prove innocence," one homeowner, who asked that his identity be withheld, told WND.

"This inspection is to determine if I am 'discharging' 'clean water' into the sewer system. At no point in the letter does it say exactly what will be looked at, (I guess leaky faucets will be a crime) what else may be being evaluated while my property is being inspected, what is on the 'check list' or report that is being done, and really exactly who is doing the inspection," he said.

Officials with the sanitation district confirmed that they dispatched the letter and said the inspections are being demanded by the EPA. However, officials at the regional EPA office and those at its Washington headquarters declined to respond to WND questions about the process or its goals.

The letter to homeowners said the district was served "with a United States Environmental Protection Agency Administration Order which requires elimination of all Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) and the elimination of all clear water from entering each respective municipality's sanitary sewer system."

"The Administrative Order carries severe penalties and fines if compliance with the Order is not achieved," the letter said.

"In order to meet the requirements of the EPA Order, the CWSA finds it necessary to conduct door to door inspections of all properties connected to the CWSA system to ensure your property is not contributing clear water discharges to the sanitary sewer systems."

The letter warned that "failure by the CWSA to comply with the EPA order will result in fines and penalties levied against the CWSA which in turn will be passed on to CWSA customers through increased sanitary sewer rates."

The homeowner told WND, "I find myself becoming more and more angry as I process the ramifications of this whole issue. This may be just to look for 'clean water discharge' (what a joke – I wonder if they will look to see if I'm in the shower too long and not standing under the flow of water enough and I better not run the water for a glass of cold water), but this is, like the sexual assaults of the TSA, the beginning of accepting illegal and unwarranted searches.

"It is happening here, but from the letter I get the feeling that it is being done elsewhere with the goal of having the EPA visit every single home/apartment in America to collect who knows what information … and if this is for clean water, what will be next?" the homeowner said.

The sanitation district's own website confirms there apparently are other ways to obtain some information, since it describes how it "utilizes a 'state of the art' television inspection system, reviewing 30 miles of line/year to assure maintenance of an exemplary 'tight' system."

The district website confirms that there are 13,500 properties served by the "approximately 120 miles of line," meaning that the entire system could be reviewed once every four years with the separate system it uses.

It advises that "rainwater, downspouts, basement drains and sump pump discharges" should not be connected or piped into the sanitary district's drains.

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Austerity In America: 22 Signs That It Is Already Here And That It Is Going To Be Very Painful

The Economic Collapse

Over the past couple of years, most Americans have shown little concern as austerity measures were imposed on financially troubled nations across Europe. Even as austerity riots erupted in nations such as Greece and Spain, most Americans were still convinced that nothing like that could ever happen here. Well, guess what? Austerity has arrived in America. At this point, it is not a formal, mandated austerity like we have seen in Europe, but the results are just the same. Taxes are going up, services are being slashed dramatically, thousands of state and city employees are being laid off, and politicians seem to be endlessly talking about ways to make even deeper budget cuts. Unfortunately, even with the incredibly severe budget cuts that we have seen already, many state and local governments across the United States are still facing a sea of red ink as far as the eye can see.

Most Americans tend to think of "government debt" as only a problem of the federal government. But that is simply not accurate. The truth is that there are thousands of "government debt problems" from coast to coast. Today, state and local government debt has reached at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP. It is a crisis of catastrophic proportions that is not going away any time soon.

A recent article in the New York Times did a good job of summarizing the financial pain that many state governments are feeling right now. Unfortunately, as bad as the budget shortfalls are for this year, they are projected to be even worse in 2012....

While state revenues — shrunken as a result of the recession — are finally starting to improve somewhat, federal stimulus money that had propped up state budgets is vanishing and costs are rising, all of which has left state leaders bracing for what is next. For now, states have budget gaps of $26 billion, by some estimates, and foresee shortfalls of at least $82 billion as they look to next year’s budgets.
So what is the solution? Well, for state and local politicians from coast to coast, the answer to these financial problems is to impose austerity measures. Of course they never, ever use the term "austerity measures", but that is exactly what they are.

The following are 22 signs that austerity has already arrived in America and that it is going to be very, very painful....

#1 The financial manager of the Detroit Public Schools, Robert Bobb, has submitted a proposal to close half of all the schools in the city. His plan envisions class sizes of up to 62 students in the remaining schools.

#2 Detroit Mayor Dave Bing wants to cut off 20 percent of the entire city from police and trash services in order to save money.

#3 Things are so tight in California that Governor Jerry Brown is requiring approximately 48,000 state workers to turn in their government-paid cell phones by June 1st.

#4 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is proposing to completely eliminate 20 percent of state agencies.

#5 New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg has closed 20 fire departments at night and is proposing layoffs in every single city agency.

#6 In the state of Illinois, lawmakers recently pushed through a 66 percent increase in the personal income tax rate.

#7 The town of Prichard, Alabama came up with a unique way to battle their budget woes recently. They simply stopped sending out pension checks to retired workers. Of course this is a violation of state law, but town officials insist that they just do not have the money.

#8 New Jersey Governor Chris Christie recently purposely skipped a scheduled 3.1 billion dollar payment to that state's pension system.

#9 The state of New Jersey is in such bad shape that they still are facing a $10 billion budget deficit for this year even after cutting a billion dollars from the education budget and laying off thousands of teachers.

#10 Due to a very serious budget shortfall, the city of Newark, New Jersey recently made very significant cuts to the police force. Subsequently, there has been a very substantial spike in the crime rate.

#11 The city of Camden, New Jersey is "the second most dangerous city in America", but because of a huge budget shortfall they recently felt forced to lay off half of the city police force.

#12 Philadelphia, Baltimore and Sacramento have all instituted "rolling brownouts" during which various city fire stations are shut down on a rotating basis.

#13 In Georgia, the county of Clayton recently eliminated its entire public bus system in order to save 8 million dollars.

#14 Oakland, California Police Chief Anthony Batts has announced that due to severe budget cuts there are a number of crimes that his department will simply not be able to respond to any longer. The crimes that the Oakland police will no longer be responding to include grand theft, burglary, car wrecks, identity theft and vandalism.

#15 In Connecticut, the governor is asking state legislators to approve the biggest tax increase that the state has seen in two decades.

#16 All across the United States, conditions at many state parks, recreation areas and historic sites are deplorable at best. Some states have backlogs of repair projects that are now over a billion dollars long. The following is a quote from a recent MSNBC article about these project backlogs....

More than a dozen states estimate that their backlogs are at least $100 million. Massachusetts and New York's are at least $1 billion. Hawaii officials called park conditions "deplorable" in a December report asking for $50 million per year for five years to tackle a $240 million backlog that covers parks, trails and harbors.
#17 The state of Arizona recently announced that it has decided to stop paying for many types of organ transplants for people enrolled in its Medicaid program.

