Saturday, February 5, 2011

Protesters Launch Campaign to Expose Abortion 'Profiteers'

Bob Unruh

A Christian organization with the politically incorrect name Repent America has launched a campaign that chief Michael Marcavage says could be the one to bring the abortion industry in the United States to its knees.


Expose those companies that are making money off the abortion of unborn children by supplying abortion entities such as Planned Parenthood with services.

In the spotlight in the campaign is Stericyle, which RA reports is a major contractor hauling away the "medical waste," or the bodies of aborted infants.

Of course in the news in recent days has been the horrific case of jailed Pennsylvania abortionist Kermit Gosnell, who along with his wife and eight other suspects was named in an indictment for the deaths of eight – one mother and seven infants.

The indictment includes photographs of the horrors investigators found, including pickled feet in jars, bodies of babies frozen in a cooler and bags of "waste" piled in the basement.

Most abortion clinics, however, would not be able to convince women to experience such conditions to obtain abortions and Marcavage told WND part of the impetus behind the campaign is to pressure suppliers into halting their services.

"There's no question. The reality of the situation is if we can cut off their ability to do abortions, the whole industry would collapse," he said in a recent interview.

"It is sick beyond words that businesses like Stericycle are profiting from collecting murdered children and incinerating their bodies with the trash. What's more is the abominable child killing that has been tolerated in our nation for 38 years," Marcavage said.

"While many have focused their efforts on overturning Roe v. Wade by putting their trust in corrupt judicial systems and politicians, they have neglected the necessity of pursuing those that enable abortion mills to operate in the first place," he added. "Without Stericycle and companies like it, the abortion industry would collapse."

Contacted by WND, officials at Stericyle said they would respond with a comment on the campaign, but later did not return calls.

Repent America is centering its campaign around a Campaign to Stop Stericycle website, which includes information about the campaign, the information on "blood money profiteers" and evidence, including recordings that have been made with Stericycle officials confirming their work with abortion businesses.

In one, Stericycle SQ Group Account Manager Mara Villalobos, who formerly managed Stericycle's contracts with "multiple regions of Planned Parenthood" – confirmed that Stericycle does indeed accept fetal remains.

In a recording, she explains how the fetal remains go into one box for pickup and disposal, and the other materials, such as blood-soaked towels or gloves, go into another.

"She explained the detailed packaging guidelines for abortion mills, in which fetal remains are placed into red 'soft waste' bags, then into secondary boxes, which are labeled with 'incinerate only' stickers. The fetal remains are then taken to Stericycle's incineration plant in Haw River, N.C., where they are burned into ash," the report states.

"Stericycle, whose profits total over a billion dollars in annual income, generates a portion of their sales revenue from services provided to abortion mills. One of Stericycle's largest clients is Planned Parenthood, which maintains a national account with the medical 'waste' service," the organization reports.

"In recent years, Stericycle has acquired countless medical waste companies until it has become the premiere 'waste' collection service to abortion mills nationwide. Consequently, the war on abortion has consolidated to the point where stopping this one giant could deliver a gigantic blow to the abortion industry," it said.

"Stericycle must be called to account for their willful involvement in the furtherance of the abortion holocaust," the report said.

The campaign also outlines the trucking companies that lease vehicles to Stericycle.

"Penske Truck Leasing has now prohibited Stericycle from using their trucks to service abortion mills," the report said. "In fact, Penske Truck Leasing president and EO Brian Hard vowed in an e-mail to the campaign, 'We have been, and you have my word that we will continue to be, proactive in stopping Stericycle from using our trucks to service abortion clinics.'"

"We are committed to aggressively pursuing and exposing Stericycle, its officers, suppliers and investors until this Goliath stops furthering the abortion holocaust in our nation," Marcavage said.

The website lists a number of action points for those who choose to get involved, including contacting the company, signing a petition and others.

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