Friday, September 9, 2011

Important Things to Understand BEFORE You Relocate TO MONTANA " Combat the NWO"

Many Americans believe relocating to wilderness regions across is a safe thing as we face martial law in America. But IS IT?

By Pamela Rae Schuffert presenting investigative journalism from a Biblical Christian perspective-

There are ever-increasing numbers of people across North America who have finally become aware of the NWO MARTIAL LAW AGENDA for North America. One of the first questions they often ask is, "WHERE SHOULD I MOVE TO? WHERE IS THE SAFEST PLACE TO GO?" Many who ask these questions have small children or elderly that they are concerned about, for their safety. And rightly so.

It is often advised to GET OUT OF THE BIG CITIES and surrounding suburbs. Find a home in the countryside where you can grow your own food, perhaps raise some livestock, and be more self-sufficient. BIG CITIES WILL BE HIT THE HARDEST UNDER MARTIAL LAW. It is therefore wise indeed to move out of cities and crowded suburbs surrounding them.

Some people assume that wilderness regions across America will also be safer. Perhaps at one point in America's past, this was the case. But at this time, such regions may easily prove to be the most volatile and the future locations wherein the bloodiest and most prolonged battles for America's freedoms will take place under martial law. The federal government and the US military are in fact closely monitoring such regions, assessing the Patriot/NWO resister threat such regions pose to their NWO agenda under martial law.

In the situation involving the state of MONTANA, there indeed are vast areas of remote wilderness, both in the mountains and across the plains of Montana. Montana is considered one of the least populated states in the USA, with only Alaska and Wyoming having fewer people per square mile than Montana.

For this reason, however, large numbers of those who consider themselves Patriotic gun-owning Americans, intent on personally resisting the NEW WORLD ORDER agenda for America, have purchased homes and land throughout Montana, and especially in the northwestern quadrant of Montana wherein numerous mountains are found.

These mountains stretch into neighboring IDAHO, wherein there are also many NWO resisters to be found as well.

What these well-meaning people do not realize, is that the Pentagon and the intelligence community are closely monitoring regions such as this across America. The NWO MARTIAL LAW military agenda planners for North America want to KNOW where it's future enemies are located and concentrated. And wherever they perceive there to be concentrated pockets of future NWO resistance, they will take severe and relentless military measures to counter this Patriot NWO resistance "effectively."

I have personally discovered this to be true regarding MONTANA. Throughout my 14 years of personally investigating the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA FOR AMERICA, I have spent several months each of those years traveling throughout Montana, investigating the groundwork being laid out for what appears to be complete military subduing of civilian Patriot resistance in this state and region.

You must understand, that the NWO martial law agenda for this nation is a MILITARY AGENDA. It must be understood therefore from a military perspective. After all, MARTIAL LAW means MILITARY RULE.

It is relatively easy for me to grasp the essentials of this NWO plan of takeover for America. I was born at the headquarters of the USAF. My father was a famous figure in the USAF and worked at both Bolling AFB and the Pentagon in Washington DC. My mother worked for the Department of Defense. I have spent much time interviewing people form the intelligence community and the US military, retired and active, regarding the NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA FOR AMERICA.

The information they began to reveal to me, starting in 1995, was so deeply disturbing, that I changed careers, to become involved in the field of investigative journalism so that I could warn my fellow Americans about what is planned to come to our nation. This is the kind of information that is blacked out and censored from the American public all the time. Yet the American people DESERVE TO KNOW THE TRUTH in this desperate hour.

Regarding MONTANA, I began to receive disturbing reports of NWO advance preparations for military takeover in 1995. Eye witnesses told of sightings of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES located in Columbia Falls, MT, on sidetracks. Through years of investigating the reality of prisoner boxcars with shackles, now prepositioned across the USA for the hour of martial law as confirmed by numerous eye-witnesses, I now understood fully their purposes. They will be used to haul people who are arrested under martial law, to the FEMA/HOMELAND SECURITY detention camps for processing, and in many cases elimination.

Such people targeted for arrest and to be taken to the camps include: gun owners who will not surrender their weapons, political and religious opponents of the NWO agenda (CHRISTIANS especially, as CIA whistleblowers emphatically informed me), etc.