#18 Not only that, but Arizona is do desperate for money that they have even sold off the state capitol building, the state supreme court building and the legislative chambers.

#19 All over the nation, asphalt roads are actually being ground up and are being replaced with gravel because it is cheaper to maintain. The state of South Dakota has transformed over 100 miles of asphalt road into gravel over the past year, and 38 out of the 83 counties in the state of Michigan have transformed at least some of their asphalt roads into gravel roads.

#20 The state of Illinois is such a financial disaster zone that it is hard to even describe. According to 60 Minutes, the state of Illinois is six months behind on their bill payments. 60 Minutes correspondent Steve Croft asked Illinois state Comptroller Dan Hynes how many people and organizations are waiting to be paid by the state, and this is how Hynes responded....

"It's fair to say that there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of people waiting to be paid by the state."
#21 The city of Chicago is in such dire straits financially that officials there are actually toying with the idea of setting up a city-owned casino as a way to raise cash.

#22 Michigan Governor Rick Snyder is desperately looking for ways to cut the budget and he says that "hundreds of jurisdictions" in his state could go bankrupt over the next few years.

But everything that you have just read is only the beginning. Budget shortfalls for our state and local governments are projected to be much worse in the years ahead.

So what is the answer? Well, our state and local governments are going to have to spend less money. That means that we are likely to see even more savage budget cutting.

In addition, our state and local politicians are going to feel intense pressure to find ways to "raise revenue". In fact, we are already starting to see this happen.

According to the National Association of State Budget Officers, over the past couple of years a total of 36 out of the 50 U.S. states have raised taxes or fees of some sort.

So hold on to your wallets, because the politicians are going to be coming after them.

We are entering a time of extreme financial stress in America. The federal government is broke. Most of our state and local governments are broke. Record numbers of Americans are going bankrupt. Record numbers of Americans are being kicked out of their homes. Record numbers of Americans are now living in poverty.

The debt-fueled prosperity of the last several decades came at a cost. We literally mortgaged the future. Now nothing will ever be the same again.

View Article With Links HERE

Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Global Currency is Coming! NWO Plan is in Motion!

Nathan Leal was a guest on Trunews with Rick Wiles - Friday (1-14-11)

This program had three guests.

Nathan has been given insider info on the coming NWO plan for a global currency. He shared this info on the program.

The second guest has a different (insider) source & shares similar info on what the "NWO powers that be" are doing behind the scenes.

Third guest Augusto Perez shares the message God gave him about a coming dollar devaluation.

Coming soon: a global currency, dollar devaluation of 50% to 70%. Savings accounts and the middle class to be wiped out! We must get ready!

The wheels are in motion! Please listen to this and warn your friends and families. We are running out of time!!

God Bless

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Food Prices Rise Higher Than Ever As Globalists Predict Food Riots

The Intel Hub

We have worked extensively to document rising food prices and possible coming food shortages. Now the Food and Agriculture Organization of 55 food commodities has recorded that global food prices hit an all time record in December.

Natural News

Figures recently released by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) index of 55 food commodities indicates that worldwide food prices hit a record high in December. Though the costs of some food commodities like rice, corn and soy actually decreased, oil seeds and sugar jumped significantly due to various factors including erratic weather and droughts, according to reports.

In the past, such ups and downs on the commodity market did not immediately affect actual food costs for consumers, but some experts say that this is no longer the case, and that “food inflation” will occur right alongside the commodity price gains. And rapid food inflation has already taken place in India, for example, with recent reports indicating that the country experienced an overall food inflation rate of 18 percent in 2010.

Food Inflation is very real yet certain Congressman are working to disarm the American people which will potentially kill thousands of citizens who would be unable to protect them selves during food riots or a martial law type scenario.


Philippe Chalmin, an economic adviser to the French government has warned of coming food riots as early as April. Freezing temps in Europe and droughts in Argentina has lead to speculation that grain prices are set to skyrocket.

Crop damage caused by flooding in Australia and drought in Argentina is likely to boost grain prices in coming months, Chalmin, an economics professor at the University of Paris- Dauphine, said in an interview in the French capital today.

“I’m very concerned,” Chalmin said. “Around Easter we could start to see food riots.”

World food prices advanced to a record in December, partly driven by higher sugar prices, the United Nation’s Food and Agricultural Organization reported yesterday. The FAO’s cereal index rose to the highest level since August 2008, remaining about 37 points below the record level in April that year.

The world may face social unrest including food riots in April as grain prices increase, said Philippe Chalmin, an economic adviser to the French government.

Is this fear based reporting or are we really looking at social unrest and/or martial law due to rising food prices worldwide?

With globalists such as World Bank President Robert Zoellick pushing for more so called “global stability” in the food market, it is clear that this is a REAL food crisis CREATED by the very people who will eventually pose the solution.

The Telegraph

The cause of such alarm? On Wednesday, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported that global food prices had hit a record high and were likely to go on rising, entering what Abdolreza Abbassian, its senior grains economist, called “danger territory”.

Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank, warns that the rising prices are “a threat to global growth and social stability”, and Nicolas Sarkozy has identified them as a priority for the G20, which he chairs this year.

That is bad enough for Britain, adding to the inflationary pressures from the soaring cost of oil and other commodities, not to mention the VAT increase. But for the world’s poor, who have to spend 80 per cent of their income on food, it could be catastrophic.

At this point it would be insane to not stock up on food as it is very evident that this globalist imposed food crisis is on the horizon.

■Sarkozy takes G20 case to Obama as food prices soar
■Gwynne Dyer: The future of food riots
■JPMorgan: Rising Food Prices Fuelling Inflation
■Violence Over Rising Food Prices
■The Great Food Crisis of 2011
■UPDATE: Food Riots Begin In Middle East and South Asia!

View Original Article With Links HERE

Timeline of Recent Mysterious Bird, Fish Deaths

Mike Adams
Natural News

(NaturalNews) The recent mysterious deaths of birds and fish are causing alarm among naturalists around the world. Birds are literally falling dead out of the sky, and fish are washing up dead on shores and rivers across North America and around the world. The reaction from the mainstream media seems strangely subdued, as if they're all just blowing this off as some unexplained quirk about the natural world that should be largely ignored.

NaturalNews readers think differently. We are concerned when thousands of dead birds fall out of the sky for no apparent reason. The sky itself may not be falling, but previously live animals are clearly falling out of it. If that's not enough reason to wonder what the heck is happening to our planet, then what is?

