Thursday, July 26, 2012

China Owns USA

The following is an e-mail from the Prophezine Website concerning a forum post.

PZ NOTE - I am presenting another post by Lorri Harden, she has been on my PZ Radio Show several times in the past and is a great guest. She works for the Oklahoma Dept of Ag and keeps an eye on crop production, water, and soil for the dept. It is her job to know what is going on for the Dept of Ag. When Lorri speaks, she speaks with authority.

I am posting the following for two reasons.

1 - If you have knowledge of what Lorri is talking about, please post it to the forum, the link is below.

2- If you want to stay up with what Lorri has presented, you have the link below. Please take the time to visit the Prophezine Forum and help get the real news out there.


Who Owns the USA?

By PZ Insider Lorri Harden - Hearts4horses

When I was young girl living on my grandparent’s farm, I remember my grandfather saying, more than once, “one day China would own us”. Of course given my young age, I really didn’t pay much attention since my only concern was getting my chores done so I could go ride my horse or play with my friends. Looking at what is currently happening in this country, I think Grandpa knew exactly what he was talking about.

Earlier this week I started a thread entitled “Vacation, Drought and Judgment”. In that post I mentioned a conversation I had with a couple of Kansas farmers that included one shocking revelation that China is buying up farming land in the mid-west, then leasing it back to farmers with the stipulation that all grains produced will be exported to China. I don’t know about the rest of you, but this really concerned me, for more than one reason.

First of all, due to two years of severe drought, the possibility of a “real” food shortage is more likely than not. Secondly, what crops are surviving stands a better than average chance of being exported to benefit the Chinese than the American people.

This past Monday morning, I called my boss in Oklahoma City and shared with him what I shared with the PZ Forum. This news didn’t seem to be as shocking to him as I had expected. He told me to hold one while he shut his door, then proceeded to tell me that his brother-in-law in Iowa, who is also a farmer, was telling him that China had been buying farming land up north for quite some time.

On Tuesday evening, my husband and I attended a meeting of the Republican Party in our county. There were several political candidates there to campaign so I took the opportunity to ask a couple of the Congressional candidates about this story. Again, I did not get the shock and awe that I expected. They were all well aware that this is happening, yet seemed to skirt the issue by saying it was the individual property owner’s right to do with his property as he/she deemed fit.

I asked my husband, who has been in law enforcement for over 30 years, “if a crime is committed on land belonging to China here in the US, what laws would apply?” Would someone be able to get away with murder if that murder was committed on property located in Kansas belonging to China? No one knows… but he’s going to do some research to find the answer.

In the past couple of days, I’ve done quite a bit of research, phone calling, and investigating into this matter. Before I continue, let me state that I have NOT obtained valid confirmation on what I’m about to write. I’m merely reporting what I have found out through conversations with political candidates and actual land owners who have confirmed sale of property to China. I’ll venture to say that this will come as a shock to at least 85% of the entire country. Back in 2009 Barack Insane Obama, along with Hellary Clinton, granted China EMINANT DOMAIN here in America.

This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take -- inside the USA -- land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities - to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.

Put simply, the man who occupies the Oval Office has now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to "take" all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.

THIS IS HIGHEST POSSIBLE TREASON that could happen in this country.

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