Former CIA have admitted to me that "...ALL of us in the CIA know about these camps and their purposes. We all KNOW they are to TERMINATE the future resisters of the NEW WORLD ORDER under martial law..." (Source: Michael Maholy, 20 years ONI and CIA under Bush Sr., before he became a whistleblower and went underground.)

More on Michael Maholy-,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=422aca6f1b1d5ac1&biw=1280&bih=591

Numerous sightings of prisoner boxcars with shackles have taken place throughout Montana. And no, these are NOT the "auto-carriers" that some people have suspected night be used someday (and they CAN be.) These are actual boxcars with human prisoner shackles welded into them. Because there are many covert prisoner boxcars with shackles manufacturing operations across America, there are several difference kinds.

Some are older refurbished boxcars. Others are the new and modern ones, 3 levels high inside, and higher than normal boxcars on the outside. GUNDERSON INC received a huge contract from the US government to produce thousands of these boxcars previously.

There is evidence of much government monitoring of civilians here in Montana, as I discovered. I was on the radio in Kalispell, MT, on day with John Stokes, formerly of THE EDGE AM 600 broadcast, until he lost his station a few years ago. After a two hour special interview on THE NWO IN MONTANA, he took me aside before I left the building. He said, "Be CAREFUL! This are is SWARMING WITH FED SPIES!" And he was right. Locals confirmed this to me through their own personal experiences.

One woman admitted to me, "We no longer form open MILITIAS any more. There is too much Federal infiltration into our militias. Now it is as if every other home has become IT'S OWN PERSONAL MILITIA."

Evidence has been uncovered of the recent building of new prisoner detention facilities for martial law throughout Montana, including above Whitefish, MT, according to another journalist. He was so unnerved by what one city council member admitted to him about the detention camps, mobile FEMA prisoner units, and boxcars with shackles, that he returned home to pick up his wife and child and LEAVE THE COUNTRY.

I personally interviewed a woman with top secret security clearance enabling her to make deliveries of food supplies by truck to military DUMB (deep underground military bases) and military underground detention camps. I asked her where the last location was where she made a delivery to underground detention camp. She replied. "MONTANA."

The presence of the MODERN MILITARY GUILLOTINES is heavily reported in this state. I have personally interviewed credible Christian eye-witnesses to both the prisoner boxcars and the modern military guillotines in Montana. Other reporting sources have also confirmed the guillotine presence in Montana. one trucker in the Glacier region admitted to me personally in a local church a few months ago, that he was very concerned: his trucker friends admitted they were bringing large shipments of MODERN GUILLOTINES into BILLINGS, MT.

This is not the first time that truckers have confirmed to me the transporting of military guillotines by truck across America. One US Marine admitted to unloading the military guillotines by the thousands in crates in Montana in a closed military base, that we believe to be located in GLASGOW, MT.

It was in GLASGOW MT that prisoner shackles were welded into prisoner boxcars, according to on professional welder. And modern guillotines were bolted inside, one into each of these prisoner boxcars. They then traveled west towards, Glacier, MT, passing through the Indian reservation in Browning, where they were sighted by native George Bullcalf, who reported this to one contact of mine. They then were temporarily stored on a sidetrack in Columbia Falls, Montana, where a personal friend of mine (Marie McCullough)and 4 others traveling with her saw both the boxcars, shackles and the modern guillotines in each boxcar. She related this to me in 1995 in my home, following their prayer journey across America and the disturbing boxcars they uncovered in Montana.

Two retired NAVY SEALS discovered a military practice detention camp operation in the Thompson Falls area of Montana along the river.

Highway 2 will apparently become a major military corridor in the future. A hidden UN training base is found off Highway 2 above Troy, MT, in the Yaak River Valley near the Candian border.Glacier Waterton International Peace Park along Highway Two is a UN BIOSPHERE. And under the charter for a UN BIOSPHERE, such grounds can be used to house and detain "prisoners of war" ( as in "NWO RESISTERS"). Highway 2 runs directly along Glacier Park as you travel east. I have personally observed foreign military vehicles traveling on Highway 2 heading towards the hidden UN training base in the Yaak.