These are clear signs that something is wrong. Red flags from nature, if you will. Here's the timeline of recent deaths that have been reported:

12.13.10 - Thousands of dead barramundi fish wash up in Australia, unknown causes. View HERE

12.15.10 - Thousands of dead fish wash ashore on Florida beach, blamed on cold weather. View HERE

12.17.10 - Dead fish wash ashore at lake beach in Indiana, blamed on winter storms. View HERE

12.18.10 - Thousands of dead fish turn up in bay in Philippines, unknown causes. View HERE

12.22.10 - More than a hundred dead pelicans turn up in North Carolina, unknown causes. View HERE

12.23.10 - Hundreds of dead sea creatures wash ashore in South Carolina, blamed on cold water. View HERE

12.23.10 - Ten tons of mostly dead fish found in fishing net in New Zealand, unknown causes. View HERE

12.27.10 - Scores of dead fish wash ashore in a lake in Haiti, unknown causes. View HERE

12.28.10 - 70 bats found dead in Tucson, Ariz., unknown causes. View HERE

12.29.10 - Dozens of fish found dead in San Antonio, Texas, unknown causes (

12.31.10 - 5,000+ birds found dead in Arkansas, suffering from massive trauma and blood clots. View HERE

01.03.11 - 100,000+ dead drum fish found in Arkansas river, unknown causes. View HERE

01.03.11 - Dozens of dead birds show up in a woman's backyard in Kentucky, unknown causes. View HERE

01.03.11 - Tens of thousands of dead fish wash ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Md., blamed on cold water. View HERE

01.03.11 - 100 tons of dead fish wash ashore in Brazil, unknown causes. View HERE

01.04.11 - Several dead manatees found on Florida coast, unknown causes. View HERE

01.04.11 - Thousands of dead fish wash up on creek in Florida, unknown causes. View HERE

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead fish was ashore on St. Clair River in Ontario, Can., unknown causes. View HERE

01.04.11 - Hundreds of dead black birds found on highway in Louisiana, suffering from internal injuries and blood clots. View HERE

01.05.11 - Hundreds of dead birds found on highway in Texas, unknown causes. View HERE

01.05.11 - Large amount of dead fish wash up on New Zealand beaches, unknown causes. View HERE

01.05.11 - Up to 100 jackdaw birds found dead on road in Sweden, unknown causes. View HERE

01.06.11 - 40,000+ dead Devil crabs washed ashore in the U.K., unknown causes. View HERE

01.07.11 - More than 1,000 dead turtle doves found in Italy, unknown causes. View HERE

01.10.11 - Countless fish found dead in U.K. brook, unknown causes. View HERE

01.11.11 - Thousands of gizzard shad fish float to the top of Lake Michigan and wash up on the shores near Chicago, blamed on cold weather. View HERE

NaturalNews will continue to cover this story in the days ahead. Watch for more breaking news on this topic.

View Original Article HERE

Here They Come For Your Money – Dozens Of States Are Raising Taxes In 2011

The American Dream

You didn't think that state governments would rack up all of this debt without eventually coming after your money, did you? In 2011, dozens of U.S. states are either implementing tax increases that have already been passed or are debating new tax increases that have recently been proposed. In most states, the actual state income tax is not being raised. State politicians have learned that voters really tend to get angry when that happens. Rather, our politicians on the state level are looking for taxes and fees that won't be "noticed" that they can raise. For example, cigarette taxes, alcohol taxes, gas taxes, carbonated beverage taxes and phone taxes get raised a lot because the voters do not pay them directly to the government and typically they do not get noticed as much. Another huge area where state politicians love to raise money is through various "fees". For instance, millions of Americans have noticed that car registration fees and license fees have absolutely soared in recent years. Instead of our politicians coming at us with one big, huge tax increase that we would surely notice, they are hitting us with dozens of smaller tax hikes and fee increases that they are hoping we will not get upset about. The truth is that the average American pays literally dozens of different kinds of taxes each year, and it still isn't nearly enough to cover the horrific debts that our politicians have piled up.

Today, state and local government debt has reached at an all-time high of 22 percent of U.S. GDP.

Just think about that.

Government debt is not just a federal problem. Most of our state governments are absolutely drowning in red ink.

Have you been watching the headlines lately?

California is broke.

Illinois is broke.

Texas is broke.

New Jersey is broke.

New York is broke.

In fact, there are very few states that are not on the verge of a financial meltdown.

So what is the solution?

Well, our state governments are going to come and take even more of our money away.

What did you think was going to happen?

According to the National Association of State Budget Officers, over the past couple of years a total of 36 out of the 50 U.S. states have raised taxes or fees of some sort. Other organizations put that number even higher.

And more tax increases are on the way. The following are just a few of the states that are talking about even more tax increases in 2011....

Illinois - In the state of Illinois, lawmakers are attempting to push through a 66 percent increase in the personal income tax rate. There is also a proposal to more than double the tax on cigarettes.

Connecticut - Dan Malloy is asking state legislators to approve the biggest tax increase that the state has seen in two decades.

California - California Governor Jerry Brown has unveiled a "draconian" budget plan for 2011 that includes 12 billion dollars in spending cuts and that maintains 12 billion dollars in tax increases.

Maryland - Lawmakers in Maryland are looking at raising taxes on gasoline and alcohol, among other things.

Georgia - Residents of Georgia will soon see a substantial increase in sales taxes on everything from groceries to water, higher cigarette taxes and possibly even higher phone taxes.

Washington State - Lawmakers in the state of Washington are proposing higher taxes on cigarettes, carbonated beverages and "hazardous substances".

Sadly, there are many more examples which could be mentioned. Tax increases are being proposed so rapidly all over the nation that it is incredibly difficult to keep up with them all.

So have your taxes been raised lately?

Many of you probably have already noticed that more money is being taken out of your paychecks now than compared to just a few years ago.

In most U.S. states, unemployment insurance payroll taxes have been raised substantially.

But what did you think was going to happen when so many people lost their jobs?

We all have to support all of those unemployed American workers one way or another. We didn't say anything when they shipped millions of middle class jobs overseas, so now we have to pay higher taxes to support the millions of workers that have lost their jobs.

According to the National Employment Law Project, 41 U.S. states increased unemployment insurance payroll taxes in 2010. The average unemployment insurance payroll tax increase was nearly 33.9%.

Does that make you mad?

Well, perhaps you should have bought more products that had "made in the U.S.A." on them and less products that had "made in China" stamped on them.

But we didn't provide U.S. workers with good jobs and so now we have to pay higher taxes to keep them from starving.

Meanwhile, our local "law enforcement authorities" are being turned into revenue raising agents.

In many areas of the country it is now difficult to get the police to come out even if someone has stolen your car or broken into your home.


Well, because they are all out writing tickets and raising money for the government.

And some of the fines being slapped on people in some areas of the country are absolutely outrageous. For example, from now on if you are caught jaywalking in the city of Los Angeles you will be slapped with a $191 fine.

Speeding tickets in many areas are becoming horribly expensive as well, and even the police realize what is going on. For example, just consider what Sgt. Richard Lyons says is going on in his community....