There is a hidden UN underground military base inside a mountain in TREGO, MT, off HIghway 93 going up into Canada. Although many local sources suspect this, this was finally confirmed to me by a military source in Bozeman, MT.

An 8 mile AMTRAK tunnel goes through this mountain. There are hidden walls in this tunnel, that can be opened to permit trains with military equipment to be diverted into the DUMB base concealed in this mountain. Eye witnesses confirmed to me one train with boxcars covered with tarp that had UN stenciled on the sides. These UN boxcars ENTERED the tunnel, but were never seen to emerge from that tunnel 8 miles down the road. It is believed that they were diverted into the DUMB (deep underground military base ) within that mountain.

In fact, there are many concealed underground military bases in Montana, in these mountains.

We suspect that a new deep underground base with many tunnels is being constructed in the KALISPELL region, due to MANY reports from locals indicating that heavy excavating and digging has been going on for quite a while now beneath the streets of KALISPELL and going beyond in other directions, including Thompson Falls, MT.

A deadly hazard here in the Kalispell region and also throughout Montana, is the presence of PENTAGON TESTING OF THEIR MILITARY CHEMICAL?BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENTS using the locals as human guinea pigs. In previous reports I have exposed this outrage against the people of Montana extensively.

I have interviewed local militias who know all that I know about the NEW WORLD ORDER and coming martial law. And many Patriots in Montana have told me in so many words, "Yeah, lady, we know ALL ABOUT the NWO and what they plan to do, and it will be outta my COLD DEAD HANDS they pry my gun, because I AM NOT SURRENDERING TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER and I am not being TAKEN ALIVE to their detention camps!" Good! More power to you! However...

The sad truth is, it WILL be "outta your cold dead hands" that the NWO military will pry MANY guns, as they move relentlessly against all NWO resistance in these beautiful mountains of Montana. Chemical/biological warfare will take many resisters down. The FEMA coffins have already been shipped into this region, just waiting for the bodies to be dumped into them from chemical/biological warfare.

The detention camps and prisoner boxcars with shackles are all in place in this state. The military guillotines are here. Foreign troops have trained already in these mountains. And more.

NONE of this article is intended as a "psy op" operation designed to put fear or intimidation into the hearts of America's courageous Patriots. Rather, it is an honest assessment of the military strategies in place to war against American freedom lovers and supporters of our Constitution in this state of Montana, under future MARTIAL LAW and the attempt to impose their NWO on us. One of the most basic principles involved in winning ANY war realistically is, KNOW THINE ENEMY! Military intelligence spends much time in assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy, and so should we, the defenders of America's liberty and sovereignty.

Based on all that I have uncovered in many years of research, my advice is this: DO NOT relocate to the state of Montana (or the Pacific Northwest regions) with the intent of finding refuge from what is coming to our nation. Instead, you will someday find the most intense battles between Patriot resistance and the NWO military forces under martial law that will ever be fought under martial law. If it is safety and refuge you are looking for, pray about relocating out of the continental United States.

Relocate to Montana ONLY if you have prayed and THEN firmly believe God is calling you to be strategically placed in this state. Relocate here ONLY if you are prepared to fight to the end for America's freedoms to continue. Come here only if you are of that courageous state of heart and mind willing to fight and suffer and die for righteousness' sake and our Republic to continue. I cannot recommend relocation to this state and region if you have small children, handicapped or elderly in your family. Do you really want to subject them to what is coming to this region?

I have written this article out of deep love and concerned for my beloved fellow American patriots and Christians. Use wisdom in every decision you make in this hour, coupled with much prayer. And God be with you. And always remember: WE, the patriotic and Constitution supporting Americans, are NOT the true ENEMY or "enemy combatants." The true enemies of America are those who have betrayed our Constitution and American heritage and have sold our our nation to a Communist world globalist agenda of oppression and tyranny. WE are the true heroes of this nation! And as such, we MUST stand against this deadly threat to our American heritage and freedom and our Constitution in this perilous hour.

God bless and preserve the AMERICAN PATRIOT!

-Pamela Rae Schuffert reporting from Montana

SOURCE: American Holocaust

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