"They’re trying to use police officers to balance the budget on the backs of drivers, and it’s too bad. The people we count on to support us and help us when we’re on the road are the ones who end up paying the bills, and they’re ticked off about it. We might as well just go door to door and tell people, ‘Slide us $100 now since your 16-year-old is going to end up paying us anyway when he starts driving.’ You can’t blame people for getting upset."
Some areas of the country have found that it is even more efficient to automate the process of sucking the revenue out of us.

For example, revenue from red-light cameras doubled from $200,000 a month in 2007 to $400,000 a month at the end of 2009 in the city of Los Angeles.

In America today, drivers are not citizens to be served - they are revenue sources to be tapped.

Have you been tapped lately?

But even with all of the tax hikes, fee increases and "revenue raising", our state and local governments are still drowning in debt.

So where does all of this end?

What is America eventually going to look like if all of this continues?

Those are some hard questions. Please feel free to leave a comment if you think that you have some answers....

View Original Article With Links HERE

Related: Illinois Raises Income Tax 66%

Chemtrails Coverups

Devvy Kidd
News With Views

For the past ten years, the issue of aerosol spraying has remained in the spotlight, mostly on the Internet. Here and there one sees a bit of coverage on a local news channel, but for the most part, it has not risen to the level of concern that it should with the American people.

Those beautiful blue skies that disappear with the constant criss crossing of white gunk is no accident. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's real and deadly to humans and our environment, but what exactly is "it"?

This is one of those issues that takes an enormous amount of time to research. Where do you go for accurate information? Cliff Carnicom was one of the early pioneers exposing the issue of chemical spaying of our skies. Over the years, like almost two million others, I have spent a great deal of time reading the documentation on his web site. Six, seven years ago, I met Rosalind Peterson to look at her research. It was scary and based on hard facts, not speculation. By hard facts, I mean water tables, documented destruction of crops and trees. Eventually, I was able to obtain an appointment for us with my state rep out in Sacramento; you can read about it in link three below.

As with so many other issues on the Internet, aerosol spraying has been fodder for wackos making all kinds of wild accusations. I think a lot of it is planted to confuse people and make the serious researchers look like nut cases. There are individuals who believe the chemtrails caused by all this geoengineering is nothing but a hoax:

Carl F. Worden
December 20, 2009

"When the first reports of so-called "Chemtrails" hit the Internet crowd ten years ago, I knew it was a very well-thought-out hoax, but I didn't know why it was being so heavily promulgated, and who stood to benefit from it. After all, a sizable number of people had obviously spent a great deal of time and effort to promote that absurdity, and then I noticed their e-mail addresses: Too many of those addresses ended with ".edu", telling me they were hatched from individuals directly connected with institutions of higher learning.

"It appears the Chemtrail hoax was an elaborate, college-based experiment to see what average individuals would believe en masse, even if there was no solid chain of evidence to support the theory -- which is all it ever was."

When you look at Cliff's web site and Rosalind's (California and Agriculture Defense Coalition), you will see this is serious stuff and not a hoax. I know Rosalind has spent thousands of unpaid man hours doing her research because she cares about people and the environment. She also has the credentials to be taken seriously. Rosalind isn't alone. There are many fine groups out there doing a superb job of trying to educate their fellow Americans on this issue. But, without the help of national media and major cable "news" networks (which hasn't and won't happen because they're useful idiots) we can't reach everyone.

Rosalind points out on her ADC web site:

"The Agriculture Defense Coalition is dedicated to protecting agriculture, our water supplies, trees, and pollinators from a wide variety of experimental weather modification and atmospheric testing programs and experiments.

"These experimental programs will cause a decline in agriculture crop production, exacerbate declines in tree health, and add toxic chemicals to our water supplies and soils. Just the use of salt particles to make clouds brighter will salt up drinking water in watersheds and cause increases in salt in drinking and agriculture water supplies. The continued use of salt particles in clouds will make productive crop producing soils unusable for agriculture and change fresh water to salt water. The results will be long-lasting and will affect trees, birds, mammals, fish, watersheds, pollinators, crop production, rivers and streams.

"Toxic chemicals used in experimental atmospheric testing programs by the U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy, and NASA are already showing up in drinking water samples across the United States. The California State Department of Heath, Drinking Water Division in Sacramento, CA, is the repository for all public drinking water tests results required by the State of California and the EPA. These tests showing increasing (spikes), levels of toxic chemicals used in atmospheric tests. (For More Information on these Tests Check the Website by Chemical Name or Go to the NASA Section or the U.S. Navy Section which list some of these Experiments.)

"In the United States anyone may modify or mitigate your weather or climate without your consent. Any government agency, the military, state, county, city, private corporation, weather modification company or individual can modify your weather at any time. No public notification is required other than to report these programs to the United States Interior Department, NOAA. However, it has been learned that many programs are not reported to NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration).

"U.S. Senate Bill S601 (initiated by Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison), could be passed by the U.S. Senate at any time. This bill funds experimental weather mitigation and modification programs, does not require congressional oversight, sets up a board of directors who essentially may take bribes and be in office for years, does not have public oversight, public notification or public consent requirements. This bill expands experimental weather modification and mitigation programs in the United States. (For More Information on this Topic and a Listing of Current and Ongoing Weather Modification Programs from NOAA Check the Weather Modification Section of this Website.)

"Upper atmospheric testing continues without public oversight or consent and with little, if any, public notification. Now Global Geoengineering Plans to reduce the amount of direct sunlight reach the Earth (Solar Radiation Management), are beginning to be planned for our future. The use of toxic chemicals and other upper atmospheric particle releases are planned. There have been three hearings by the U.S. House of Representatives Science & Technology Committee since November 5, 2009. Testimony has only been from those, for the most part, promoting Geoengineering. (For More Information about the Negative Consequences of these Experiment Check the Geoengineering Section of this Website.)"

On Rosalind's Agriculture Defense Coalition web site are two sections: (1) Geoengineering and (2) Weather Modification. They are not hoaxes or conspiracy theories, but actual programs that have been underway by various agencies and the military of this government for decades. The proof is in the documents if you take the time to read them.

Since we will get no help from the fake journalists who work for the MSM (including networks like FOX), how do we get credible information and documentation to lawmakers? Not the Outlaw Congress - they are the ones who have allowed this disaster to continue with major funding. While there might be a few in Congress, like Ron Paul or socialist Dennis Kucinich, who would like to see this investigated, it should be obvious by now that the Outlaw Congress doesn't give a tinker's damn what you and I want; just remember the vote several weeks ago on the phony Food and Safety Modernization Act. No, we have to reach out by the hundreds of thousands to our state houses.

State legislators need to understand they are also being used as guinea pigs endangering their health as well as their children. Citizens have been after their state legislators for years, but it takes numbers and persistence. But how do you get a hundred hours of research to your rep and senator? A new DVD is out now that does an outstanding job in bringing forth the truth: What In The World Are They Spraying? This is a full length documentary featuring G. Edward Griffin, highly respected researcher and author of Creature from Jekyll Island, World Without Cancer, The Fearful Master: A Second Look at the UN and many more publications. A short description about the documentary:

"By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing this and WHY. With the release of this video, all of that has changed. Here is the story of a rapidly developing industry called Geoengineering, driven by scientists, corporations, and governments intent on changing global climate, controlling the weather, and altering the chemical composition of soil and water – all supposedly for the betterment of mankind. Although officials insist that these programs are only in the discussion phase, evidence is abundant that they have been underway since about 1990 – and the effect has been devastating to crops, wildlife, and human health. We are being sprayed with toxic substances without our consent and, to add insult to injury, they are lying to us about it."

I urge you to order this DVD. Watch it and then send it to your state representative. Many folks don't know, but state legislators are buried early on with legislation and business inside the capitols. So many have very short sessions, like here in Texas and Montana. Only a few months and then gone until 2013. (This is the 2011 session schedule for all 50 states). The longer the spraying and fooling with mother nature goes on, the worse it will get for us, our food supply and the environment.

State Lawmakers have a right to know what is being done to the skies over their state affecting the health of humans, killing crops, trees and seriously damaging the environment. Just send a short snail mail letter asking your state rep to watch the DVD. You are making this request because there is too much credible documentation about Geoengineering and the spraying of our skies to ignore and none of it is good for humans or the environment. Today I am sending a letter and my copy of the DVD to my newly elected state rep in Austin.

Equally important: Wait ten days after you mail it and follow up with phone calls. When you call, tell the staffer you sent the DVD and want to know feedback from your rep or senator. If they are vague, write another short letter (not email - a snail mail letter takes up space on their desk) letting your rep/senator know you called and have not received an acceptable answer. If you live close to your state capitol, stop in with two or three people and follow up. This is critical to getting their attention. For the life of me, I cannot understand why more state legislators are not taking this serious issue to the front burner. A decade ago, Jodi Waters stormed the State Capitol in Sacramento over the poisonous MTBE in gasoline. She made it a huge issue and beat the EPA and oil companies. It sure as heck wasn't easy, but it we can stop this dangerous spraying of our skies by getting this DVD to our state legislators and following up until it becomes an issue.

To order this critically important documentary, click here.

Important Links:

2:48 second video - what do you think?
Pilot Films Jet Spraying Chemtrails

1 - Chemtrails: Conspiracy Theories or Something Else? (Written by yours truly)
2 - Chemtrails News Item: More Information, Please
3 - Rosalind Peterson and I meet with my state reps aide (2007)
4 - Roll call vote (House) phony Food Safety bill
5 - Former Arizona State Senator, Karen Johnson (in the DVD) and others go right to the state capitol: Legislators confronted with chemtrail concerns
6 - Chemtrails or Contrails by G. Edward Griffin
7 - Atmospheric Geoengineering: Weather Manipulation, Contrails and Chemtrails
8 - What about sunshine? Scientists Admit Chemtrails Are Creating Artificial Clouds
9 - This article has a list of patents - of specific interest are those regarding barium, cloud seeding and RE29,142 – February 22, 1977 – Reissue of: 03630950 – Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

View Original Article With Links HERE

Sunday, January 9, 2011

7 Reasons Food Shortages Will Become a Global Crisis

Activist Post

Food inflation is here and it's here to stay. We can see it getting worse every time we buy groceries. Basic food commodities like wheat, corn, soybeans, and rice have been skyrocketing since July, 2010 to record highs. These sustained price increases are only expected to continue as food production shortfalls really begin to take their toll this year and beyond.

This summer Russia banned exports of wheat to ensure their nation's supply, which sparked complaints of protectionism. The U.S. agriculture community is already talking about rationing corn over ethanol mandates versus supply concerns. We've seen nothing yet in terms of food protectionism.

Global food shortages have forced emergency meetings at the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization where they claim "urgent action" is needed. They point to extreme weather as the main contributing factor to the growing food shortages. However, commodity speculation has also been targeted as one of the culprits.

It seems that the crisis would also present the perfect opportunity and the justification for the large GMO food companies to force their products into skeptical markets like in Europe and Japan, as recently leaked cables suggest. One thing is for sure; food shortages will likely continue to get worse and eventually become a full-scale global food crisis.

Here are seven reasons why food shortages are here to stay on a worldwide scale:

1. Extreme Weather: Extreme weather has been a major problem for global food; from summer droughts and heat waves that devastated Russia’s wheat crop to the ongoing catastrophes from 'biblical flooding' in Australia and Pakistan. And it doesn’t end there. An extreme winter cold snap and snow has struck the whole of Europe and the United States. Staple crops are failing in all of these regions making an already fragile harvest in 2010 even more critical into 2011. Based on the recent past, extreme weather conditions are only likely to continue and perhaps worsen in the coming years.

2. Bee Colony Collapse: The Guardian reported this week on the USDA's study on bee colony decline in the United States: "The abundance of four common species of bumblebee in the US has dropped by 96% in just the past few decades." It is generally understood that bees pollinate around 90% of the world's commercial crops. Obviously, if these numbers are remotely close to accurate, then our natural food supply is in serious trouble. Luckily for us, the GMO giants have seeds that don't require open pollination to bear fruit.

3. Collapsing Dollar: Commodity speculation has resulted in massive food inflation that is already creating crisis levels in poor regions in the world. Food commodity prices have soared to record highs mainly because they trade in the ever-weakening dollar. Traders will point to the circumstances described in this article to justify their gambles, but also that food represents a tangible investment in an era of worthless paper. Because the debt problems in the United States are only getting worse, and nations such as China and Russia are dropping the dollar as their trade vehicle, the dollar will continue to weaken, further driving all commodity prices higher.

4. Regulatory Crackdown: Even before the FDA was given broad new powers to regulate food in the recent Food Safety Modernization Act, small farms were being raided and regulated out of business. Now, the new food bill essentially puts food safety under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security where the food cartel uses the government to further consolidate their control over the industry. Militant police action is taken against farmers suspected of falling short on quality regulations. It is the power to intimidate innocent small farmers out of the business.

5. Rising oil prices: In 2008, record oil prices that topped $147 per barrel drove food prices to new highs. Rice tripled in 6 months during the surge of oil prices, along with other food commodities. The price of oil affects food on multiple levels; from plowing fields, fertilizers and pesticides, to harvesting and hauling. Flash forward to 2011: many experts are predicting that oil may reach upwards of $150-$200 per barrel in the months ahead. As oil closed out 2010 at its 2-year highs of $95/bbl, it is likely on pace to continue climbing. Again, a weakening dollar will also play its part in driving oil prices, and consequently, food prices to crisis levels.

6. Increased Soil Pollution: Geo-engineering has been taking place on a grand scale in the United States for decades now. Previously known in conspiracy circles as 'chemtrailing,' the government has now admitted to these experiments claiming they are plan "B" to combat global warming. The patents involved in this spraying are heavy in aluminum. This mass aluminum contamination is killing plants and trees and making the soil sterile to most crops. In an astonishing coincidence, GMO companies have patented aluminum-resistant seeds to save the day.

7. GMO Giants: Because of growing awareness of the health affects of GM foods, several countries have rejected planting them. Therefore, they would seem to need a food crisis to be seen as the savior in countries currently opposed to their products. A leaked WikiLeaks cable confirms that this is indeed the strategy for GMO giants, where trade secretaries reportedly “noted that commodity price hikes might spur greater liberalization on biotech imports.” Since GMO giants already control much of the food supply, it seems they can also easily manipulate prices to achieve complete global control of food.

The equation is actually quite simple: food is a relatively inelastic commodity in terms of demand. In other words, people need to eat no matter how bad the economy gets. Thus, demand can be basically measured by the size of the population. Therefore, as demand remains steady while the 7 supply pressures outlined above continue to worsen, food prices will have only one place to go -- up, up, and up.

As international agencies scramble to find "solutions," their energy may be just as well spent on questioning if this famine scenario is being purposely manipulated for profits. Regardless, the average person would be very wise to stock up on food staples as an investment, and frankly to survive the worsening food crisis.

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Court Asked To Give Up Control of Student's Religion

Bob Unruh

The Supreme Court in New Hampshire today was asked to reverse a lower court decision that ordered a homeschooled student who was "well liked, social and interactive with her peers, academically promising and intellectually at or superior to grade level" into a public school because she was too "vigorous" in defense of her Christian faith.

"Parents have a fundamental right to make educational choices for their children,” said John Anthony Simmons, an attorney allied with the Alliance Defense Fund.

"Courts can settle disputes, but they cannot legitimately order a child into a government-run school on the basis that her religious views need to be mixed with other views. That's precisely what the lower court admitted it is doing in this case, and that's where our concern lies," Simmons said.

The dispute arose as part of a modification of a parenting plan for the girl, who was 10 in 2009 when the court intervened in her schooling program. The parents divorced in 1999 when she was a newborn, and the mother had homeschooled her daughter since first grade with texts that meet all state standards.

In addition to homeschooling, the girl attended supplemental public school classes and had also been involved in a variety of extra-curricular sports activities, the ADF reported.

But during the process of renegotiating the terms of the plan, a guardian ad litem appointed to participate concluded the girl "appeared to reflect her mother's rigidity on questions of faith" and that the girl's interests "would be best served by exposure to a public school setting" and "different points of view at a time when she must begin to critically evaluate multiple systems of belief ... in order to select, as a young adult, which of those systems will best suit her own needs."

The decision from Marital Master Michael Garner reasoned that the girl's "vigorous defense of her religious beliefs to [her] counselor suggests strongly that she has not had the opportunity to seriously consider any other point of view."

According to court documents, the guardian ad litem earlier had told the mother, "If I want her in public school, she'll be in public school."

The marital master hearing the case proposed the Christian girl be ordered into public school after considering "the impact of [her religious] beliefs on her interaction with others."

Simmons told WND today after arguments before the state's high court that that's where the court went wrong, because if a judge can order a child into a public school for having a "vigorous" Christian faith, a judge also could order a child into a training program for having no faith, or a specific faith, or anything.

"I view that as a dangerous precedent," he said.

The case actually involved two questions, he explained. The first is whether the education review was a modification of a previous order, as it appears, since that requires a "heightened burden" to demand any changes.

The next question would be the child's best interests.

"We maintain the [court] allowed itself to get into a religious debate between the parents. And they punished my client, the mother and her daughter," he said.

"No court can do that," he warned.

At the time the court issued its controversial order, Simmons sought a reconsideration, in August 2009, but Judge Lucinda V. Sadler of the Family Division of the Judicial Court for the Belknap County in Laconia, wrote the girl, "is at an age when it can be expected that she would benefit from the social interaction and problem solving she will find in public school, and granting a stay would result in a lost opportunity for her."

"The lower court effectively determined that it's a 'lost opportunity' if a child's strongly held Christian views are not sifted and challenged in a public school setting. We appealed because that's a dangerous precedent," Simmons said.

The case, handled in the Family Division of the Judicial Court for Belknap County in Laconia, involves Martin Kurowski and Brenda Kurowski (Voydatch), and their daughter.

The ADF earlier argued that it was not the proper role for a court "to insist that [the daughter] be 'exposed to different points of view'" and noted "the court is not permitted to demonstrate hostility toward religion, and particularly the faith of [the daughter] and mother, by removing [the daughter] from the home and thrusting her into an environment that the custodial parent deems detrimental."

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Confirmed: We're Lierally On The Brink of Catastrophic Collapse

Mac Salvo

We’ve been told a lot of things since the global economic crisis first became apparent in 2007. In March of that year Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said, “the impact on the broader economy and financial markets of the problems in the sub-prime markets seems likely to be contained.” Clearly, Mr. Bernanke’s assessment was incorrect and the sub-prime real estate issues were only part of a broader, systemic issue.

The fundamental problems within our economy became mainstream news in the latter part of 2008 when stock markets around the world were in free fall and most major financial institutions were on the cusp of insolvency. In response, our government, with the full support and confidence of Congress, took unprecedented steps to save the system by injecting, first billions, and then trillions of dollars to bailout failed companies, stabilize deflationary price collapses and stimulate the economy.

Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson eventually wrote a book about the crisis, aptly titled On the Brink. But how close to the brink were we? If Representative Brad Sherman is to be believed, we were close. So close, in fact, that according to Sherman, Congressional members were told that if the bailout was not authorized by Congress the collapse would be so severe that martial law may have to be declared - basically, tanks in the streets. The following short video is Brad Sherman discussing the situation on the House floor:

Are we now to believe that the actions taken by Congress, The President, US Treasury and The Federal Reserve have resolved the fundamental problems facing our nation?

For those 17% of people who think the economy is in recovery and the other 33% who believe it will happen soon, we point you to the latest statement from current Treasury Secretary Timothy Geitherner, who outlines the severity of the problem in a January 6, 2011 letter to Congress writes:

I am writing in response to your request for an estimate by the Treasury Department of when the statutory debt limit will be reached, and for a description of the consequences of default by the United States.

Never in our history has Congress failed to increase the debt limit when necessary. Failure to raise the limit would precipitate a default by the United States. Default would effectively impose a significant and long-lasting tax on all Americans and all American businesses and could lead to the loss of millions of American jobs. Even a very short-term or limited default would have catastrophic economic consequences that would last for decades. Failure to increase the limit would be deeply irresponsible. For these reasons, I am requesting that Congress act to increase the limit early this year, well before the threat of default becomes imminent.

Treasury would prefer not to have to engage again in any of these extraordinary measures [suspension of the issuance of certain types of government debt and government investment vehicles]. If we are forced to do so again, these measures could delay the date by which the limit is reached by several weeks. Once these steps have been taken, no remaining legal and prudent measures would be available to create additional headroom under the debt limit, and the United States would begin to default on its obligations.

The Treasury Secretary of The United States of America just said that if we don’t get another $1 trillion or so dollars by March of this year then this country will begin to default on its debt obligations. These remarks are extremely serious and should be understood for what they are.

We are, literally and without mixing words, on the brink of economic catastrophe.

The scary thing is, according to Mr. Geithner and the many supporters of raising our debt ceiling, that borrowing more money is the only solution available.

In a recent commentary we pointed out the opposing view from Karl Denninger of Market Ticker, who said that raising the debt ceiling would essentially lead to the very same consequence as leaving it as is:

Let me be clear: If you extend the debt ceiling and by doing so allow deficits of this sort to continue for another year, say much less two, you will have placed a loaded shotgun in the mouth of this nation and pulled the trigger.

It will go off, and you will splatter this nations’ economic and political system all over the wall.

It’s a Catch 22 and there’s no way out.

Defaulting on or inflating away our debt are the only viable solutions. Both of these will lead to the same end - a complete and total collapse of the way of life Americans have become used to.

Just as Henry Paulson, President Bush, et. al. warned of economic collapse and depression in 2008, Mr. Geithner warns of the very same today. All of the trillions spent, all of the laws passed, and all of the manipulations of global asset markets, have done absolutely nothing to resolve the fundamental systemic problems we faced prior to the onset of the crisis.

It is, quite literally, going to be the end of the world as we know it - and it cannot be stopped.

It’s time for each individual to take steps to prepare for a national debt default and a complete debasement of the US dollar. It won’t be long before we either can’t meet our debt obligations or our creditors finally put a stop to our out of control borrowing. And when they do, the chances are high that we will experience a hyperinflationary monetary collapse, complete with disruptions to the normal flow of commerce, food shortages and out of control prices. The only refuge will be to understand what is money when the system collapses and start preparing now. The government is getting ready for it, so should you.

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European Nations Begin Seizing Private Pensions

Christian Science Monitor

Hungary, Poland, and three other nations take over citizens' pension money to make up government budget shortfalls.

By Jan Iwanik

People’s retirement savings are a convenient source of revenue for governments that don’t want to reduce spending or make privatizations. As most pension schemes in Europe are organised by the state, European ministers of finance have a facilitated access to the savings accumulated there, and it is only logical that they try to get a hold of this money for their own ends. In recent weeks I have noted five such attempts: Three situations concern private personal savings; two others refer to national funds.

The most striking example is Hungary, where last month the government made the citizens an offer they could not refuse. They could either remit their individual retirement savings to the state, or lose the right to the basic state pension (but still have an obligation to pay contributions for it). In this extortionate way, the government wants to gain control over $14bn of individual retirement savings.

The Bulgarian government has come up with a similar idea. $300m of private early retirement savings was supposed to be transferred to the state pension scheme. The government gave way after trade unions protested and finally only about 20% of the original plans were implemented.

RELATED: Europe's 5 most generous pension systems
A slightly less drastic situation is developing in Poland. The government wants to transfer of 1/3 of future contributions from individual retirement accounts to the state-run social security system. Since this system does not back its liabilities with stocks or even bonds, the money taken away from the savers will go directly to the state treasury and savers will lose about $2.3bn a year. The Polish government is more generous than the Hungarian one, but only because it wants to seize just 1/3 of the future savings and also allows the citizens to keep the money accumulated so far.

The fourth example is Ireland. In 2001, the National Pension Reserve Fund was brought into existence for the purpose of supporting pensions of the Irish people in the years 2025-2050. The scheme was also supposed to provide for the pensions of some public sector employees (mainly university staff). However, in March 2009, the Irish government earmarked €4bn from this fund for rescuing banks. In November 2010, the remaining savings of €2.5bn was seized to support the bailout of the rest of the country.

The final example is France. In November, the French parliament decided to earmark €33bn from the national reserve pension fund FRR to reduce the short-term pension scheme deficit. In this way, the retirement savings intended for the years 2020-2040 will be used earlier, that is in the years 2011-2024, and the government will spend the saved up resources on other purposes.

It looks like although the governments are able to enforce general participation in pension schemes, they do not seem to be the best guardians of the money accumulated there.

The table below is a summary of the discussed fiscal-retirement situations (source):

*These figures do not include the costs of higher taxes, price inflation and low interest rates, which additionally devaluate retirement savings.

[This article was originally posted at]

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Drones Over America

Mass Animal Die-Offs EVERYWHERE in USA (AND Worldwide!)

American Holocaust

The following is a report from the UK. Go to it's actual article for pictures.

This is similar to what is happening in Montana with the wildlife being killed BECAUSE OF DEADLY PENTAGON SPRAYING, confirmed through my in-depth investigation on site for several years.

The question must be asked: how much of this is deliberate testing of deadly chemicals designed by the military in various nations to bring famine (etc.) under the NWO world controllers of the future?-Pamela Rae Schuffert

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Thousands of fish found floating in Florida after cold snap

200 birds found dead on highway bridge in Texas

50 dead jackdaws found on city street in Sweden

100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish wash up dead on Brazilian coast

Hundreds of fish dead in New Zealand

And in Britain, 40,000 devil crabs join list of casualties

More and more animals are being found dead as the mysterious spate of mass bird and fish deaths has turned into a global phenomenon.

The latest two separate incidents saw thousands of fish found floating in a creek in Florida and 200 birds found dead on a highway bridge in Texas.

Experts were yesterday carrying out tests on around 50 jackdaws found dead in a street in Falkoping, Sweden, that appear to have suffered the same fate as thousands of their cousins who fell from the sky in separate incidents in the U.S.

Problem on a large scale: Thousands of dead fish have washed up on the shores of Spruce Creek in Port Orange, Florida

The plot thickens: Rescue chief Christer Olofsson holds a dead bird in Falkoping, Sweden.

Dozens of jackdaws were found dead on the street:
Shortly before midnight on Tuesday, residents found 50 to 100 jackdaws on a street in Falköping, southeast of Skövde

Flock: Two mass bird deaths within days of each other have baffled experts, with some blaming fireworks for confusing the birds or parasites.

Swedish experts have said the shock of fireworks being let off near the city, in the south-east of the country, and difficulty finding food may have led to the deaths of the jackdaws.
Many of the birds are believed to have died from stress or as a result of being run over by vehicles while disoriented.

And scientists have also been left baffled by at least 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish washing up dead along the Brazil coastline near Paranaguá.

There were more fish deaths reported today in New Zealand, while in England, the carcasses of 40,000 devil crabs are strewn across a beach in Kent.

Hundreds of dead starlings and robins were found scattered in backyards in the Kentucky town of Gilbertsville while an estimated two million dead fish have washed ashore in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.

They are the latest in a spate of incidents which are being blamed on New Year fireworks, thunderstorms, cold weather, parasites and even poisoning.

The internet has been abuzz with conspiracy theories about secret government experiments being behind the deaths, or it being a sign of a looming Armageddon at the end of the Mayan calendar next year.

The mass deaths include:

450 red-winged blackbirds, brown-headed cowbirds, grackles and starlings found littering a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana
3,000 blackbirds on roofs and roads in the small town of Beebe, Arkansas
Thousands of 'devil crabs' washed up along the Kent coast near Thanet
Thousands of drum fish washed along a 20-mile stretch of the Arkansas River
Tens of thousands of small fish in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland
Thousands of dead fish found floating in warm Florida creek

Hundreds of snapper fish found dead in New Zealand
Scores of American Coots found dead on Texas highway bridge

Tests are being carried out on the dead animals, but results are not expected for several weeks.

Mystery: A starling lies along the Morganza Highway in Pointe Coupee Parish, Louisiana. Experts said hundreds of birds may have died after hitting power lines

Confused: A worker stoops to pick up one of the many birds' carcasses which littered Beebe, Arkansas. Numerous theories are being put forward as to what may have killed them

Post-mortem examination: Dr Brandon Doss takes a close look at red-winged blackbirds brought into his lab as part of research being carried out to find out what killed them
Thousands of Brazilian fishermen are struggling to make ends meet after the sale of seafood was temporarily suspended when masses of fish were discovered dead in Paranaguá, Antonina and Guaraqueçaba Pontal do Paraná.

Experts have speculated that cold weather or chemical leaks could be behind the deaths.

Edmir Manoel Ferreira, president of the Federation of Fishermen's Colony of Parana, said the deaths had been discovered since Thursday last week.

Gruesome: New Year revellers watched in horror as the birds rained down on houses and cars in Beebe

Creepy: Thousands of dead drum fish were also discovered just miles away lining the shores of the Arkansas River

'On Thursday we began to find a lot of dead fish. One community had to bury 15 tons alone.
'We are experiencing a very sad situation on the coast.'

Samples of the dead fish have been sent to the Centre for Marine Studies at the Universidade Federal do Parana.

One of the latest incidents saw thousands of fish found rotting and floating in Spruce Creek, Florida, after a period of cold weather.

Mullet, ladyfish and catfish have been washing up as winds cause the carcasses to gather on bends along the creek.

And 200 birds were found dead on a highway bridge crossing Lake O' the Pines in Big Cypress Creek, Texas.

Experts believed the birds had been hit by passing vehicles while walking or apparently trying to roost on the bridge.

The cold weather in Britain has also been blamed for the deaths of 40,000 Velvet swimming crabs - also known as 'devil' crabs - found littering beaches in Thanet.
Last year, the Environment Agency set up an inquiry into unexplained numbers of deaths amid fears a mystery virus could be to blame.

But it concluded the crab deaths were linked to the cold weather.

Tony Childs, Thanet Coast Project Manager, said: 'We had a crash in numbers last year and we hadn't expected such a large population.

'As happens with the circle of life in nature, we expect the crabs to be naturally dispersed from our shores very quickly by our local seagulls.

'We are hopeful the crab population will soon recover.'
Scientists blamed fireworks for confusing blackbirds in Beebe, Arkansas, with then crashed into homes, cars and each other as people celebrated the New Year.

Another 450 birds were also found dead along a highway in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They are believed to have hit power lines after becoming disoriented.

Fifty of the creatures were found near a power line 30ft from Louisiana Highway 1. A second group was discovered stretched from the power line across the highway just a quarter of a mile away.

Dan Cristol, a biology professor and co-founder of the Institute for Integrative Bird Behavior Studies, said the Louisiana birds may have been ill or startled from their roost before hitting the power line.

'They don't hit a power line for no reason,' he said.

Thousands of them: Crabs washed up at Palm Bay, Margate, are thought to have died of hypothermia

A healthy specimen: A live devil crab in its favourite pose, by a rock under the sea... in warmer conditions

New Year's revellers spent the holiday weekend cleaning up dead red-winged blackbirds in Beebe. Some blamed the bad weather, while others said one confused bird could have led the group into a fatal plunge.

Experts in Beebe said fireworks may have caused frightened birds to fly lower than normal, where they crashed into homes and other objects.

Karen Rowe, an ornithologist with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, said: 'The blackbirds were flying at rooftop level instead of treetop level.

'Blackbirds have poor eyesight and they started colliding with things.'
Wildlife officials in both Arkansas and Louisiana have sent the carcasses to researchers at the National Wildlife Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and the University of Georgia.

In 1999, several thousand grackle birds fell from the sky and staggered around before dying in north Louisiana.

It took five months to get the diagnosis - an E. coli infection of the air sacs in their skulls.
It comes after 100,000 drum fish were discovered in the Arkansas River, just 100 miles from Beebe.
Officials said the deaths were not related to the birds, and they had likely been affected by illness as it was one species.

They blame the deaths - affecting menhaden, spots and croakers - on the stress of cold water.

Tens of thousands of small fish have also been discovered dead in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland.
Another explanation was that violent thunderstorms may have disoriented the flock.
Red-winged blackbirds are among North America's most abundant birds, with somewhere between 100million and 200million nationwide, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York.

A few grackles and a couple of starlings were also among the dead. Those species roost with blackbirds, particularly in winter.

Down by the (green) riverside...
Nature lovers were startled when they recently went down to the river in Goldstream Provincial Park in Vancouver Island, Canada.

For some reason, the water had turned fluorescent green.

The mysterious colouring lasted for about an hour, flowing down into the environmentally sensitive estuary. Green green grass... and water: This river in Goldstream Provincial Park, Vancouver Island, Canada turned a mysterious colour for an hour before returning to normal

And then the river, known for its dramatic salmon runs, eagles and other wildlife, was back to its normal colour.

Ministry of Environment teams have begun an investigation and samples have been collected for analysis.

No dead fish or animals have yet been found.

Although not yet confirmed, the authorities believe it was a prank carried out using water-testing dye.

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